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The Journal of Economic History

1941 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 2, issue S1, 1942

The Newspaper in Economic Development pp. 1-33 Downloads
Harold A. Innis
The Influence of Tradition on Agriculture in New Mexico1 pp. 34-51 Downloads
Sanford A. Mosk
Money, Banking, and Credit in Medieval Bruges1 pp. 52-65 Downloads
Raymond de Roover
The Branches of the First Bank of the United States1 pp. 66-100 Downloads
James O. Wettereau
Location Theory and the Cotton Industry pp. 101-117 Downloads
Seth Hammond
Entrepreneurship as an Area of Research pp. 118-126 Downloads
Arthur H Cole
Profit and Entrepreneurial Functions pp. 126-132 Downloads
Frank H Knight
Relations of History and Theory pp. 132-142 Downloads
J. M. Clark
A Theory of Entrepreneurship pp. 142-146 Downloads
George Herberton Evans
Communications pp. 147-147 Downloads
E. A. J. J.,

Volume 2, issue 2, 1942

Stephen Girard, Promoter of the Second Bank of the United States pp. 125-148 Downloads
Kenneth L. Brown
Industrial Slavery in Roman Italy pp. 149-163 Downloads
William Linn Westermann
Medieval Gilds Reconsidered pp. 164-173 Downloads
Sylvia L. Thrupp
Six Letters from Malthus to Pierre Prévost pp. 174-189 Downloads
George William Zinke
British-American Rivalry in the Chilean Trade, 1817–1820 pp. 190-202 Downloads
Dorothy Burne Goebel
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire. Edited by J. H. Clapham and the late Eileen Power. Cambridge: The University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. Pp. xvii, 650. $7.50 pp. 203-206 Downloads
Carl Stephenson
Du Pont: One Hundred and Forty Years. By William S. Dutton. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1942. Pp. vii, 396. $3.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Wheaton J. Lane
An Economic History of Athens Under Roman Domination. By John Day. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. x, 300. $3.50 pp. 207-209 Downloads
H. Michell
The British Columbia Fisheries. By W. A. Carrothers. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1941. Pp. xv, 136. $2.00 pp. 209-211 Downloads
Louis Berubé
Mediaeval Feudalism. By Carl Stephenson. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1942. Pp. ix, 116. I1.25 pp. 211-212 Downloads
Frederic C. Lane
Two Papers on the Degrees of Mortality of Mankind. By Edmund Halley. Edited with an Introduction by Lowell J. Reed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1942. Pp. vi, 21. $1.25 pp. 212-213 Downloads
Walter F. Willcox
Commodore Vanderbilt: An Epic of the Steam Age. By Wheaton J. Lane. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942. Pp. ix, 357, xii. $3.75 pp. 213-215 Downloads
Joseph R. Rose
Essays in Transportation. Edited by H. A. Innis. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1941. Pp. viii, 165. $2.50 pp. 215-216 Downloads
D. Philip Locklin
The Social Development of Canada. By S. D. Clark. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1942. Pp. x, 484. $4.00 pp. 217-218 Downloads
J. B. Brebner
French Predecessors of Malthus. By Joseph J. Spengler. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1942. Pp. ix, 398. $4.50 pp. 218-219 Downloads
John G. Gazley
Merchants and Trade of the Connecticut River Valley, 1750–1820. By Margaret E. Martin. [Smith College Studies in History, Vol. XXIV, Nos. 1–4.] Northampton, Mass., 1939. Pp. vii, 284. $2.00 pp. 219-221 Downloads
Curtis Nettels
American Farmers in the World Crisis. By Carl T. Schmidt. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. Pp. 345; brief bibliography, index. $3.00 pp. 221-222 Downloads
George S. Mitchell
Economic History of Europe, 1760–1939. By Ernest Ludlow Bogart. New York, London, and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942. Pp. 734. $4.50 pp. 222-223 Downloads
Arthur L. Dunham
The Economic Development of the American Nation. By Reginald McGrane. New York: Ginn and Company, 1942. Pp. xii, 691. $3.00 pp. 223-225 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
Economic Development in Europe. By Clive Day. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. Pp. xxii, 746. $4.00 pp. 225-227 Downloads
Karl Bode
American Dairy Cattle: Their Past and Future. By E. Parmalee Prentice. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942. Pp. xix, 453. $3.00 pp. 227-229 Downloads
E. S. Savage
John S. Wright, Prophet of the Prairies. By Lloyd Lewis. Chicago: The Prairie Farmer Publishing Company, 1941. Pp. viii, 215. $2.50 pp. 229-230 Downloads
A. L. Demaree
The Beginnings of the Petroleum Industry: Sources and Bibliography. By Paul H. Giddens, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Historical Commission: 1941. Pp. 195. Paperbound pp. 229-229 Downloads
Joseph E. Pogue and Norman D. FitzGerald
France and the Levant: from the Bourbon Restoration to the Peace of Kutiah. By Vernon John Puryear. With an introduction by Henri Hauser. (University of California Publications in History, Vol. XXVII.) Berkeley: University of California Press, 1941. Pp. xvi, 252. $2.50 pp. 230-231 Downloads
Bernadotte E. Schmitt
Trade and Peace with Old Spain, 1667–1750. A Study of the Influence of Commerce on Anglo-Spanish Diplomacy in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century. By Jean O. McLachlan, with a foreword by the late Professor Harold Temperley. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1940. Pp. xvi, 249. $3.50 pp. 231-232 Downloads
Arthur P. Whitaker
The Automobile Industry: The Coming of Age of Capitalism's Favorite Child. By E. D. Kennedy. New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1941. Pp. 333. $3.00 pp. 232-233 Downloads
Ralph C. Epstein
The Needle Trades. By Joel Seidman. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1942. Pp. xviii, 356. $2.50 pp. 233-234 Downloads
Lois MacDonald
American Taxation: Its History as a Social Force in Democracy. By Sidney Ratner. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1942. Pp. 561. $4.50 pp. 234-235 Downloads
Mabel Newcomer
Seventh Annual Report of the Archivist of the United States, 1940–1941. By the National Archives. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1942. Pp. vii, 95 pp. 235-236 Downloads
Abbot Emerson Smith
Chapters in the History of Organized Labor in Texas. By Ruth A. Allen. Austin: The University of Texas, 1941. Pp. 258. Gratis pp. 235-235 Downloads
William J. Phillips
Communications pp. 236-236 Downloads
E. A. J. J.,

