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Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management

2007 - 2015

Current editor(s): Marion Festing, Christian Grund, editor-in chief, Axel Haunschild, Michael Mueller-Camen, editor-in chief and Thomas Spengler

From Rainer Hampp Verlag
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Volume 29, issue 3-4, 2015

State-of-the-art and future directions for HRM from a paradox perspective: Introduction to the Special Issue pp. 194-213 Downloads
Ina Aust, Julia Brandl and Anne Keegan
The right strategy? Examining the business partner model’s functionality for resolving Human Resource Management tensions and discussing alternative directions pp. 214-234 Downloads
Fabiola H. Gerpott
Can employability do the trick? Revealing paradoxical tensions and responses in the process of adopting innovative employability enhancing policies and practices in organizations pp. 235-258 Downloads
Pascale Peters and Willem Lam
German Human Resource Management professionals under tensions: A Bourdieusian approach pp. 259-279 Downloads
Rainhart Lang and Kerstin Rego
Delegating HR work to the line: Emerging tensions and insights from a paradox perspective pp. 280-302 Downloads
Karin Link and Barbara Mueller
Translating as response to paradoxes – when implementing HRM strategies in service organisations pp. 303-321 Downloads
Mette Sandoff and Gill Widell

Volume 29, issue 2, 2015

Human Resource Management in Professional Service Firms: Learning from a framework for research and practice pp. 75-101 Downloads
Stephan Kaiser, Arjan Kozica, Juani Swart and Andreas Werr
Human Resource Management in Professional Service Firms: Too good to be true? Transcending conflicting institutional logics pp. 102-130 Downloads
Frans Bévort and Flemming Poulfelt
Managing knowledge integration: Balancing professional and managerial logics in an engineering consulting firm pp. 131-148 Downloads
Susanne Ollila, Alexander Styhre and Andreas Werr
Herding cats – Future professionals’ expectations of attractive employers pp. 149-180 Downloads
Bernadette Bullinger and Corinna Treisch

Volume 29, issue 1, 2015

Coping with demographic change in job markets: How age diversity management contributes to organisational performance pp. 5-30 Downloads
Gisela Bieling, Ruth Maria Stock and Florian Dorozalla
Krankenstand und Praesentismus als betriebliche Gesundheitsindikatoren (Sickness absence rates and presenteeism as work-related indicators of health) pp. 31-48 Downloads
Joachim Gerich
Handling paradoxical tensions through conventions: The case of performance appraisal pp. 49-68 Downloads
Arjan Kozica and Julia Brandl

Volume 28, issue 4, 2014

Greedy and selfish? Differences in fairness preferences of prospective lawyers and managers pp. 410-433 Downloads
Vanessa Mertins and Susanne Warning
Karrierekonzepte: Eine Typisierung individuellen Karrieredenkens und -handelns (Classifying individual career notions and actions) pp. 434-453 Downloads
Sibylle Olbert-Bock, Alexandra Mannsky and Roger Martin
Bad Practices in Unternehmen und die Mechanismen ihrer Etablierung. Der Fall Enron (Bad practices in companies and their underlying mechanisms. The case of Enron) pp. 454-486 Downloads
Albert Martin, Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Thorsten Jochims and Ursula Weisenfeld

Volume 28, issue 3, 2014

Strategische Orientierung und Gehaltsstrukturen von Personalleitenden (Strategic orientation and remuneration structures of personnel managers) pp. 316-345 Downloads
Thomas Armbruester and Katharina Schueller
Interpretationen und Rekonstruktionen einer Arbeitgebermarke durch unternehmensexterne Stakeholder: eine explorative Studie (External interpretations and reconstructions of an employer brand: An exploratory study) pp. 346-366 Downloads
Manfred Auer, Gabriela Edlinger and Andreas Moelk
Instrumental leadership: Extending the transformational-transactional leadership paradigm pp. 367-390 Downloads
Jens Rowold
Nurses’ perception of feedback on quality measurements: Development and validation of a measure pp. 391-398 Downloads
Suzanne Giesbers, Roel L.J. Schouteten, Erik Poutsma, Beatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden and Theo van Achterberg

