Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 28, issue 12, 2004
- Can indeterminacy resolve the cross-country correlation puzzle? pp. 2341-2366

- Wei Xiao
- Solution of macromodels with Hansen-Sargent robust policies: some extensions pp. 2367-2397

- Paolo Giordani and Paul Söderlind
- Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods in pricing securities pp. 2399-2426

- Giray Okten and Warren Eastman
- Using dynamic programming with adaptive grid scheme for optimal control problems in economics pp. 2427-2456

- Lars Grune and Willi Semmler
- Existence of competitive equilibrium under financial constraints and increasing returns pp. 2457-2473

- H. Nur Ata and Erdem Basci
- On the local stability of the solution to optimal control problems pp. 2475-2484

- Alvaro Rodriguez
- The allocation of public funds in a hierarchical educational system pp. 2485-2510

- Xuejuan Su
Volume 28, issue 11, 2004
- Technology adoption with finite horizons pp. 2129-2154

- Xavier Mateos-Planas
- Endogenous skill bias pp. 2155-2193

- Peter Funk and Thorsten Vogel
- Strategic asset allocation in a continuous-time VAR model pp. 2195-2214

- John Campbell, George Chacko, Jorge Rodriguez and Luis Viceira
- Can financial intermediation induce endogenous fluctuations pp. 2215-2238

- Sanjay Banerji, Joydeep Bhattacharya and Ngo Long
- Optimal design of the guarantee for defined contribution funds pp. 2239-2260

- Griselda Deelstra, Martino Grasselli and Pierre-Francois Koehl
- Determinants of the foreign equity share of international joint ventures pp. 2261-2275

- Tan Lee
- Consistent high-frequency calibration pp. 2277-2295

- David Aadland and Kevin Huang
- Switching equilibria: the present value model for stock prices revisited pp. 2297-2325

- María-José Gutiérrez and Jesús Vázquez
- Signalling ability to pay and rent sharing dynamics pp. 2327-2339

- Shaun Vahey
Volume 28, issue 10, 2004
- Equilibrium stock return dynamics under alternative rules of learning about hidden states pp. 1925-1954

- M.W.Michael W. Brandt, Qi Zeng and Lu Zhang
- A sufficient condition for the existence and the uniqueness of a solution in macroeconomic models with perfect foresight pp. 1955-1975

- J.-P.Jean-Pierre Laffargue
- Cattle cycles, heterogeneous expectations and the age distribution of capital pp. 1977-2002

- David Aadland
- Limited information capacity as a source of inertia pp. 2003-2035

- Giuseppe Moscarini
- Optimal tax/subsidy combinations for the flu season pp. 2037-2054

- P.J. Peter J. Francis
- The compound option approach to American options on jump-diffusions pp. 2055-2074

- C.R.Chandrasekhar Reddy Gukhal
- Learning to predict rationally when beliefs are heterogeneous pp. 2075-2104

- Jan Wenzelburger
- On the relation between robust and Bayesian decision making pp. 2105-2117

- Klaus Adam
- Portfolio selection subject to growth objectives pp. 2119-2128

- Klaus Hellwig
Volume 28, issue 9, 2004
- Double auction dynamics: structural effects of non-binding price controls pp. 1707-1731

- Gode, Dhananjay (Dan) K. and Shyam Sunder
- Irreversibility, uncertainty and growth pp. 1733-1756

- Stephanie Jamet
- Subjective temporary equilibrium pp. 1757-1780

- Shurojit Chatterji
- Dynamic Cournot-competitive harvesting of a common pool resource pp. 1781-1799

- Leif Sandal and Stein Ivar Steinshamn
- Estimation of a generalized random-effects model: some ECME algorithms and Monte Carlo evidence pp. 1801-1824

- Robert Phillips
- The economic effects of immigration--a dynamic analysis pp. 1825-1845

- Michael Ben-Gad
- Dynamic bargaining with action-dependent valuations pp. 1847-1875

- Robert Lemke
- Price uncertainty and consumer welfare in an intertemporal setting pp. 1877-1901

- Shawn Ni and Neil Raymon
- Sources of growth and the spectral properties of the labor market search model pp. 1903-1923

- Julien Matheron, Tristan-Pierre Maury and Fabien Tripier
Volume 28, issue 8, 2004
- Computing currency invariant indices with an application to minimum variance currency baskets pp. 1481-1504

- Nikolai V. Hovanov, James W. Kolari and Mikhail Sokolov
- Comment on Hovanov, Kolari and Sokolov: a stable currency numeraire? pp. 1505-1510

- Arjen Siegmann
- Taxation, risk-taking and growth: a continuous-time stochastic general equilibrium analysis with labor-leisure choice pp. 1511-1539

- Turalay Kenc
- On the economics of the optimal fallow-cultivation cycle pp. 1541-1556

- Yngve Willassen
- Network structure and the diffusion of knowledge pp. 1557-1575

