Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 24, issue 11-12, 2000
- Computational Aspects of Complex Securities pp. 1491-1497

- Michael J. P. Selby
- Binomial valuation of lookback options pp. 1499-1525

- Simon Babbs
- Option pricing and replication with transaction costs and dividends pp. 1527-1561

- Stylianos Perrakis and Jean Lefoll
- PDE methods for pricing barrier options pp. 1563-1590

- R. Zvan, K. R. Vetzal and P. A. Forsyth
- Robust min-max portfolio strategies for rival forecast and risk scenarios pp. 1591-1621

- Berc Rustem, Robin G. Becker and Wolfgang Marty
- Optimal portfolio policies with borrowing and shortsale constraints pp. 1623-1639

- Lucie Tepla
- Valuation and martingale properties of shadow prices: An exposition pp. 1641-1701

- Lucien Foldes
- Minimum-cost portfolio insurance pp. 1703-1719

- C. D. Aliprantis, Donald Brown and Jan Werner
- Approximating payoffs and pricing formulas pp. 1721-1746

- Serge Darolles and Jean-Paul Laurent
- Applications of randomized low discrepancy sequences to the valuation of complex securities pp. 1747-1782

- Ken Seng Tan and Phelim P. Boyle
- The valuation of American barrier options using the decomposition technique pp. 1783-1827

- Bin Gao, Jingzhi Huang and Marti Subrahmanyam
- Nonparametric estimation of American options' exercise boundaries and call prices pp. 1829-1857

- Mark Broadie, Jerome Detemple, Eric Ghysels and Olivier Torres
- On dynamic investment strategies pp. 1859-1880

- John C. Cox and Hayne Leland
Volume 24, issue 10, 2000
- Explaining bond returns in heterogeneous agent models: The importance of higher-order moments pp. 1381-1404

- Harold Zhang
- Using the generalized Schur form to solve a multivariate linear rational expectations model pp. 1405-1423

- Paul Klein
- Nonlinear impulse response functions pp. 1425-1446

- Simon Potter
- Seigniorage and conventional taxation with multiple exogenous shocks pp. 1447-1479

- Reid W. Click
- Some results for the comparative statics of steady states of higher-order discrete dynamic systems pp. 1481-1489

- Raaj Sah
Volume 24, issue 9, 2000
- Learning from the experience of others: Parameter uncertainty and economic growth in a model of creative destruction pp. 1285-1313

- Peter Thompson
- Optimal consumption/investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraints pp. 1315-1343

- Claus Munk
- Multinationals' response to repatriation restrictions pp. 1345-1379

- Jane Ihrig
Volume 24, issue 8, 2000
- Risk sensitive asset allocation pp. 1145-1177

- Tomasz R. Bielecki, Stanley R. Pliska and Michael Sherris
- Algorithms for solving dynamic models with occasionally binding constraints pp. 1179-1232

- Lawrence Christiano and Jonas Fisher
- Dynamic employment and hours effects of government spending shocks pp. 1233-1263

- Mingwei Yuan and Wenli Li
- Can negotiations prevent fish wars? pp. 1265-1280

- Harold Houba, Koos Sneek and Felix Vardy
Volume 24, issue 5-7, 2000
- Whither nonlinear? pp. 663-678

- William Brock
- Agent-based computational finance: Suggested readings and early research pp. 679-702

- Blake Lebaron
- Martingales, nonlinearity, and chaos pp. 703-724

- William Barnett and Apostolos Serletis
- Expectational diversity in monetary economies pp. 725-759

- William Brock and Patrick de Fontnouvelle
- Heterogeneous beliefs and the non-linear cobweb model pp. 761-798

- Jacob Goeree and Cars Hommes
- Endogenous fluctuations in a simple asset pricing model with heterogeneous agents pp. 799-831

- Andrea Gaunersdorfer
- On information and market dynamics: The case of the U.S. beef market pp. 833-853

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Analysis of global bifurcations in a market share attraction model pp. 855-879

- Gian Italo Bischi, Laura Gardini and Michael Kopel
- A discrete and symmetric price adjustment process on the simplex pp. 881-907

- Jan Tuinstra
- Chaotic dynamics in a two-dimensional overlapping generations model pp. 909-934

- Masanori Yokoo
- High order disequilibrium growth dynamics: Theoretical aspects and numerical features pp. 935-963

