Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 3, issue 1, 1981
- The optimality of socialist development strategies an empirical inquiry pp. 1-27

- Josef Brada, Arthur E. King and Don Schlagenhauf
- Dynamic behavior of the firm with adjustment costs, under regulatory constraint pp. 29-41

- Mohamed El-Hodiri and Akira Takayama
- Bear's theorem with infinite lags pp. 43-49

- John Conlisk
- Maximal convergence speed of decentralized control pp. 51-64

- Andras Simonovits
- Dynamic investment, risk aversion, and foresight sensitivity pp. 65-96

- Leigh Tesfatsion
- Choice of projects and their starting dates An extension of Pontryagin's maximum principle to a case which allows choice among different possible evolution equations pp. 97-118

- Philippe Michel
- Dynamic optimal pricing and (possibly) advertising in the face of various kinds of potential entrants pp. 119-140

- François Bourguignon and Suresh Sethi
- Testing monetarism An econometric analysis of professor Stein's model of monetarism pp. 141-156

- Meghnad Desai
- Expectations of the myopic perfect foresight' variety in monetary dynamics Stability and non-neutrality of money pp. 157-176

- Michael G. Hadjimichalakis
- On control with instruments of differing frequency pp. 177-181

- Roger Craine and Arthur Havenner
- The stability of two decentralized adjustment schemes pp. 183-190

- Peter Wagstaff
- Optimal control for econometric models: S. Holly, B. Rustem and M. Zarrop, eds., (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1979) pp. i-xiii, 1-303, $37.50 pp. 191-192

- Alfred A. Norman
- Long-term contracts, imperfect information, and monetary policy pp. 197-216

- Mark Gertler
- Choosing a monetary instrument The case of supply-side shocks pp. 217-234

- Roger Craine and Arthur Havenner
- Flexible and fixed target stabilisation in an open economy pp. 235-266

- Robert B. Campbell
- Causality analysis and multivariate Autoregressive modelling with an application to supermarket sales analysis pp. 267-298

- P. E. Caines, C. W. Keng and Suresh Sethi
- Uncertainty and the vigour of policy Some implications of quadratic preferences pp. 299-305

- Matti T. Pohjola
- The value of information in a storage model with open- and closed-loop controls A numerical example pp. 307-317

- David Bradford and Harry H. Kelehan
- Limit pricing and entry pp. 319-323

- James Friedman
- Editorial pp. 327-327

- Stephen J Turnovsky
- The existence and properties of a stationary distribution for unemployment when job search is sequential pp. 329-341

- Paul Feigin and Michael Landsberger
- A comparison of the Ito and Stratonovich formulations of problems in finance pp. 343-356

- Suresh Sethi and John P. Lehoczky
- The optimal intertemporal choice of inflation and unemployment An analysis of the steady state and transitional dynamics pp. 357-384

- Stephen J Turnovsky
- Duality, separability, and functional structure: Theory and economic applications: C. Blackorby, D. Primont and R. Russel, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978) pp. xx + 396, $44.00 pp. 385-387

- Angus Deaton
- Expenditure of oil revenue: An optimal control approach with application to the Iranian economy: H. Motamen, (Frances Pinter, London, 1979) pp. 189, [UK pound]12.50 pp. 387-391

- Mohammad Pesaran
- Economic dynamics: Methods and models: G. Gandolfo, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980) pp. xii + 571, $46.25 pp. 391-392

- Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
Volume 2, issue 1, 1980
- Foreword pp. 1-5

- John Taylor
- Formulating and estimating dynamic linear rational expectations models pp. 7-46

- Lars Hansen and Thomas Sargent
- Econometric policy evaluation and optimization under rational expectations pp. 47-59

- Gregory C. Chow
- Tax-financed government spending in a neoclassical model with sticky wages and rational expectations pp. 61-78

- Guillermo Calvo
- Dynamic optimal taxation, rational expectations and optimal control pp. 79-91

- Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott
- Dynamic inconsistency, cooperation and the benevolent dissembling government pp. 93-107

- Stanley Fischer
- Output and price stability: An international comparison pp. 109-132

- John Taylor
- Call for test problems: Deterministic discrete time optimal control pp. 133-134

- Arne Drud and Alexander Meeraus
- Global and approximate global optimality of myopic economic decisions pp. 135-160

- Leigh Tesfatsion
- Generalized expectations modeling in macroeconometrics pp. 161-184

- Kent D. Wall
- Homeostatic trajectories for a class of adapting economic systems pp. 185-203

- Jean-Pierre Aubin and Richard H. Day
- On the sensitivity of optimal control solutions pp. 205-208

- Christopher Baum
- Practical experiences with modelling and forecasting time series: G. M. Jenkins, (Gwilym Jenkins & Partners (Overseas) Ltd., Jersey/UK, 1979) pp. vi + 146, $19 pp. 209-210

- Gregory C. Chow
- Applied optimal control, TIMS studies in management sciences: A. Bensoussan, P. R. Kleindorfer and C. S. Tapiero, eds., Vol. 9 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978) pp. vi + 200, $24.50 pp. 210-212

- David Livesey
- Energy conservation and induced inflation pp. 213-231

- John Sharp, Franklin Shupp and William Perkins
- Control of a linear system with non-Markovian modal changes pp. 233-240

- David D. Sworder
- Estimation of rational expectations models pp. 241-255

- Gregory C. Chow
- Monopolistic competition and sequential search pp. 257-281

- Peter von zur Muehlen
- Bounding the behavior of positive dynamic systems pp. 283-299

- Ramine Rouhani and Edison Tse
- The consistent specification of adaptive expectations in continuous time models: Information lags and finite forecast horizons pp. 303-328

- Malcolm R. Gray and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Testing for causality: A personal viewpoint pp. 329-352

- Clive Granger
- Chaotic dynamics and bifurcation in a macro model pp. 353-376

- Michael Stutzer
- Stochastic macroeconomic control with non-identical control intervals pp. 377-393

- Bryan E. Stanhouse and James S. Fackler
- Models and decision making in national economies: J.M.L. Janssen, L.F. Pau and A. Straszak, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979) pp. 395-396

- R. E. Kalman
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