- Robin Cowan and Nicolas Jonard
- What determines aggregate returns to scale? pp. 1577-1594

- Jinill Kim
- Exchange rates and interest rates: can term structure models explain currency movements? pp. 1595-1624

- Ahmet Can Inci and Biao Lu
- Industrialization and substitutability: a note pp. 1625-1634

- Masao Yamada
- Solving for optimal simple rules in rational expectations models pp. 1635-1660

- Richard Dennis
- Dynamic taxes and quotas with learning pp. 1661-1680

- Christopher Costello and Larry Karp
- Altruism, intergenerational transfers of time and bequests pp. 1681-1701

- Emanuela Cardia and Philippe Michel
- Algorithms for worst-case design and applications to risk management, Berc Rustem, Melendres Howe pp. 1703-1706

- David G. Luenberger
Volume 28, issue 7, 2004
- Special issue on Mathematical Programming pp. 1227-1227

- Michael Ferris, Kenneth Judd and Berc Rustem
- Computing Nash equilibria by iterated polymatrix approximation pp. 1229-1241

- Srihari Govindan and Robert Wilson
- Characterization of Markovian equilibria in a class of differential games pp. 1243-1266

- Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero
- A two-factor, stochastic programming model of Danish mortgage-backed securities pp. 1267-1289

- Soren S. Nielsen and Rolf Poulsen
- Simulation and optimization approaches to scenario tree generation pp. 1291-1315

- Nalan Gulpinar, Berc Rustem and Reuben Settergren
- Optimal portfolios under a value-at-risk constraint pp. 1317-1334

- K. F. C. Yiu
- Finding a maximum skewness portfolio--a general solution to three-moments portfolio choice pp. 1335-1352

- Gustavo M. de Athayde and Renato Flores
- Shortfall as a risk measure: properties, optimization and applications pp. 1353-1381

- Dimitris Bertsimas, Geoffrey J. Lauprete and Alexander Samarov
- Modeling overlapping generations in a complementarity format pp. 1383-1409

- Tobias Rasmussen and Thomas Rutherford
- Computing equilibrium in OLG models with stochastic production pp. 1411-1436

- Dirk Krueger and Felix Kubler
- Investment under uncertainty: calculating the value function when the Bellman equation cannot be solved analytically pp. 1437-1460

- Thomas Dangl and Franz Wirl
- Innovations, improvements, and the optimal adoption of new technologies pp. 1461-1480

- Ulrich Doraszelski
Volume 28, issue 6, 2004
- A generalized impulse control model of cash management pp. 1013-1033

- Avner Bar-ilan, David Perry and Wolfgang Stadje
- Motion picture profit, the stable Paretian hypothesis, and the curse of the superstar pp. 1035-1057

- Arthur S. De Vany and W. Walls
- Increasing returns, capital utilization, and the effects of government spending pp. 1059-1078

- Jang-Ting Guo
- A geometric approach to multiperiod mean variance optimization of assets and liabilities pp. 1079-1113

- Markus Leippold, Fabio Trojani and Paolo Vanini
- Optimal consumption-portfolio choices and retirement planning pp. 1115-1148

- Zvi Bodie, Jerome Detemple, Susanne Otruba and Stephan Walter
- Sustainable growth, renewable resources and pollution: Thresholds and cycles pp. 1149-1157

- Franz Wirl
- Path-dependence in a Ramsey model with resource amenities and limited regeneration pp. 1159-1184

- Reyer Gerlagh and Michiel Keyzer
- A dynamic model of job networking and social influences on employment pp. 1185-1204

- Brian Krauth
- A method for taking models to the data pp. 1205-1226

- Peter Ireland
Volume 28, issue 5, 2004
- Financial decision models in a dynamical setting pp. 859-860

- Gautam Mitra and Stavros Zenios
- A multiperiod binomial model for pricing options in a vague world pp. 861-887

- Silvia Muzzioli and Costanza Torricelli
- Option pricing with transaction costs using a Markov chain approximation pp. 889-913

- Michael Monoyios
- The American put under transactions costs pp. 915-935

- Stylianos Perrakis and Jean Lefoll
- Capital growth with security pp. 937-954

- Leonard C. MacLean, Rafael Sanegre, Yonggan Zhao and William T. Ziemba
- Scenario modelling for selective hedging strategies pp. 955-974

- Andrea Beltratti, Andrea Laurant and Stavros Zenios
- Intertemporal surplus management pp. 975-990

- Markus Rudolf and William T. Ziemba
- Modeling financial reinsurance in the casualty insurance business via stochastic programming pp. 991-1012

- Petter E. de Lange, Stein-Erik Fleten and Alexei A. Gaivoronski
Volume 28, issue 4, 2004
- Indeterminacy and fiscal policies in a growing economy pp. 645-660

- Hyun Park and Apostolis Philippopoulos
- Indicator variables for optimal policy under asymmetric information pp. 661-690

