The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2025
From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 11, issue 4, 1951
- The Balance Sheet of Economic Development pp. 325-338

- Abbott Payson Usher
- Italy and the Economic Development of England in the Middle Ages pp. 339-346

- M. M. Postan
- Minority Migrations and the Diffusion of Technology1 pp. 347-360

- Warren C. Scoville
- British Shipping and Latin America, 1806–1914 pp. 361-374

- Robert G. Albion
- Britain and American Railway Development pp. 375-388

- Leland H. Jenks
- Great Britain and the Development of India's Railways pp. 389-402

- Daniel Thorner
- Notes on France's Response to Her Declining Rate of Demographic Growth pp. 403-416

- Joseph J. Spengler
- Population Growth and Economic Development in Japan* pp. 417-428

- Irene B. Taeuber
Volume 11, issue 3, 1951
- The Dollar of the Middle Ages1 pp. 209-234

- Robert Sabatino Lopez
- Government Engineering Aid to Railroads Before the Civil War1 pp. 235-246

- Forest G. Hill
- The Distribution of the Agrarian Product in Feudalism* pp. 247-265

- R. Rosdolsky
- Sanctions and Freedom of Enterprise pp. 266-272

- Fritz Redlich
- The Schumpeterian System pp. 272-277

- Wolfgang F. Stolper
- Braudel's Geohistory–a Reconsideration* pp. 277-282

- Bernard Bailyn
- General Works - War and Human Progress pp. 283-285

- Donald C. McKay
- The Growth of English Society pp. 285-286

- Mildred Campbell
- Economic Doctrines pp. 286-287

- Shepard B. Clough
- New Facts on Business Cycles pp. 287-288

- Samuel Rezneck
- Problems in the Study of Economic Growth pp. 288-289

- George Rogers Taylor
- Agriculture - Aristocratic Agrarianism in Austria pp. 289-291

- Hans Rosenberg
- English Agrarian Histories pp. 291-294

- Willson H. Coates
- Agricultural Progress in the Cotton Belt since 1920 pp. 294-295

- Thomas P. Martin
- Agrarian Socialism pp. 295-296

- V. C. Fowke
- Henry Wise Wood of Alberta pp. 296-298

- W. L. Morton
- Wartime Economic Planning in Agriculture pp. 298-300

- Earle D. Ross
- Industry and Business - Connecticut Pioneers in Telephony pp. 300-301

- Robert Thompson
- The American Cigarette Industry pp. 301-303

- Arthur C. Bining
- The Maritime History of Maine pp. 303-304

- Robert G. Albion
- The Negro in American Business pp. 304-305

- Lewis Atherton
- International Trade and Finance - Primitive Money pp. 305-306

- Jotham Johnson
- The Old-Babylonian Merchant pp. 306-307

- I. Mendelsohn
- Jacques Coeur's Story Retold pp. 307-309

- Florence Edler de Roover
- Capitalism in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century pp. 309-310

- Encel Sluiter
- The Evolution of Banking pp. 311-312

- Raymond de Roover
- The Paris Bourse pp. 312-313

- David S. Landes
- Monetary Problems of an Export Economy pp. 313-314

- Leland H. Jenks
- Capital Imports and the American Balance of Payments pp. 314-316

- Ilse Mintz
- The National Debt in War and Transition pp. 316-318

- Seymour E. Harris
Volume 11, issue 2, 1951
- Moral Conditions of Economic Growth* pp. 97-116

- Karl F. Helleiner
- The Deseret Telegraph—A Church-owned Public Utility pp. 117-139

- Leonard J. Arrington
- A Note on the Interpenetration of Anglo-American Finance, 1837–1841 pp. 140-147

- Joseph Dorfman
- Sir John Howard Clapham and the Empirical Reaction in Economic History pp. 148-153

- Abbott Payson Usher
- The Early History of the Russian Peasantry pp. 153-158

- Jerome Blum
- Industry and Business Organization - Industrial Revolution in Mexico pp. 159-160

- Leland H. Jenks
- American Producers of Textile Machinery pp. 161-163

- Rudolf A. Clemen
- Sweden's Entrepreneurs and National Development pp. 163-164

- John H. Wuorinen
- Regional Studies of the American Petroleum Industry pp. 164-166

