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Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok

From Elsevier
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Volume 11, issue 4, 1987

A procedure for differentiating perfect-foresight-model reduced-from coefficients pp. 465-481 Downloads
Gary Anderson
A model of strategic default of sovereign debt pp. 483-498 Downloads
Nalin Kulatilaka and Alan Marcus
Joint production of substitutable, exhaustible resources, or: Is flaring gas rational? pp. 499-511 Downloads
Franz Wirl
Government-private sector relations as a stackelberg game: A degenerate case pp. 513-517 Downloads
H. Abou-Kandil and P. Bertrand
Capital deepening and impatience equivalence in stochastic aggregative growth models pp. 519-530 Downloads
Prajit K. Dutta
Relaxation techniques and asynchronous algorithms for on-line computation of non-cooperative equilibria pp. 531-549 Downloads
Tamer Basar

Volume 11, issue 3, 1987

On income fluctuations and capital gains with a convex production function pp. 285-312 Downloads
Marilda Sotomayor
Behavior of the firm in a market for heterogeneous labor pp. 313-329 Downloads
Susan Vroman
The dynamic analysis of continuous-time life-cycle savings growth models pp. 331-357 Downloads
John Laitner
Uncertain inflation and social security indexation pp. 359-372 Downloads
Sheng Cheng H.U.
Ratchet effects and the cost of incremental incentive schemes pp. 373-389 Downloads
Abraham Hollander, Alain Haurie and Pierre L'Ecuyer
Stochastic equilibrium discounting pp. 391-404 Downloads
Alain Nairay
An approximation technique for computing optimal dynamic paths pp. 405-423 Downloads
Hector Sierra and Timothy Condon
Optimal control in wide-sense stationary continuous-time stochastic models pp. 425-443 Downloads
Albert Bergstrom
Uncertain horizon and stability: Analysis in an optimal growth model pp. 445-453 Downloads
Itzhak Zilcha
A note on Khilnani and TSE's USA algorithm pp. 455-459 Downloads
Patrice Marcotte
A response to professor Marcotte pp. 461-463 Downloads
Arvind Khilnani and Edison T.S. T.S.E.

Volume 11, issue 2, 1987

Foreword pp. 149-149 Downloads
Franklin R. Shupp
Conflict and cooperation in a model of stabilization policies: A differential game approach pp. 153-158 Downloads
Reinhard Neck and Engelbert Dockner
Non-cooperative dynamic games with rational observers pp. 159-161 Downloads
Sean Holly
The robustness of economic policy selections and the incentive to cooperate pp. 163-170 Downloads
Andries Brandsma, Andrew Hughes Hallett and J. Swank
The trade-off between simplicity and optimality in macroeconomic policy design pp. 173-178 Downloads
Nicos Christodoulakis and Paul Levine
Smoothing optimal economic policies pp. 179-184 Downloads
Carl-Louis Sandblom
Objective functions and the complexity of policy design pp. 185-192 Downloads
B. Rustem and K. Velupillai
The effects of price- and output-stabilising policies in an interdependent world economy pp. 195-200 Downloads
Christopher Baum
Oscillations in optimal growth models pp. 201-206 Downloads
Alfredo Medio
Disinflation and sectoral productivity gains pp. 207-212 Downloads
Franklin R. Shupp
A macroeconomic model for income tax assessment for India pp. 213-219 Downloads
Susy Philipose
PLEM: A computer program for passive learning, stochastic control experiments pp. 223-227 Downloads
Paul A. Coomes
On the minimax Lyapunov stabilization of uncertain economies pp. 229-234 Downloads
Christophe Deissenberg
Latent transversality conditions in macroeconomic stabilization policies pp. 235-239 Downloads
Andries Brandsma and Jan C. Siebrand
The martingale maximum principle and the allocation of labour surplus pp. 241-247 Downloads
M. H. A. Davis and G. L. Gomez
Time-domain robustness criteria for large-scale economic systems pp. 249-254 Downloads
Djordjija B. Petkovski
Business cycle stylized facts and explanatory models pp. 257-263 Downloads
Claude Hillinger
Forecasting and stabilization of multiple economic time series in the state space pp. 265-268 Downloads
Keshav P. Vishwakarma
Adaptive control of econometric models with unknown parameters pp. 269-273 Downloads
Yukio Ito
Spectral analysis of nominal interest rates pp. 275-281 Downloads
Umit Erol, James A. Richardson and Thomas Gulledge

