The Journal of Economic Education
1996 - 2025
Current editor(s): William Walstad From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 4, 2001
- Do Graphs Promote Learning in Principles of Economics? pp. 299-310

- Elchanan Cohn, Sharon Cohn, Donald C. Balch and James Bradley
- Modeling Student Subject Choice at Secondary and Tertiary Level: A Cross-Section Study pp. 311-320

- John Ashworth and J. Lynne Evans
- Pedagogy, Gender, and Interest in Economics pp. 323-343

- Elizabeth Jensen and Ann Owen
- Wealth Distribution and Imperfect Factor Markets: A Classroom Experiment pp. 344-355

- Denise L. Stanley
- Using Empirical Point Elasticities to Teach Tax Incidence pp. 356-368

- John Swinton and Christopher Thomas
- A Note on Inflation Targeting pp. 369-380

- Ching-chong Lai and Juin-jen Chang
- Oil-Price Shocks: Beyond Standard Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Analysis pp. 381-386

- S. Kirk Elwood
- A Benchmark Profile of Economics Departments in 15 Private Universities pp. 387-396

- James Dearden, Larry Taylor and Robert Thornton
- Teaching Comparative Statics with Microsoft Excel pp. 397-397

- Humberto Barreto
Volume 32, issue 3, 2001
- The Scholarship of Teaching Economics pp. 195-201

- Carol Johnston, Ian McDonald and Ross Williams
- International Trends in Economics Degrees During the 1990s pp. 203-218

- John Siegfried and David K. Round
- Teaching Economics to Undergraduates in Europe: Volume, Structure, and Contents pp. 219-230

- Manfred Gärtner
- Expected Proficiencies for Undergraduate Economics Majors pp. 231-242

- W. Lee Hansen
- Teaching the Minimum Wage in Econ 101 in Light of the New Economics of the Minimum Wage pp. 243-258

- Alan Krueger
- A Student Learning Inventory for Economics Based on the Students' Experience of Learning: A Preliminary Study pp. 259-267

- Martin Shanahan and Jan H. F. Meyer
- Teaching Methods in U.S. Undergraduate Economics Courses pp. 269-279

- William Becker and Michael Watts
- Improving Assessment in University Economics pp. 281-294

- William B. Walstad
Volume 32, issue 2, 2001
- Absenteeism and Undergraduate Exam Performance pp. 99-109

- Daniel R. Marburger
- Bootstrapping Student Understanding of What is Going on in Econometrics pp. 110-123

- Peter Kennedy
- Positive Feedback and Path Dependence Using the Law of Large Numbers pp. 124-136

- Peter Matthews
- Testing for Unit Roots: What Should Students Be Taught? pp. 137-146

- John Elder and Peter Kennedy
- The Great Books and Economics pp. 147-159

- James E. Hartley
- A Monopoly Classroom Experiment pp. 160-168

- Robert Oxoby
- Principles for a Successful Undergraduate Economics Honors Program pp. 169-177

- John Siegfried
- Fixed and Sunk Costs Revisited pp. 178-185

- X. Wang and Bill Z. Yang
- Women and Minorities in Economics Textbooks: Are They Being Adequately Represented? pp. 186-191

- Denise Robson
- Comparison Study of Different Implementations of Derivative Pricing Models pp. 192-192

- Wai-Yan Cheng and Carles Fan
Volume 32, issue 1, 2001
- Comparing Student and Instructor Evaluations of Teaching pp. 3-17

- William Bosshardt and Michael Watts
- Liberal Arts or Business: Does the Location of the Economics Department Alter the Major? pp. 18-35

- David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
- Teaching Cournot Without Derivatives pp. 36-40

- Martin Dufwenberg
- Infinitesimal Firms and Increasing Cost Industries pp. 41-52

- Richard M. Peck
- The Simple Expenditure Model with Trade: How Should We Model Imports? pp. 53-57

- Robert Cherry
- Teacher and Student Economic Understanding in Transition Economies pp. 58-67

- William B. Walstad and Ken Rebeck
- Economic Education and Government Reform in the Republic of Georgia pp. 68-77

- Craig R. MacPhee
- Reforming Undergraduate Instruction in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine pp. 78-92

- Alexander Kovzik and Michael Watts
- Intermediate Macroeconomics Tutorials and Applets pp. 93-93

- Manfred Gärtner
Volume 31, issue 4, 2000
- The Role of Personality Temperament and Student Learning in Principles of Economics: Further Evidence pp. 307-322

- Andrea L. Ziegert
- Take My Course, Please: The Effects of the Principles Experience on Student Curriculum Choice pp. 323-339

- Gary M. Fournier and Tim Sass
- A Simple Exposition of the Social Security Trust Fund pp. 340-348

- William Holahan and Mark C. Schug
- A Course in Economic Forecasting: Rationale and Content pp. 349-357

- David G. Loomis and James E. Cox
- Demonstrating the Possibility of Pareto Inferior Nash Equilibria pp. 358-362

