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Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): J. Bullard, C. Chiarella, H. Dawid, C. H. Hommes, P. Klein and C. Otrok

From Elsevier
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Volume 15, issue 4, 1991

Real business-cycle theory: Wisdom or whimsy? pp. 607-626 Downloads
Martin Eichenbaum
Credible public policy pp. 627-656 Downloads
Nancy Stokey
A simplified treatment of the theory of optimal regulation of Brownian motion pp. 657-673 Downloads
Avinash Dixit
Super contact and related optimality conditions pp. 675-685 Downloads
Bernard Dumas
On the convergence of Bayesian posterior processes in linear economic models Counting equations and unknowns pp. 687-713 Downloads
Yaw Nyarko
Technical analysis for portfolio trading by syntactic pattern recognition pp. 715-730 Downloads
Louis Pau
Derivation of the unconditional state-covariance matrix for exact maximum-likelihood estimation of ARMA models pp. 731-740 Downloads
Stefan Mittnik
Smoothness of the policy function in continuous-time economic models: The one-dimensional case pp. 741-753 Downloads
Manuel S. Santos and Jean-Luc Vila
Comparative statics in dynamic programming models with an application to job search pp. 755-769 Downloads
James Albrecht, Bertil Holmlund and Harald Lang
Valuing agricultural firms: An examination of the contingent-claims approach to pricing real assets pp. 771-791 Downloads
Warren Bailey

Volume 15, issue 3, 1991

Further results on asset pricing with incomplete information pp. 425-453 Downloads
Jerome Detemple
The marginal value of management using stochastic control pp. 455-489 Downloads
Donald I. Bosshardt and Douglas M. Patterson
Dynamic oligopoly with capacity adjustment costs pp. 491-514 Downloads
Stanley S. Reynolds
Nonconvexities in a stochastic control problem with learning pp. 515-538 Downloads
Bruce Mizrach
Qualitative decomposition of the eigenvalue problem in a dynamic system pp. 539-548 Downloads
Myriam Garbely and Manfred Gilli
Exchangeability and its economic applications pp. 549-568 Downloads
John J. McCall
Current-account effects of a devaluation in an optimizing model with capital accumulation pp. 569-588 Downloads
Søren Nielsen
Capital accumulation under different financial agreements pp. 589-605 Downloads
Fabrizio Mattesini

Volume 15, issue 2, 1991

Equilibrium with signal extraction from endogenous variables pp. 245-273 Downloads
Thomas Sargent
A critique of the application of unit root tests pp. 275-284 Downloads
John Cochrane
Optimum responses of the current account when income is uncertain pp. 285-296 Downloads
John Pitchford
Learning rational expectations in a policy game pp. 297-315 Downloads
Martin Crippsss
The feedback equilibria of a differential game of capitalism pp. 317-338 Downloads
Koji Shimomura
Exchange market intervention under multiple solutions: Should we rule out multiple solutions? pp. 339-353 Downloads
Shin-ichi Fukuda
The envelope theorem in dynamic optimization pp. 355-385 Downloads
Jeffrey LaFrance and L. Dwayne Barney
A dynamic model of occupational choice pp. 387-408 Downloads
Brian McCall
Information processing in dynamic decision models: An insurance demand example pp. 409-417 Downloads
Werner Jammernegg and Peter Kischka
Exchange-rate instability: Paul Krugman, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989) pp. 419-423 Downloads
Jaime Marquez
Feedback: A new framework for macroeconomic policy: David A. Kendrick, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1988) pp. 423-424 Downloads
Jaime Marquez

Volume 15, issue 1, 1991

Intertemporal issues in international macroeconomics pp. 1-3 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky
On exchange-rate stabilization pp. 7-26 Downloads
Kiminori Matsuyama
Tariffs and the current account: On the macroeconomics of commercial policy pp. 27-52 Downloads
Michael Gavin
Tariffs and sectoral adjustments in an open economy pp. 53-89 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky
Imported input price and the current account in an optimizing model without capital mobility pp. 91-101 Downloads
Partha Sen
Macroeconomic adjustment under alternative lending arrangements pp. 103-127 Downloads
Robert Murphy
Export instability and the economic performance of developing countries pp. 129-147 Downloads
Philip L. Brock
A model of currency depreciation and the debt-inflation spiral pp. 151-177 Downloads
Maurice Obstfeld
Optimal taxation and inflation in an open economy pp. 179-196 Downloads
Kent P. Kimbrough
Temporary stabilization policy: The case of flexible prices and exchange rates pp. 197-213 Downloads
Guillermo Calvo
The welfare economics of cooperative and noncooperative fiscal policy pp. 215-244 Downloads
Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer

