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The Journal of Economic History

1941 - 2025

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Volume 31, issue 4, 1971

Writing History Backwards: Meiji Japan Revisited pp. 729-776 Downloads
Allen C. Kelley and Jeffrey G. Williamson
The Rise and Fall of the Manorial System: A Theoretical Model pp. 777-803 Downloads
Douglass North and Robert Paul Thomas
Long-run Tendencies in Foreign Trade: With a Statistical Study of French Trade Structure 1871–1939 pp. 804-821 Downloads
Jean Sylvain Weiller
Economic Inequality in the United States in the Period from 1790 to 1860 pp. 822-839 Downloads
Lee Soltow
The Determinants of Intercountry Differences in European Emigration: 1881–1900 pp. 840-853 Downloads
John A. Tomaske
The Use of Simulation Techniques in Historical Analysis: Railroads versus Canals pp. 854-884 Downloads
Donald Schaefer and Thomas Weiss
Emigration from the United Kingdom to the United States: 1860–1913 pp. 885-897 Downloads
Lowell E. Gallaway and Richard K. Vedder
Economic Growth and the Consumption of Coal in Austria and Hungary 1831–1913 pp. 898-916 Downloads
Nachum T. Gross
The Impact of Cotton Land Distribution on the Antebellum Economy pp. 917-937 Downloads
Peter Passell
Essays on the Economic History of the Argentine Republic. By Carlos F. Diaz. Alejandro. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970. Pp. xviii, 549. $18.50 pp. 940-941 Downloads
Carl Solberg
The Political Economy of Modern Spain. Policy-Making in an Authoritarian System. By Charles W. Anderson. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 282. $12.50 pp. 942-943 Downloads
Stanley G. Payne
The Growth of White-Collar Unionism. By George Sayers Bain. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. xix, 233. $9.00 pp. 943-946 Downloads
Mark Perlman
Masters, Princes, and Merchants: The Social. Views of Peter the Chanter and His Circle. By John W. Baldwin. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Vol. I, Text, pp. xvi, 343 + 3 plates. Vol. II, Notes, pp. xi, 287. $22.50 pp. 946-948 Downloads
Dabney Park
La Gran Bretagna e la formazione del mercato italiano (1861–1883). By Piero Bolchini. (Miscellanea storica ligure, I, 2). Genoa: Università di Genova, n.d. Pp. 264 pp. 948-948 Downloads
Emiliana P. Noether
French Finances 1770–1795: From Business to Bureaucracy. By J. F. Bosher. [Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History, eds. J. H. Elliott and H. G. Koenigsberger.] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 370. $18.50 pp. 949-953 Downloads
George V. Taylor
The Finance of the Commune of Siena, 1287–1355. By William M. Bowsky. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. xx, 379 + 3 plates + 3 maps. $16.00 pp. 953-955 Downloads
Gustav Schachter
Friedenswirtschaft und Kriegsvorsorge: Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Rüstungsbestrebungen vor 1914. By Lothar Burchardt. Wehrwissenschaftliche Forschungen: Boppard-am-Rhein: Harald Boldt Verlag, 1968. Pp. ix, 277. DM 30 pp. 955-956 Downloads
M. L. Flaningam
Beyond Malthus: Population and Power. By Neil W. Chamberlain. New York, London: Basic Books, Inc., 1970. Pp. vi, 205. $6.95 pp. 956-958 Downloads
Robert F. Severson
The Economic Decline of Empires, edited with an introduction by Carlo M. Cipolla. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1970. Pp. 280. £3 pp. 958-959 Downloads
R. Kent Lancaster
Economic Development of Latin America: A Survey from Colonial Times to the Cuban Revolution (Cambridge Latin American Studies, 8). By Celso Furtado; tr. by Suzette Macedo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 271. $10.50 pp. 959-961 Downloads
Harris G. Warren
Colonialism in Africa, 1870–1960, Volume II, The History and Politics of Colonialism. 1914–1960. Edited by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. x, 563, 8 maps. $17.50 pp. 961-963 Downloads
B. Marie Perinbam
Essays in Economic Analysis and Policy. Edited by Franz Gehrels, Henry M. OliverJr., and George W. Wilson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970. Pp. xi, 270. $8.95 pp. 963-965 Downloads
