Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 12, 2001
- Analytic derivatives of the matrix exponential for estimation of linear continuous-time models1 pp. 1867-1879

- Baoline Chen and Peter Zadrozny
- Convergence to symmetry in dynamic strategic models of R&D: The undiscounted case pp. 1881-1897

- Sumit Joshi and Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Ruling out pareto dominated monetary equilibria pp. 1899-1910

- Bill Dupor
- Sustainable growth, renewable resources and pollution pp. 1911-1918

- Alain Ayong Le Kama
- Social norms, fertility and economic development pp. 1919-1934

- Theodore Palivos
- Necessary conditions for infinite-horizon discounted two-stage optimal control problems pp. 1935-1950

- Miltiadis Makris
- The optimal consumption function in a Brownian model of accumulation Part A: The consumption function as solution of a boundary value problem pp. 1951-1971

- Lucien Foldes
- Time consistent side payments in a dynamic game of downstream pollution pp. 1973-1987

- Steffen Jorgensen and Georges Zaccour
- Optimal restructuring under a political constraint pp. 1989-2006

- Vivek Dehejia
- Long-run growth and welfare effects of public policies with distortionary taxation pp. 2007-2042

- Scott Baier and Gerhard Glomm
Volume 25, issue 11, 2001
- American option pricing under GARCH by a Markov chain approximation pp. 1689-1718

- Jin-Chuan Duan and Jean-Guy Simonato
- Genetically evolved models and normality of their fitted residuals pp. 1719-1749

- M. A. Kaboudan
- Equilibrium with new investment opportunities pp. 1751-1773

- Tan Wang
- Translators: Market makers in merging markets pp. 1775-1800

- Robert Tamura
- Stable equilibrium in beliefs in extensive games with perfect information pp. 1801-1825

- Xiao Luo and Chenghu Ma
- A dynamic portfolio choice model of tax evasion: Comparative statics of tax rates and its implication for economic growth pp. 1827-1840

- Wen-Zhung Lin and C. C. Yang
- On optimal portfolio choice under stochastic interest rates pp. 1841-1865

- Abraham Lioui and Patrice Poncet
Volume 25, issue 10, 2001
- Gram-Charlier densities pp. 1457-1483

- Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger
- Estimating and testing rational expectations models when the trend specification is uncertain pp. 1485-1525

- Timothy Cogley
- A systematic framework for analyzing the dynamic effects of permanent and transitory shocks pp. 1527-1546

- Jesus Gonzalo and Serena Ng
- Explaining international comovements of output and asset returns: The role of money and nominal rigidities pp. 1547-1583

- Robert Kollmann
- Stationary multi-choice bandit problems pp. 1585-1594

- Dirk Bergemann and Juuso Välimäki
- Optimal forest rotation and land values under a borrowing constraint pp. 1595-1627

- Olli Tahvonen, Seppo Salo and Jari Kuuluvainen
- Optimal investment with minimum performance constraints pp. 1629-1645

- Lucie Tepla
- Stability of equilibria in the overlapping generations model with endogenous labor supply pp. 1647-1663

- Carine Nourry
- Environmental policy instruments in an international duopoly with feedback investment strategies pp. 1665-1687

- Talitha Feenstra, Peter Kort and Aart de Zeeuw
Volume 25, issue 9, 2001
- Approximating and simulating the stochastic growth model: Parameterized expectations, neural networks, and the genetic algorithm pp. 1273-1303

- John Duffy and Paul McNelis
- Dynamic learning in a two-person experimental game pp. 1305-1344

- Charles Mason and Owen R. Phillips
- Rent-seeking bureaucracies and oversight in a simple growth model pp. 1345-1365

- Pierre Daniel Sarte
- Heterogeneity in capital and skills in a neoclassical stochastic growth model pp. 1367-1397

- Lilia Maliar and Serguei Maliar
- Interpolating exogenous variables in continuous time dynamic models pp. 1399-1427

- J. Roderick McCrorie
- Temporary stabilization: A stochastic analysis pp. 1429-1449

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- Recursive macroeconomic theory, Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent; The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000, pp. 737, $60 pp. 1451-1456

- Wouter J. Den Haan
Volume 25, issue 8, 2001
- The Hodrick-Prescott filter, the Slutzky effect, and the distortionary effect of filters pp. 1081-1101

- Torben Mark Pedersen
- Alternative definitions of the business cycle and their implications for business cycle models: A reply to Torben Mark Pederson pp. 1103-1107

- Timothy Cogley
- The net present value method versus the option value of waiting: A note on Farzin, Huisman and Kort (1998) pp. 1109-1115

- Ulrich Doraszelski
- Competitive versus efficient extraction of a common property resource: The groundwater case pp. 1117-1137

- Santiago Rubio and Begona Casino
- On learning to forecast in an endogenous growth model with externalities pp. 1139-1156

- Jaime Alonso-Carrera
- Exchange rate based stabilizations under real frictions: The role of endogenous labor supply pp. 1157-1177

- Amartya Lahiri
- Temporal aggregation in a multi-sector economy with endogenous growth pp. 1179-1191

- Jean Mercenier and Philippe Michel
- Trigger-target rules and the dynamics of aggregate money holdings pp. 1193-1219

- Clinton A. Greene
- Understanding self-fulfilling rational expectations equilibria in real business cycle models pp. 1221-1240

- Yi Wen
- Time to enter and business cycles pp. 1241-1261

- David Cook
- Numerical Methods in Economics, K.L. Judd; MIT, Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998: ISBN: 0262100711. US $59.95 pp. 1263-1271

