Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 49, issue 2, 2006
- Reputational Penalties and the Merits of Class-Action Securities Litigation pp. 365-95

- Eric Helland
- The Jeffords Effect pp. 397-425

- Seema Jayachandran
- The Effectiveness of State Legislation in Mitigating Moral Hazard: Evidence from Automobile Insurance pp. 427-50

- Robert E Hoyt, David Mustard and Lawrence S Powell
- Perceived Criminality, Criminal Background Checks, and the Racial Hiring Practices of Employers pp. 451-80

- Harry Holzer, Steven Raphael and Michael Stoll
- Abortion Legalization and Adolescent Substance Use pp. 481-505

- Kerwin Kofi Charles and Melvin Stephens
- Guns and Juvenile Crime pp. 507-31

- Naci Mocan and Erdal Tekin
- Do Teen Births Keep American Crime High? pp. 533-66

- Jennifer Hunt
- Court Decisions and Equity Markets: Estimating the Value of Copyright Protection pp. 567-96

- Matthew Baker and Brendan Cunningham
- Academic Earmarks and the Returns to Lobbying pp. 597-625

- John M de Figueiredo and Brian S Silverman
- Evaluating the Performance of Merger Simulation: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry pp. 627-49

- Craig Peters
- Variation in the Monitoring Incentives of Outside Stockholders pp. 651-80

- Kenneth A Borokhovich, Kelly Brunarski, Yvette S Harman and Robert Parrino
- The Determinants of Asset Stripping: Theory and Evidence from the Transition Economies pp. 681-706

- Nauro Campos and Francesco Giovannoni
Volume 49, issue 1, 2006
- File Sharing: Creative Destruction or Just Plain Destruction? pp. 1-28

- Stan Liebowitz
- Piracy on the High C's: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students pp. 29-62

- Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel
- Measuring the Effect of File Sharing on Music Purchases pp. 63-90

- Alejandro Zentner
- Impact of Legal Threats on Online Music Sharing Activity: An Analysis of Music Industry Legal Actions pp. 91-114

- Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara and James R Marsden
- The Origins of Democracy: A Model with Application to Ancient Greece pp. 115-46

- Robert Fleck and F. Andrew Hanssen
- Does Religion Really Reduce Crime? pp. 147-72

- Paul Heaton
- Contract Duration: Evidence from Franchising pp. 173-96

- James A Brickley, Sanjog Misra and R Lawrence Van Horn
- Incentives in Corporations: Evidence from the American Whaling Industry pp. 197-227

- Eric Hilt
- Regulation and Incentives in European Aviation pp. 229-48

- Philippe Gagnepain and Pedro L Marin
- Neighborhood Crime and Young Males' Job Opportunity pp. 249-83

- Keith Ihlanfeldt
- The Economics of Teacher Quality pp. 285-329

- Darius Lakdawalla
- Initial Public Offering Discount and Competition pp. 331-51

- Shmuel Hauser, Uzi Yaari, Yael Tanchuma and Harold Baker
- Plea Bargains Only for the Guilty pp. 353-64

- Oren Bar-Gill and Oren Gazal Ayal
Volume 48, issue 2, 2005
- Aaron Director Remembered pp. 307-11

- Stephen M Stigler
- Aaron Director's Influence on Antitrust Policy pp. 313-30

- Sam Peltzman
- Why Is Manhattan So Expensive? Regulation and the Rise in Housing Prices pp. 331-69

- Edward L Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko and Raven Saks
- Corporate Governance and Accounting Scandals pp. 371-406

- Anup Agrawal and Sahiba Chadha
- Evidence for the Possible Information Loss of Conforming Book Income and Taxable Income pp. 407-42

- Michelle Hanlon, Stacie Kelley Laplante and Terry Shevlin
- Company Stock in Pension Plans: How Costly Is It? pp. 443-74

- Lisa Meulbroek
- Do Corporate Control and Product Market Competition Lead to Stronger Productivity Growth? Evidence from Market-Oriented and Blockholder-Based Governance Regimes pp. 475-516

- Jens Koke and Luc Renneboog
- Control Premiums, Minority Discounts, and Optimal Judicial Valuation pp. 517-48

- Kenton Yee
- The Effectiveness of Juvenile Correctional Facilities: Public versus Private Management pp. 549-89

- Patrick Bayer and David E Pozen
- Making the Crime Fit the Penalty: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing pp. 591-625

- David Bjerk
- Salaries, Plea Rates, and the Career Objectives of Federal Prosecutors pp. 627-51

- Richard T Boylan and Cheryl X Long
- The Reputational Penalties for Environmental Violations: Empirical Evidence pp. 653-75

- Jonathan Karpoff, Lott, John R, and Eric W Wehrly
- The Effect of Local Competition on Admission Prices in the U.S. Motion Picture Exhibition Market pp. 677-708

- Peter Davis
- The Choice of Titling System in Land pp. 709-27

- Benito Arruñada and Nuno Garoupa
Volume 48, issue 1, 2005
- Labor Market Discrimination and Racial Differences in Premarket Factors pp. 1-39

- Pedro Carneiro, James Heckman and Dimitriy V Masterov
- Corporate Campaign Contributions, Repeat Giving, and the Rewards to Legislator Reputation pp. 41-71

- Randall S Kroszner and Thomas Stratmann
- Strength in Numbers: Group Size and Political Mobilization pp. 73-91

- Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Joel Waldfogel
- Income Inequality and the Taste for Revolution pp. 93-123

- Robert MacCulloch
- "Read My Lips...": Does the Tax Rhetoric of Presidential Candidates Affect Security Prices? pp. 125-48

- Benjamin C Ayers, C Bryan Cloyd and John R Robinson
- An Examination of Market Power in the Intrastate Long-Distance Telephone Service Markets: Evidence from a Natural Experiment pp. 149-71

- David E Burnstein
- Disclosure as a Strategy in the Patent Race pp. 173-94

- Scott Baker and Claudio Mezzetti
- Drug Prices and Research and Development Investment Behavior in the Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 195-214

- Carmelo Giaccotto, Rexford Santerre and John A Vernon
- The Effect of Alcohol Prohibition on Illicit-Drug-Related Crimes pp. 215-34

- Michael Conlin, Stacy Dickert-Conlin and John Pepper
- Carrots, Sticks, and Broken Windows pp. 235-66

- Hope Corman and Naci Mocan
- Using Terror Alert Levels to Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime pp. 267-79

- Jonathan Klick and Alexander Tabarrok
- Estimating the Effect of America's Most Wanted: A Duration Analysis of Wanted Fugitives pp. 281-306

- Thomas J Miles
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