Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 13, issue 4, 1989
- Solving, estimating, and testing a nonlinear stochastic equilibrium model, with an example of the asset returns and inflation relationship pp. 499-531

- Bong-Soo Lee
- Optimal investment policy of the regulated firm pp. 533-552

- Seiichi Katayama and Fumio Abe
- Asymptotic properties of a Leontief economy pp. 553-568

- Rose-Anne Dana, Monique Florenzano, Cuong Levan and Dominique Levy
- The tree-cutting problem in a stochastic environment: The case of age-dependent growth pp. 569-595

- Harry Clarke and William J. Reed
- State space modeling of time series: A review essay pp. 597-612

- Francis Diebold
Volume 13, issue 3, 1989
- Two-stage optimal control problems with an explicit switch point dependence: Optimality criteria and an example of delivery lags and investment pp. 319-337

- Ken Tomiyama and Robert Rossana
- Optimal investment, financing, and dividends: A stackelberg differential game pp. 339-377

- Steffen Jorgensen, Peter Kort and Geert-Jan C. Th. Van Schijndel
- On learning and rational expectations in an overlapping generations model pp. 379-400

- Jean-Pascal Benassy and Michael C. Blad
- Monetary and fiscal policies under two alternative types of rules pp. 401-420

- Shin-ichi Fukuda
- Exploration information and AEC regulation of the domestic uranium industry pp. 421-448

- Charles Mason
- On some computational aspects of equilibrium business cycle theory pp. 449-470

- Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson and Rajnish Mehra
- The utility of manufacturing cooperatives pp. 471-483

- Charles S. Tapiero
- Oscillations in the Rodriguez model of entry and price dynamics pp. 485-497

- Wei-Bin Zhang
Volume 13, issue 2, 1989
- The optimal lag selection and transfer function analysis in Granger causality tests pp. 151-169

- Heejoon Kang
- Geometric combination lags as flexible infinite distributed lag estimators pp. 171-185

- Paul J. Speaker, Douglas W. Mitchell and Gregory M. Gelles
- Information, persistence, and real business cycles pp. 187-199

- Stefan Gerlach
- A value function arising in the economics of information pp. 201-223

- Nicholas Kiefer
- Application of nonlinear mapping theory to commodity price fluctuatuions pp. 225-246

- A. J. Lichtenberg and A. Ujihara
- A simple search model with procyclical quits pp. 247-253

- Steven A. Lippman and John W. Mamer
- Liquidity-constrained employment contracts pp. 255-269

- John Leach
- IR & D project data and theories of R & D investment pp. 271-282

- Frank Lichtenberg
- An algorithm for Ramsey pricing by multiproduct public firms under incomplete information pp. 283-300

- Kevin Currier
- On the extrapolation method and the USA algorithm pp. 301-311

- Dragoslav Herceg and Ljiljana Cvetkovic
- A note on the radius of convergence of the USA algorithm pp. 313-316

- Arvind Khilnani and Edison T. S. Tse
Volume 13, issue 1, 1989
- Noncooperative solutions for a differential game model of fishery pp. 1-20

- Engelbert Dockner, Gustav Feichtinger and Alexander Mehlmann
- On dynamic decoupling and dynamic path controllability in economic systems pp. 21-39

- Henk Nijmeijer
- A Newton's algorithm for solving multicountry econometric models pp. 41-54

- Patrick Henaff
- Competitive dynamic advertising: A modification of the Case game pp. 55-80

- Gerhard Sorger
- On the dynamic structure of a seasonal component pp. 81-91

- Agustin Maravall
- Dynamic consistency of insurance contracts under enforcement by exclusion pp. 93-112

- Bart Taub
- Aggregate fluctuations as an information transmission mechanism pp. 113-150

- Bart Taub
Volume 12, issue 4, 1988
- Control of economic systems under the process of data improvement pp. 609-633

- V. Z. Belenky and A. M. Belostotsky
- Efficient solution techniques for linear and non-linear rational expectations models pp. 635-657

- Paul Fisher and Andrew Hughes Hallett
- The dynamic annihilation of a rational competitive fringe by a low-cost dominant firm pp. 659-678

- Peter Berck and Jeffrey Perloff
- Job search with general stochastic offer arrival rates pp. 679-684

- Dror Zuckerman
Volume 12, issue 2-3, 1988
- Nonstationarity, cointegration, and error correction in economic modeling: Editor's introduction and overview pp. 199-201

- Masanao Aoki
- Testing for cointegration using principal components methods pp. 205-230

- Peter Phillips and Sam Ouliaris
- Statistical analysis of cointegration vectors pp. 231-254

- Soren Johansen
- Multivariate estimates of the permanent components of GNP and stock prices pp. 255-296

