Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 65, issue S2, 2022
- Public Opinion about Regulation pp. S327 - S353

- Sam Peltzman
- Peltzman Revisited: Quantifying 21st-Century Opportunity Costs of Food and Drug Administration Regulation pp. S355 - S387

- Casey B. Mulligan
- The Returns to Medical Inventions pp. S389 - S417

- David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite and Bingxiao Wu
- Advertising Costs and Product Prices pp. S419 - S431

- Hal Varian
- Does Uber Benefit Travelers by Price Discrimination? pp. S433 - S459

- Yenjae Chang, Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
- A Retrospective Analysis of the AT&T/Time Warner Merger pp. S461 - S498

- Dennis Carlton, Georgi V. Giozov, Mark A. Israel and Allan L. Shampine
- Antitrust in the Information Economy: Digital Platform Mergers pp. S499 - S518

- Robert W. Crandall and Thomas W. Hazlett
- In the Beginning: The Creation of the Economic Expert in Antitrust pp. S519 - S542

- Kenneth Elzinga
- Introduction pp. iii - vi

- Dennis Carlton
Volume 65, issue S1, 2022
- Property Rights to Land and Agricultural Organization: An Argentina–United States Comparison pp. S1 - S33

- Eric Edwards, Martin Fiszbein and Gary D. Libecap
- Property Rights and Urban Form pp. S35 - S64

- Simeon Djankov, Edward Glaeser, Valeria Perotti and Andrei Shleifer
- The Tragedy of “The Tragedy of the Commons”: Hardin versus the Property Rights Theorists pp. S65 - S84

- Jonathan M. Karpoff
- The Economics of Radiator Springs: Dynamics, Sunk Costs, and Spatial Demand Shifts pp. S85 - S120

- Jeffrey Campbell and Thomas N. Hubbard
- Productivity, Prices, and Concentration in Manufacturing: A Demsetzian Perspective pp. S121 - S153

- Sam Peltzman
- Price Benchmark Regulation of Multiproduct Firms: An Application to the Rail Industry pp. S155 - S190

- Wesley Wilson and Frank A. Wolak
- The Effects of Government Licensing on E-commerce: Evidence from Alibaba pp. S191 - S221

- Ginger Zhe Jin, Zhentong Lu, Xiaolu Zhou and Chunxiao Li
- Learning by Regulating: The Evolution of Wind Energy Zoning Laws pp. S223 - S262

- Justin B. Winikoff
- Organizations with Power-Hungry Agents pp. S263 - S291

- Wouter Dessein and Richard Holden
- Collectivist Cultures and the Emergence of Family Firms pp. S293 - S325

- Joseph P. H. Fan, Qiankun Gu and Xin Yu
Volume 65, issue 4, 2022
- Why Did Firms Practice Segregation? Evidence from Movie Theaters during Jim Crow pp. 635 - 663

- Ricard Gil and Justin Marion
- Does Amazon Exercise Its Market Power? Evidence from Toys“R”Us pp. 665 - 685

- Leshui He, Imke Reimers and Benjamin Shiller
- Creditors’ Rights, Threat of Liquidation, and the Labor and Capital Choices of Firms pp. 687 - 714

- Shashwat Alok, Ritam Chaurey and Vasudha Nukala
- The Development of the Takeover Auction Process: The Evolution of Property Rights in the Modern Wild West pp. 715 - 751

- William O. Brown, Tingting Liu and J. Harold Mulherin
- Do Prostitution Laws Affect Rape Rates? Evidence from Europe pp. 753 - 789

- Huasheng Gao and Vanya Petrova
- Crime and (a Preference for) Punishment: The Effects of Drug Policy Reform on Policing Activity pp. 791 - 810

- Adam Soliman
- Pride and Prejudice: Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Announcements and Hate Crimes pp. 811 - 835

- Robert W. Pettis, Zehra Valencia and Breyon J. Williams
Volume 65, issue 3, 2022
- Vertical Disintegration: The Effect of Refiners’ Exit from Gasoline Retailing on Retail Gasoline Pricing pp. 423 - 464

- Daniel Hosken and Christopher Taylor
- Certificates of Public Advantage and Hospital Mergers pp. 465 - 486

- Christopher Garmon and Kishan Bhatt
- Inequality in the Provision of Police Services: Evidence from Residential Burglary Investigations pp. 487 - 513

- Rebecca Goldstein
- Comparative Effects of Recreational and Medical Marijuana Laws on Drug Use among Adults and Adolescents pp. 515 - 554

- Alex Hollingsworth, Coady Wing and Ashley C. Bradford
- Pounds That Save: The Role of Preferences for Safety in Demand for Large Vehicles pp. 555 - 579

- Jonathan B. Scott
- Is Banning Corporate Contributions Enough? The Dynamics of Incomplete Campaign Finance Reform pp. 581 - 606

- Diego Aparicio and Carlos F. Avenancio-León
- How to Communicate the Nudge: A Real-World Policy Experiment pp. 607 - 633

- Oren Bar-Gill and Alma Cohen
Volume 65, issue 2, 2022
- The Effects of Naloxone Access Laws on Opioid Abuse, Mortality, and Crime pp. 211 - 238

- Jennifer L. Doleac and Anita Mukherjee
- A Study of Umbrella Damages from Bid Rigging pp. 239 - 277

- El Hadi Caoui
- Post–September 11 War Deployments and Crime among Veterans pp. 279 - 310

- Resul Cesur, Joseph J. Sabia and Erdal Tekin
- Sovereign Debt and Moral Hazard: The Role of Collective Action and Contractual Uncertainty pp. 311 - 341

- Marcel Kahan and Shmuel Leshem
- Changing Property Rights in the Family: Evidence from an Inheritance Reform pp. 343 - 368