Volume 11, issue 1, 1987

The design of feedback rules in linear stochastic rational expectations models pp. 1-28 Downloads
Paul Levine and David Currie
Pensions, wage profiles, and retirement rules specific human capital approach pp. 29-64 Downloads
Hiroyuki Chuma
Efficient equilibria in a differential game of capitalism pp. 65-78 Downloads
Alain Haurie and Matti Pohjola
The structure of ARMA solutions to a general linear model with rational expectations pp. 79-91 Downloads
George Evans
Stationary uncertainty frontiers in macroeconometric models and existence and uniqueness of solutions to matrix Riccati equations pp. 93-116 Downloads
Cuong Le van
Co-state variables correctly value stocks at each instant A proof pp. 117-122 Downloads
Daniel Leonard
Inefficiency of credible strategies in oligopolistic resource markets with uncertainty pp. 123-145 Downloads
Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg

Volume 10, issue 4, 1986

Money, debt and deficits in a dynamic game pp. 427-442 Downloads
Guido Tabellini
The consumption function and intertemporal spillover effects pp. 443-455 Downloads
Chen-Min Hsu
On the optimality of cyclical employment policies: A Numerical Investigation pp. 457-466 Downloads
Alois Steindl, Gustav Feichtinger, Richard F. Hartl and Gerhard Sorger
International policy design and the sustainability of policy bargains pp. 467-494 Downloads
Andrew Hughes Hallett
Job search with belated information and wage signalling pp. 495-508 Downloads
Siegfried Berninghaus

Volume 10, issue 3, 1986

Control of linear dynamic market systems pp. 339-351 Downloads
David G. Luenberger
Price smoothing and inventory behavior pp. 353-366 Downloads
George French
Equilibrium turnpike theory with time-separable utility pp. 367-394 Downloads
Jeffrey Coles
Existence and transversality conditions for a general unbounded-horizon model of the mining firm pp. 395-414 Downloads
Michael Toman
The dynamics of optimal environmental regulation pp. 415-423 Downloads
Brian Beavis and Ian Dobbs

