Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 51, issue 4, 2008
- Fast-Food Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity pp. 599-618

- Shin-Yi Chou, Inas Rashad and Michael Grossman
- Legal Inforcement, Short Maturity Debt, and the Incentive to Manage Earnings pp. 619-639

- Manu Gupta, Inder K. Khurana and Raynolde Pereira
- Sovereignty, Credible Commitments, and Economic Prosperity on American Indian Reservations pp. 641-666

- Terry L. Anderson and Dominic Parker
- Weathering Corruption pp. 667-681

- Peter Leeson and Russell Sobel
- Down and Out in the Stock Market: The Law and Economics of the Delisting Process pp. 683-713

- Jonathan Macey, Maureen O'Hara and David Pompilio
- Antebellum Tariff Politics: Regional Coalitions and Shifting Economic Interests pp. 715-741

- Douglas Irwin
- An Empirical Analysis of the Competitive Effects of the Delta/Continental/Northwest Code-Share Alliance pp. 743-766

- Philip Gayle
Volume 51, issue 3, 2008
- Opium in Afghanistan: Prospects for the Success of Source Country Drug Control Policies pp. 407-432

- Jeffrey Clemens
- State Age Protection Laws and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act pp. 433-460

- Joanna Lahey
- Inventory Turnover and Product Variety pp. 461-478

- Howard P. Marvel and James Peck
- The Effect of Private Interests on Regulated Retail and Wholesale Prices pp. 479-501

- Gregory L. Rosston, Scott Savage and Bradley S. Wimmer
- Do Analyst Conflicts Matter? Evidence from Stock Recommendations pp. 503-537

- Anup Agrawal and Mark A. Chen
- The Role of Corporate Governance in Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts pp. 539-562

- Jay C. Hartzell, Jarl G. Kallberg and Crocker H. Liu
- Property Rights and Wireless License Values pp. 563-598

- Thomas Hazlett
Volume 51, issue 2, 2008
- When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item-Pricing Laws pp. 209-250

- Mark Bergen, Daniel Levy, Sourav Ray, Paul Rubin and Benjamin Zeliger
- The Political Economy of Truth-in-Advertising Regulation during the Progressive Era pp. 251-269

- Zeynep K. Hansen and Marc Law
- Voluntary Pollution Reductions and the Enforcement of Environmental Law: An Empirical Study of the 33/50 Program pp. 271-296

- Robert Innes and Abdoul G. Sam
- Liability, Regulation, and Endogenous Risk: The Incidence and Severity of Escaped Prescribed Fires in the United States pp. 297-325

- Jonathan Yoder
- Evidence on the Incentive Properties of Share Contracts pp. 327-349

- Luis Braido
- Safeguards and Retaliatory Threats pp. 351-376

- Benjamin Liebman and Kasaundra M. Tomlin
- Do Faster Food and Drug Administration Drug Reviews Adversely Affect Patient Safety? An Analysis of the 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act pp. 377-406

- Henry Grabowski and Y. Richard Wang
Volume 51, issue 1, 2008
- State Casket Sales Restrictions: A Pointless Undertaking? pp. 1-23

- Judith Chevalier and Fiona M. Scott Morton
- Integrity for Hire: An Analysis of a Widespread Customs Reform pp. 25-57

- Dean Yang
- The Economics of the Marriage Contract: Theories and Evidence pp. 59-110

- Niko Matouschek and Imran Rasul
- Market Reaction to Events Surrounding the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Earnings Management pp. 111-134

- Haidan Li, Morton Pincus and Sonja Olhoft Rego
- Do Gasoline Mergers Affect Consumer Prices? The Marathon Ashland Petroleum and Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Transaction pp. 135-152

- John Simpson and Christopher Taylor
- Compensation, Unionization, and Deregulation in the Motor Carrier Industry pp. 153-177

