Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 56, issue 4, 2013
- The Problem of Social Cost pp. 837 - 877

- Ronald Coase
- The Federal Communications Commission pp. 879 - 915

- Ronald Coase
- On the Design of Leniency Programs pp. 917 - 957

- Zhijun Chen and Patrick Rey
- Education, Complaints, and Accountability pp. 959 - 996

- Juan Botero, Alejandro Ponce and Andrei Shleifer
- Labor Laws and Innovation pp. 997 - 1037

- Viral Acharya, Ramin P. Baghai and Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian
- Racial Segregation Patterns in Selective Universities pp. 1039 - 1060

- Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban Aucejo, Andrew Hussey and Kenneth Spenner
- Self-Reporting, Investigation, and Evidentiary Standards pp. 1061 - 1090

- Heiko Gerlach
- International Politics and Import Diversification pp. 1091 - 1121

- Sergey Mityakov, Heiwai Tang and Kevin Tsui
Volume 56, issue 3, 2013
- Media versus Special Interests pp. 521 - 553

- Alexander Dyck, David Moss and Luigi Zingales
- The Evolution of Property Rights: State Law or Informal Norms? pp. 555 - 594

- Ryan Bubb
- A Simple Theory of Predation pp. 595 - 631

- Chiara Fumagalli and Massimo Motta
- Racial Disparities in Job Finding and Offered Wages pp. 633 - 689

- Roland G. Fryer, Jr., Devah Pager and Jörg Spenkuch
- Common Advisers in Mergers and Acquisitions: Determinants and Consequences pp. 691 - 740

- Anup Agrawal, Tommy Cooper, Qin Lian and Qiming Wang
- Tax Mix Corners and Other Kinks pp. 741 - 776

- Federico Revelli
- The Effect of Birthright Citizenship on Parental Integration Outcomes pp. 777 - 810

- Ciro Avitabile, Irma Clots-Figueras and Paolo Masella
- Vermin Trials pp. 811 - 836

- Peter Leeson
Volume 56, issue 2, 2013
- Negotiation under Possible Third-Party Resolution pp. 281 - 299

- Sigbjørn Birkeland
- Framing Punishment: Incarceration, Recommended Sentences, and Recidivism pp. 301 - 331

- Shawn Bushway and Emily Owens
- Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption pp. 333 - 369

- D. Mark Anderson, Benjamin Hansen and Daniel Rees
- Licensing One of the World's Oldest Professions: Massage pp. 371 - 388

- Robert Thornton and Edward Timmons
- How Tyranny Paved the Way to Democracy: The Democratic Transition in Ancient Greece pp. 389 - 416

- Robert Fleck and F. Andrew Hanssen
- How Does Bankruptcy Law Impact the Elderly's Business and Housing Decisions? pp. 417 - 451

- Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley and Shawn Rohlin
- Prohibitions on False and Unsubstantiated Claims: Inducing the Acquisition and Revelation of Information through Competition Policy pp. 453 - 486

- Kenneth Corts
- Effect of Network Unbundling on Retail Prices: Evidence from the Telecommunications Act of 1996 pp. 487 - 519

- Gregory L. Rosston, Scott Savage and Bradley S. Wimmer
Volume 56, issue 1, 2013
- An Activity-Generating Theory of Regulation pp. 1 - 38

- Joshua Schwartzstein and Andrei Shleifer
- Elected versus Appointed Policy Makers: Evidence from City Treasurers pp. 39 - 81

- Alexander Whalley
- Reforming Fisheries: Lessons from a Self-Selected Cooperative pp. 83 - 125

- Robert T. Deacon, Dominic Parker and Christopher Costello
- Does Shareholder Proxy Access Improve Firm Value? Evidence from the Business Roundtable's Challenge pp. 127 - 160

- Bo Becker, Daniel Bergstresser and Guhan Subramanian
- Does Higher Malpractice Pressure Deter Medical Errors? pp. 161 - 188

- Toshiaki Iizuka
- Law Firm Expertise and Merger and Acquisition Outcomes pp. 189 - 226

- C. N. V. Krishnan and Ronald Masulis
- The Impact of a Mandatory Cooling-off Period on Divorce pp. 227 - 243

- Jungmin Lee
- Information Production by Investment Banks: Evidence from Fairness Opinions pp. 245 - 280

- Matthew D. Cain and David J. Denis
Volume 55, issue 4, 2012
- Copyright Protection, Technological Change, and the Quality of New Products: Evidence from Recorded Music since Napster pp. 715 - 740