- Ralph W. Hidy
- Oill Titan of the Southwest pp. 166-168

- Muriel E. Hidy
- Trusts and Cartels pp. 168-170

- Robert A. Brady
- A Study in Railroad Competition pp. 170-171

- Thomas Le Due
- The Publishing Business pp. 171-173

- William Miller
- Labor Problems - The Life of the Working Class under Napoleon III pp. 173-174

- Arthur L. Dunham
- The Encomienda in New Spain pp. 174-175

- Robert S. Smith
- Slavery in Alabama pp. 175-176

- Williston H. Lofton
- Emergence of the British Miners' Federation pp. 176-177

- V. W. Bladen
- The Life of Margaret Dreier Robins pp. 177-178

- Vera Shlakman
- Labor Relations in London Transport pp. 178-180

- Kurt Braun
- Labor and the Roosevelt Administration pp. 180-182

- Blanche D. Coll
- Americana - The United States During the Confederation pp. 182-184

- Anne Bezanson
- New Jersey in the Critical Period pp. 184-185

- Milton S. Heath
- Backwoods Utopias pp. 185-186

- Irvin G. Wyllie
- The Pioneer Lawyer pp. 186-188

- Paul M. Hamlin
- A Biography of Peter Cooper pp. 188-189

- Richard Lowitt
- The Agricultural Society of South Carolina pp. 189-190

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Medieval Institutions - The English Government at Work pp. 190-191

- Sylvia Thrupp
- The French Communes pp. 192-194

- Carl Stephenson
- Royal Demesne pp. 192-192

- Sidney Painter
- General Works and Histories of Economic Thought - Studies in Honor of Gino Luzzatto pp. 194-196

- Eugene H. Byrne
- Man the Maker pp. 196-197

- Warren C. Scoville
- Ethics in the History of Economics pp. 197-199

- John M. Ferguson
- Textbook Histories of Economic Thought pp. 199-200

- Broadus Mitchell
Volume 11, issue 1, 1951
- The English Landed Estate in the Age of Coal and Iron: 1830–1880* pp. 3-24

- David Spring
- The State as a Unit in Study of Economic Growth* pp. 25-41

- Simon Kuznets
- An Analysis of Soviet Agriculture pp. 42-49

- Alexander Gerschenkron
- Sociological Aspects of Change and the Entrepreneur pp. 50-54

- Harry M. Johnson
- Two Analyses of Britain's Transition pp. 55-59

- W. W. Rostow
- Trade and Finance - Customs Unions pp. 60-60

- Albert H. Imlah
- Chronic Inflation and the Brazilian Economy pp. 61-62

- Alfredo Kraessel
- The Federal Reserve System pp. 62-63

- Herman E. Krooss
- Greek Monetary Developments, 1939–1948 pp. 63-64

- Gardner Patterson
- The Commerce of Nations pp. 64-66

- Karl F. Helleiner
- Land, People, and Transportation - A Historical Study in Economic Geography pp. 66-67

- Marion R. Daugherty
- America's Crop Heritage pp. 67-68

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Agrarian Protest in Canada pp. 69-70

- William K. Rolph
- Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life pp. 70-71

- James A. Barnes
- The Austrian Peasant, 1740–1798 pp. 71-71

- Hans Rosenberg
- British Medieval Population pp. 71-73

- Joseph J. Spengler
- William Hazlitt and the Malthusian Controversy pp. 73-73

- William O. Aydelotte
- A Population History of the Modern World pp. 74-75

- Clarence J. Glacken
- The Decline in Mexican Population in the Sixteenth Century pp. 75-76

- Raymond E. Crist
- Transportation in the Oregon Country pp. 76-77

- Ray Allen Billington
- Highways in Our National Life pp. 77-78

- Louis C. Hunter
- Industry and Labor - Industry under Napoleon pp. 78-79

- John Bowditch
- Capitalism and French Glassmaking pp. 79-80

- F. L. Nussbaum
- Some Guilds at Liège pp. 80-81

- Richard K. Marshall
- Heritage of Conflict in Mine and Smelter pp. 81-82

- Lloyd G. Reynolds
- Business and Capitalism - A History of Sears, Roebuck pp. 82-84

- Harold Barger
- A Life of John William Mackay pp. 84-85

- Gilbert C. Fite
- The Entrepreneur, a History of the Concept pp. 85-86

- Fritz Redlich
- Saving American Capitalism pp. 86-89

- Henry David
- Ropemakers of Plymouth pp. 89-91

- Robert A. East