Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 11-12, 2003
- Computing in economics and finance pp. 1939-1939

- Michel Juillard
- Global dynamics in macroeconomics: an overlapping generations example pp. 1941-1959

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Alex Haro
- A computational general equilibrium model with vintage capital pp. 1961-1991

- Loic Cadiou, Stephane Dees and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
- Do adjustment costs explain investment-cash flow insensitivity? pp. 1993-2006

- Sangeeta Pratap
- Information technologies, embodiment and growth pp. 2007-2034

- Raouf Boucekkine and David de la Croix
- Mitigation of the Lucas critique with stochastic control methods pp. 2035-2057

- Hans Amman and David Kendrick
- Monetary policy rules for an open economy pp. 2059-2094

- Nicoletta Batini, Richard Harrison and Stephen Millard
- Small dimension PDE for discrete Asian options pp. 2095-2114

- Eric Benhamou and Alexandre Duguet
- Local trade networks and spatially persistent unemployment pp. 2115-2149

- Nienke Oomes
- Inferring strategies from observed actions: a nonparametric, binary tree classification approach pp. 2151-2170

- Jim Engle-Warnick
- Gaining the competitive edge using internal and external spillovers: a dynamic analysis pp. 2171-2193

- Gian Italo Bischi, Herbert Dawid and Michael Kopel
- Competitive dynamics of web sites pp. 2195-2206

- Sebastian M. Maurer and Bernardo A. Huberman
- Learning competitive pricing strategies by multi-agent reinforcement learning pp. 2207-2218

- Erich Kutschinski, Thomas Uthmann and Daniel Polani
- Numerical issues in threshold autoregressive modeling of time series pp. 2219-2242

- Jerry Coakley, Ana-Maria Fuertes and Maria-Teresa Perez
- Nonlinear mean reversion in the term structure of interest rates pp. 2243-2265

- Byeongseon Seo
Volume 27, issue 11, 2003
- Computing in economics and finance pp. 1939-1939

- Michel Juillard
- Global dynamics in macroeconomics: an overlapping generations example pp. 1941-1959

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Alex Haro
- A computational general equilibrium model with vintage capital pp. 1961-1991

- Loı̈c Cadiou, Stephane Dees and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
- Do adjustment costs explain investment-cash flow insensitivity? pp. 1993-2006

- Sangeeta Pratap
- Information technologies, embodiment and growth pp. 2007-2034

- Raouf Boucekkine and David de la Croix
- Mitigation of the Lucas critique with stochastic control methods pp. 2035-2057

- Hans Amman and David Kendrick
- Monetary policy rules for an open economy pp. 2059-2094

- Nicoletta Batini, Richard Harrison and Stephen Millard
- Small dimension PDE for discrete Asian options pp. 2095-2114

- Eric Benhamou and Alexandre Duguet
- Local trade networks and spatially persistent unemployment pp. 2115-2149

- Nienke Oomes
- Inferring strategies from observed actions: a nonparametric, binary tree classification approach pp. 2151-2170

- Jim Engle-Warnick
- Gaining the competitive edge using internal and external spillovers: a dynamic analysis pp. 2171-2193

- Gian Italo Bischi, H. Dawid and Michael Kopel
- Competitive dynamics of web sites pp. 2195-2206

- Sebastian M. Maurer and Bernardo A. Huberman
- Learning competitive pricing strategies by multi-agent reinforcement learning pp. 2207-2218

- Erich Kutschinski, Thomas Uthmann and Daniel Polani
- Numerical issues in threshold autoregressive modeling of time series pp. 2219-2242

- Jerry Coakley, Ana-Maria Fuertes and Marı́a-Teresa Pérez
- Nonlinear mean reversion in the term structure of interest rates pp. 2243-2265

- Byeongseon Seo
Volume 27, issue 10, 2003
- Conditional volatility, skewness, and kurtosis: existence, persistence, and comovements pp. 1699-1737

- Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger
- User's guide pp. 1739-1742

- Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger
- Stochastic equilibrium: learning by exponential smoothing pp. 1743-1770

- Klaus Potzelberger and Leopold Sogner
- A boundary crossing model of counterparty risk pp. 1771-1799

- Kian Esteghamat
- Two-factor convertible bonds valuation using the method of characteristics/finite elements pp. 1801-1831

- Giovanni Barone-Adesi, Ana Bermudez and John Hatgioannides
- Saddle-point calculation for constrained finite Markov chains pp. 1833-1853

- E. Gomez-Ramirez, K. Najim and A. S. Poznyak
- Convergence and Biases of Monte Carlo estimates of American option prices using a parametric exercise rule pp. 1855-1879

- Diego Garcia
- Optimal growth with decreasing marginal impatience pp. 1881-1898

- Mausumi Das
- Why countries with the same technology and preferences can have different growth rates pp. 1899-1916