Volume 28, issue 1-2, 2014

Leader behavior as a determinant of health at work: Specification and evidence of five key pathways pp. 6-23 Downloads
Juergen Wegge, Meir Shemla and S. Alexander Haslam
Is transformational leadership healthy for employees? A multilevel analysis in 16 nations pp. 24-51 Downloads
Ina Zwingmann, Juergen Wegge, Sandra Wolf, Matthias Rudolf, Matthias Schmidt and Peter Richter
The positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health: A multi-method approach pp. 52-72 Downloads
Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel and Klaus-Helmut Schmidt
Appreciative leadership and employee well-being in everyday working life pp. 73-95 Downloads
Désirée Stocker, Nicola Jacobshagen, Rabea Krings, Isabel B. Pfister and Norbert K. Semmer
Leadership behavior as a health-promoting resource for workers in low-skilled jobs and the moderating role of power distance orientation 96-116 pp. 96-116 Downloads
Eva Winkler, Christine Busch, Julia Clasen and Julia Vowinkel
Health–relevant leadership behaviour: A comparison of leadership constructs pp. 117-138 Downloads
Sabine Gregersen, Sylvie Vincent-Hoeper and Albert Nienhaus
The impact of health-oriented leadership on follower health: Development and test of a new instrument measuring health-promoting leadership pp. 139-161 Downloads
Franziska Franke, Joerg Felfe and Alexander Pundt
Processes through which transformational leaders affect employee psychological health pp. 162-172 Downloads
Megan Walsh, Kathryne Dupré and Kara A. Arnold
Leaders enhance group members’ work engagement and reduce their burnout by crafting social identity pp. 173-194 Downloads
Niklas K. Steffens, S. Alexander Haslam, Rudolf Kerschreiter, Sebastian C. Schuh and Rolf van Dick

Volume 27, issue 4, 2013

Perceived overqualification and performance. The role of the peer-group pp. 314-330 Downloads
Kerstin Alfes
The incentive impact of the fixed wage – A real effort experiment pp. 331-353 Downloads
Kathrin Manthei and Alwine Mohnen
Ménage à trois – Die Relevanz des Kunden in der psychologischen Vertragsbeziehung bei projektfoermiger Wissensarbeit (Ménage à trios – The relevance of the customer in the psychological contract in project-based knowledge work) pp. 354-372 Downloads
Caroline Ruiner, Uta Wilkens and Monika Kuepper

Volume 27, issue 3, 2013

Current issues in International HRM: Alternative forms of assignments, careers and talent management in a global context pp. 161-166 Downloads
Marion Festing, Pawan S. Budhwar, Wayne Cascio, Peter J. Dowling and Hugh Scullion
Typologies: What types of foreign executives are appointed by local organisations and what types of organisations appoint them? pp. 167-194 Downloads
Frithjof Arp
Work life balance up in the air – Does gender make a difference between female and male international business travelers? pp. 195-223 Downloads
Iris Kollinger-Santer and Iris C. Fischlmayr
Working in the ‘global village’: The influence of cultural intelligence on the intention to work abroad pp. 224-250 Downloads
Stefan Remhof, Marjaana Gunkel and Christopher Schlaegel
What do talents want? Work expectations in India, China, and Germany pp. 251-278 Downloads
Marlene Walk, Heike Schinnenburg and Femida Handy
The influence of global talent management on employer attractiveness: An experimental study pp. 279-304 Downloads
Denise Ewerlin

Volume 27, issue 2, 2013

Liberté toujours? Gerechtigkeit und Gemeinschaft in neoliberalen Arbeitsregimen am Beispiel der Amway GmbH (Liberté toujours? Justice and Community in Neoliberal Work Regimes. The Example of Amway Germany) pp. 81-102 Downloads
Claudia Gross and Axel Haunschild
Empirische Forschung zum Personalmanagement in Kulturbetrieben: Ein Literaturueberblick (Empirical Research on Human Resource Management in Arts Organizations: a Review) pp. 103-124 Downloads
Andrea Hausmann
Productive Energy Cycles in Mentoring Relationships. A Qualitative Investigation pp. 125-153 Downloads
Ursula Liebhart

