Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 58, issue 4, 2015
- Political Connectedness and Court Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese Corporate Lawsuits

- Haitian Lu, Hongbo Pan and Chenying Zhang
- Intrinsic Motivation in Public Service: Theory and Evidence from State Supreme Courts

- Elliott Ash and W. Bentley Macleod
- Do 'Cheeseburger Bills' Work? Effects of Tort Reform for Fast Food

- Christopher Carpenter and Daniel Tello-Trillo
- The Role of D&O Insurance in Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements

- Dain Donelson, Justin Hopkins and Christopher Yust
- Evaluating Mergers in the Presence of Dynamic Competition Using Impacts on Rivals

- Darren Filson, Saman Olfati and Fatos Radoniqi
- Non-Profit Status and Relational Sanctions: Commitment to Quality through Repeat Interactions and Organizational Choice

- Albert H. Choi
- Banking Deregulation, Local Credit Supply, and Small Business Growth

- Prasad Krishnamurthy
- On the Distributive Costs of Drug-Related Homicides

- Nicolas Ajzenman, Sebastian Galiani and Enrique Seira
Volume 58, issue 3, 2015
- Predicting Merger Outcomes: The Accuracy of Stock Market Event Studies, Market Structure Characteristics, and Agency Decisions

- John Kwoka and Chengyan Gu
- How Does Corporate Political Activity Allowed by Citizens United v. FEC Affect Shareholder Wealth?

- Thomas Stratmann and J.W. Verret
- Mergers after cartels: How markets react to cartel breakdown

- Stephen Davies, Peter Ormosi and Martin Graffenberger
- What Explains Sovereign Debt Litigation?

- Julian Schumacher, Christoph Trebesch and Henrik Enderlein
- When Punishment Doesn't Pay: "Cold Glow" and Decisions to Punish

- Aurelie Ouss and Alexander Peysakhovich
- Selection, Staging and Sequencing in the Recent Chinese Privatization

- Jun Du and Xiaoxuan Liu
- Institutionally Constrained Technology Adoption: Resolving the Longbow Puzzle

- Douglas W. Allen and Peter Leeson
- 'Can you Hear Me Now?' Exit, Voice and Loyalty Under Increasing Competition

- Thomas Beard, Jeffrey T. Macher and John Mayo
Volume 58, issue 2, 2015
- Antitrust, Transaction Costs, and Merger Simulation with Nonlinear Pricing pp. 269 - 289

- Dennis Carlton and Bryan Keating
- Legal Enforcement and Corporate Behavior: An Analysis of Tax Aggressiveness after an Audit pp. 291 - 324

- Jason DeBacker, Bradley Heim, Anh Tran and Alexander Yuskavage
- What Are We Meeting For? The Consequences of Private Meetings with Investors pp. 325 - 355

- David Solomon and Eugene Soltes
- The Role of Lawyer-Legislators in Shaping the Law: Evidence from Voting on Tort Reforms pp. 357 - 384

- Ulrich Matter and Alois Stutzer
- Peremptory Challenges and Jury Selection pp. 385 - 416

- Francis Flanagan
- When Can We Expect a Corporate Leniency Program to Result in Fewer Cartels? pp. 417 - 449

- Joseph E. Harrington and Myong-Hun Chang
- A "de Soto Effect" in Industry? Evidence from the Russian Federation pp. 451 - 480

- Alexei Karas, William Pyle and Koen Schoors
- Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Hard-Drug Use? pp. 481 - 517

- Yu-Wei Chu
Volume 58, issue 1, 2015
- Licensure and Worker Quality: A Comparison of Alternative Routes to Teaching pp. 1 - 35

- Tim Sass
- Labor Protection Laws and Bank Loan Contracting pp. 37 - 74

- Azizjon Alimov
- The Impact of Corruption on Consumer Markets: Evidence from the Allocation of Second-Generation Wireless Spectrum in India pp. 75 - 109

- Sandip Sukhtankar
- "Gallantry in Action": Evidence of Advantageous Selection in a Voluntary Army pp. 111 - 138

- Javier Birchenall and Thomas G. Koch
- Appellate Lawmaking in a Judicial Hierarchy pp. 139 - 172

- Adam B. Badawi and Scott Baker
- Outsourcing Shareholder Voting to Proxy Advisory Firms pp. 173 - 204

- David F. Larcker, Allan L. McCall and Gaizka Ormazabal
- Does Incarceration Length Affect Labor Market Outcomes? pp. 205 - 234

- Rasmus Landersø
- Deployments, Combat Exposure, and Crime pp. 235 - 267

- D. Mark Anderson and Daniel I. Rees
Volume 57, issue S3, 2014
- Bork's Strategy and the Influence of the Chicago School on Modern Antitrust Law pp. S1 - S17

- George L. Priest
- Consumer Welfare and the Legacy of Robert Bork pp. S19 - S32

- Kenneth Heyer
- How Do Cartels Use Vertical Restraints? Reflections on Bork's The Antitrust Paradox pp. S33 - S50

- Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Suslow
- The Evolution of U.S. Cartel Enforcement pp. S51 - S65

- Vivek Ghosal and D. Daniel Sokol
- Did Robert Bork Understate the Competitive Impact of Mergers? Evidence from Consummated Mergers pp. S67 - S100

- Orley Ashenfelter, Daniel Hosken and Matthew Weinberg
- Industrial Concentration under the Rule of Reason pp. S101 - S120