- Mark A. Satterthwaite
Volume 25, issue 6-7, 2001
- Computing, economic dynamics, and finance pp. 829-830

- Peter Ireland
- Computer automation of general-to-specific model selection procedures pp. 831-866

- Hans-Martin Krolzig and David Hendry
- Can world real interest rates explain business cycles in a small open economy? pp. 867-889

- William Blankenau, Ayhan Kose and Kei-Mu Yi
- Optimal horizons for inflation targeting pp. 891-910

- Nicoletta Batini and Edward Nelson
- Robust monetary policy with misspecified models: Does model uncertainty always call for attenuated policy? pp. 911-949

- Robert Tetlow and Peter von zur Muehlen
- Parametric pension reform with higher retirement ages: A computational investigation of alternatives for a pay-as-you-go-based pension system pp. 951-966

- Serdar Sayan and Arzdar Kiraci
- Non-steady-state equilibrium solution of a class of dynamic models pp. 967-978

- Jenny X. Li
- Accuracy of stochastic perturbation methods: The case of asset pricing models pp. 979-999

- Fabrice Collard and Michel Juillard
- Discrete-time continuous-state interest rate models pp. 1001-1017

- Michael A. Sullivan
- Genetic algorithm learning and evolutionary games pp. 1019-1037

- Thomas Riechmann
- Backward unraveling over time: The evolution of strategic behavior in the entry level British medical labor markets pp. 1039-1080

- Utku Unver
Volume 25, issue 5, 2001
- Numerical solution by iterative methods of a class of vintage capital models pp. 655-669

- Raouf Boucekkine, Marc Germain, Omar Licandro and Alphonse Magnus
- Oligopoly equilibria in nonrenewable resource markets pp. 671-702

- Seppo Salo and Olli Tahvonen
- Technology shocks and the business cycle: On empirical investigation pp. 703-719

- Peter Ireland
- The importance of the number of different agents in a heterogeneous asset-pricing model pp. 721-746

- Wouter J. Den Haan
- Indeterminacy in a model with sector-specific externalities pp. 747-764

- Sharon Harrison
- Intersectoral external effects, multiplicities & indeterminacies pp. 765-787

- Jean-Pierre Drugeon and Alain Venditti
- Optimal pricing strategy for durable-goods monopoly pp. 789-804

- Ruqu Wang
- Futures market equilibrium with heterogeneity and a spot market at harvest pp. 805-824

- Henri Fouda, Lawrence Kryzanowski and Minh Chau To
- Computable Economics, the Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures,: Kumaraswamy Velupillai, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, pp 222. Price $45.00, ISBN 0-19-829527-8 pp. 825-827

- Francesco Luna
Volume 25, issue 3-4, 2001
- Introduction to the special issue on agent-based computational economics pp. 281-293

- Leigh Tesfatsion
- Learning to speculate: Experiments with artificial and real agents pp. 295-319

- John Duffy
- Fuzzy inductive reasoning, expectation formation and the behavior of security prices pp. 321-361

- Nicholas S. P. Tay and Scott Linn
- Evolving traders and the business school with genetic programming: A new architecture of the agent-based artificial stock market pp. 363-393

- Shu-Heng Chen and Chia-Hsuan Yeh
- Evolutionary dynamics of currency substitution pp. 395-417

- Jasmina Arifovic
- Structure, behavior, and market power in an evolutionary labor market with adaptive search pp. 419-457

- Leigh Tesfatsion
- Evolving market structure: An ACE model of price dispersion and loyalty pp. 459-502

- Alan Kirman and Nicolaas Vriend
- Agent-based computational transaction cost economics pp. 503-526

- Tomas B. Klos and Bart Nooteboom
- A multi-agent model for describing transhumance in North Cameroon: Comparison of different rationality to develop a routine pp. 527-559

- Juliette Rouchier, Francois Bousquet, Melanie Requier-Desjardins and Martine Antona
- Experimental analysis of the efficiency of uniform-price versus discriminatory auctions in the England and Wales electricity market pp. 561-592

- John Bower and Derek Bunn
- Quality signals in information cascades and the dynamics of the distribution of motion picture box office revenues pp. 593-614

- Arthur De Vany and Cassey Lee
- Leveled commitment contracts with myopic and strategic agents pp. 615-640

- Martin R. Andersson and Tuomas W. Sandholm
- Restart strategies and Internet congestion pp. 641-654

- Sebastian M. Maurer and Bernardo A. Huberman
Volume 25, issue 1-2, 2001
- The CO2 abatement game: Costs, incentives, and the enforceability of a sub-global coalition pp. 1-34

- Mustafa H. Babiker
- Life-cycle consumption under social interactions pp. 35-83

- Michael Binder and Mohammad Pesaran
- Transitional dynamics in a two-sector non-scale growth model pp. 85-113

- Theo Eicher and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Inflation targeting with NAIRU uncertainty and endogenous policy credibility pp. 115-148

- Peter Isard, Douglas Laxton and Ann-Charlotte Eliasson
- Term structure views of monetary policy under alternative models of agent expectations pp. 149-184

- Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
- The effects of uncertainty on optimal consumption pp. 185-212

- Robin Mason and Stephen Wright
- Financial returns and efficiency as seen by an artificial technical analyst pp. 213-244

- Spyros Skouras
- Simplicity versus optimality: The choice of monetary policy rules when agents must learn pp. 245-279

- Robert Tetlow and Peter von zur Muehlen
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