Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 10, 1998
- Dynamic models for fixed-income portfolio management under uncertainty pp. 1517-1541

- Stavros Zenios, Martin R. Holmer, Raymond McKendall and Christiana Vassiadou-Zeniou
- Active intermediation in a monetary overlapping generations economy1 pp. 1543-1574

- Mark Pingle and Leigh Tesfatsion
- Sustained endogenous growth with decreasing returns and heterogeneous capital pp. 1575-1603

- Michael Kaganovich
Volume 22, issue 8-9, 1998
- Computation as economics pp. 1169-1186

- Bernardo A. Huberman
- The evolution of type communication in a sender/receiver game of common interest with cheap talk pp. 1187-1207

- Jasmina Arifovic and B. Eaton
- Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies pp. 1209-1233

- Robert Marks
- Heterogeneous beliefs and routes to chaos in a simple asset pricing model pp. 1235-1274

- William Brock and Cars Hommes
- Krylov methods for solving models with forward-looking variables pp. 1275-1289

- Manfred Gilli and Giorgio Pauletto
- An algorithm competition: First-order iterations versus Newton-based techniques pp. 1291-1318

- Michel Juillard, Douglas Laxton, Peter McAdam and Hope Pioro
- Simple reordering techniques for expanding the convergence radius of first-order iterative techniques pp. 1319-1333

- Andrew Hughes Hallett and Laura Piscitelli
- Numerical analysis of a nonlinear operator equation arising from a monetary model pp. 1335-1351

- Jenny X. Li
- An eigenvalue method of undetermined coefficients for solving linear rational expectations models pp. 1353-1373

- Peter Zadrozny
- Computing equilibria in the general equilibrium model with incomplete asset markets pp. 1375-1401

- Karl Schmedders
- Products of trees for investment analysis pp. 1403-1417

- David G. Luenberger
- Pricing the American put option: A detailed convergence analysis for binomial models pp. 1419-1444

- Dietmar P. J. Leisen
- A nonuniform grid method for solving PDE's pp. 1445-1452

- Ivailo Izvorski
- Hedging exotic derivatives through stochastic optimization pp. 1453-1466

- P. Henaff
- A massively parallel implementation of a discrete-time algorithm for the computation of dynamic elastic demand traffic problems modeled as projected dynamical systems pp. 1467-1485

- Anna Nagurney and Ding Zhang
- Computational aspects of the open-loop Nash equilibrium in linear quadratic games pp. 1487-1506

- Jacob Engwerda
Volume 22, issue 7, 1998
- A general framework for predicting returns from multiple currency investments pp. 977-1000

- Costas Christou, P. A. V. B. Swamy and George Tavlas
- Consumption and portfolio turnpike theorems in a continuous-time finance model1 pp. 1001-1026

- Xing Jin
- Dynamic portfolio choice and asset pricing with differential information pp. 1027-1051

- Chunsheng Zhou
- Optimality of Barter steady states pp. 1053-1067

- Francois Duc and Christian Ghiglino
- Separation cycles pp. 1069-1090

- Kenneth Burdett and Melvyn Coles
- Transitional dynamics of the search model with endogenous growth pp. 1091-1115

- Fabien Postel-Vinay
- Chaotic dynamics in a cash-in-advance economy pp. 1117-1137

- Ronald Michener and B Ravikumar
- Investment cycles pp. 1139-1165

- Yi Wen
Volume 22, issue 6, 1998
- A genetic game of trade, growth and externalities pp. 811-832

- Nedim M. Alemdar and Suheyla Ozyildirim
- Averaged predictions and the learning of equilibrium play pp. 833-848

- Sjur Flåm
- Profit maximization with bankruptcy and variable scale pp. 849-867

- Roy Radner
- Asymmetric transmission mechanisms and the rise in European unemployment: A case of structural differences or of policy failures? pp. 869-886

- Maria Demertzis and Andrew Hughes Hallett
- Optimal policy with limited commitment pp. 887-910

- Kenneth Kasa
- Optimal fiscal policy, public capital, and the productivity slowdown pp. 911-935

- Steven Cassou and Kevin Lansing
- A simple discrete-time approximation of continuous-time bubbles pp. 937-954

- Yuichi Fukuta
- Crash states and the equity premium: Solving one puzzle raises another pp. 955-965

- Kevin Salyer
- Pollution control in an uncertain environment pp. 967-975

- Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel
Volume 22, issue 5, 1998
- A new technique for postsample model selection and validation pp. 647-665

- Richard Ashley
- Non-chaotic oscillations in some regularized Hicks models A restatement of the ceiling and floor conditions pp. 667-678