- Nicolaas Vriend
- Fisher Ideal Indexes in the National Income and Product Accounts pp. 363-373

- R. D. Rossiter
- Policy Effectiveness and the Slopes of IS and LM Curves: A Graphical Analysis pp. 374-381

- Charles F. Revier
- Risk Aversion and the Value of Information pp. 382-388

- Louis Eeckhoudt and Philippe Godfroid
- Effect of Graduate-Program Rank on Success in the Job Market pp. 389-401

- Wendy A. Stock and Richard M. Alston
- Opportunities for Economic Research by Secondary School Students pp. 402-405

- Zahir Zaveri, Daniel Pedisicha and William Greene
- Games Economists Play: Noncomputerized Classroom Games pp. 406-406

- Greg Delemeester and Jurgen Brauer
Volume 31, issue 3, 2000
- Attributes of Effective Economics Instructors: An Analysis of Student Evaluations pp. 211-227

- L. F. Jameson Boex
- Classroom Games: A Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 229-236

- Charles Holt and C. Monica Capra
- A Free Entry and Exit Experiment pp. 237-243

- Rodney Garratt
- Using Groupware Software to Support Collaborative Learning in Economics pp. 244-252

- Linda M. Manning and Catherine A. Riordan
- From Rhythm and Blues to Broadway: Using Music to Teach Economics pp. 253-270

- Frank D. Tinari and Kailash Khandke
- Credit Cards, Economization of Money, and Interest Rates pp. 271-279

- Frank G. Steindl
- The Case of the Missing Organizations: Co-operatives and the Textbooks pp. 281-295

- Roderick Hill
- Undergraduate Economics Degree Trends Through the 1990s pp. 296-300

- John Siegfried
- Economic Time-Series Page pp. 301-301

- Theodore Bos and Sarah E. Culver
- EcEdWeb: Economic Education Web pp. 302-302

- Kim Sosin
- EcEdWeb: Economic Education Web pp. 304-304

- Kim Sosin
Volume 31, issue 2, 2000
- A Discrete-Time Hazard Analysis of the Role of Gender in Persistence in the Economics Major pp. 107-118

- John F. Chizmar
- Ten Cheaper Spades: Production Theory and Cost Curves in the Short Run pp. 119-130

- Richard A. Miller
- Pecuniary Effects, Second-Order Conditions, and the LRAC Curve pp. 131-143

- Paul M. Comolli
- Learning by Trial and Error: A Case for Moot Courts pp. 145-155

- J. Lon Carlson and Neil T. Skaggs
- An Onassis Retrospective: What Products Are Auctioned, and Why? pp. 157-168

- Robert Goldfarb
- Using a Geographic Information System to Teach Economics pp. 169-178

- Kenneth D. Peterson
- Homo Economicus and the Salem Witch Trials pp. 179-184

- Franklin Mixon
- Integrating the Traditional Job-Market Research Seminar with Instruction in the Undergraduate Classroom pp. 185-189

- Beck Taylor and W. James Truitt
- Interview Scheduling Strategies of New Ph.D. Economists pp. 191-201

- John List
- How Many College Students Are Exposed to Economics? pp. 202-204

- John Siegfried
- Book Review pp. 205-206

- Peter Kennedy
- Web Instruction with the LBO Model pp. 207-207

- Rajshree Agarwal and A. Edward Day
Volume 31, issue 1, 2000
- Online Teaching Resources: A New Journal Section pp. 3-7

- Kim Sosin and William Becker
- Resources for Economists on the Internet pp. 8-8

- William Goffe and Elise Braden
- Essential Principles of Economics: A Hypermedia Textbook pp. 9-9

- Roger McCain
- EconEdLink pp. 10-10

- Michelle Mason Winston
- The Internet and the Inverted Classroom pp. 11-11

- Maureen J. Lage and Glenn Platt
- Interactive Economics Instruction with Java and CGI pp. 12-12

- Geoffrey Gerdes
- An Evaluation of Collaborative Problem Solving for Learning Economics pp. 13-29

- Carol G. Johnston, Richard H. James, Jeanette Lye and Ian McDonald
- Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment pp. 30-43

- Maureen J. Lage, Glenn J. Platt and Michael Treglia
- An Experimental Education Market with Positive Externalities pp. 44-51

- Denise Hazlett
- Teaching Marginal Cost, Supply, and Efficiency with an English-Auction Experiment pp. 52-59

- John Bernard and William Schulze
- Enhancing the Macroeconomics Course: An Experiential Learning Approach pp. 60-65

- Michael H. Truscott, Hemant Rustogi and Corinne B. Young
- Price Discrimination, Economies of Scale, and Profits pp. 66-75

- Donghyun Park
- An Illustration of the Bias of OLS for Y t = λ Y t-1 + U t pp. 76-80

- Asatoshi Maeshiro
- Forecasting Job Placements of Economics Graduate Students pp. 81-94

- Alan Krueger and Stephen Wu
- The Status of Economics in the High School Curriculum pp. 95-101

- William B. Walstad and Ken Rebeck
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