Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 32, issue 2, 1989
- Empirical Approaches to Market Power: Introduction pp. S3-10
- David T Scheffman and Pablo Spiller
- Short-run Supply with Capacity Constraints pp. S11-42
- Timothy Bresnahan and Valerie Suslow
- Short-run Supply with Capacity Constraints: Comment pp. S43-46
- John C Hause
- Identifying Cartel Policing under Uncertainty: The U.S. Steel Industry, 1933-1939 pp. S47-76
- Jonathan B Baker
- Identifying Cartel Policing under Uncertainty: The U.S. Steel Industry, 1933-1939: Comment pp. S77-82
- James Langenfeld
- Random Reservation Prices and Bidding Behavior in OCS Drainage Auctions pp. S83-106
- Kenneth Hendricks, Robert Porter and Richard H Spady
- The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments pp. S107-30
- Charles Holt
- The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments: Comment pp. S131-33
- Robert Tollison
- Monopsony Power in the Market for Nurses pp. S135-78
- Daniel Sullivan
- Competition and Entry in Small Airline Markets pp. S179-202
- Peter C Reiss and Pablo Spiller
- Market Power and Mergers in Durable-Good Industries pp. S203-26
- Dennis Carlton and Robert Gertner
- Market Power and Mergers in Durable-Good Industries: Comment pp. S227-32
- Carl Shapiro
- Deregulation and Scale Economies in the U.S. Trucking Industry: An Econometric Extension of the Survivor Principle pp. 229-53

- Theodore E Keeler
- Firm Entry and Postentry Performance in the U.S. Chemical Industries pp. S233-71
- Timothy Dunne, Mark Roberts and Larry Samuelson
- Private Copying, Appropriability, and Optimal Copying Royalties pp. 255-80

- Stanley Besen and Sheila Nataraj Kirby
- Firm Entry and Postentry Performance in the U.S. Chemical Industries: Comment pp. S273-75
- David T Levy
- An Economic Analysis of Alternative Damage Rules for Breach of Contract pp. 281-310

- David Friedman
- Can Competition among Employers Reduce Governmental Discrimination? Coal Companies and Segregated Schools in West Virginia in the Early 1900s pp. 311-28

- Price Fishback
- Crisis in the Cockpit? The Role of Market Forces in Promoting Air Travel Safety pp. 329-55

- Mark Mitchell and Michael Maloney
- Shareholder Activism and Share Values: The Causes and Consequences of Countersolicitations against Management Antitakeover Proposals pp. 357-79

- John Pound
- Agency Cost, Firm Size, and Exclusive Dealing pp. 381-400

- Tim Sass and Micha Gisser
- The Efficacy of Franchise Bidding Schemes in the Case of Cable Television: Some Systematic Evidence pp. 401-56

- Mark A Zupan
Volume 32, issue 1, 1989
- Ownership and Performance in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the Performance of Private, Mixed, and State-Owned Enterprises pp. 1-33

- Anthony Boardman and Aidan Vining
- Regulation and the Theory of Legislative Choice: The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 pp. 35-61

- Thomas W Gilligan, William J Marshall and Barry Weingast
- Railroad Deregulation, Innovation, and Competition: Effects of the Staggers Act on Grain Transportation pp. 63-95

- James MacDonald
- The Effect of Fuel Economy Standards on Automobile Safety pp. 97-118

- Robert W Crandall and John D Graham
- The Rationality of Ideology pp. 119-42

- William Dougan and Michael Munger
- Medicaid Drug Formulary Restrictions pp. 143-62

- David Dranove
- Advertising in Consumer Goods Industries: Durability, Economies of Scale, and Heterogeneity pp. 163-93

- Lacy Glenn Thomas
- A Dutch Auction Information Exchange pp. 195-213

- Christopher D Hall
- On the Incentives of Judges to Enforce Legislative Wealth Transfers pp. 215-28

- Gary M Anderson, William Shughart and Robert Tollison
Volume 31, issue 2, 1988
- Vertical Restraints as Contract Enforcement Mechanisms pp. 265-97

- Benjamin Klein and Kevin Murphy
- Persuasion or Information? Promotion and the Shares of Brand Name and Generic Pharmaceuticals pp. 299-320

- Mark A Hurwitz and Richard E Caves
- Excess Capacity, Cyclical Production, and Merger Motives: Some Evidence from the Capital Markets pp. 321-50

- Michael Maloney and Robert McCormick
- Ownership Structure across Lines of Property-Casualty Insurance pp. 351-78

- David Mayers and Smith, Clifford W,
- Production Costs and Output Qualities in Public and Private Employment Agencies pp. 379-93

- William Clark
- Mutual Banks and Stock Banks pp. 395-421

- Eric Rasmusen
- University Governance: A Property Rights Perspective pp. 423-42

- Robert McCormick and Roger E Meiners
- The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Railroad Cartels pp. 443-68

- John J Binder
- Does Horizontal Price Fixing Raise Price? A Look at the Bakers of Washington Case pp. 469-84

- Craig M Newmark
- Measuring the Cost to Consumers of Product Defects: The Value of "Lemon Insurance." pp. 485-502

- Charles W Smithson and Christopher Thomas
Volume 31, issue 1, 1988
- The Family and the State pp. 1-18

- Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy
- Prisoners and Property Rights pp. 19-46

- Bruno Frey and Heinz Buhofer
- Price Adjustment in Long-term Contracts: The Case of Coal pp. 47-83

- Paul Joskow
- A Study of the Regulatory Effect of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act pp. 85-125

- Richard A Ippolito
- Regulatory Treatment of Abandoned Property: Incentive Effects and Policy Issues pp. 127-44

- Martin B Zimmerman
- Effects of Alcoholic Beverage Prices and Legal Drinking Ages on Youth Alcohol Use pp. 145-71

- Douglas Coate and Michael Grossman
- Sources of Economic Rent in the Deregulated Airline Industry pp. 173-202

- Elizabeth Bailey and Jeffrey R Williams
- Capital Turnover and Marketable Pollution Rights pp. 203-26

- Michael Maloney and Gordon L Brady
- Property Rights, Progress, and the Aircraft Patent Agreement pp. 227-48

- George Bittlingmayer
- Uncertainty, Efficiency, and the Brokerage Industry pp. 249-63

- Michael S Knoll
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