Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 10, 1997
- The pricing of credit risk derivatives pp. 1579-1611

- Yiannos A. Pierides
- Active learning: A correction pp. 1613-1614

- Hans Amman and David Kendrick
- The value of information: The case of signal-dependent opportunity sets pp. 1615-1625

- Eyal Sulganik and Itzhak Zilcha
- A portfolio approach to endogenous growth: equilibrium and optimal policy pp. 1627-1644

- Giancarlo Corsetti
- Using stochastic growth models to understand unit roots and breaking trends pp. 1645-1667

- Sau-Him Paul Lau
- Optimal policy in a model of endogenous fluctuations and assets pp. 1669-1697

- B. Taub
- On the dynamic selection of mechanisms for provision of public projects pp. 1699-1725

- Roger Lagunoff
- Industry evolution and R&D externalities pp. 1727-1746

- Stefan Folster and Georgi Trofimov
- Labor market search and capital accumulation: Some analytical results pp. 1747-1776

- Shouyong Shi and Quan Wen
- Hierarchical Decision Making in Stochastic Manufacturing Systems: S.P. Sethi and Qing Zhang, (Birkhauser, Boston, Cambridge, MA) ISBN 0-8176-3735-4 pp. 1777-1780

- El-Kebir Boukas
Volume 21, issue 8-9, 1997
- Introduction pp. 1263-1265

- Stavros A. Zenios
- Monte Carlo methods for security pricing pp. 1267-1321

- Phelim Boyle, Mark Broadie and Paul Glasserman
- Pricing American-style securities using simulation pp. 1323-1352

- Mark Broadie and Paul Glasserman
- Optimal delta-hedging under transactions costs pp. 1353-1376

- Les Clewlow and Stewart Hodges
- Strategic asset allocation pp. 1377-1403

- Michael Brennan, Eduardo S. Schwartz and Ronald Lagnado
- Solving long-term financial planning problems via global optimization pp. 1405-1425

- C. D. Maranas, I. P. Androulakis, C. A. Floudas, A. J. Berger and J. M. Mulvey
- An integrated stock-bond portfolio optimization model pp. 1427-1444

- Hiroshi Konno and Katsunari Kobayashi
- A model for designing callable bonds and its solution using tabu search pp. 1445-1470

- Andrea Consiglio and Stavros Zenios
- Order flow and the bid-ask spread: An empirical probability model of screen-based trading pp. 1471-1491

- Tim Bollerslev, Ian Domowitz and Jianxin Wang
- Maximum likelihood estimation of the nonlinear rational expectations asset pricing model pp. 1493-1510

- Mario Miranda and Xiongwen Rui
- Precautionary portfolio behavior from a life-cycle perspective pp. 1511-1542

- Carol C. Bertaut and Michael Haliassos
- A learning-to-forecast experiment on the foreign exchange market with a classifier system pp. 1543-1575

- Luca Beltrametti, Riccardo Fiorentini, Luigi Marengo and Roberto Tamborini
Volume 21, issue 7, 1997
- Explaining the facts with adaptive agents: The case of mutual fund flows pp. 1117-1147

- Martin Lettau
- E-equilibria and adaptive expectations: Output and inflation in the LBS model pp. 1149-1171

- Anthony Garratt and Stephen Hall
- A reconsideration of the (in)sensitivity of tests of the intertemporal allocation of consumption to near rational alternatives pp. 1173-1180

- Edward Glaeser and Anna Paulson
- Aggregate investment in a business cycle model with adjustment costs pp. 1181-1198

- Javier Valles
- On aggregation of information in competitive markets: The dynamic case pp. 1199-1227

- Narayan Y. Naik
- Multi-period information markets pp. 1229-1258

- Narayan Y. Naik
- Growth and economic development: Siro Lombardini, (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Glos., UK; Brookfield, Vermont, USA) ISBN 1 85898 394 0; [UK pound]49.95 pp. 1259-1262

- K. Vela Velupillai
Volume 21, issue 6, 1997
- The JEDC and computational economics pp. 905-906

- Hans Amman
- Computational economics and economic theory: Substitutes or complements? pp. 907-942

- Kenneth Judd
- On the computability of Nash equilibria pp. 943-953

- Kislaya Prasad
- Expository notes on computability and complexity in (arithmetical) games pp. 955-979

- (Vela) Velupillai, K.
- Do CAPM results hold in a dynamic economy? A numerical analysis pp. 981-1003

- Levent Akdeniz and W. Davis Dechert
- Technical progress and aggregate fluctuations pp. 1005-1023

- Gary Hansen
- Asymptotic methods for aggregate growth models pp. 1025-1042

- Kenneth Judd and Sy-Ming Guu
- Toward a computable approach to the efficient market hypothesis: An application of genetic programming pp. 1043-1063

- Shu-Heng Chen and Chia-Hsuan Yeh
- A robust hedging algorithm pp. 1065-1092

- M. A. Howe and B. Rustem
- Sparse direct methods for model simulation pp. 1093-1111