- Dulce Saura, Francisco J. Vazquez and Jose M. Vegas
- Nominal rigidity and monetary uncertainty in a small open economy pp. 679-702

- Neil Rankin
- Diverging patterns with endogenous labor migration pp. 703-728

- Pietro Reichlin and Aldo Rustichini
- On the open-loop Nash equilibrium in LQ-games pp. 729-762

- Jacob Engwerda
- A simple model of incomplete insurance the case of permanent shocks pp. 763-777

- Makoto Saito
- Optimal timing of technology adoption pp. 779-799

- Y. Hossein Farzin, Kuno Huisman and Peter Kort
- A review of evolutionary economics pp. 801-810

- Charles Hickson
Volume 22, issue 4, 1998
- A robust method for simulating forward-looking models pp. 489-501

- John Armstrong, Richard Black, Douglas Laxton and David Rose
- Optimal policy business cycles pp. 503-518

- Victor Ginsburgh and Philippe Michel
- Increasing returns, home production and persistence of business cycles pp. 519-543

- Roberto Perli
- International business cycles, financial markets and household production pp. 545-572

- Fabio Canova and Angel Ubide
- The stochastic rotation problem: A generalization of Faustmann's formula to stochastic forest growth pp. 573-596

- Yngve Willassen
- Effects of financial innovations on market volatility when beliefs are heterogeneous pp. 597-626

- Fernando Zapatero
- Irreversible investment under uncertainty in oligopoly pp. 627-644

- Fridrik Baldursson
- Investment science: David G. Luenberger, ISBN 0-19-510809-4 New York, 1998, price in US: US $70 pp. 645-646

- Joseph A. Cherian
Volume 22, issue 3, 1998
- Solving asset pricing models with Gaussian shocks pp. 329-340

- Craig Burnside
- Markov bargaining games pp. 341-355

- Martin Cripps
- Do sunspots matter when agents are Choquet-expected-utility maximizers? pp. 357-368

- Jean-Marc Tallon
- A Hicksian two-sector model of unemployment, cycles, and growth pp. 369-399

- Hajime Hori
- Optimal consumption choices for a 'large' investor pp. 401-436

- Domenico Cuoco and Jaksa Cvitanic
- A model of sequential investment pp. 437-463

- Avner Bar-ilan and William Strange
- Endogenous growth and the welfare costs of inflation: a reconsideration pp. 465-482

- Yangru Wu and Junxi Zhang
- Handbook of computational economics: H.M. Amman, D.A. Kendrick, J. Rust, (eds.), vol. 1. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996, pp. xxi + 827, $163.75/265.0 Dutch Guilders. (ISBN 0-444-89857-3) pp. 483-487

- Peter McAdam
Volume 22, issue 2, 1998
- A model of learning and emulation with artificial adaptive agents pp. 179-207

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- Drift and volatility estimation in discrete time pp. 209-218

- Robert J. Elliott, William C. Hunter and Barbara M. Jamieson
- Capital controls policy an intertemporal perspective pp. 219-245

- Eran Yashiv
- A simple model of Schumpeterian growth with complex dynamics pp. 247-266

- Christophe Deissenberg and Jules Nyssen
- Efficiency wages, disinflation and labor mobility pp. 267-291

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Julio A. Santaella
- Consumption adjustment to real interest rates: Intertemporal substitution revisited pp. 293-320

- Joon-Ho Hahm
- The macrodynamics of business cycles: A comparative evaluation: Mohammed H.I. Dore, Blackwell, Cambridge MA and Oxford UK, 1993, $ 24.95, 242 pp pp. 321-328

- Serena Sordi
Volume 22, issue 1, 1997
- Time variation of second moments from a noise trader/infection model pp. 1-38

- Thomas Lux
- Adaptive control in the presence of time-varying parameters pp. 39-47

- Marco P. Tucci
- Dynamic optimization and forward looking processes pp. 49-66

- Piermarco Cannarsa, Massimo Giannini and Maria Elisabetta Tessitore
- A new look at optimal growth under uncertainty pp. 67-86

- Rabah Amir
- Sustainable monetary policies pp. 87-108

- Peter Ireland
- Time to implement and aggregate fluctuations pp. 109-121

- Jean-Olivier Hairault, Francois Langot and Franck Portier
- Capacity utilization and market power pp. 123-140

- Jean-Francois Fagnart, Omar Licandro and Henri Sneessens
- The creation of plants and firms pp. 141-178

- Aloysius Siow and Xiaodong Zhu
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