Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 6, 1994
- A recursive forward simulation method for solving nonlinear rational expectations models pp. 1051-1068

- Selahattin Imrohoroglu
- Parametric continuity in dynamic programming problems pp. 1069-1092

- Prajit K. Dutta, Mukul K. Majumdar and Rangarajan K. Sundaram
- Present value models with feedback: Solutions, stability, bubbles, and some empirical evidence pp. 1093-1119

- Allan Timmermann
- The cyclical behavior of job and worker flows pp. 1121-1142

- Dale Mortensen
- Changes in seasonal patterns: Are they cyclical? pp. 1143-1171

- Fabio Canova and Eric Ghysels
- Public investment in infrastructure in a simple growth model pp. 1173-1187

- Gerhard Glomm and B Ravikumar
- On the effects of the distribution of initial endowments in a nonrenewable resource duopoly pp. 1189-1198

- Gérard Gaudet and Ngo Long
- On income fluctuations and capital gains with a convex production function A note pp. 1199-1202

- Santanu Roy
Volume 18, issue 5, 1994
- Consumption and investment under constraints pp. 909-929

- Indrajit Bardhan
- Threshold heteroskedastic models pp. 931-955

- Jean-Michel Zakoian
- Turnpike theory: Some new results on the saddle point property of equilibria and on the existence of endogenous cycles pp. 957-974

- Pierre Cartigny and Alain Venditti
- Nonconcavity and proper optimal periodic control pp. 975-990

- Mu Han, Gustav Feichtinger and Richard F. Hartl
- Consumption/pollution tradeoffs in an environment vulnerable to pollution-related catastrophic collapse pp. 991-1010

- Harry Clarke and William J. Reed
- General equilibrium in an economy with exhaustible resources and an unbounded horizon pp. 1011-1035

- Jan H. van Geldrop and Cees Withagen
- Macro systems: The dynamics of economic policy: Elias Karakitsos, (Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK, 1992) HB [UK pound]50 / SB [UK pound]17.95, 335 pp pp. 1037-1039

- K. Cuthbertson and D. Nitzsche
- Fractals, chaos, power laws: Minutes from an infinite paradise: Manfred Schroeder, (W.H. Freeman, New York, NY, 1991) $32.95, 429 pp pp. 1041-1043

- Ralph H. Abraham
- Models of my life: Herbert A. Simon, (Basic Books, New York, NY, 1991) $26.95, 415 pp pp. 1045-1049

- Helge Brink
Volume 18, issue 3-4, 1994
- A dynamic migration model with uncertainty pp. 511-538

- Mahmoud El-Gamal
- Bankruptcy and expected utility maximization pp. 539-560

- Prajit K. Dutta
- Investment, uncertainty, and price stabilization schemes pp. 561-579

- William T. Smith
- Incentives, insurance, and the variability of consumption and leisure pp. 581-599

- Christopher Phelan
- Testing the term structure of interest rates using a stationary vector autoregression with regime switching pp. 601-628

- Martin Sola and Edward Driffill
- Liquidity and market participation pp. 629-670

- Stephen Williamson
- The term structure of interest rates over the business cycle pp. 671-697

- Pamela Labadie
- Fiscal policy coordination and EMU: A dynamic game approach pp. 699-729

- Paul Levine and Andrew Brociner
- Monetary and fiscal policy in a second-order continuous time macroeconometric model of the United Kingdom pp. 731-761

- Albert Bergstrom, K. B. Nowman and S. Wandasiewicz
- Loss of monetary discretion in a simple dynamic policy game pp. 763-779

- Henrik Jensen
- Dynamic path controllability in economic models: From linearity to nonlinearity pp. 781-805

- W. C. A. Maas and H. Nijmeijer
- A note on a new class of solutions to dynamic programming problems arising in economic growth pp. 807-813

- Jess Benhabib and Aldo Rustichini
- Economic growth, financial evolution, and the long-run behavior of velocity pp. 815-848

- Peter Ireland
- Heterogeneous agents in quantitative aggregate economic theory pp. 849-864

- Finn Kydland
- New macroeconomic modeling approaches: Hierarchical dynamics and mean-field approximation pp. 865-877

- Masanao Aoki
- Smooth dynamics and computation in models of economic growth pp. 879-895

- Manuel S. Santos
- Estimation and inference in the linear-quadratic inventory model pp. 897-908

- Kenneth West and David Wilcox
Volume 18, issue 2, 1994
- On the existence of universally convergent mechanisms pp. 299-316

- Venkatesh Bala and Nicholas Kiefer
- Turnpikes and computation of piecewise open-loop equilibria in stochastic differential games pp. 317-344

- Alain Haurie and Michel Roche
- Another method for solving the problem of stochastic process switching pp. 345-352

- Mohamed El Babsiri
- Limit cycles in intertemporal adjustment models: Theory and applications pp. 353-380

- Gustav Feichtinger, Andreas Novak and Franz Wirl
- Convergence of equilibria in an intertemporal general equilibrium model: A dynamical system approach pp. 381-396

- Ismail Hadji and Cuong Le van
- Big shocks versus small shocks in a dynamic stochastic economy with many interacting agents pp. 397-410

- Morgan Kelly
- Employment and hours over the business cycle pp. 411-432

- Jang-Ok Cho and Thomas Cooley
- Aggregate fluctuations, interest rates, and repeated insurance under private information pp. 433-465

- Bart Taub
- Durbin-Hausman tests for cointegration pp. 467-480

- In Choi
- An economic analysis of the age-crime profile pp. 481-497

- Siu Leung
- Modelling changing lag patterns in Dutch construction pp. 499-509

- A.H.Q.M. Merkies and Ivo J. Steyn
Volume 18, issue 1, 1994
- Genetic algorithm learning and the cobweb model pp. 3-28

- Jasmina Arifovic
- Auctions as algorithms: Computerized trade execution and price discovery pp. 29-60

- Ian Domowitz and Jianxin Wang
- Characterizing effective trading strategies: Insights from a computerized double auction tournament pp. 61-96

- John Rust, John H. Miller and Richard Palmer
- A general framework for supervised learning: Probably almost Bayesian algorithms pp. 97-118

- L. Bochereau, P. Bourgine and G. Deffuant
- Active learning Monte Carlo results pp. 119-124

- Hans Amman and David Kendrick
- Robust optimal decisions with stochastic nonlinear economic systems pp. 125-147

- R. Becker, Stephen Hall and B. Rustem
- A note on computing competitive equilibria in linear models pp. 149-160

- Ellen McGrattan
- Variational inequalities in the analysis and computation of multi-sector, multi-instrument financial equilibria pp. 161-184

- Anna Nagurney
- Modifications to the subroutine OPALQP for dealing with large problems pp. 185-203

- M. C. Bartholomew-Biggs and M. deF. G. Hernandez
- Bounded rationality: A Simon-like explication pp. 205-230

- Gregory Lilly
- Risk, uncertainty, and complexity pp. 231-249

- Alfred L. Norman and David W. Shimer
- Causal reasoning and explanation in dynamic economic systems pp. 251-271

- Ron Berndsen and Hennie Daniels
- A linear and discrete programming framework for representing qualitative knowledge pp. 273-297

- Eleni Hadjiconstantinou and Gautam Mitra
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