Charles G. Leathers
Xenophontis De Vectigalibus: Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione ed indici. Biblioteca di Studi Superiori, vol. 57. By Gabriella Bodei Giglioni. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1970. Pp. cxxiv, 50. Lire 2600 pp. 965-967 Downloads
Robert E. A. Palmer
Education, Income, and Human Capital. Edited by W. Lee Hansen. Studies in Income and Wealth, No. 35. National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970. $10.00 pp. 967-969 Downloads
G. Tapinos
From Kingdom to Commonwealth: the Development of Civic Consciousness in English Political Thought. By Donald W. Hanson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 469. $15.00 pp. 969-971 Downloads
John R. Farnsworth
Elites in South Asia. Edited by Edmund Leach and S. N. Mukherjee. Cambridge: University Press, 1970. Pp. vi, 256. $12.50 pp. 971-973 Downloads
Michael Adas
Religion, Order, and Law: A Study in Pre-Revolutionary England. By David Little. Preface by Robert N. Bellah. New York and Evans ton: Harper & Row, 1969. Pp. v, 269. $7.00 pp. 973-976 Downloads
Marcia L. Colish
Universität, Technische Hochschule und Industrie. Ein Beitrag zur Emanzipation der Technik im 19. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bestrebungen Felix Kleins, (Schriften zur Wirstschafts—und Sozialgeschichte, Bd. 16). By Karl-Heinz Manegold. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1970. Pp. 330. DM 58.60 pp. 976-978 Downloads
Charles E. McClelland
After the Canal Duke. By F. C. Mather. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. xx, 392. $13.00 pp. 978-979 Downloads
Nancy P. Norton
The Vanishing Peasant: Innovation and Change in French Agriculture. By Henri Mendras. Translated by Jean Lerner. (Foreword by Harold D. Lasswell and Daniel Lerner.) Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: The MIT Press, 1970. Pp. viii, (5), 289. $8.95 pp. 979-981 Downloads
Folke Dovring
The Birth of Modern America, 1820–1852. By Douglas T. Miller. New York: Pegasus, 1970. Pp. xvi, 192. $6.95 pp. 981-982 Downloads
William B. Hartley
The Chinese Peasant Economy: Agricultural Development in Hopei and Shantung 1890–1949. By Ramon H. Myers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. xix, 394. $12.00 pp. 982-984 Downloads
Chong Sun Kim
The Silent Revolution: The Industrial Revolution in England as a Source of Cultural Change. By John W. Osborne. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. Pp. xi, 232. $7.95 pp. 984-986 Downloads
John S. Wozniak
Uprzemyslowienie Ziem Polskich w XIX i XX Wieku. Studia i Materialy. (The Industrialization of the Polish Territories in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Studies and Materials.) Irena Pietrzak-Pawlowska, ed. Wroclaw, Warsaw, Cracow: Ossolineum, 1970. Pp. 876. Zł. 170 pp. 986-988 Downloads
Lawrence Schofer
Lourmarin in the Eighteenth Century; a Study of a French Village. By Thomas F. Sheppard. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. xiv + 248. $11.00 pp. 988-990 Downloads
Carol P. Brainerd
Trade and Power: Informal Colonialism in Anglo-Portuguese Relations. By S[andro] Sideri. Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press, 1970. Pp. vi, 256. n. p. - The Portugal Trade: A Study of Anglo-Portuguese Commerce 1700–1770. By H. E. S. Fisher. London: Methuen & Co., and New York: Barnes & Noble Inc., 1971. Pp. x, 171 & 10 plates. £3 pp. 990-993 Downloads
Dauril Alden
Annales de Démographie Historique, 1969, Villes et Villages de l'Ancienne France. By the Sociétié de Démographie Historique. Paris: Editions Sirey, 1970. Pp. 520 pp. 993-994 Downloads
W. Robert Needham
Monetary Problems and Policies in the Netherlands, 1433–1496. By Peter Spufford. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1970. Pp. viii, 229. 65 guilders pp. 994-996 Downloads
Arthur R. Hogue
Sterling and British Policy: A Political Study of an International Currency in Decline. By Susan Strange. Royal Institute of International Affairs Series. London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. xvi, 363. $13.00 pp. 996-997 Downloads