Volume 10, issue 1-2, 1986

Foreword pp. 5-5 Downloads
Berc Rustem
Incentive compatibility in mixed economy planning Results of a simple model pp. 9-13 Downloads
G. Anandalingam
Optimal strategic monetary policies in dynamic interdependent economies A summary paper pp. 15-19 Downloads
Tamer Basar, Stephen J Turnovsky and Vasco D'orey
Coordination of large macroeconomies'policies and the stability of small economies pp. 21-25 Downloads
Christopher Baum
Optimal policy design with non-linear models The multi-agent case pp. 27-31 Downloads
R. G. Becker, B. Dwolatzky, E. Karakitsos and B. Rustem
On the computation of equilibria in discounted stochastic dynamic games pp. 33-36 Downloads
Michele Breton, Alain Haurie and Jerzy A. Filar
Dynamic advertising and pricing in an oligopology A Nash equilibrium approach pp. 37-39 Downloads
Engelbert Dockner and Gustav Feichtinger
On incentive design for dynamic decision problems pp. 41-43 Downloads
Harri Ehtamo and Raimo P. Hamalainen
Games, expectations, and optimal policy for open economies pp. 45-49 Downloads
Sean Holly
Policy design in asymmetrically dependent economies pp. 51-57 Downloads
Andrew Hughes Hallett
Policy coordination among the North, the South, and OPEC pp. 59-62 Downloads
Jaime Marquez and Peter Pauly
On expectations, information and dynamic game equilibria pp. 63-66 Downloads
Lex Meijdam and Aart de Zeeuw
Limit pricing in a mature market A dynamic game approach pp. 67-71 Downloads
Franklin R. Shupp
Rival models in policy optimization pp. 75-81 Downloads
R. Becker, B. Dwolatzky, E. Karakitsos and B. Rustem
On extending linear quadratic control theory to non-symmetric risky objectives pp. 83-88 Downloads
P. Caravani
Optimal timing of capacity expansion pp. 89-91 Downloads
Z. Carvalhais and M. H. A. Davis
The formulation of robust policies for rival rational expectations models of the economy pp. 93-97 Downloads
Paul Levine
New perspectives from the complex plane pp. 99-107 Downloads
D. A. Livesey
A theory of policy-induced structural change An application of the bismut stochastic maximum principle pp. 109-114 Downloads
Sheri Markose
Necessary conditions for optimal control problems with discontinuous trajectories pp. 115-118 Downloads
F. Pereira and R. B. Vinter
On rationalizing expectations using rank-one updates of the Kalman filter pp. 119-124 Downloads
B. Rustem and K. Velupillai
Are supercomputers useful for optimal control experiments? pp. 127-129 Downloads
Hans Amman
Investigations in the causal structure of the yearly OFCE model pp. 131-137 Downloads
Michel Boutillier and Bruno Durand
Efficient solution techniques for dynamic non-linear rational expectations models pp. 139-145 Downloads
Paul Fisher, Sean Holly and Andrew Hughes Hallett
Approximate state space models of some vector-valued macroeconomic time series for cross-country comparisons pp. 149-155 Downloads
Masanao Aoki and Arthur Havenner
Distributed lag analysis The Pade z-transform method pp. 157-161 Downloads
Pierre Claverie, Daniel Szpiro and Richard Topol
Computational pitfalls of the Hausman test pp. 163-165 Downloads
Walter Krämer and Harald Sonnberger
Rules versus discretion in monetary policy The case of asymmetric information pp. 169-174 Downloads
Torben M. Andersen
Intermediate targets and instruments of monetary policy pp. 175-184 Downloads
S. Calliari, Carlo Carraro and Domenico Sartore
Developments in new Keynesian policy formation pp. 185-189 Downloads
Nicos Christodoulakis, David Vines and Martin Weale
Time inconsistency and optimal policies in deterministic and stochastic worlds pp. 191-199 Downloads
David Currie and Paul Levine
Optimal crawling peg in Venezuela An optimal control application pp. 201-204 Downloads
Hali Edison and Jaime Marquez
Global analysis and controls of an irregular economy model pp. 205-212 Downloads
Marcello Galeotti and Franco Gori
The election and the economy A systemic analysis of the Italian case pp. 213-218 Downloads
Giancarlo Gandolfo, Cristina Mastropasqua, Pietro Carlo Padoan and Maria Luisa Petit
A dynamic econometric model of the UK with rational expectations pp. 219-223 Downloads
Stephen Hall and S. G. B. Henry
Stationary uncertainty frontiers in macroeconometric models An approach for solving matrix Riccati equations pp. 225-229 Downloads
Cuong Le van
The principle of effective demand revisited pp. 231-237 Downloads
Mark Salmon
Some experiments with simple feedback rules on the treasury model pp. 239-246 Downloads
Peter Westaway
Estimation of a non-linear discrete-time macro model pp. 249-254 Downloads
G. Candela and A. Gardini
Recent developments in business cycle theory pp. 255-260 Downloads
M. G. Kuczynski
Dynamical systems in macroeconomics: Alternative approaches to the analysis of macroeconomic fluctuations pp. 261-267 Downloads
Serena Sordi
From the fractals of micro to the chaos of macro pp. 269-272 Downloads
K. Velupillai
Small countries in monetary unions A two-tier model pp. 275-280 Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
Monetary policy, exchange rate dynamics and the labour market pp. 281-289 Downloads
Elias Karakitsos
Decomposition of the international consequences of policies into world and difference effects Application to the fair multi-country model pp. 291-295 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Laffargue
Was it real? The exchange rate -- Interest differential relation: 1973-1984 pp. 297-298 Downloads
Richard Meese and Kenneth Rogoff
Implications of risk-sensitive decision-making for the design of economic policies pp. 301-306 Downloads
Andries Brandsma
Optimum multi-period portfolios with imperfectly elastic assets and parameter uncertainty pp. 307-308 Downloads
Bruce L. Dixon
Inefficiency of oligopolistic resource markets with iso-elastic demand, zero extraction costs and stochastic renewal pp. 309-314 Downloads
Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
The relation between the rent and selling price of a building under optimal maintenance with uncertainty pp. 315-320 Downloads
Ton Vorst
Time inconsistency and optimal policy formulation in the presence of rational expectations pp. 323-326 Downloads
Stephen Hall
A non-recursive solution for the linear rational expectations model pp. 327-332 Downloads
Tryphon Kollintzas
Diverse information and rational expectations models pp. 333-338 Downloads
Joseph Pearlman
Page updated 2025-03-31