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The Journal of Economic History

1941 - 2025

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Volume 33, issue 4, 1973

The Agricultural Revolution in Nineteenth-Century France pp. 697-731 Downloads
William H. Newell
Dutch Investment in France, 1781-1787 pp. 732-760 Downloads
J. C. Riley
The Impact of a New Capital City: Madrid, Toledo, and New Castile, 1560-1660 pp. 761-791 Downloads
David Ringrose
New Deal Activity and the States, 1933 to 1939 pp. 792-810 Downloads
Don C. Reading
Slavery and Scientific Management pp. 811-824 Downloads
R. Keith Aufhauser
1853: The End of Bimetallism in the United States pp. 825-844 Downloads
David A. Martin
Backwardness and the Role of Banking in Nineteenth-Century European Industrialization pp. 845-850 Downloads
David F. Good
Conceptualization of Learning by Doing: A Note on Paul David's “Learning by Doing and … the Ante-Bellum United States Cotton Textile Industry” pp. 851-861 Downloads
Tsuneo Ishikawa
Debt Peonage Re-examined pp. 862-871 Downloads
William W. Brown and Morgan O. Reynolds
The World Petroleum Market. By M. A. Adelman. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future, Inc., 1972. Pp. xviii, 438. 130 Tables. $22.50 pp. 875-876 Downloads
Kathleen M. Langley
Memoriales y discursos de Francisco Martínez de Mata. Edited by Gonzalo Anes. Madrid: Editorial Moneda y Crédito, 1971. Pp. 631 pp. 876-877 Downloads
David R. Ringrose
Economy and Society in Early Modern Europe: Essays from Annales. Edited by Peter Burke. New York: Harper and Row, 1972. Pp. 169. $7.50 pp. 877-879 Downloads
Bryce Lyon
Towns and Minerals in Southeastern Kansas: A Study in Regional Industrialization, 1890–1930. By John G. Clark. Lawrence, Kansas: State Geological Survey of Kansas, 1970. Pp. xi, 148. $0.55 pp. 879-880 Downloads
George Lamson
American Enterprise: Free & Not So Free. By Clarence H. Cramer. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1972. Pp. 728. $17.50 pp. 880-881 Downloads
Austin Spencer
Capital Formation in the Industrial Revolution. Edited with an introduction by Francois Crouzet. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1972. Pp. x, 261. $5.50 (paper) and $11.00 (cloth) pp. 881-882 Downloads
Jonathan Pincus
Uomini e terre di um borgo collinare dal XVI al XVIII secolo. By Giorgio Doria. (Publication of the Istituto di Storia economica, University of Genoa.) Milan: Giuffre, 1968. Pp. xiii–435. Lire 4200 pp. 882-883 Downloads
Domenico Sella
Land Reform in Latin America: Issues and Cases. Edited by Peter Dorner. Madison: Land Economics for the Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1971 (Land Economics Monograph No. 3). Pp. xx + 276. $3.95 pp. 884-885 Downloads
Clarence Zuvekas
The Optional Society: An Essay on Economic Choice and Bargains of Communication in an Affluent World. By Folke Dovring and Karin Dovring. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. Pp. x, 107 pp. 886-887 Downloads
John Rapoport
The Classical Tradition in West European Farming. By G. E. Fussell Rutherford, Madison, Teaneck, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1972. Pp. 237 + 13 plates and 12 text figures. $11.50 pp. 887-888 Downloads
W. Kent Hackmann
Mitninske knjige 16. in 17. stoletja na Slovenskem. (Viri za zgodovino. Slovencev, V). By Ferdo Gestrin. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1972. Pp. 491 pp. 888-889 Downloads
