Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 35, issue 2, 1992
- The Market for Lawyers pp. 215-46

- Sherwin Rosen
- Refusing to Cooperate with Competitors: A Theory of Boycotts pp. 247-64

- Timothy Brennan
- The Law and Large-Block Trades pp. 265-94

- Michael J Barclay and Clifford G Holderness
- Foreclosure of Railroad Markets: A Test of Chicago Leverage Theory pp. 295-310

- Curtis Grimm, Clifford Winston and Carol A Evans
- Another Look at ALCOA: Raising Rivals' Costs Does Not Improve the View pp. 311-29

- John E Lopatka and Paul E Godek
- Brand Loyalty, Entry, and Price Competition in Pharmaceuticals after the 1984 Drug Act pp. 331-50

- Henry G Grabowski and John M Vernon
- Realized Benefits from Switching Drugs pp. 351-69

- Peter Temin
- Compliance with Unemployment-Insurance Job-Search Regulations pp. 371-96

- Paul L Burgess
- Contract Choice in Modern Agriculture: Cash Rent versus Cropshare pp. 397-426

- Douglas Allen and Dean Lueck
- Land Tenure and Agricultural Productivity on Indian Reservations pp. 427-54

- Terry L Anderson and Dean Lueck
- Law or Economics? pp. 455-68

- George Stigler
Volume 35, issue 1, 1992
- Confiscation by the Ruler: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Lending in the Middle Ages pp. 1-13

- Yoram Barzel
- Long-Term Investing in Politicians; or, Give Early, Give Often pp. 15-43

- James Snyder
- Consumer Reaction to Measures of Poor Quality: Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry pp. 45-70

- Richard A Ippolito
- The Role of Firm-Specific Capital in Vertical Mergers pp. 71-88

- Avi Weiss
- An Application of Core Theory to the Analysis of Ocean Shipping Markets pp. 89-131

- Stephen Craig Pirrong
- Enforcement Costs and the Optimal Magnitude and Probability of Fines pp. 133-48

- A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
- The Effectiveness of the Insider-Trading Sanctions pp. 149-82

- H Nejat Seyhun
- Approximate Optimality of Aboriginal Property Rights pp. 183-98

- Martin J Bailey
- Property Rights, Genetic Resources, and Biotechnological Change pp. 199-213

- Roger Sedjo
Volume 34, issue 2, 1992
- The Theory of Allocation and Its Implications for Marketing and Industrial Structure: Why Rationing Is Efficient pp. 231-62

- Dennis Carlton
- Resale Price Maintenance: Empirical Evidence from Litigation pp. 263-94

- Pauline M Ippolito
- Effects of Management Buyouts on Corporate Interest and Depreciation Tax Deductions pp. 295-341

- Katherine Schipper and Abbie Smith
- An Economic Explanation for the Existence and Nature of Political Ticket Splitting pp. 343-69

- Mark A Zupan
- Voting Laws, Educational Policies, and Minority Turnout pp. 371-93

- John E Filer, Lawrence Kenny and Rebecca Morton
- The Effect of Regulatory Changes in the Airline Industry on Shareholders' Wealth pp. 395-430

- Messod D Beneish
- Contracts and the Activities of Firms pp. 451-52

- Ronald Coase
- Records Pertaining to Contracts and the Activities of Firms in the National Archives: An Overview pp. 453-75

- Tab Lewis
- The Relationships among Acquiring and Acquired Firms' Product Lines pp. 477-502

- Robert H McGuckin, Sang Nguyen and Stephen H Andrews
- The Extent and Nature of Establishment-Level Diversification in Sixteen U.S. Manufacturing Industries pp. 503-34

- Mary L Streitwieser
- Contractual Relationships in the Deregulated Transportation Marketplace pp. 535-64

- Laurence T Phillips
- Specific Investments, Contracts, and Opportunism: The Evolution of Railroad Sidetrack Agreements pp. 565-89

- Russell Pittman
- Prices Are Property: The Organization of Financial Exchanges from a Transaction Cost Perspective pp. 591-644