Volume 27, issue 1, 2013

Das duale Prozessmodell dynamischer Fähigkeiten – (Mikro-)Politische Desiderata und Rekonstruktionsperspektiven (The Dual Process Model of Dynamic Capabilities – Micro-political Desiderata and Prospects of Reconstruction) pp. 5-25 Downloads
Frank Schirmer
'A brave new (digital) world'? Effects of In-house Social Media on HRM pp. 26-46 Downloads
Stefan Hauptmann and Thomas Steger
The Influence of National Culture on Business Students’ Career Attitudes – An Analysis of Eight Countries 47-68 pp. 47-68 Downloads
Marjaana Gunkel, Christopher Schlägel, Ian M. Langella, Joy Peluchette and Elena Reshetnyak

Volume 26, issue 4, 2012

Perceived Post-restructuring Job Insecurity: The Impact of Employees’ Trust in one’s Employer and Perceived Employability pp. 307-330 Downloads
Alexandra Arnold and Bruno Staffelbach
Like father(s), like son(s): Does the Relation between Advisor and Student Productivity Persist on Group Level? pp. 331-345 Downloads
Susanne Breuninger, Kerstin Pull and Birgit Pferdmenges
Veraenderungen in betrieblichen Beschaeftigungsverhaeltnissen: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung (Changes in Employment Relationships: Results of an Empirical Study) pp. 346-375 Downloads
Ina Krause, Simon Oertel and Peter Walgenbach

Volume 26, issue 3, 2012

Online Gaming to Find a New Job – Examining Job Seekers’ Intention to Use Serious Games as a Self-Assessment Tool pp. 218-240 Downloads
Sven Laumer, Andreas Eckhardt and Tim Weitzel
E-recruitment: Towards an Ubiquitous Recruitment Process and Candidate Relationship Management pp. 241-259 Downloads
Anna B. Holm
E-HRM Usage and Value Creation. Does a Facilitating Context Matter? pp. 260-281 Downloads
Huub Ruel and Harry van der Kaap
Assembling a Big Mosaic – A Review of Recent Books on Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) pp. 282-294 Downloads
Stefan Strohmeier

Volume 26, issue 2, 2012

Weiterbildung in der Zeitarbeit – Einflussfaktoren und Erfolg (Causes and Conditions of Training in the Field of Temporary Work. Implications for the Success of Temporary Work Agencies) pp. 115-142 Downloads
Ricarda B. Bouncken, Hajo Fischer and Christian Lehmann
Privatsache und unerheblich fuer Unternehmen? Der Stand der Personalforschung zur ‘sexuellen Orientierung’ (Just a Private Affair and Irrelevant for Companies? The State of the Art in Human Resource Research Regarding ‘Sexual Orientation’) pp. 143-166 Downloads
Thomas Koellen
On the Motives and Needs for Work beyond Age 65: Comparing Voluntary Workers versus Agency Workers pp. 167-188 Downloads
Nicole Torka, Ivy Goedegebure, Inge van Ewijk and Jan Kees Looise
Paradoxes of Luxury Work pp. 189-194 Downloads
Barbara Sieben and Axel Haunschild

Volume 26, issue 1, 2012

Der Einfluss von Rekrutiererverhaltensweisen auf den Bewerber: Ein mediierter Prozess (The Influence of Recruiter Behavior on Job Seekers: A Mediated Model) pp. 5-29 Downloads
Lisa-Marie Eberz, Matthias Baum and Ruediger Kabst
Die Produktivitaetsentwicklung und die Rolle von Arbeitszeitkonten waehrend der Grossen Rezession 2008/2009: Ergebnisse auf der Grundlage des IAB Betriebspanels (Productivity Development and the Role of Working Time accounts during the 2008/2009 Recession: Evidence from the IAB Establishment Panel) pp. 30-47 Downloads
Hans-Dieter Gerner
20 Jahre Rueckanpassungsforschung – eine Metaanalyse (20 Years of Readjustment Research on Repatriates – a Meta-analysis) pp. 48-73 Downloads
Alexander Paul Schudey, Ove Jensen and Steffen Sachs
Discourse on Kattenbach et al: Same Same but Different – Changing Career Expectations in Germany? pp. 74-92 Downloads
Juergen Weibler, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Ronald Hartz and Frank Schabel
Page updated 2025-01-14