- Jacek Krawczyk and Koji Shimomura
- Stability, chaos and multiple attractors: a single agent makes a difference pp. 1917-1938

- Tamotsu Onozaki, Gernot Sieg and Masanori Yokoo
Volume 27, issue 9, 2003
- The speed of convergence and alternative government financing pp. 1517-1531

- Yoichi Gokan
- Skiba points and heteroclinic bifurcations, with applications to the shallow lake system pp. 1533-1561

- Florian Wagener
- Reevaluation and renegotiation of climate change coalitions--a sequential closed-loop game approach pp. 1563-1594

- Zili Yang
- Price stability vs. output stability: tales of federal reserve administrations pp. 1595-1610

- Umit Ozlale
- Uncertain potential output: implications for monetary policy pp. 1611-1638

- Michael Ehrmann and Frank Smets
- Taxation and the intergenerational transmission of human capital pp. 1639-1662

- Lutz Hendricks
- Solving the real business cycles model of small-open economies by a sample-independent approach pp. 1663-1679

- Wen-Ya Chang, Hsiu-Yun Lee and Yu-Lin Wang
- A comparison of two business cycle dating methods pp. 1681-1690

- Don Harding and Adrian Pagan
- Comment on "A comparison of two business cycle dating methods" pp. 1691-1693

- James Hamilton
- Rejoinder to James Hamilton pp. 1695-1698

- Don Harding and Adrian Pagan
Volume 27, issue 8, 2003
- The comparative dynamics of closed-loop controls for discounted infinite horizon optimal control problems pp. 1335-1365

- Michael Caputo
- On environmental Kuznets curves arising from stock externalities pp. 1367-1390

- David Kelly
- Robust parameter estimation for asset price models with Markov modulated volatilities pp. 1391-1409

- R. J. Elliott, W. P. Malcolm and Allanus H. Tsoi
- On the economics of forest vintages pp. 1411-1435

- Seppo Salo and Olli Tahvonen
- Learning with bounded memory in stochastic models pp. 1437-1457

- Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
- Higher education subsidies and heterogeneity: a dynamic analysis pp. 1459-1502

- Elizabeth Caucutt and Krishna Kumar
- On-line computation of Stackelberg equilibria with synchronous parallel genetic algorithms pp. 1503-1515

- Nedim M. Alemdar and Sibel Sirakaya
Volume 27, issue 7, 2003
- Dynamic asset pricing with non-redundant forwards pp. 1163-1180

- Abraham Lioui and Patrice Poncet
- Estimation and control of an optimization-based model with sticky prices and wages pp. 1181-1215

- Jeffery D. Amato and Thomas Laubach
- The division of labor and the growth of government pp. 1217-1235

- Lewis S. Davis
- On the profitability of production perturbations in a dynamic natural resource oligopoly pp. 1237-1252

- Hassan Benchekroun and Gérard Gaudet
- A two-person dynamic equilibrium under ambiguity pp. 1253-1288

- Larry Epstein and Jianjun Miao
- The stochastic turnpike property without uniformity in convex aggregate growth models pp. 1289-1315

- Sumit Joshi
- Computing observation weights for signal extraction and filtering pp. 1317-1333

- Siem Jan Koopman and Andrew Harvey
Volume 27, issue 6, 2003
- High-performance computing for financial planning pp. 907-908

- Stavros Zenios
- Foreign exchange trading models and market behavior pp. 909-935

- Ramazan Gencay, Michel Dacorogna, Richard Olsen and Olivier Pictet
- The stable non-Gaussian asset allocation: a comparison with the classical Gaussian approach pp. 937-969

- Yesim Tokat, Svetlozar T. Rachev and Eduardo S. Schwartz
- Monte Carlo computation of optimal portfolios in complete markets pp. 971-986

- Jaksa Cvitanic, Levon Goukasian and Fernando Zapatero
- Benchmarking, portfolio insurance and technical analysis: a Monte Carlo comparison of dynamic strategies of asset allocation pp. 987-1011

- Riccardo Cesari and David Cremonini
- On-line portfolio selection using stochastic programming pp. 1013-1043

- Alexei A. Gaivoronski and Fabio Stella
- Hedging options under transaction costs and stochastic volatility pp. 1045-1068

- Jacek Gondzio, Roy Kouwenberg and Ton Vorst
- Retirement saving with contribution payments and labor income as a benchmark for investments pp. 1069-1097

- Arjan Berkelaar and Roy Kouwenberg
- Back-testing the performance of an actively managed option portfolio at the Swedish Stock Market, 1990-1999 pp. 1099-1112

- Jorgen Blomvall and Per Olov Lindberg
- A nonparametric model for analysis of the EURO bond market pp. 1113-1131

- Jozsef Abaffy, Marida Bertocchi, Jitka Dupacova, Rosella Giacometti, Marie Huskova and Vittorio Moriggia
- An object-oriented framework for valuing shout options on high-performance computer architectures pp. 1133-1161