- J Harold Mulherin, Jeffry M Netter and James A Overdahl
- Contractual Resolution of Bondholder-Stockholder Conflicts in Leveraged Buyouts pp. 645-73

- Kenneth Lehn and Annette B Poulsen
- Political Risk and Organizational Form pp. 675-93

- Frederick J Phillips-Patrick
- A Researcher's Guide to the Contracts of Firms Filing with the SEC pp. 695-701

- James A Overdahl
- The Role of the FTC's Line of Business Data in Testing and Expanding the Theory of the Firm pp. 703-39

- David J Ravenscraft and Wagner, Curtis L,
Volume 34, issue 1, 1991
- Homesteading and Property Rights; or, "How the West Was Really Won." pp. 1-23

- Douglas Allen
- Efficient Contracting and Market Power: Evidence from the U.S. Natural Gas Industry pp. 25-67

- Robert Hubbard and Robert J Weiner
- Pretia ex Machina? Prices and Process in Long-Term Contracts pp. 69-99

- Keith J Crocker and Scott Masten
- The Economic Effects of Franchise Termination Laws pp. 101-32

- James A Brickley, Frederick H Dark and Michael Weisbach
- Learning by Doing and Dumping in the Semiconductor Industry pp. 133-59

- Andrew R Dick
- Congressional Influence and Patterns of New Deal Spending, 1933-1939 pp. 161-75

- Gary M Anderson and Robert Tollison
- Property Rights to Cartel Rents: The Socony-Vacuum Story pp. 177-203

- D Bruce Johnsen
- Expert Intermediaries and Legal Compliance: The Case of Tax Preparers pp. 205-29

- Steven Klepper, Mark Mazur and Daniel Nagin
Volume 33, issue 2, 1990
- The Economics of Law Firms: A Study in the Legal Organization of the Firm pp. 307-30

- Jack Carr and Frank Mathewson
- Effectiveness of the EPA's Regulatory Enforcement: The Case of Industrial Effluent Standards pp. 331-60

- Wesley A Magat and W Viscusi
- The Value of Amtrak pp. 361-82

- Steven A Morrison
- The Effect of Ownership Changes on the Employment and Wages of Central Office and Other Personnel pp. 383-408

- Frank Lichtenberg and Donald Siegel
- Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade II? pp. 409-17

- Lester G Telser
- Terminal Railroad Revisited: Foreclosure of an Essential Facility or Simple Horizontal Monopoly? pp. 419-38

- David Reiffen and Andrew N Kleit
- The Effect of Higher Criminal Penalties on Antitrust Enforcement pp. 439-62

- Edward Snyder
- Bureaucracy and Politics in FTC Merger Challenges pp. 463-82

- Malcolm B Coate, Richard S Higgins and Fred S McChesney
- The Economic Effects of Supply Controls: The Simple Analytics of the U.S. Peanut Program pp. 483-515

- Randal R Rucker and Walter Thurman
- Cogeneration after PURPA: Energy Conservation and Industry Structure pp. 517-52

- Peter S Fox-Penner
Volume 33, issue 1, 1990
- The Fable of the Keys pp. 1-25

- Stan Liebowitz and Stephen E Margolis
- How Efficient Is the Voting Market? pp. 27-63

- Sam Peltzman
- Politicians, Interest Groups, and Regulators: A Multiple-Principals Agency Theory of Regulation, or "Let Them Be Bribed." pp. 65-101

- Pablo Spiller
- The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing for Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions pp. 103-31

- Joseph P Kalt and Mark A Zupan
- The Rationality of U.S. Regulation of the Broadcast Spectrum pp. 133-75

- Thomas Hazlett
- The Race for Property Rights pp. 177-97

- Terry L Anderson and Peter J Hill
- An Explanation for Public Provision of Schooling: The Importance of Indoctrination pp. 199-231

- Lott, John R,
- Detection Controlled Estimation pp. 233-76

- Jonathan Feinstein
- An Empirical Study of the Effect of Rule 19c-3 pp. 277-305

- Kalman J Cohen and Robert M Conroy
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