David M. Fahey
Financial Administration under the T'ang Dynasty. By D. C. Twitchett. Second edition. Cambridge: University Press, 1970. Pp. xv, 386. $9.50 pp. 997-999 Downloads
John W. Dardess
Trade Agreements for Developing Countries. By Gilbert P. Verbit. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1969. Pp. xi, 249. $8.50 pp. 999-1000 Downloads
Margaret G. Myers
The Politics of Trade Negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong. By I. William Zartman. Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. ix, 243. $8.50 pp. 1000-1002 Downloads
Joseph Finkelstein

Volume 31, issue 3, 1971

Food Surpluses and Deficits in the American Colonies, 1768–1772 pp. 553-569 Downloads
David Klingaman
The 1789 Life Table of Edward Wigglesworth pp. 570-590 Downloads
Maris A. Vinovskis
The Self-Sufficiency of the Antebellum South: Estimates of the Food Supply pp. 591-612 Downloads
William. K. Hutchinson and Samuel Williamson
Mobility of Native Americans pp. 613-649 Downloads
Lowell E. Gallaway and Richard K. Vedder
British Investment in Argentina and Long Swings, 1880–1914 pp. 650-663 Downloads
A. G. Ford
British Investment in American Railways, 1834–1898. By Dorothy R. Adler. Edited by Muriel E. Hidy. Charlottesville: The University of Virginia Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 253. $11.50 pp. 695-696 Downloads
Richard B. Du Boff
The Inter-war Economy: Britain, 1919–1939. By Derek H. Aldcroft. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. Pp. 441. $12.50 pp. 696-697 Downloads
Trevor Lloyd
The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition, 1875–1914. Edited by Derek H. Aldcroft. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968. Pp. 384. $8.75 pp. 698-700 Downloads
Nathan Rosenberg
Peltries or Plantations: The Economic Policies of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland, 1623–1639. By Van Cleaf Bachman. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. Pp. ix, 183. $7.50. - De Amerikaanse Zaken van C. J. M. De Wolf. By P. J. van Winter. Brussels: Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 1970. Vol. 32. 105 BF pp. 700-701 Downloads
Jan DeVries
Britain and America, 1850–1939: A Study of Economic Change. By Phillip S. Bagwell and G. E. Mingay. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. Pp. xiv, 312. $7.50 pp. 702-703 Downloads
John F. Hanieski
L'Uomo e il Pane. By G. L. Basini. Milan: Dott. A. Giuffre Editore, 1970. Pp. iv, 176. 2000 1 pp. 703-704 Downloads
Marvin B. Becker
Woman's Role in Economic Development. By Ester Boserup. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1970. Pp. 283 + 64 Tables, 15 Figures. $7.50 pp. 704-706 Downloads
Robert A. Dickler
The GATT—Law and International Economic Organization. By Kenneth W. Dam. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. xviii, 480. $15.00 pp. 706-708 Downloads
Frederick J. Dobney
Population and Economics: Proceedings of Section V of the Fourth Congress of the International Economic History Association, 1968. Edited by Paul Deprez Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba Press, 1970. Pp. 364 + Tables and Figures. $10.00 pp. 708-711 Downloads
Robert A. Dickler
Types of Rural Economy: Studies in World Agriculture. By René Dumont. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. (Distributed in U.S.A. by Barnes & Noble, New York), 1954, reprinted 1970. Pp. xii, 555. $5.00 (paperback) pp. 711-712 Downloads
Wayne D. Rasmussen
Inflation and Development in Latin America: A Case Study of Inflation and Stabilization in Bolivia. By George Jackson Eder. Ann Arbor: Michigan International Business Studies Number 8, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1968. Pp. xvii, 822. $9.00 pp. 712-714 Downloads
Kenneth J. Grieb
The Comprador in Nineteenth Century China: Bridge between East and West. By Yen-P'ing Hao. Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. ix, 314. $10.00 pp. 714-715 Downloads
Katherine H. Hsiao