Toussaint Hočevar
Papers in Economic Prehistory. Edited by E. S. Higgs. Cambridge: University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 219. $15.50 pp. 889-890 Downloads
P. C. Nair
Studies in the Medieval Wine Trade. By Margery K. James. Elspeth M. Veale, editor. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xviii, 232. $13.00 pp. 890-892 Downloads
William M. Daly
Transport and Communication in Early Medieval Europe, 500–1100. By Albert C. Leighton. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1972. Pp. 257. $12.75 pp. 892-893 Downloads
M. M. Knight
American Government and Business. By H. H. Liebhafsky. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1971. Pp. xl, 587. $11.95 pp. 893-895 Downloads
William O. Wagnon
Essays on a Mature Economy: Britain after 1840. Edited by Donald N. McCloskey. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. 439. $12.50 pp. 895-896 Downloads
Andre Simmons
Österreichische Wirtschaft 1848–1913: Konjunkturelle Dynamik und Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Zeitalter Franz Joseph I. By Herbert Matis. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1972. Pp. 490. DM 78.60 pp. 897-897 Downloads
Herman Freudenberger
The Economics of Defense Spending: A Look at the Realities. By Robert C. Moot, Comptroller, DoD. Washington, D.C.: DoD publication, 1972. Pp. x, 193, tables, appendix. Free pp. 898-899 Downloads
James L. Clayton
The Correspondence of Lord Overstone. Vol. I: June 1804–September 1849; Vol. II: September 1849–December 1861; Vol. Ill: December 1861–April 1883. Edited by D. P. O'Brien. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. lxxxi, 1–452; pp. xxvi, 453–980; pp. xxiii, 981–1548. $28.50 each pp. 899-901 Downloads
Arthur E. Rockwell
Oil and the Mexican Revolution. By Merrill Rippy. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972. Pp. xvi, 345. 84 guilders pp. 902-903 Downloads
E. J. Hanson
Technology and American Economic Growth. By Nathan Rosenberg. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Pp. xi, 211. $7.00 cloth, $2.95 paper pp. 903-904 Downloads
John F. Hanieski
Wea Creek to El Dorado: Oil in Kansas, 1860–1920. By Francis W. Schruben. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1972. Pp. x, 176+ Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. $8.00 pp. 904-906 Downloads
Francis J. Munch
A History of Lumbering in Maine, 1861–1960. By David C. Smith. Orono: University of Maine Press, 1972. Pp. xvi, 469. $9.00 pp. 906-907 Downloads
William L. Marr
The Development of the Factory. By Jennifer Tann. London: Cornmarket Press Limited, 1970. Pp. 175. $36 pp. 907-908 Downloads
David O. Whitten
Migration and Urban Development: A Reappraisal of British and American Long Cycles. By Brinley Thomas. London: Methuen & Co., 1972. Pp. xvi, 239. $6.75 (paper), $13.50 (cloth) pp. 908-910 Downloads
Peter George
Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises. By Raymond Vernon. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1971. Pp. x, 326. $8.50 pp. 910-911 Downloads
N. Stephen Kane
Labour in the South African Gold Mines, 1911–1969. By Francis Wilson. Cambridge: The University Press, 1972. Pp. xviii–218, illus., appendices, bibliog., index. $14.95 (in U.S.A.) pp. 912-912 Downloads
James A. Casada