- Joel Waldfogel
- Where Are Limited Liability Companies Formed? An Empirical Analysis pp. 741 - 791

- Jens Dammann and Matthias Schündeln
- Holdout: Existence, Information, and Contingent Contracting pp. 793 - 814

- Sean M. Collins and R. Isaac
- Management of Knowledge Workers pp. 815 - 838

- Hans Hvide and Eirik Kristiansen
- Human Capital Accumulation and the Expansion of Women's Economic Rights pp. 839 - 867

- Rick Geddes, Dean Lueck and Sharon Tennyson
- High-Tech Entrepreneurship pp. 869 - 900

- Serguey Braguinsky, Steven Klepper and Atsushi Ohyama
- Why the Police Have an Effect on Violent Crime After All: Evidence from the British Crime Survey pp. 901 - 924

- Ben Vollaard and Joseph Hamed
- Economic Liberalization and Violent Crime pp. 925 - 948

- Kislaya Prasad
Volume 55, issue 3, 2012
- A Sex Difference in Risk Taking and Promotions in Hierarchies: Evidence from Females in Legislatures pp. 477 - 502

- Dino Falaschetti
- Lines in the Sand: Price Dispersion across Iraq's Intranational Borders before, during, and after the Surge pp. 503 - 538

- Stephen Blomberg and Rozlyn C. Engel
- Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Licensing: The Case of Developing Countries pp. 539 - 564

- Sunil Kanwar
- The Effect of Punishment Severity on Plea Bargaining pp. 565 - 591

- Richard T. Boylan
- Product Liability and Moral Hazard: Evidence from General Aviation pp. 593 - 630

- Eric A. Helland and Alexander Tabarrok
- Judicial Biases in Ottoman Istanbul: Islamic Justice and Its Compatibility with Modern Economic Life pp. 631 - 666

- Timur Kuran and Scott Lustig
- Welfare Effects of Criminal Politicians: A Discontinuity-Based Approach pp. 667 - 690

- Matthieu Chemin
- Ordeals pp. 691 - 714

- Peter Leeson
Volume 55, issue 2, 2012
- Do Majority-Black Districts Limit Blacks' Representation? The Case of the 1990 Redistricting pp. 251 - 274

- Ebonya Washington
- How Much Crime Reduction Does the Marginal Prisoner Buy? pp. 275 - 310

- Rucker Johnson and Steven Raphael
- Judicial Errors and Crime Deterrence: Theory and Experimental Evidence pp. 311 - 338

- Matteo Rizzolli and Luca Stanca
- Law, Economics, and Culture: Theory of Mandated Benefits and Evidence from Maternity Leave Policies pp. 339 - 364

- Yehonatan Givati and Ugo antonio Troiano
- Market Regulation and Firm Performance: The Case of Smoking Bans in the United Kingdom pp. 365 - 391

- Jerome Adda, Samuel Berlinski and Stephen Machin
- Short Criminals: Stature and Crime in Early America pp. 393 - 419

- Howard Bodenhorn, Carolyn Moehling and Gregory Price
- What Do Revolving-Door Laws Do? pp. 421 - 436

- Marc Law and Cheryl X. Long
- Intergenerational Effects of Welfare Reform on Educational Attainment pp. 437 - 476

- Amalia Miller and Lei Zhang
Volume 55, issue 1, 2012
- Delivering Bad News: Market Responses to Negligence pp. 1 - 25

- David Dranove, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan and Yasutora Watanabe
- The Competitive Impact of Hypermarket Retailers on Gasoline Prices pp. 27 - 41

- Paul R. Zimmerman
- Innovation without Patents: Evidence from World's Fairs pp. 43 - 74

- Petra Moser
- The Equity and Efficiency of Two-Part Tariffs in U.S. Natural Gas Markets pp. 75 - 128

- Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis
- Transparency and Corruption: Evidence from India pp. 129 - 149

- Leonid Peisakhin
- Does Intellectual Property Restrict Output? An Analysis of Pharmaceutical Markets pp. 151 - 187

- Darius Lakdawalla and Tomas Philipson
- Regulation and Investment in Network Industries: Evidence from European Telecoms pp. 189 - 216

- Michal Grajek and Lars-Hendrik Röller
- The Early Decision Option in College Admission and Its Impact on Student Diversity pp. 217 - 249

- Heather Antecol and Janet Smith
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