Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok
From Elsevier
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Volume 17, issue 5-6, 1993
- On the preservation of deterministic cycles when some agents perceive them to be random fluctuations pp. 705-721

- George Evans, Seppo Honkapohja and Thomas Sargent
- A dynamic equilibrium model of search, production, and exchange pp. 723-758

- Michele Boldrin, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and Randall Wright
- Devil's staircase and chaos from macroeconomic mode interaction pp. 759-769

- Erik Reimer Larsen, John D. W. Morecroft, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen and Erik Mosekilde
- Nonparametric search pp. 771-784

- Chien-fu Chou and Gabriel Talmain
- Investment, confidence, and linear-exponential-Gaussian control pp. 785-803

- Jeffrey Dorfman
- Periodic learning about a hidden state variable pp. 805-827

- Ronald Balvers and Thomas Cosimano
- Rational bubbles: A test pp. 829-846

- Roger Craine
- Theoretical tests of the rational expectations hypothesis in economic dynamical models pp. 847-864

- Roger Guesnerie
- Recursiveness and preference orderings pp. 865-876

- Gregory Lilly
- The dynamic efficiency of capitalism pp. 877-886

- Atle Seierstad
- A preference foundation for log mean-variance criteria in portfolio choice problems pp. 887-906

- David G. Luenberger
- Multiple capital inputs, Q, and investment spending pp. 907-928

- Bob Chirinko
- Markov-perfect equilibria in intergenerational games with consistent preferences pp. 929-951

- Peter Streufert
- The risk-free rate in heterogeneous-agent incomplete-insurance economies pp. 953-969

- Mark Huggett
- On R&D timing under uncertainty: The case of exhaustible resource substitution pp. 971-991

- N. M. Hung and N. V. Quyen
Volume 17, issue 4, 1993
- Learning about monetary regime shifts in an overlapping wage contract model pp. 531-553

- Jeffrey Fuhrer and Mark A. Hooker
- Market risk and asset prices pp. 555-569

- Richard Smith
- Monetary policy and interest rates: An adaptive estimator approach pp. 571-588

- Marilena Furno
- International transmission of monetary and fiscal policy: A symmetric N-country analysis with union pp. 589-620

- Shin-ichi Fukuda
- Optimal control without solving the Bellman equation pp. 621-630

- Gregory C. Chow
- Admissible target paths in economic models pp. 631-658

- Jacob Engwerda
- A cooperative incentive equilibrium for a resource management problem pp. 659-678

- Harri Ehtamo and Raimo P. Hamalainen
- Entry deterrence and overexploitation of the fishery pp. 679-704

- Philippe Crabbé and Ngo Long
Volume 17, issue 3, 1993
- Competition, collusion, and chaos pp. 327-353

- Donald Keenan and Mike J. O'Brien
- Bayesian economists... Bayesian agents: An alternative approach to optimal learning pp. 355-383

- Mahmoud El-Gamal and Rangarajan K. Sundaram
- Analysis of US real GNP and unemployment interactions: State space approach pp. 385-399

- Masanao Aoki and Riccardo Fiorito
- A solution to the positivity problem in the state-space approach to modeling vector-valued time series pp. 401-421

- Richard J. Vaccaro and Tomislav Vukina
- The sustainability of current account deficits: A test of the US intertemporal budget constraint pp. 423-441

- Michael Wickens and Merih Uctum
- Optimal income tax in a monetary economy pp. 443-465

- Preston J. Miller
- Borrowing constraints and two-sided altruism with an application to social security pp. 467-494

- David Altig and Steven Davis
- Interruptible electric power service contracts pp. 495-517

- Chin-Woo Tan and Pravin Varaiya
- Searching for certainty: Book review pp. 519-522

- Richard H. Day
- Neural networks and fuzzy systems: Book review pp. 523-529

- Stefano Zambelli
Volume 17, issue 1-2, 1993
- Risk, the financial market, and macroeconomic equilibrium pp. 1-36

- Earl L. Grinols and Stephen J Turnovsky
- On testing the intertemporal substitution theory of labor supply pp. 37-50

- Richard Rogerson and Peter Rupert
- Relaxing the cash-in-advance constraint at a fixed cost Are simple trigger-target portfolio rules optimal? pp. 51-64

- P. Dean Corbae
- Long-run equilibria with borrowing constraints and altruism pp. 65-96

- John Laitner
- Some consequences of credit rationing in an endogenous growth model pp. 97-122

- Valerie Bencivenga and Bruce Smith
- Perfect equilibrium timing of a backstop technology Limit pricing induced by trigger zones pp. 123-151

- Trond Olsen
- Optimal dynamic investment policies under concave-convex adjustment costs pp. 153-180

- Steffen Jorgensen and Peter Kort
- The role of the target saving motive in guest worker migration A theoretical study pp. 181-205

- Siegfried Berninghaus and Hans Gunther Seifert-Vogt
- Low frequency filtering and real business cycles pp. 207-231