- Carl Chiarella and Peter Flaschel
- Differential savings, factor shares, and endogenous growth cycles pp. 965-980

- Volker Bohm and Leo Kaas
- Statistical properties of genetic learning in a model of exchange rate pp. 981-1005

- Jasmina Arifovic and Ramazan Gencay
- Adaptive learning of rational expectations using neural networks pp. 1007-1026

- Maik Heinemann
- Exponentially fading memory learning in forward-looking economic models pp. 1027-1046

- Emilio Barucci
- Computing equilibria in infinite-horizon finance economies: The case of one asset pp. 1047-1078

- Kenneth Judd, Felix Kubler and Karl Schmedders
- Risk and return in a dynamic general equilibrium model pp. 1079-1096

- Levent Akdeniz
- A solution method for consumption decisions in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model pp. 1097-1119

- James Sefton
- Critical debt and debt dynamics pp. 1121-1144

- Willi Semmler and Malte Sieveking
Volume 24, issue 4, 2000
- Learning the optimum as a Nash equilibrium pp. 483-499

- Suheyla Ozyildirim and Nedim M. Alemdar
- Learning by doing and the value of optimal experimentation pp. 501-534

- Volker Wieland
- On the solution of the linear rational expectations model with multiple lags pp. 535-559

- Hugo Kruiniger
- Optimal consumption of a divisible durable good pp. 561-613

- Domenico Cuoco and Hong Liu
- An analytic Riccati solution for two-target discrete-time control pp. 615-622

- Douglas W. Mitchell
- Surplus analysis for overlapping generations pp. 623-650

- Joaquim Silvestre
Volume 24, issue 3, 2000
- Solution of finite-horizon multivariate linear rational expectations models and sparse linear systems pp. 325-346

- Michael Binder and Mohammad Pesaran
- Are German money market rates well behaved? pp. 347-360

- Keith Cuthbertson, Simon Hayes and Dirk Nitzsche
- An alternative maximum likelihood estimator of long-memory processes using compactly supported wavelets pp. 361-387

- Mark Jensen
- The production recipes approach to modeling technological innovation: An application to learning by doing pp. 389-450

- Philip Auerswald, Stuart Kauffman, Jose Lobo and Karl Shell
- Uncertainty aversion and rationality in games of perfect information pp. 451-482

- Chenghu Ma
Volume 24, issue 2, 2000
- Complementarity problems in GAMS and the PATH solver pp. 165-188

- Michael C. Ferris and Todd S. Munson
- Learning dynamics, genetic algorithms, and corporate takeovers pp. 189-217

- Thomas Noe and Lynn Pi
- On the investment-uncertainty relationship in a real options model pp. 219-225

- Sudipto Sarkar
- Public services, increasing returns, and equilibrium dynamics pp. 227-246

- Junxi Zhang
- On the transition from local regular to global irregular fluctuations pp. 247-272

- Patrick Pintus, Duncan Sands and Robin de Vilder
- Animal spirits, technology shocks and the business cycle pp. 273-295

- Mark Weder
- Optimal accumulation of pollution: Existence of limit cycles for the social optimum and the competitive equilibrium pp. 297-306

- Franz Wirl
- The dynamics of migration in the presence of chains pp. 307-323

- Christian Helmenstein and Yuri Yegorov
Volume 24, issue 1, 2000
- An illustration of the essential difference between individual and social learning, and its consequences for computational analyses pp. 1-19

- Nicolaas Vriend
- Efficient gradualism in intertemporal portfolios pp. 21-38

- Ronald Balvers and Douglas W. Mitchell
- Indeterminate growth paths and stability pp. 39-62

- Thomas Russell and Aleksandar Zecevic
- A model of dynamic equilibrium asset pricing with heterogeneous beliefs and extraneous risk pp. 63-95

- Suleyman Basak
- Endogenous fluctuations in an open economy with increasing returns to scale pp. 97-125

- Marta Aloi, Huw Dixon and Teresa Lloyd-Braga
- Empire building by corporate managers:: the corporation as a savings instrument pp. 127-142

- Vesa Kanniainen
- The dynamics of spatial pollution: The case of phosphorus runoff from agricultural land pp. 143-163

- Renan Goetz and David Zilberman
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