- Sam Peltzman
- Robert Bork's Contributions to Antitrust Perspectives on Tying Behavior pp. S121 - S144

- Dennis Carlton and Michael Waldman
- The Evolving Law and Economics of Resale Price Maintenance pp. S161 - S179

- Benjamin Klein
- Antitrust Predation and The Antitrust Paradox pp. S181 - S200

- Kenneth Elzinga and David Mills
- "Antitrust's Least Glorious Hour": The Robinson-Patman Act pp. S201 - S215

- Roger Blair and Christina DePasquale
Volume 57, issue 4, 2014
- Delaware Law as Lingua Franca: Theory and Evidence pp. 865 - 895

- Brian Broughman, Jesse M. Fried and Darian Ibrahim
- Deregulation, Misallocation, and Size: Evidence from India pp. 897 - 936

- Laura Alfaro and Anusha Chari
- Does Immigration Enforcement Reduce Crime? Evidence from Secure Communities pp. 937 - 973

- Thomas J. Miles and Adam B. Cox
- Tax Shelters or Efficient Tax Planning? A Theory of the Firm Perspective on the Economic Substance Doctrine pp. 975 - 1000

- T. Christopher Borek, Angelo Frattarelli and Oliver Hart
- The Role of Age in Jury Selection and Trial Outcomes pp. 1001 - 1030

- Shamena Anwar, Patrick Bayer and Randi Hjalmarsson
- State Contract Law and Debt Contracts pp. 1031 - 1061

- Colleen Honigsberg, Sharon Katz and Gil Sadka
- Wall Street, Capitol Hill, and K Street: Political Influence and Financial Regulation pp. 1063 - 1084

- Deniz Igan and Prachi Mishra
- How Do Case Law and Statute Differ? Lessons from the Evolution of Mortgage Law pp. 1085 - 1122

- Andra Ghent
Volume 57, issue 3, 2014
- Insider Trading in Supervised Industries pp. 529 - 559

- David Reeb, Yuzhao Zhang and Wanli Zhao
- The Distribution of Legal Traditions around the World: A Contribution to the Legal-Origins Theory pp. 561 - 628

- Daniel Oto-Peralías and Diego Romero-Ávila
- Valuation of Patented Product Features pp. 629 - 663

- Greg M. Allenby, Jeff Brazell, John R. Howell and Peter Rossi
- The Role and Growth of New-Car Leasing: Theory and Evidence pp. 665 - 698

- Justin P. Johnson, Henry Schneider and Michael Waldman
- Trial and Settlement: A Study of High-Low Agreements pp. 699 - 746

- J.J. Prescott, Kathryn E. Spier and Albert Yoon
- Litigation Risk and Agency Costs: Evidence from Nevada Corporate Law pp. 747 - 780

- Dain Donelson and Christopher G. Yust
- Rational Inattention and Energy Efficiency pp. 781 - 820

- James Sallee
- Institutional Quality, Culture, and Norms of Cooperation: Evidence from Behavioral Field Experiments pp. 821 - 863

- Alessandra Cassar, Giovanna d'Adda and Pauline Grosjean
Volume 57, issue 2, 2014
- Direct Estimation of Hidden Earnings: Evidence from Russian Administrative Data pp. 281 - 319

- Serguey Braguinsky, Sergey Mityakov and Andrey Liscovich
- Doing Their Duty: An Empirical Analysis of the Unintended Effect of Tarasoff v. Regents on Homicidal Activity pp. 321 - 348

- Griffin Edwards
- Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement, and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker's Perspective pp. 349 - 386

- Randall Akee, Arnab Basu, Arjun Bedi and Nancy Chau
- Renegotiation Design: Evidence from National Football League Roster Bonuses pp. 387 - 430

- Gregor Matvos
- Voting Rights, Shareholdings, and Leverage at Nineteenth-Century U.S. Banks pp. 431 - 458

- Howard Bodenhorn
- Access to Justice and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Brazil's Special Civil Tribunals pp. 459 - 499

- Guilherme Lichand and Rodrigo Soares
- Medical Malpractice Reform, the Supply of Physicians, and Adverse Selection pp. 501 - 527

- Ethan Lieber
Volume 57, issue 1, 2014
- Malpractice Law, Physicians' Financial Incentives, and Medical Treatment: How Do They Interact? pp. 1 - 29

- Ity Shurtz
- Policy Divergence and Voter Polarization in a Structural Model of Elections pp. 31 - 76

- Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
- Taxes, Lawyers, and the Decline of Witch Trials in France pp. 77 - 112

- Noel Johnson and Mark Koyama
- Strategic Judicial Preference Revelation pp. 113 - 137

- Alvaro Bustos and Tonja Jacobi
- Bankruptcy Law and the Cost of Credit: The Impact of Cramdown on Mortgage Interest Rates pp. 139 - 158

- Joshua Goodman and Adam Levitin
- Do Physicians Possess Market Power? pp. 159 - 193

- Abe Dunn and Adam Shapiro
- Incidence of Strict Quality Standards: Protection of Consumers or Windfall for Professionals? pp. 195 - 224

- Daiji Kawaguchi, Tetsushi Murao and Ryo Kambayashi
- State Foreclosure Laws and the Incidence of Mortgage Default pp. 225 - 280

- Cem Demiroglu, Evan Dudley and Christopher James
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