Volume 33, issue 3, 1973

Toward a Reexamination of the Economic History of Tokugawa Japan, 1600–1867 pp. 509-546 Downloads
Kozo Yamamura
The Beginnings of Modern Growth in Europe: An Essay in Synthesis pp. 547-580 Downloads
W. W. Rostow
Late Nineteenth-Century American Retardation: A Neoclassical Analysis pp. 581-607 Downloads
Jeffrey G. Williamson
Cotton “Overproduction” in Late Nineteenth-Century Southern Agriculture pp. 608-633 Downloads
Stephen DeCanio
White Population, Labor Force and Extensive Growth of the New England Economy in the Seventeenth Century pp. 634-667 Downloads
Terry L. Anderson and Robert Paul Thomas
Federal Reserve System. By Benjamin H. Beckhart. New York: American Institute of Banking (Distributed by Columbia University Press), 1972. Pp. vii, 584. $12.50 pp. 669-670 Downloads
Benjamin J. Klebaner
The Swedish Bullionist Controversy: P. N. Christiernin's Lectures on the High Price of Foreign Exchange in Sweden (1761). Edited and translated with an introduction by Robert V. Eagly. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1971. Pp. 119. $2.00 pp. 670-672 Downloads
J. Herbert Furth
Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America. By Charlotte Erickson. Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1972. Pp. 1, 531. $17.50 pp. 672-675 Downloads
Margaret Beattie Bogue
The House of Saulx-Tavanes: Versailles and Burgundy, 1700–1830. By Robert Forster. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. xii, 277. $15.00 pp. 675-676 Downloads
John S. Wozniak
The International Monetary Fund, 1945–1965: Twenty Years of International Monetary Cooperation. Vol. I: Chronicle. By J. Keith Horsefield. Pp. xviii, 663. Vol. II: Analysis. By Margaret G. de Vries and J. Keith Horsefield with the collaboration of Joseph Gold, Mary H. Gumbart, Gertrud Lovasy, and Emil G. Spitzer. Pp. xiv, 621. Vol. III: Documents. Edited by J. Keith Horsefield. Pp. vii, 549. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1969. $12.50 pp. 676-678 Downloads
J. Herbert Furth
Farming and Food Supply: The Interdependence of Countryside and Town. By SirJoseph Hutchinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 146. $11.00 pp. 678-679 Downloads
Kenneth Paul Fox
Farming in the New Nation: Interpreting American Agriculture, 1790–1840. Edited by Darwin P. Kelsey. Washington: The Agricultural History Society, 1972. Pp. 239. $5.00 pp. 679-681 Downloads
David O. Whitten
The Downshire Estates in Ireland 1801–1845: The Management of Irish Landed Estates in the Early Nineteenth Century. By W. A. Maguire. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1972. Pp. xi, 284. $19.25 pp. 681-682 Downloads
Russell L. Berry
Florentine Public Finance in the Early Renaissance, 1400–1433. By Anthony Molho. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xiv, 234. $10.50 pp. 682-683 Downloads
David L. Hicks
Agricultural Change and the Peasant Economy of South China. By Evelyn Sakakida Rawski. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. xi, 282. $10.50 pp. 683-685 Downloads
Katherine H. Hsiao
The Behavior of Industrial Prices. By G. J. Stigler and J. K. Kindahl. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970. Pp. 202. $7.50 pp. 685-686 Downloads
Austin Spencer
Approaches to American Economic History. Edited by George Rogers Taylor and Lucius F. Ellsworth. Charlottesville: The University of Virginia Press, 1971. Pp. xiv, 135. $7.50 cloth, $2.25 paper pp. 686-687 Downloads
David O. Whitten
A Productive Monopoly: The Effect of Railroad Control on New England Coastal Steamship Lines, 1870–1916. By William Leonhard Taylor. Providence: Brown University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 323. $10.00 pp. 687-688 Downloads
Arthur E. Rockwell
Seventeenth-Century Economic Documents. Edited by Joan Thirsk and J. P. Cooper. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1972. Pp xvii, 849. $27.25 pp. 689-689 Downloads
Joyce Appleby