- Robert King and Sergio Rebelo
- Modelling and forecasting exchange rates with a Bayesian time-varying coefficient model pp. 233-261

- Fabio Canova
- Estimation of simultaneous equation models with stochastic trend components pp. 263-287

- Mariane Streibel and Andrew Harvey
- Testing for sunspot equilibria in the German hyperinflation pp. 289-317

- Selahattin Imrohoroglu
Volume 16, issue 3-4, 1992
- Theory of constant proportion portfolio insurance pp. 403-426

- Fischer Black and AndreF. Perold
- Labor supply flexibility and portfolio choice in a life cycle model pp. 427-449

- Zvi Bodie, Robert Merton and William F. Samuelson
- Periodic market closure and trading volume: A model of intraday bids and asks pp. 451-489

- William Brock and Allan W. Kleidon
- A continuous-time portfolio turnpike theorem pp. 491-507

- John C. Cox and Chi-fu Huang
- The equity premium and the allocation of income risk pp. 509-532

- Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson and Rajnish Mehra
- Banking in computable general equilibrium economies pp. 533-559

- Javier Díaz-Giménez, Edward Prescott, Terry Fitzgerald and Fernando Alvarez
- Pricing continuously resettled contingent claims pp. 561-573

- Darrell Duffie and Richard Stanton
- Investments in flexible production capacity pp. 575-599

- Hua He and Robert Pindyck
- The effects of incomplete insurance markets and trading costs in a consumption-based asset pricing model pp. 601-620

- John Heaton and Deborah Lucas
- Exit, selection, and the value of firms pp. 621-653

- Hugo Hopenhayn
- Market efficiency and inefficiency in rational expectations equilibria: Dynamic effects of heterogeneous information and noise pp. 655-680

- John P. Hussman
- Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with intertemporally dependent utility of consumption pp. 681-712

- Jonathan Ingersoll
- Term premia in a simple term structure model pp. 713-745

- Richard E. Kihlstrom
- Explicit solution of a general consumption/portfolio problem with subsistence consumption and bankruptcy pp. 747-768

- Suresh Sethi, Michael I. Taksar and Ernst Presman
- Equilibrium asset prices with undiversifiable labor income risk pp. 769-790

- Philippe Weil
Volume 16, issue 2, 1992
- Sunspot-like effects of random endowments pp. 193-206

- Rodolfo Manuelli and James Peck
- Irreversibility and the behavior of aggregate stochastic growth models pp. 207-223

- James Dow and Lars Olson
- On dynamics with time-to-build investment technology and non-time-separable leisure pp. 225-241

- Yannis Ioannides and Bart Taub
- Endogenous cycles with long-lived agents pp. 243-266

- Pietro Reichlin
- Strategic dynamic interaction: Fish wars pp. 267-287

- Ronald Fischer and Leonard Mirman
- Import price adjustments with staggered import contracts pp. 289-315

- Tryphon Kollintzas and Ruilin Zhou
- Nominal price stickiness as a rational expectations equilibrium pp. 317-337

- Roger Farmer
- Reputational and nonreputational policies under partial information pp. 339-357

- Joseph Pearlman
- International monetary and fiscal policy cooperation in the presence of wage inflexibilities: Are both counterproductive? pp. 359-387

- Jeffrey Sheen
- Chaotic economic dynamics by Richard M. Goodwin: A book review pp. 389-390

- Richard H. Day
- Seven schools of macroeconomic thought by E.S. Phelps: A book review pp. 391-398

- Michael Woodford
Volume 16, issue 1, 1992
- Equilibrium interest-rate determination under adjustment costs pp. 1-25

- Alfonso Novales
- Efficiency in economic growth models under uncertainty pp. 27-38

- Itzhak Zilcha
- On optimal timing of investment when cost components are additive and follow geometric diffusions pp. 39-51

- Trond Olsen and Gunnar Stensland
- Impulse response analysis of cointegrated systems pp. 53-78

- Helmut Lütkepohl and Hans-Eggert Reimers
- The welfare cost of inflation under imperfect insurance pp. 79-91

- Ayse Imrohoroglu
- Optimal simulation with econometric models pp. 93-108

- Mirella Damiani and Lorenzo Panattoni
- Nonstationary model solution techniques and the USA algorithm: Some practical experience pp. 109-116

- Paul Fisher and Andrew Hughes Hallett
- The endogenous stability of economic systems: The case of many agents pp. 117-138

- Larry Karp
- Note on 'Nash and Stackelberg solutions in a differential game model of capitalism' pp. 139-145

- Aart de Zeeuw
- Monetary policy games, inflationary bias, and openness pp. 147-164

- Gikas Hardouvelis
- Changes in regime and the term structure: A note pp. 165-173

- Edward Driffill
- The state of economic dynamics: A review essay pp. 175-190

- Bruce Mizrach