Volume 2, issue 1, 1942

The Influence of Depression Upon American Opinion, 1857–1859 pp. 1-23 Downloads
Samuel Rezneck
Land Hunger and Nationalism in the Ukraine, 1905–19171 pp. 24-35 Downloads
H. R. Weinstein
An Ancient Chinese Stock of Gold pp. 36-39 Downloads
Homer H. Dubs
Indentured Servants: New Light on Some of America's “First” Families pp. 40-53 Downloads
Abbot Emerson Smith
Early English Woodland and Waste pp. 54-62 Downloads
H. Neilson
Keynes and Proudhon1 pp. 63-76 Downloads
Dudley Dillard
The Origin of Banking: Religious Finance in Babylonia pp. 77-88 Downloads
Benjamin Bromberg
English Economic History Mainly Since 1700. By C. R. Fay. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1940. Pp. vii, 253. $1.75 pp. 89-90 Downloads
E. A. J. Johnson
Burlington West: A Colonization History of the Burlington Railroad. By Richard C. Overton. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941. Pp. xviii, 583. $4.50 pp. 91-93 Downloads
Paul Wallace Gates
Sea Power and British North America, 1783–1820: A Study in British Colonial Policy. By Gerald S. Graham. Harvard Historical Studies, XLVI. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941. Pp. xiv, 302. $3.50 pp. 93-94 Downloads
A. L. Burt
Ploughs and Politicks: Charles Read of New Jersey and His Notes on Agriculture, 1715–1774. By Carl Raymond Woodward. Rutgers University Studies in History No. 2. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1941. Pp. xxvi, 468. $5.00 pp. 95-96 Downloads
Everett E. Edwards
The International Gold Standard Reinterpreted, 1914–1934. By William Adams BrownJr, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research Publications, No. 32, 1940. Pp. xxx, 730; 730–1,420. Two vols., $12.00 pp. 96-98 Downloads
Otto Nathan
A History of South Africa, Social and Economic. By C. W. De Kiewiet. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. Pp. xii, 292. $3.75 pp. 98-99 Downloads
M. M. Knight
The American Maritime Industries and Public Policy, 1789–1914; An Economic History. By John G. B. Hutchins. Harvard Economic Studies LXXI. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941. Pp. xxi, 627. $5.00 pp. 100-101 Downloads
Robert G. Albion
Black Communism, White Concessions; The Economic History of Liberia. By George W. Brown. Washington, D. C.: The Associated Publishers, 1941. Pp. ix, 366. $3.00 pp. 101-103 Downloads
Raymond Leslie Buell
The Sinews of American Commerce. By Roy A. Foulke. Privately published by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., 1941. Pp. 418 pp. 103-104 Downloads
Ralph W. Hidy
Alfred I. du Pont, the Family Rebel. By Marquis James. Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1941. Pp. 599. $4.50 pp. 104-106 Downloads
Thomas C. Cochran
Boston's Immigrants, 1790–1865: A Study in Acculturation. By Oscar Handlin. Harvard Historical Studies, Vol. L. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941. Pp. xviii, 287. $3.25 pp. 106-107 Downloads
George Stephenson
The Early Days of the Power Station Industry. By R. H. Parsons. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1940. Pp. viii, 217. $3.50 pp. 107-108 Downloads
F. H. Bunting
Agrarian Conflicts in Colonial New York, 1711–1775. By Irving Mark. New York: Columbia University Press, 1940. Pp. 237. $3.00 pp. 107-107 Downloads
Winfred T. Root
Master of the Mississippi: Henry Shreve and the Conquest of the Mississippi. By Florence L. Dorsey. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1941. Pp. 301. $3.75 pp. 108-109 Downloads
Louis C. Hunter
Land Tenure Policies at Home and Abroad. By William Henry Spiegel. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. Pp. xii, 171. $3.00 pp. 109-110 Downloads
Glen T. Barton
The Development of the Cooperage Industry in the United States, 1620–1940. By Franklin B. Coyne. Chicago: Lumber Buyers' Publishing Company, 1940. Pp. 111. $2.00 pp. 110-110 Downloads
A. R. M. Lower
Workers Before and After Lenin. By Manya Gordon. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1941. Pp. 524. $4.00 pp. 110-110 Downloads
H. R. Weinstein
Gloucestershire: A Study in Local Government, 1590–1640. By William Bradford Willcox. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. Pp. ix, 348. $3.00 pp. 111-112 Downloads
Wilbur C. Abbott
Government Handout. A Study in the Administration of the Public Lands, 1875–1891. By Harold Hathaway Dunham. Lithoprinted and published by the author, New York, 1941. Pp. vi, 364 pp. 111-111 Downloads
Paul Wallace Gates
Early Gild Records of Toulouse. Edited with an Introduction by SisterMary Ambrose Mulholland. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. Pp. li, 193. $3.00 pp. 112-112 Downloads
W. K. Ferguson
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