- Kevin Henrickson and Wesley Wilson
- State Laws and Debt Covenants pp. 179-207

- Yaxuan Qi and John Wald
Volume 50, issue 4, 2007
- The Home Court Advantage in International Corporate Litigation pp. 625-660

- Utpal Bhattacharya, Neal Galpin and Bruce Haslem
- Concentration-Based Merger Tests and Vertical Market Structure pp. 661-681

- Joshua Gans
- Did Reform of Prudent Trust Investment Laws Change Trust Portfolio Allocation? pp. 681-711

- Max M. Schanzenbach and Robert H. Sitkoff
- Why Are There Serial Defaulters? Evidence from Constitutions pp. 713-730

- Emanuel Kohlscheen
- The Impact of Post-9/11 Airport Security Measures on the Demand for Air Travel pp. 731-755

- Garrick Blalock, Vrinda Kadiyali and Daniel H. Simon
- Advertising Restrictions and Competition in the Children’s Breakfast Cereal Industry pp. 757-780

- Robert Clark
- Airline Code-Share Alliances and Their Competitive Effects pp. 781-819

- Philip Gayle
Volume 50, issue 3, 2007
- The Economics of Slotting Contracts pp. 421-454

- Benjamin Klein and Joshua D. Wright
- The Political Economy of European Merger Control: Evidence using Stock Market Data pp. 455-489

- Tomaso Duso, Damien Neven and Lars-Hendrik Röller
- Is Crime Contagious? pp. 491-518

- Jens Ludwig and Jeffrey Kling
- Diabetes Treatments and Moral Hazard pp. 519-538

- Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann
- Heavy Alcohol Use and Crime: Evidence from Underage Drunk-Driving Laws pp. 539-557

- Christopher Carpenter
- Financial Contracting in Biotech Strategic Alliances pp. 559-596

- David Robinson and Toby E. Stuart
- Cartel Code Attributes and Cartel Performance: An Industry-Level Analysis of the National Industrial Recovery Act pp. 597-624

- Jason E. Taylor
Volume 50, issue 2, 2007
- Tort Reform and Accidental Deaths pp. 221-238

- Paul Rubin and Joanna M. Shepherd
- Financial Development and Pathways of Growth: State Branching and Deposit Insurance Laws in the United States, 1900–1940 pp. 239-272

- Rajeev Dehejia and Adriana Lleras-Muney
- Are Prudential Supervision and Regulation Pillars of Financial Stability? Evidence from the Great Depression pp. 273-302

- Kris James Mitchener
- Trading with Bandits pp. 303-321

- Peter Leeson
- Deserters, Social Norms, and Migration pp. 323-353

- Dora Costa and Matthew Kahn
- Domestic Code Sharing, Alliances, and Airfares in the U.S. Airline Industry pp. 355-380

- Harumi Ito and Darin Lee
- Bankruptcy Decision Making: An Empirical Study of Continuation Bias in Small-Business Bankruptcies pp. 381-419

- Edward R. Morrison
Volume 50, issue 1, 2007
- Managerial Leverage Is Limited by the Extent of the Market: Hierarchies, Specialization, and the Utilization of Lawyers' Human Capital pp. 1-43

- Luis Garicano and Thomas N Hubbard
- The Law and Economics of Company Stock in 401(k) Plans pp. 45-79

- Shlomo Benartzi, Richard Thaler, Stephen P Utkus and Cass Sunstein
- Does Public Scientific Research Complement Private Investment in Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry? pp. 81-104

- Andrew A Toole
- Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of U.S. Interests on International Monetary Fund Conditions pp. 105-24

- Axel Dreher and Nathan Jensen
- Upstream Competition and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets pp. 125-56

- Erin Mansur
- Economies of Density and Regulatory Change in the U.S. Railroad Freight Industry pp. 157-79

- John D Bitzan and Theodore E Keeler
- Monopoly Quality Degradation and Regulation in Cable Television pp. 181-219

- Gregory Crawford and Matthew Shum
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