Deutsche Kolonialherrschaft in Afrika. Wirtschaftsinterressen und Kolonialverwaltung in Kamerun vor 1914. By Karin Hausen Zürich and Freiburg I. Br.: Atlantis, 1970. Pp. 340. DM 39. - Koloniale Entwicklung und Ausbeutung. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1885–1914. By Rainer Tetzlaff. Berlin and Munich: Duncker & Humblot, 1970. Pp. 309. DM 58.60 pp. 716-718 Downloads
Lawrence Schofer
Railways and Economic Growth in England and Wales 1840-1870. By G. R. Hawke. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 421. $19.25 pp. 718-719 Downloads
William J. Baker
A Financial History of the United States. By Margaret G. Myers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. viii, 451. $11.95 pp. 719-720 Downloads
Ervin Miller
Theory of Cost and Production Functions. By R. W. Shephard. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Pp. xi, 308. $15.00 pp. 721-723 Downloads
Francis Renaud
A Guide to the Manuscripts in the Eleutherian Mills Historical Library; Accessions through the Year 1965. By John Beverley Riggs. Greenville, Delaware: Eleutherian Mills Historical Library, 1970. Pp. xxii, 1204. $15.00 pp. 721-721 Downloads
Kenneth E. Carpenter
The Technology Factor in International Trade. Edited by Raymond Vernon. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. x, 493. $15.00 pp. 723-724 Downloads
Donald Wellington

Volume 31, issue 2, 1971

A Self-Generating Model of Long-Swings for the American Economy, 1860–1940 pp. 295-343 Downloads
Charles M. Franks and William W. McCormick
The Duke of Newcastle and the Financing of the Seven Years’ War pp. 344-377 Downloads
Reed Browning
The Increasing Poverty of the Samurai in Tokugawa Japan, 1600–1868 pp. 378-406 Downloads
Kozo Yamamura
Earnings of American Civil Engineers 1820–1859 pp. 407-419 Downloads
Mark Aldrich
Race, Skills, and Earnings: American Immigrants in 1909 pp. 420-428 Downloads
Robert Higgs
Keynes on the Sources of Economic Growth pp. 429-444 Downloads
Vincent J. Tarascio
Factory Under the Elms: A History of Harrisville, New Hampshire, 1774–1969. By John Bordon Armstrong. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England: The M.I.T. Press, 1969. Pp. xx, 320. $12.50 pp. 451-451 Downloads
Zane L. Miller
The Development of the Brazilian Steel Industry. By Werner Baer. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Pp. xiii, 202. $10 pp. 452-454 Downloads
Hans G. Mueller
The Controversy Over German Industrialization, 1890–1902. By Kenneth D. Barkin. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. x, 307. $11.50 pp. 454-455 Downloads
Bernard Norling
Taxation and Development: Lessons from Columbian Experience. By Richard M. Bird. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. xxvii, 277. $9.00 pp. 456-458 Downloads
Richard S. Thorn
Yankee Traders, Old Coasters and African Middlemen: A History of American Legitimate Trade with West Africa in the Nineteenth Century. By George E. BrooksJr. Boston: Boston University Press, 1970. $12.50 pp. 458-459 Downloads
B. Marie Perinbam
A Century of Pay. By E. H. Phelps Brown and M. H. Browne. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1968. Pp. 476. $16.00 pp. 459-461 Downloads
Andre Simmons
Structural Change in the American Economy. By Anne P. Carter. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. xviii, 292. $10.00 pp. 462-463 Downloads
Albro Martin
Economia e società in Piemonte dall'unità al 1914. By Valerio Castronovo. Milan: Banca Commerciale Italiana, 1969. Pp. 409 pp. 463-465 Downloads
Emiliana P. Noether
Courtaulds, An Economic and Social History, Vol. I, The Nineteenth Century—Silk and Crepe, Pp. xi, 283; Vol. II, Rayon, Pp. xxii, 521. By D. C. Coleman. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1969. $21.00 the set pp. 465-467 Downloads
J. R. T. Hughes
Money in Britain: 1959–1969. Edited by David R. Croome and Harry G. Johnson. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. x, 304. Cloth, $6.25; paper, $2.85 pp. 467-469 Downloads
Richard T. Selden
Change in Agriculture, The Northern United States, 1820–1870. By Clarence H. Danhof. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. xii, 322. $10.00 pp. 469-470 Downloads
Robert E. Ankli