- John Cochrane and Argia Sbordone
- Trends and random walks in macroeconomic time series: Further evidence from a new approach pp. 297-332

- Pierre Perron
- Cointegration and stock prices: The random walk on wall street revisited pp. 333-346

- Marlene Cerchi and Arthur Havenner
- Common nonstationary components of asset prices pp. 347-364

- Peter Bossaerts
- Continuous time autoregressive models with common stochastic trends pp. 365-384

- Andrew Harvey and James H. Stock
- Rational-expectations econometric analysis of changes in regime: An investigation of the term structure of interest rates pp. 385-423

- James Hamilton
- Common trends, the government's budget constraint, and revenue smoothing pp. 425-444

- Bharat Trehan and Carl Walsh
- Nearly redundant parameters and measures of persistence in economic time series pp. 447-461

- Peter Clark
- Bayesian skepticism on unit root econometrics pp. 463-474

- Christopher Sims
- Spurious trend and cycle in the state space decomposition of a time series with a unit root pp. 475-488

- Charles Nelson
- The convergence of multivariate unit root distributions to their asymptotic limits: The case of money-income causality pp. 489-502

- Lars Ljungqvist, Myungsoo Park, James H. Stock and Mark Watson
- Interpreting cointegrated models pp. 505-522

- John Campbell and Robert Shiller
- Error correction models, cointegration and the internal model principle pp. 523-549

- Mark Salmon
- Causality, cointegration, and control pp. 551-559

- Clive Granger
- On the dynamic shape of aggregated error correction models pp. 561-585

- Marco Lippi
- A note on minimum mean squared error estimation of signals with unit roots pp. 589-593

- Agustin Maravall
- On alternative state space representations of time series models pp. 595-607

- Masanao Aoki
Volume 12, issue 1, 1988
- Foreword pp. 3-3

- Christopher Baum
- Sector-specific capital and real exchange rate dynamics pp. 7-12

- Robert Murphy
- The gains from optimal control in a small econometric model of the UK pp. 13-18

- Paul Levine and Peter Smith
- International policy coordination and the reduction of the US trade deficit pp. 19-25

- Jaime Marquez
- The behavior of inflation and interest rates: Evidence from Italian national history pp. 27-35

- Tullio Jappelli and Andrea Ripa Di Meana
- The aggregation problem in business cycle theory pp. 37-40

- Claude Hillinger and Thilo Weser
- The flexible least squares approach to time-varying linear regression pp. 43-48

- Robert Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion
- An instrumental variables interpretation of linear systems theory estimation pp. 49-54

- Arthur Havenner and Masanao Aoki
- Estimation of time-varying weights on alternative expectations models: An application of non-linear time-varying parameter estimation pp. 55-61

- Jeffrey Fuhrer
- Testing for bubbles, reflecting barriers and other anomalies pp. 63-70

- Francis Diebold
- Cyclical and secular trade elasticities: An application to LDC exports pp. 71-76

- Jaime Marquez
- Asymmetrical effects of monetary policy between the US and Europe pp. 79-84

- Elias Karakitsos
- Trade-off reversals in macroeconomic policy pp. 85-91

- Andrew Hughes Hallett and Maria Luisa Petit
- International economic policy coordination: Policy analysis in a staggered wage-setting model pp. 93-100

- Gary Fissel
- A constrained min-max algorithm for rival models pp. 101-107

- Berc Rustem
- Interactive preference elicitation in macroeconomic decision models pp. 109-116

- Lorenzo Panattoni
- Uncertainty, habit persistence, and cyclical price behavior pp. 119-125

- Franklin R. Shupp
- Dynamic adjustment of firms' capital structures in a varying-risk environment pp. 127-133

- Christopher Baum and Joanne Doyle
- Risky business: The allocation of capital pp. 135-135

- Roger Craine
- Stochastic learning by experience and returns to scale pp. 137-143

- Spiro Stefanou
- Specification and estimation of asymmetric adjustment rates for quasi-fixed factors of production pp. 145-151

- Ching-Cheng Chang and Spiro Stefanou
- A consistent, closed-loop solution for infinite-horizon, linear-quadratic, dynamic Stackelberg games pp. 155-159

- Peter Zadrozny
- An illustration of the application of control methods in choosing optimal us agricultural policy pp. 161-166

- Paul A. Coomes
- Asynchronous algorithms in non-cooperative games pp. 167-172

- Tamer Basar
- The reliability of control experiments: Comparison of the sources of error pp. 173-179

- Jean-Louis Brillet and Jean-Paul Laurent
- Temporal risk aversion in a phased deregulation game pp. 181-187

- Shih-Hsun Hsu and Spiro Stefanou
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