Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 44, issue 2, 2001
- Crime versus Justice: Is There a Trade-Off? pp. 345-66

- Amy Farmer and Dek Terrell
- The Impact of Race on Policing and Arrests pp. 367-94

- John Donohue and Steven Levitt
- What Makes People Think Like Economists? Evidence on Economic Cognition from the "Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy." pp. 395-426

- Bryan Caplan
- The Incentive Effects of No-Fault Automobile Insurance pp. 427-64

- John Cummins, Richard Phillips and Mary Weiss
- Market Power and Cartel Formation: Theory and an Empirical Test pp. 465-80

- Darren Filson, Edward Keen, Eric Fruits and Thomas Borcherding
- An Empirical Test of the Offset Hypothesis pp. 481-510

- Anindya Sen
- The Choice of Organizational Form in Gasoline Retailing and the Cost of Laws That Limit That Choice pp. 511-24

- Asher Blass and Dennis Carlton
- Rewards versus Intellectual Property Rights pp. 525-47

- Steven Shavell and Tanguy van Ypersele
- Legal Fee Restrictions, Moral Hazard, and Attorney Rights pp. 549-72

- Rudy Santore and Alan Viard
- Tilting the Table? The Use of Preliminary Injunctions pp. 573-603

- Jean Lanjouw and Josh Lerner
- Guns, Crime, and Safety: Introduction pp. 605-14

- Lott, John R,
- Violence, Guns, and Drugs: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 615-33

- Jeffrey Miron
- The Impact of Gun Laws on Police Deaths pp. 635-57

- David Mustard
- Safe-Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Crime pp. 659-89

- Lott, John R, and John E Whitley
- The Impact of Banning Juvenile Gun Possession pp. 691-713

- Thomas B Marvell
- Guns, Crime, and Academics: Some Reflections on the Gun Control Debate pp. 715-23

- Jeffrey S Parker
- Privately Produced General Deterrence pp. 725-46

- Bruce Benson and Brent D Mast
- Right-to-Carry Concealed Weapon Laws and Homicide in Large U.S. Counties: The Effect on Weapon Types, Victim Characteristics, and Victim-Offender Relationships pp. 747-70

- David E Olson and Michael D Maltz
- Does the Right to Carry Concealed Handguns Deter Countable Crimes? Only a Count Analysis Can Say pp. 771-98

- Florenz Plassmann and T Nicolaus Tideman
- Testing for the Effects of Concealed Weapons Laws: Specification Errors and Robustness pp. 799-813

- Carlisle Moody
Volume 44, issue 1, 2001
- Worker's Compensation Rate Regulation: How Price Controls Increase Costs pp. 1-36

- Patricia Danzon and Scott E Harrington
- Deregulating Property-Casualty Insurance Pricing: The Case of Workers' Compensation pp. 37-63

- Anthony Barkume and John Ruser
- The Effect of Wholesale Market Deregulation on Shareholder Wealth in the Electric Power Industry pp. 65-88

- David Besanko, Julia D'Souza and S Ramu Thiagarajan
- Gradual Incorporation of Information: Pharmaceutical Stocks and the Evolution of President Clinton's Health Care Reform pp. 89-129

- Sara Fisher Ellison and Wallace P Mullin
- Are Vertical Restraints Pro- or Anticompetitive? Lessons from Interstate Circuit pp. 131-59

- David A Butz and Andrew N Kleit
- First-Mover Advantage and the Speed of Competitive Entry, 1887-1986 pp. 161-77

- Rajshree Agarwal and Michael Gort
- Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role? pp. 179-98

- Anup Agrawal and Charles R Knoeber
- Reversion Taxes, Contingent Benefits, and the Decline in Pension Funding pp. 199-232

- Richard A Ippolito
- The Local Response to Tax Limitation Measures: Do Local Governments Manipulate Voters to Increase Revenues? pp. 233-57

- David Figlio and Arthur O'Sullivan
- Identifying the Effect of Unemployment on Crime pp. 259-83

- Steven Raphael and Rudolf Winter-Ember
- Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts pp. 285-314

- David Mustard
- The Pace of Progress at Superfund Sites: Policy Goals and Interest Group Influence pp. 315-44

- Hilary Sigman
Volume 43, issue 2, 2000
- Does Regulation Drive out Competition in Pharmaceutical Markets? pp. 311-57

- Patricia Danzon and Li-Wei Chao
- A Simple Explanation for Why Campaign Expenditures Are Increasing: The Government Is Getting Bigger pp. 359-93

- Lott, John R,
- The Block Booking of Films Reexamined pp. 395-426

- F. Andrew Hanssen
- How Block Booking Facilitated Self-Enforcing Film Contracts pp. 427-35

- Roy W Kenney and Benjamin Klein
- A Theory of Financial Exchange Organization pp. 437-71

- Craig Pirrong
- Liability, Risk Perceptions, and Precautions at Bars pp. 473-501

- Frank Sloan, Emily M Stout, Lan Liang and Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein
- The Price Effects of International Airline Alliances pp. 503-45

- Jan Brueckner and W Tom Whalen
- Does Regulation Affect Economic Outcomes? The Case of Dentistry pp. 547-82

- Morris M Kleiner and Robert T Kudrle
- Self-Regulation and Social Welfare: The Political Economy of Corporate Environmentalism pp. 583-617

- John Maxwell, Thomas Lyon and Steven C Hackett
- Fiscal Effects of the Voter Initiative in the First Half of the Twentieth Century pp. 619-50

- John Matsusaka
- The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws on Product Choices: An Analysis of the Salad Dressing Market pp. 651-77

- Alan Mathios
- Private Property and Economic Efficiency: A Study of a Common-Pool Resource pp. 679-713

- R. Quentin Grafton, Dale Squires and Kevin Fox
Volume 43, issue 1, 2000
- Symmetric Tragedies: Commons and Anticommons pp. 1-13

- James Buchanan and Yong J Yoon
- The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors pp. 15-31

- Ronald Coase
- Creating Holdup through Vertical Integration: Fisher Body Revisited pp. 33-66

- Robert F Freeland
- The Fable of Fisher Body pp. 67-104

- Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Daniel Spulber
- Fisher-General Motors and the Nature of the Firm pp. 105-41

- Benjamin Klein
- Vertical Coordination, Antitrust Law, and International Trade pp. 143-56

- Stephen Hamilton and Kyle Stiegert
- Market Power in Radio Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Local and National Concentration pp. 157-84

- Robert Ekelund, George Ford and Thomas Koutsky
- The Capitalization of Education Finance Reforms pp. 185-214

- Thomas Dee
- Sex Under the Influence: The Effect of Alcohol Policy on Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates in the United States pp. 215-38

- Harrell Chesson, Paul Harrison and William J Kassler
- Political Cycles in Nontraditional Settings: Theory and Evidence from the Case of Mexico pp. 239-63

- Robin Grier and Kevin Grier
- Does It Matter Whom an Agent Serves? Evidence from Recent Changes in Real Estate Agency Law pp. 265-84

- Christopher Curran and Joel Schrag
- Evidence on the Impact of State Government on Primary and Secondary Education and the Equity-Efficiency Trade-Off pp. 285-308

- Thomas Husted and Lawrence Kenny
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