- Gustaf Bruze and Emma von Essen
- Corporate Ownership and Antitrust Violations pp. 369 - 394

- Mario Amore and Riccardo Marzano
- Food Aid Cargo Preference: Impacts on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Emergency Food Aid Programs pp. 395 - 421

- Philip G. Hoxie, Stephanie Mercier and Vincent H. Smith
Volume 65, issue 1, 2022
- Fee-Shifting Bylaws: An Empirical Analysis pp. 1 - 37

- Jens Dammann
- Development Derailed: Policy Uncertainty and Coordinated Investment pp. 39 - 76

- Eric Alston and Steven M. Smith
- Gender Favoritism among Criminal Prosecutors pp. 77 - 104

- Stephanie Holmes Didwania
- Franchise Contract Regulations and Local Market Structure pp. 105 - 130

- Charles Murry and Peter Newberry
- Land Titling and Litigation pp. 131 - 156

- Benito Arruñada, Marco Fabbri and Michael Faure
- The Specialness of Zero pp. 157 - 176

- Joshua Gans
- Enforceability of Noncompetition Agreements and Forced Turnovers of Chief Executive Officers pp. 177 - 209

- Yupeng Lin, Florian Peters and Hojun Seo
Volume 64, issue 4, 2021
- Meet the Oligarchs: Business Legitimacy and Taxation at the Top pp. 651 - 674

- Rafael Di Tella, Juan Dubra and Alejandro Lagomarsino
- Who Benefits from Bans on Employers’ Credit Checks? pp. 675 - 703

- Leora Friedberg, Richard M. Hynes and Nathaniel Pattison
- Coordinated Effects in Merger Review pp. 705 - 744

- Simon Loertscher and Leslie M. Marx
- The Impacts of the Lifeline Subsidy on High-Speed Internet Access pp. 745 - 782

- Samara Mendez, Gabor Molnar and Scott J. Savage
- The Unintended Effects of Ban-the-Box Laws on Crime pp. 783 - 820

- Joseph J. Sabia, Thanh Tam Nguyen, Taylor Mackay and Dhaval Dave
- The Deterrence Effect of Whistleblowing pp. 821 - 855

- Niels Johannesen and Tim B.M. Stolper
- The Aggregate Cost of Crime in the United States pp. 857 - 885

- David Anderson
Volume 64, issue 3, 2021
- Platform Competition, Vertical Differentiation, and Price Coherence pp. 439 - 477

- Heiko Gerlach and Junqian Li
- Jobs for Justice(s): Corruption in the Supreme Court of India pp. 479 - 511

- Madhav S. Aney, Shubhankar Dam and Giovanni Ko
- The Effect of Own-Gender Jurors on Conviction Rates pp. 513 - 537

- Mark Hoekstra and Brittany Street
- Did the Independence of Judges Reduce Legal Development in England, 1600–1800? pp. 539 - 565

- Peter Murrell
- Does Media Coverage Cause Meritorious Shareholder Litigation? Evidence from the Stock Option Backdating Scandal pp. 567 - 601

- Dain Donelson, Antonis Kartapanis and Christopher G. Yust
- Governments’ Late Payments and Firms’ Survival: Evidence from the European Union pp. 603 - 627

- Maurizio Conti, Leandro Elia, Antonella Ferrara and Massimiliano Ferraresi
- Intended and Unintended Effects of Banning Menthol Cigarettes pp. 629 - 650

- Christopher S. Carpenter and Hai V. Nguyen
Volume 64, issue 2, 2021
- Do Legal Origins Predict Legal Substance? pp. 207 - 231

- Anu Bradford, Yun-chien Chang, Adam Chilton and Nuno Garoupa
- The Effects of Land Redistribution: Evidence from the French Revolution pp. 233 - 267

- Theresa Finley, Raphael Franck and Noel D. Johnson
- Racial Bias and In-Group Bias in Virtual Reality Courtrooms pp. 269 - 300

- Samantha Bielen, Wim Marneffe and Naci Mocan
- How Do Inventors Respond to Financial Incentives? Evidence from Unanticipated Court Decisions on Employees’ Inventions in Japan pp. 301 - 339

- Koichiro Onishi, Hideo Owan and Sadao Nagaoka
- Overzealous Rule Makers pp. 341 - 365

- Stefano Barbieri and Kai Konrad
- Post-Initial-Public-Offering Takeovers of Firms Controlled by Private Equity: Is There Evidence of a Liquidity Conflict? pp. 367 - 402

- Myron B. Slovin, Marie E. Sushka and Qi Dong
- Do Courts Matter for Firm Value? Evidence from the US Court System pp. 403 - 438

- Stefano Colonnello and Christoph Herpfer
Volume 64, issue 1, 2021
- Occupational Licensing and Immigrants pp. 1 - 28

- Hugh Cassidy and Tennecia Dacass
- Marriage Equality Laws and Youth Mental Health pp. 29 - 51

- D. Mark Anderson, Kyutaro Matsuzawa and Joseph J. Sabia
- Noncompete Agreements in the US Labor Force pp. 53 - 84

- Evan P. Starr, J.J. Prescott and Norman D. Bishara
- Ban-the-Box Measures Help High-Crime Neighborhoods pp. 85 - 105

- Daniel Shoag and Stan Veuger
- Can Shareholder Proposals Hurt Shareholders? Evidence from Securities and Exchange Commission No-Action-Letter Decisions pp. 107 - 152

- John Matsusaka, Oguzhan Ozbas and Irene Yi
- China’s Anticorruption Campaign and Entrepreneurship pp. 153 - 180

- Dongmin Kong and Ni Qin
- Culture and Compliance: Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme pp. 181 - 205

- Ara Jo
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