- Lars Svensson and Michael Woodford
- The cyclical behavior of household and business investment in a cash-in-advance economy pp. 691-706

- Victor E. Li and Chia-Ying Chang
- The Peso problem hypothesis and stock market returns pp. 707-725

- Pietro Veronesi
- Option valuation with co-integrated asset prices pp. 727-754

- Jin-Chuan Duan and Stanley R. Pliska
- Solving dynamic general equilibrium models using a second-order approximation to the policy function pp. 755-775

- Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martín Uribe
- Computing solutions to moral-hazard programs using the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm pp. 777-800

- Edward Prescott
- How many cake-eaters? Chouette, on a du monde a diner ! pp. 801-815

- Pascal Favard and Larry Karp
- Asset returns in an endogenous growth model with incomplete markets pp. 817-839

- Tom Krebs and Bonnie Wilson
- Multiple equilibria, fiscal policy, and human capital accumulation pp. 841-856

- Jaime Alonso-Carrera and María Jesús Freire-Seren
Volume 28, issue 3, 2003
- Credit market frictions and their direct effects on U.S. manufacturing fluctuations pp. 419-443

- Wenli Li and Pierre Daniel Sarte
- Optimal management of fringe entry over time pp. 445-466

- Gila E. Fruchter and Paul R. Messinger
- Nonlinear Phillips curves, mixing feedback rules and the distribution of inflation and output pp. 467-492

- Luisa Corrado and Sean Holly
- Speculative markets and the effectiveness of price limits pp. 493-508

- Frank Westerhoff
- Harvesting a renewable resource under uncertainty pp. 509-529

- Jean-Daniel Saphores
- Simulation-based exact jump tests in models with conditional heteroskedasticity pp. 531-553

- Lynda Khalaf, Jean-Daniel Saphores and Jean-Francois Bilodeau
- International portfolio choice, liquidity constraints and the home equity bias puzzle pp. 555-594

- Alexander Michaelides
- Capital tax reform, corporate finance, and economic growth and welfare pp. 595-615

- Holger Strulik
- Long-run effects of unfunded social security with earnings-dependent benefits pp. 617-641

- Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang
Volume 28, issue 2, 2003
- Optimal consumption and investment strategies with a perishable and an indivisible durable consumption good pp. 209-253

- Anders Damgaard, Brian Fuglsbjerg and Claus Munk
- Welfare costs of inflation in a dynamic economy with search unemployment pp. 255-272

- Burkhard Heer
- Computing sunspot equilibria in linear rational expectations models pp. 273-285

- Thomas Lubik and Frank Schorfheide
- Strong time-consistency in the cartel-versus-fringe model pp. 287-306

- Fons Groot, Cees Withagen and Aart de Zeeuw
- Equipment prices, human capital and economic growth pp. 307-329

- Salvador Ortigueira
- Welfare effects of controlling labor supply: an application of the stochastic Ramsey model pp. 331-348

- Henrik Amilon and Hans-Peter Bermin
- A Gibbs sampler for structural vector autoregressions pp. 349-366

- Daniel Waggoner and Tao Zha
- Equilibrium dynamics in the one-sector endogenous growth model with physical and human capital pp. 367-375

- Manuel Gómez
- The effect of mean reversion on investment under uncertainty pp. 377-396

- Sudipto Sarkar
- Labor hoarding, superior information, and business cycle dynamics pp. 397-418

- Martin Boileau and Michel Normandin
Volume 28, issue 1, 2003
- The Phillips curve as a long-run phenomenon in a macroeconomic model with complex dynamics pp. 1-26

- Luca Colombo and Gerd Weinrich
- Estimating seemingly unrelated regression models with vector autoregressive disturbances pp. 27-44

- Paolo Foschi and Erricos Kontoghiorghes
- Optimal portfolio choice for unobservable and regime-switching mean returns pp. 45-78

- Toshiki Honda
- Transfers to sustain dynamic core-theoretic cooperation in international stock pollutant control pp. 79-99

- Marc Germain, Philippe Toint, Henry Tulkens and Aart de Zeeuw
- Adjustment costs, learning, and indeterminacy pp. 101-116

- Christophre Georges
- Adaptive expectations coordination in an economy with heterogeneous agents pp. 117-140

- Giorgio Negroni
- The simple analytics of optimal growth with illegal migrants pp. 141-151

- Bharat Hazari and Pasquale Sgro
- Military spending and stochastic growth pp. 153-170

- Liutang Gong and Heng-Fu Zou
- Expectational stability of stationary sunspot equilibria in a forward-looking linear model pp. 171-181

- George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
- A class +1 sigmoidal activation functions for FFANNs pp. 183-187

- Yogesh Singh and Pravin Chandra
- A computational approach to liquidity-constrained firms over an infinite horizon pp. 189-205

- Masanori Ono
- Erratum to "A computational approach to liquidity-constrained firms over an infinite horizon" pp. 207-207

- Masanori Ono
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