Volume 14, issue 3-4, 1990

The effects of taxes and dividend policy on capital accumulation and macroeconomic behavior pp. 491-521 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky
Sources of output fluctuations in the United States during the inter-war and post-war years pp. 523-551 Downloads
Stefan Norrbin and Don Schlagenhauf
When does coordination pay? pp. 553-569 Downloads
Marcus Miller and Mark Salmon
On the term structure of interest rates pp. 571-596 Downloads
John B. Donaldson, Thore Johnsen and Rajnish Mehra
Output-inflation cycles in an economy with staggered wage setting pp. 597-625 Downloads
Pietro Reichlin
Sources of complex dynamics in two-sector growth models pp. 627-653 Downloads
Michele Boldrin and Raymond J. Deneckere
How to do comparative dynamics on the back of an envelope in optimal control theory pp. 655-683 Downloads
Michael Caputo
Delaying or deterring entry A game-theoretic analysis pp. 685-708 Downloads
Barton Lipman
Optimal dynamic durability pp. 709-719 Downloads
Eitan Muller and Yoram C. Peles
Migration under uncertainty about quality of locations pp. 721-739 Downloads
Gautam Bhattacharya
The solution of the infinite horizon tracking problem for discrete time systems possessing an exogenous component pp. 741-762 Downloads
Jacob Engwerda
Periodic linear-quadratic methods for modeling seasonality pp. 763-795 Downloads
Richard M. Todd

Volume 14, issue 2, 1990

A networked expert system framework for economic policy analysis pp. 201-217 Downloads
Varghese S. Jacob and James R. Marsden
A production model construction system: PM statement to math programming pp. 219-236 Downloads
David Kendrick
The design of decentralized auction mechanisms that coordinate continuous trade in synthetic securities pp. 237-253 Downloads
Ross Miller
Knowledge-based mortgage-loan credit granting and risk assessment pp. 255-262 Downloads
Louis Pau and T. Tambo
Implementing stochastic control software on supercomputing machines pp. 265-279 Downloads
Hans Amman
EINTERP and DEINTERP procedures for the evaluation of expressions and their differentials pp. 281-297 Downloads
Robin G. Becker
Automatic differentiation of large sparse systems pp. 299-311 Downloads
L. C. W. Dixon, Z. Maany and M. Mohseninia
Some issues in solving large sparse systems of equations pp. 313-325 Downloads
F. J. Henk Don
Money as a medium of exchange in an economy with artificially intelligent agents pp. 329-373 Downloads
Ramon Marimon, Ellen McGrattan and Thomas Sargent
Optimal decision processes and algorithms pp. 375-417 Downloads
James C. Moore, William B. Richmond and Andrew B. Whinston
Rationality, computability, and complexity pp. 419-432 Downloads
Berc Rustem and Kumaraswamy Velupillai
Qualitative dynamics and causality in a Keynesian model pp. 435-450 Downloads
Ron Berndsen and Hennie Daniels
A logical approach to problem representation pp. 451-464 Downloads
Paul Bourgine
Qualitative reasoning in economics pp. 465-490 Downloads
Arthur M. Farley and Kuan-Pin Lin

Volume 14, issue 1, 1990

Resolution of chaos with application to a modified Samuelson model pp. 1-19 Downloads
H. E. Nusse and Cars Hommes
Optimal hedging and equilibrium in a dynamic futures market pp. 21-33 Downloads
Darrell Duffie and Matthew Jackson
Transactions costs and portfolio choice in a discrete-continuous-time setting pp. 35-51 Downloads
Darrell Duffie and Tong-sheng Sun
Cost uncertainty and the rate of investment pp. 53-63 Downloads
Joseph Zeira
An improved algorithm to solve a discrete matrix riccati equation pp. 65-71 Downloads
Thierry Pujol
Supply management with intermittent trade disruptions when the probabilities are not fully known pp. 73-95 Downloads
Charles Lindsey
Credibility and the value of information transmission in a model of monetary policy and inflation pp. 97-116 Downloads
Tamer Basar and Mark Salmon
A class of risk-sensitive noncooperative games pp. 117-149 Downloads
Paolo Caravani and George Papavassilopoulos
U.S. money demand instability A flexible least squares approach pp. 151-173 Downloads
Leigh Tesfatsion and John M. Veitch
A note on flexible least squares pp. 175-182 Downloads
Marco P. Tucci
A further note on flexible least squares and Kalman filtering pp. 183-185 Downloads
R. Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion
Job search with belated information and wage signalling A comment pp. 187-192 Downloads
Matthew S. Goldberg and George Borjas
Job search with belated information and wage signalling A reply pp. 193-194 Downloads
Siegfried Berninghaus
Page updated 2025-03-31