- Manfred Gilli and Giorgio Pauletto
- Dynamic noncooperative game theory: Tamer Basar and Geert Jan Olsder, 2nd ed. (Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1995) ISBN 0-12-080221-X pp. 1113-1116

- Harri Ehtamo
Volume 21, issue 4-5, 1997
- A floor and ceiling model of US output pp. 661-695

- Mohammad Pesaran and Simon Potter
- A stochastic equilibrium model of internet pricing pp. 697-722

- Alok Gupta, Dale Stahl and Andrew B. Whinston
- Chow's method of optimal control pp. 723-737

- Michael Reiter
- Chow's method of optimal control: A numerical solution pp. 739-752

- Yum K. Kwan and Gregory C. Chow
- Hedging in incomplete markets with HARA utility pp. 753-782

- Darrell Duffie, Wendell Fleming, H. Mete Soner and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- Equilibrium analysis of the infinite horizon model with smooth discounted utility functions pp. 783-829

- Yves Balasko
- An exact solution for the investment and value of a firm facing uncertainty, adjustment costs, and irreversibility pp. 831-852

- Andrew Abel and Janice Eberly
- A market structure for an environment with heterogeneous job-matches, indivisible labor and persistent unemployment pp. 853-872

- Monika Merz
- Central bank independence and public debt policy pp. 873-894

- Roel Beetsma and Lans Bovenberg
- Economic growth: Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin, (McGraw-Hill, 1995), 539 pp pp. 895-898

- Been-Lon Chen
- Control and game-theoretic models of the environment: C. Carraro and J.A. Filar (eds.) Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Vol. 2 (Birkhauser, Boston, USA, 1995) pp. 899-903

- Anantha K. Duraiappah
Volume 21, issue 2-3, 1997
- A comparison of numerical and analytic approximate solutions to an intertemporal consumption choice problem pp. 273-295

- John Campbell and Hyeng Keun Koo
- Numerical analysis of a free-boundary singular control problem in financial economics pp. 297-327

- Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang and Steven H. Zhu
- Optimal funding rules pp. 329-345

- B. Pesaran and G. N. Robinson
- Differential-difference equations in economics: On the numerical solution of vintage capital growth models pp. 347-362

- Raouf Boucekkine, Omar Licandro and Christopher Paul
- Numerical solutions of the algebraic matrix Riccati equation pp. 363-369

- Hans Amman and Heinz Neudecker
- Martingale analysis of dynamic tax incidence in a nonstationary growth model pp. 371-389

- Sumit Joshi
- Understanding the welfare implications of currency substitution pp. 391-416

- Federico Sturzenegger
- Is there a tragedy of a common central bank? A dynamic analysis pp. 417-447

- Bas van Aarle, Lans Bovenberg and Matthias G. Raith
- Sectoral shocks and movement costs: Effects on employment and welfare pp. 449-471

- Kwanho Shin
- Pareto optima, welfare weights, and smooth equilibrium analysis pp. 473-503

- Yves Balasko
- Recursive utility, martingales, and the asymptotic behaviour of optimal processes pp. 505-523

- Sumit Joshi
- Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habit formation pp. 525-550

- Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang and Steven H. Zhu
- On optimal sharing rules in discrete-and continuous-time principal-agent problems with exponential utility pp. 551-574

- Heinz Schattler and Jaeyoung Sung
- Optimal management of an R&D budget pp. 575-602

- Prajit K. Dutta
- Optimal investment and finance in renewable resource harvesting pp. 603-630

- Steffen Jorgensen and Peter Kort
- The arms trade and the stability of regional arms races pp. 631-654

- Paul Levine and Ronald Smith
- Innovation, economics, and revolution: Peter Hall, (Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1994) ISBN 0-7450-1251-5, [UK pound] 26.95 pp. 655-656

- Charles Hickson
- Economics under adversity: Jack Hirshleifer, (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1987) ISBN 0-226-34282-4, $42.00 pp. 656-660

- Charles Hickson
Volume 21, issue 1, 1997
- Endogenous growth theory: An introduction pp. 1-22

- Larry Jones and Rodolfo Manuelli
- The empirics of growth and convergence: A selective review pp. 23-73

- Angel de La Fuente
- The sources of growth pp. 75-114

- Larry Jones and Rodolfo Manuelli
- Equilibrium dynamics in two-sector models of endogenous growth pp. 115-143

- Antonio Ladron-de-Guevara, Salvador Ortigueira and Manuel S. Santos
- Financial markets in development, and the development of financial markets pp. 145-181

- Jeremy Greenwood and Bruce Smith
- Productive government expenditures and long-run growth pp. 183-204

- Gerhard Glomm and B Ravikumar
- The problem of population and growth: A review of the literature from Malthus to contemporary models of endogenous population and endogenous growth pp. 205-242

- Isaac Ehrlich and Francis Lui
- Politico-economic equilibrium and economic growth pp. 243-272

- Per Krusell, Vincenzo Quadrini and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
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