Das Textilgewerbe in Hessen-Kassel vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert. By Ottifried Dascher. Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hessen und Waldeck 28. Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag, 1968. Pp. x, 302. DM 30 pp. 471-472 Downloads
Herbert Kisch
The Emergence of Oligopoly: Sugar Refining as a Case Study. By Alfred S. Eichner. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969. $12.00 pp. 472-473 Downloads
William O. Wagnon
The Economy of Brazil. Edited by Howard S. Ellis. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. xxxii, 408. $10.50 pp. 473-474 Downloads
James R. Taylor
Indicators of Trends in American Education. By Abbott L. Ferriss. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1969. Pp. xviii, 454 pp. 474-476 Downloads
N. Ray Hiner
Decade of Reform: England in the Eighteen Thirties. By G. Finlayson. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1970. Pp. x, 115. $5.00 pp. 476-477 Downloads
Peter Stansky
Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution. Essays on the Development of Underdevelopment and the Immediate Enemy. By Andre Gunder Frank. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969. Pp. xviii, 409. $8.50 pp. 477-479 Downloads
Murdo J. MacLeod
Die entwicklung des gewerbes in den Städten Mönchengladbach und rheydt im 19. Jahrhundert. By Willy Fränken. Schriften zur Rheinisch-Westfälischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Volume 19. Cologne: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchic. 1969. Pp. 245 pp. 479-480 Downloads
Hans W. Gatzke
Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960, Volume One—The History and Politics of Colonialism 1870-1914. Edited by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. xi, 532 + 3 fold-out maps. $17.50 pp. 480-483 Downloads
Norman Provizer
Feeding the Russian Fur Trade: Provisionment of the Okhotsk Seaboard and the Kamchatka Peninsula, 1639–1856. By James R. Gibson. Madison, Milwaukee, and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. Pp. xix, 337 + 10 figures. $15.00 pp. 483-485 Downloads
George J. Marcopoulos
Everyman's Constitution: Historical Essays on the Fourteenth Amendment, the “Conspiracy Theory,” and American Constitutionalism. By Howard Jay Graham. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1968. Pp. xiv, 631. $12.95 pp. 485-486 Downloads
Morton Keller
The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan: Politics of Reform and Modernization, 1880–1946. By V. Gregorian. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969. Pp. xii, 586 + 8 plates. $17.50 pp. 486-488 Downloads
Janet Ragatz
The Social Foundations of German Unification 1858–1871: Ideas and Institutions. By Theodore S. Hamerow. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. vii, 433. $12.50 pp. 488-489 Downloads
George M. Schwarz
Money. By Roy Harrod. London: St. Martin's Press, 1969. Pp. xi, 355 pp. 490-490 Downloads
Ann F. Friedlaender
The Best-Dressed Miners. By Katherine A. Harvey. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. xiv, 488 pp. 491-492 Downloads
Leonard F. Cain
Die wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit des Dritten Reiches vom Ausland dargestellt am Beispiel der Stahlindustrie. By Jörg-Johannes Jäger. Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 1969. Pp. 336 pp. 492-494 Downloads
Richard V. Pierard
Agrarian Change and Economic Development. Edited by E. L. Jones and S. J. Woolf. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1970. Pp. v, 172 + 2 plates. $6.50 pp. 494-496 Downloads
Sarah Montgomery
Papers of the Sixteenth Business History Conference, February 21–22, 1969. Edited by Charles J. Kennedy. Lincoln, Nebraska: Published for the Business History Conference by the College of Business Administration, The University of Nebraska, 1969. Pp. xx, 169. Cloth-bound, $7.75, Paperback, $3.75 pp. 496-497 Downloads
William Haller
The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present. By David S. Landes. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 566. $8.50 cloth, $2.95 paper pp. 497-500 Downloads
Nathan Rosenberg
Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in Pakistan. By Stephen R. LewisJr. Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1969. Pp. xiii, 191. $8.95 pp. 500-502 Downloads
Muhammad N. I. Bhuiyan
Les relations commerciales entre Gênes, la Belgique et l'Outremont, d'après les archives notariales Génoises (1320–1400). Edited by Léone Liagre-De-Sturler. Brussels, Rome: L'Institut Historique Belge de Rome, 1969. 2 Vols. Pp. clxxii, 362, and 363-966. $24.00 pp. 502-504 Downloads
Richard D. Face
Economic Growth in Canada: A Quantitative Analysis. By N. H. Lithwick. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 145. $6.50 pp. 504-505 Downloads
James G. Wrone
Empire to Welfare State: English History 1906–1967. By O. Lloyd Trevor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 465. $10 cloth, $2.95 paper pp. 506-507 Downloads
Robert E. Ankli
The Age of Imperialism. By Harry Magdoff. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969. Pp. 207. $6.00 pp. 507-510 Downloads
Herbert I. Schiller
Pioneers for Profit. By John P. McKay. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. xiii, 442 + 2 maps. $11.50 pp. 510-511 Downloads
Donald L. Layton
Engineering in American Society, 1850–1875. By Raymond H. Merritt. Lexington, Kentucky: The University of Kentucky Press, 1969. Pp. xii, 199. $7.95 pp. 511-512 Downloads
A. Hunter Dupree
Trade and Empire in Western India, 1784–1806. By Pamela Nightingale. Cambridge South Asian Studies, No. 9. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xv, 264. $11.50 pp. 513-514 Downloads
Ranu Basu
An Economic History of the U.S.S.R. By Alec Nove. London: The Penguin Press, 1969. Pp. 416. $10.00 pp. 514-515 Downloads
Oliver Hayward
Agriculture and Economic Growth: Japan's Experience. Edited by K. Ohkawa, B. F. Johnston and H. Kaneda. Princeton: Princeton University Press and Tokyo University Press, 1970. Pp. xx, 433. $12.50 pp. 516-517 Downloads
Kozo Yamamura
The Structure of the Cotton Economy of the Antebellum South. Edited by William N. Parker. Washington, D. C.: The Agricultural History Society, 1970. Pp. 169. $5.00 pp. 517-519 Downloads
Uwe J. Woltemade
Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750–1850, reprinted with a new preface. By Ivy Pinchbeck. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1969. Pp. x, 342. $13.50 pp. 519-520 Downloads
George B. Engberg
Condizioni Monetarie e Investimenti nel Bolognese. By Giorgio Porisini. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1969. Pp. vii, 398 pp. 520-522 Downloads
Jon S. Cohen
Backward Areas in Advanced Countries: Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economics Association at Varenna. Edited by E. A. G. Robinson. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1969. Pp. 474. $18.00 pp. 522-524 Downloads
Bernard Schurman
Migrants in Europe. By Arnold M. Rose. Minneapolis, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press, 1969. Pp. viii, 194. $7.50 pp. 524-525 Downloads
Theodore Saloutos
The Design of Economic Accounts. By Nancy Ruggles and Richard Ruggles. National Bureau of Economic Research General Series 89; New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970. Pp. xvi, 184. $8.00 pp. 525-526 Downloads
F. Gerard Adams
Die Wirtschaft Bayerns. Vom hohen Mittelalter bis zum Beginn der Industrialisierung. Bergbau, Gewerbe, Handel. By Eckart Schremmer. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1970. Pp. xxiv, 780 + 8 illustrations, 9 maps, and 1 table insert. DM 116 pp. 526-528 Downloads
David Sabean
Auslandsreisen Deutscher Unternehmer 1750–1851 Unter besondern Berüksichtigung von Rheinland und Westfalen. By Martin Schumacher. Cologne, 1968. Pp. 393 pp. 528-529 Downloads
Bernard Weinryb
Canterbury Cathedral Priory: A Study in Monastic Administration. By R. A. L. Smith. Cambridge Studies in Economic History. Cambridge: Reissue1970. Pp. xi, 237. $4.50. - The Abbey and Bishopric of Ely: The Social History of an Ecclesiastical Estate from the Tenth Century to the Early Fourteenth Century. By Edward Miller. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life, and Thought. Cambridge: Reissue1969. Pp. xii, 313. $10.00 pp. 530-531 Downloads