Volume 33, issue 2, 1973

The Macro-Economics of Tsarist Russia in the Industrialization Era: Monetary Developments, the Balance of Payments and the Gold Standard pp. 339-371 Downloads
Haim Barkai
On the Persistence of Old Techniques: The Case of North American Wooden Shipbuilding pp. 372-398 Downloads
C. K. Harley
Flexible Exchange Rates, Northern Expansion, and the Market for Southern Cotton: 1866–1879 pp. 399-416 Downloads
Mark Aldrich
Some Evidence of Subsidization: the U.S. Trucking Industry, 1900–1920 pp. 417-433 Downloads
Anthony F. Herbst and Joseph S. K. Wu
Eighteenth-Century Shipping Tonnage Measurements pp. 434-443 Downloads
Christopher J. French
The Persistence of Old Technologies: The Case of Flatboats pp. 444-451 Downloads
James Mak and Gary M. Walton
New and Old Views on the Economics of Slavery pp. 452-466 Downloads
Gavin Wright
Sugar Without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838–1904. By Alan H. Adamson. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Pp. 315. $12.50 pp. 470-471 Downloads
Jay R. Mandle
English Money and Irish Land: The “Adventurers” in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. By Karl S. Bottigheimer. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xiii, 163 + 63 appendix, map. $10.50 pp. 471-472 Downloads
Russell L. Berry
Honor, Commerce and Industry in Eighteenth-Century Spain. By William J. Callahan. Publication Number 22 of the Kress Library of Business and Economics. Boston: Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1972. Pp. ix, 79. $4.00 pp. 472-473 Downloads
Richard Herr
Banking and Economic Development. Edited by Rondo Cameron. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. xii, 268. $8.95 pp. 473-475 Downloads
David F. Good
Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature. Volume 1, Printed Books to 1800. Compiled by Margaret Canney and David Knott, with an Introduction by J. H. P. Pafford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xxii, 838. $65.00 pp. 475-476 Downloads
Nathan Rosenberg
Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624–1713. By Richard S. Dunn. Chapel Hill: Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1972. Pp. xx, 359. $11.95 pp. 477-478 Downloads
Robert Carlyle Batie
Banking in Frontier Iowa, 1836–1865. By Erling Erickson. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1971. Pp. 180, illustrated. $7.50 pp. 478-479 Downloads
George Lamson
The Ballyhoo Bonanza: Charles Sweeny and the Idaho Mines. By John Fahey. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971. Pp. 280. $10.00 pp. 480-480 Downloads
W. Barnes
Gli Investimenti Finanziari Genovesi In Europa Tra Il Seicento e la Restaurazione. By Giuseppe Felloni. Milano: Dott. A. Giuffre, 1971. Pp. xxvii, 705. Lire 7500 pp. 481-482 Downloads
Jon S. Cohen
Finance and Economic Development in the Old South: Louisiana Banking, 1804–1861. By George D. Green. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 268. $8.75 pp. 482-483 Downloads
Hugh Rockoff
The Sydney Traders: Simeon Lord and his Contemporaries, 1788–1821. By D. R. Hainsworth. Melbourne: Cassell Australia Ltd., 1972. Pp. xiii, 264. $15.50 pp. 483-484 Downloads
Albert J. Robinson
Agricultural Development: An International Perspective. By Yujiro Hayami and Vernon Ruttan. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. xiv, 367 + 52 Tables, 26 Charts. $10.00 pp. 484-487 Downloads
Jeffrey G. Williamson
Historical Demography. By T. H. Hollingsworth. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 448. $10.50 pp. 488-489 Downloads
Michael R. Haines
History of Russian Non-Marxian Economic Thought. By Boris Ischboldin. New Delhi: New Book Society of India, 1971. Pp. 328. $7.00 pp. 489-490 Downloads
Daniel R. Brower
Productivity and Industrial Growth. The Irish Experience. By Kiernan A. Kennedy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xvi, 281. $13.75 pp. 490-491 Downloads
Jonathan Pincus
Maharashtra in the Age of Shivaji. By Dr.A. R. Kulkarni. Poona: Deshmukh & Co., 1969. Pp. xxiii, 308 pp. 491-492 Downloads
Ranu Basu
A Cotton Enterprise, 1795–1840: A History of M'Connel & Kennedy, Fine Cotton Spinners. By C. H. Lee. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972. Pp. viii, 188. £3.00 pp. 492-493 Downloads
Thomas W. Perry
The Best Poor Man's Country: A Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. By James T. Lemon. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1972. Pp. xviii, 295, Maps & Tables. $12.00 pp. 494-494 Downloads
Simeon J. Crowther
The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950–1350. By Robert S. Lopez. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1971. Pp. viii, 177. $5.95 pp. 495-495 Downloads
David O. Whitten
Les Préoccupations statistiques du gouvernement des Pays-Bas Autrichiens et le dénombrement des industries dressé en 1764. By Philippe Moureaux. Bruxelles: Éditions de l'université de Bruxelles, 1971. Pp. 535. Maps and tables. [No price listed.] pp. 496-498 Downloads
Rene Alltmont
The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography. Volume 1. From Sundown to Sunup: The Making of the Black Community. By George P. Rawick. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. xxi, 208. $10.00 pp. 498-499 Downloads
Marvin Fletcher
American Business and Foreign Policy, 1920–1933. By Joan Hoff Wilson. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1971. Pp. xvii, 339. $9.95 pp. 499-500 Downloads
Paul P. Abrahams
The Fiscal System of Renaissance France. By Martin Wolfe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 385. $17.50 pp. 501-502 Downloads
Marvin B. Becker