- H. Windcliff, K. R. Vetzal, P. A. Forsyth, A. Verma and T. F. Coleman
Volume 27, issue 5, 2003
- Option prices under Bayesian learning: implied volatility dynamics and predictive densities pp. 717-769

- Massimo Guidolin and Allan Timmermann
- Stages of growth in economic development pp. 771-800

- Michal Kejak
- Channel coordination over time: incentive equilibria and credibility pp. 801-822

- Steffen Jorgensen and Georges Zaccour
- Dynamics of a household norm in female labour supply pp. 823-841

- Maarten Vendrik
- Exact solution of asset pricing models with arbitrary shock distributions pp. 843-851

- Mike Tsionas
- Intellectual property rights protection and endogenous economic growth pp. 853-873

- Yum K. Kwan and Edwin Lai
- Dynamic production teams with strategic behavior pp. 875-905

- Michele Breton, Pascal St-Amour and Désiré Vencatachellum
Volume 27, issue 4, 2003
- Functional equivalence between intertemporal and multisectoral investment adjustment costs pp. 533-549

- Jinill Kim
- Optimal transition to backstop substitutes for nonrenewable resources pp. 551-572

- Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel
- Profits, markups and entry: fiscal policy in an open economy pp. 573-597

- Javier Coto-Martinez and Huw Dixon
- The general instability of balanced paths in endogenous growth models: the role of transversality conditions pp. 599-618

- María Pilar Martínez-García
- Real options and preemption under incomplete information pp. 619-643

- Bart Lambrecht and William Perraudin
- Portable random number generators pp. 645-650

- Gerald Dwyer and K. B. Williams
- Forward trading and storage in a Cournot duopoly pp. 651-665

- Henry Thille
- Utility based option evaluation with proportional transaction costs pp. 667-700

- Anders Damgaard
- A DNS-curve in a two-state capital accumulation model: a numerical analysis pp. 701-716

- Josef L. Haunschmied, Peter Kort, Richard F. Hartl and Gustav Feichtinger
Volume 27, issue 3, 2003
- Calculating short-run adjustments: Sensitivity to non-linearities in a representative agent framework pp. 357-379

- Peter J. Stemp and Ric D. Herbert
- Time-consistent Shapley value allocation of pollution cost reduction pp. 381-398

- Leon Petrosjan and Georges Zaccour
- Consumption asset pricing with stable shocks--exploring a solution and its implications for mean equity returns pp. 399-421

- Prasad Bidarkota and J. Huston McCulloch
- Quasi-equilibrium in economies with infinite dimensional commodity spaces: a truncation approach pp. 423-444

- Gerard van der Laan and Cees Withagen
- A model of trickle-down through learning pp. 445-466

- Keith Blackburn and Niloy Bose
- Investment and dividends under irreversibility and financial constraints pp. 467-502

- Richard Holt
- Dynamics of beliefs and learning under aL-processes -- the heterogeneous case pp. 503-531

- Carl Chiarella and Xuezhong (Tony) He
Volume 27, issue 2, 2002
- Dynamic Laffer curves pp. 181-206

- Alfonso Novales and Jesus Ruiz
- Human capital and the switch from agriculture to industry pp. 207-242

- Robert Tamura
- Optimal tax depreciation under a progressive tax system pp. 243-269

- Jacco L. Wielhouwer, Anja De Waegenaere and Peter Kort
- Indeterminacy in a dynamic small open economy pp. 271-281

- Kazuo Nishimura and Koji Shimomura
- On infinite-horizon minimum-cost hedging under cone constraints pp. 283-301

- Kevin Huang
- Testing for hysteresis against nonlinear alternatives pp. 303-327

- Andrew Hughes Hallett and Laura Piscitelli
- Real options with constant relative risk aversion pp. 329-355

- Vicky Henderson and David G. Hobson
Volume 27, issue 1, 2002
- The economic determinants of technology shocks in a real business cycle model pp. 1-28

- Klaus Wälde
- Could Prometheus be bound again? A contribution to the convergence controversy pp. 29-50

- Nicola Cetorelli
- A differential game approach to investment in product differentiation pp. 51-62

- Roberto Cellini and Luca Lambertini
- Local convergence properties of a cobweb model with rationally heterogeneous expectations pp. 63-85

- William Branch
- Optimal learning and experimentation in bandit problems pp. 87-108

- Monica Brezzi and Tze Leung Lai
- Efficiency rents of pumped-storage plants and their uses for operation and investment decisions pp. 109-142

- Anthony Horsley and Andrew Wrobel
- Welfare-improving debt policy under monopolistic competition pp. 143-156

- Partha Sen
- Long-term risk management of nuclear waste: a real options approach pp. 157-180

- Henri Loubergé, Stephane Villeneuve and Marc Chesney
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