H. L. Oerter
A History of the Scottish People, 1560–1830. By T. C. Smout. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. Pp. 576 + 46 illustrations. $12.50 pp. 531-533 Downloads
W. Kent Hackmann
Industrial Slavery in the Old South. By Robert S. Starobin. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. ix, 320. $7.95 pp. 533-535 Downloads
Newlin R. Smith
Consumi e tenore di vita di una famiglia borghese del '600. By Amelio Tagliaferri. Milan: Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 1968. Pp. 193. Lire 1800 pp. 535-536 Downloads
A. William Salomone
The Soviet Model and Underdeveloped Countries. By Charles K. Wilber. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1969. Pp. xiii, 224 + 17 bibliography and index. $7.50 pp. 536-538 Downloads
Michael F. Hamm
Social Change and the City in Japan: From Earliest Times Through the Industrial Revolution. By Takeo Yazaki. Translated by David L. Swain. Tokyo: Japan Publications, Inc., 1968. Pp. xiii, 549. $12.50 pp. 538-539 Downloads
Susan B. Hanley
Peaceable Kingdoms; New England Towns in the Eighteenth Century. By Michael Zuckerman. Alfred A. Knopf 1970. Pp. 329. $7.95 pp. 539-542 Downloads
Van Beck Hall

Volume 31, issue 1, 1971

An Anniversary Message pp. 1-2 Downloads
Alfred Chandler and Louis Galambos
From Old to New to Old in Economic History* pp. 3-14 Downloads
William N. Parker
Quantitative Economic History: An Interim Evaluation Past Trends and Present Tendencies pp. 15-42 Downloads
Albert Fishlow and Robert Fogel
Explanations and Issues: A Prospectus for Quantitative Economic History pp. 43-57 Downloads
Joseph A. Swanson and Jeffrey G. Williamson
General-Equilibrium Models in Economic History pp. 58-75 Downloads
Peter Temin
The Strategic Role of Theory: A Commentary pp. 76-86 Downloads
W. W. Rostow
American Institutional Studies: Present Knowledge and Past Trends pp. 87-105 Downloads
James H. Soltow
Agenda for the 1970's: The Firm and the Industry pp. 106-117 Downloads
Arthur M. Johnson
Institutional Change and Economic Growth pp. 118-125 Downloads
Douglass North
Comments on Papers by Johnson, Soltow, and North pp. 126-134 Downloads
Ralph L. Andreano
The Economic History of Modern Europe pp. 135-152 Downloads
Francois Crouzet
The Economy of Traditional Europe pp. 153-164 Downloads
David Herlihy
Agenda for Medieval Studies pp. 165-171 Downloads
Robert S. Lopez
Agenda for Early Modern Economic History pp. 172-183 Downloads
Harry A. Miskimin
Agenda for European Economic History in the 1970s pp. 184-198 Downloads
Richard Tilly and Charles Tilly
Agenda for Asian Economic History pp. 199-207 Downloads
Kozo Yamamura
Agenda for African Economic History pp. 208-221 Downloads
David William Cohen
Principal Currents in the Economic Historiography of Latin America pp. 222-253 Downloads
Stanley J. Stein and Shane J. Hunt
The Economic History of the Third World: A Few Comments pp. 254-258 Downloads
Henry Rosovsky
A Note from the Convenors pp. 259-259 Downloads
James P. Baughman
The Economic Impact of Immigration into the United States pp. 260-263 Downloads
Peter J. Hill
Studies in the Technological Development of the American Economy During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century pp. 264-265 Downloads
Paul Uselding
The Role of the Rural Sector in the Development of the Dutch Economy: 1500-1700 pp. 266-268 Downloads
Jan de Vries
Industrialization and Population Pressure in Eighteenth-Century Flanders pp. 269-271 Downloads
Franklin F. Mendels
New York City Mutual Savings Banks in the Ante-Bellum Years: A Dissertation Summary pp. 272-275 Downloads
Alan Olmstead
The Impact of the Ante-Bellum Tariff on Income Distribution pp. 276-278 Downloads
Clayne Pope
The Southern Negro Agricultural Worker: 1850-1870 pp. 279-280 Downloads
Charles E. Seagrave
The Role of the Cotton Textile Industry in the Economic Development of the American Southeast: 1900-1940 pp. 281-284 Downloads
Sister Mary J. Oates
Discussion of Papers by de Vries, Hill, Mendels, and Uselding pp. 285-292 Downloads
Stanley L. Engerman and James P. Baughman
Page updated 2025-03-29