Volume 33, issue 1, 1973

Decision Making and Modern Institutional Change pp. 1-15 Downloads
Alfred Chandler
The Property Right Paradigm pp. 16-27 Downloads
Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz
Good Old Economic History pp. 28-40 Downloads
R. M. Hartwell
Comment on Paper by Alchian and Demsetz pp. 41-42 Downloads
Svetozar Pejovich
Some Considerations Relating to Property Rights in Man pp. 43-65 Downloads
Stanley L. Engerman
The Economics of Emancipation pp. 66-85 Downloads
Claudia Goldin
Notes on Serfdom in Western and Eastern Europe pp. 86-99 Downloads
Arcadius Kahan
Comment on Papers by Engerman, Goldin, and Kahan pp. 100-105 Downloads
John R. Meyer
Sharecropping As An Understandable Market Response: The Post-Bellum South pp. 106-130 Downloads
Joseph D. Reid
The Ex-Slave in the Post-Bellum South: A Study of the Economic Impact of Racism in a Market Environment pp. 131-148 Downloads
Roger L. Ransom and Richard Sutch
Race, Tenure, and Resource Allocation in Southern Agriculture, 1910 pp. 149-169 Downloads
Robert Higgs
Comment on Papers by Reid, Ransom and Sutch, and Higgs pp. 170-176 Downloads
Gavin Wright
Transactions Costs and Differential Growth in Seventeenth Century Western Europe pp. 177-190 Downloads
Clyde G. Reed
On the Modernity of the Dutch Republic pp. 191-202 Downloads
Jan deVries
War and the Birth of the Nation State pp. 203-221 Downloads
Richard Bean
Comment on Papers by Reed, deVries, and Bean pp. 222-231 Downloads
David R. Ringrose and Richard Roehl
Property Law, Expropriation, and Resource Allocation by Government: the United States, 1789–1910 pp. 232-251 Downloads
Harry N. Scheiber
Factor Income Distribution in the United States During the 1920's: A Reexamination of Fact and Theory pp. 252-273 Downloads
Robert R. Keller
Corporate Farming in the United States pp. 274-290 Downloads
Philip Raup
Comment on Papers by Scheiber, Keller, and Raup pp. 291-298 Downloads
Lloyd J. Mercer and Peter Passell
The Economic Growth of Seventeenth-Century New England: A Measurement of Regional Income pp. 299-301 Downloads
Terry L. Anderson
Economic-Demographic Interrelations in Developing Agricultural Regions: A Case Study of Prussian Upper Silesia, 1840-1914 pp. 302-304 Downloads
Michael R. Haines
The Nineteenth-Century Exports of the Less Developed Countries pp. 305-308 Downloads
John R. Hanson
The Napoleonic Wars and Their Impact on Factor Returns and Output Growth in England, 1793-1815 pp. 309-311 Downloads
Glenn Hueckel
Technological Change and the Development of the British Iron Industry, 1700-1870 pp. 312-313 Downloads
Charles K. Hyde
Some Economic Aspects of Railroad Development in Tsarist Russia pp. 314-316 Downloads
Jacob Metzer
The House of Brown: America's Foremost International Bankers, 1800-1880 pp. 317-320 Downloads
Edwin J. Perkins
The Structure and Profitability of the Antebellum Rice Industry: 1859 pp. 321-325 Downloads
Dale E. Swan
Dissertation Comments pp. 326-335 Downloads
Gary M. Walton and Morton Rothstein
Page updated 2025-03-29