Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 47, issue 2, 2004
- The "Arms Race" on American Roads: The Effect of Sport Utility Vehicles and Pickup Trucks on Traffic Safety pp. 333-55

- Michelle J White
- The Effect of Automobile Insurance and Accident Liability Laws on Traffic Fatalities pp. 357-93

- Alma Cohen and Rajeev Dehejia
- The Impact of Privatization and Competition in the Telecommunications Sector around the World pp. 395-430

- Wei Li and Lixin Xu
- Testing Theories of Discrimination: Evidence from Weakest Link pp. 431-52

- Steven Levitt
- Other People's Taxes: Nonresident Voters and Statewide Limitation of Local Government pp. 453-76

- Jacob Vigdor
- Are Politicians Really Paid Like Bureaucrats? pp. 477-513

- Rafael Di Tella and Raymond Fisman
- Copycat Funds: Information Disclosure Regulation and the Returns to Active Management in the Mutual Fund Industry pp. 515-41

- Mary Margaret Frank, James Poterba, Douglas Shackelford and John B Shoven
- The Causes of Bargaining Failure: Evidence from Major League Baseball pp. 543-68

- Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino and Victor Stango
- The Political Economy of State-Level Administrative Procedure Acts pp. 569-88

- de Figueiredo, Rui J P, and Richard G Vanden Bergh
- Corporate Governance and the Returns on Investment pp. 589-633

- Klaus Gugler, Dennis Mueller and Burcin Yurtoglu
Volume 47, issue 1, 2004
- The Response of Criminals and Noncriminals to Fines pp. 1-17

- Avner Bar-ilan and Bruce Sacerdote
- The Political Economy of Property Exemption Laws pp. 19-43

- Richard M Hynes, Anup Malani and Eric A Posner
- Protecting Intellectual Property Rights: Are Small Firms Handicapped? pp. 45-74

- Jean Lanjouw and Mark Schankerman
- Salaries, Turnover, and Performance in the Federal Criminal Justice System pp. 75-92

- Richard T Boylan
- The Fugitive: Evidence on Public versus Private Law Enforcement from Bail Jumping pp. 93-122

- Eric Helland and Alexander Tabarrok
- Research and Development Alliances: Evidence from a Federal Contracts Repository pp. 123-66

- Conrad S Ciccotello, Martin J Hornyak and Michael S Piwowar
- Regulation and the Evolution of Corporate Boards: Monitoring, Advising, or Window Dressing? pp. 167-93

- Eric Helland and Michael Sykuta
- An Empirical Investigation of the Competitive Effects of Domestic Airline Alliances pp. 195-222

- Gustavo E Bamberger, Dennis Carlton and Lynette R Neumann
- Abortion Policy and Fertility Outcomes: The Eastern European Experience pp. 223-43

- Phillip Levine and Doug Staiger
- Retail Gasoline Price Cycles across Spatially Dispersed Gasoline Stations pp. 245-73

- Andrew Eckert and Douglas West
- Financial Disclosure and Bond Insurance pp. 275-306

- Angela K Gore, Kevin Sachs and Charles Trzcinka
- On the Incidence and Variety of Low-Price Guarantees pp. 307-32

- Maria Arbatskaya, Morten Hviid and Greg Shaffer
Volume 46, issue 2, 2003
- Deadweight Costs and the Size of Government pp. 293-340

- Gary Becker and Casey Mulligan
- Who Owns the Media? pp. 341-81

- Simeon Djankov, Caralee McLiesh, Tatiana Nenova and Andrei Shleifer
- Firms' Decisions Where to Incorporate pp. 383-425

- Lucian Bebchuk and Alma Cohen
- Strategic Responses to Regulatory Threat in the Credit Card Market pp. 427-52

- Victor Stango
- Getting Off Death Row: Commuted Sentences and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment pp. 453-78

- Naci Mocan and R. Gittings
- The Fable of the Bees Revisited: Causes and Consequences of the U.S. Honey Program pp. 479-516

- Mary K Muth, Randal R Rucker, Walter Thurman and Ching-Ta Chuang
- Impact of the Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990 on the Initial Public Offering Market pp. 517-41

- Randolph Beatty and Padma Kadiyala
- Personal Bankruptcy and the Level of Entrepreneurial Activity pp. 543-67

- Wei Fan and Michelle J White
- The Determinants of Board Structure at the Initial Public Offering pp. 569-98

- Malcolm Baker and Paul Gompers
- A Simple Model of Pharmaceutical Price Dynamics pp. 599-626

- Jayanta Bhattacharya and William Vogt
- Ticket Pricing under Demand Uncertainty pp. 627-52

- Pascal Courty
- Founding-Family Ownership, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Leverage pp. 653-84

- Ronald C Anderson and David Reeb
Volume 46, issue 1, 2003
- Lethal Elections: Gubernatorial Politics and the Timing of Executions pp. 1-25

- Jeffrey D Kubik and John R Moran
- Preemptive Habitat Destruction under the Endangered Species Act pp. 27-60

- Dean Lueck and Jeffrey A Michael
- Tax Policy, Location Choices, and Market Structure pp. 61-83

- Gerard Pfann and Hans van Kranenburg
- Competition in the Interexchange Telecommunication Market pp. 85-101

- Clement G Krouse and Jongsur Park
- Corporate Environmentalism and Environmental Statutory Permitting pp. 103-29

- Christopher S Decker
- Drug Testing in the Trucking Industry: The Effect on Highway Safety pp. 131-56

- Mireille Jacobson
- Effects of Criminal Procedure on Crime Rates: Mapping Out the Consequences of the Exclusionary Rule pp. 157-79

- Raymond A Atkins and Paul Rubin
- Does More Crime Mean More Prisoners? An Instrumental Variables Approach pp. 181-206

- Yair Listokin
- The Impact of the Minimum Wage If Workers Can Adjust Effort pp. 207-27

- Richard A Ippolito
- The Origins of the Blue-Sky Laws: A Test of Competing Hypotheses pp. 229-51

- Paul G Mahoney
- Rent Seeking by Agents of the Firm pp. 253-68

- Sanjay Gupta and Charles W Swenson
- The Role of Wages and Auditing during a Crackdown on Corruption in the City of Buenos Aires pp. 269-92

- Rafael Di Tella and Ernesto Schargrodsky
Volume 45, issue S2, 2002
- The Regulation of Medical Innovation and Pharmaceutical Markets pp. 583-586

- Tomas Philipson
- Health Insurance and the Growth in Pharmaceutical Expenditures pp. 587-613

- Patricia Danzon and Mark V. Pauly
- Pharmaceutical Policy Change and the Safety of New Drugs pp. 615-642

- Mary Olson
- The Dual Effects of Intellectual Property Regulations: Within- and Between-Patent Competition in the U.S. Pharmaceuticals Industry pp. 643-672

- Frank Lichtenberg and Tomas Philipson
- Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and the Demand for Cholesterol-Reducing Drugs pp. 673-690

- John Calfee, Clifford Winston and Randolph Stempski
- Deregulating Direct-to-Consumer Marketing of Prescription Drugs: Effects on Prescription and Over-the-Counter Product Sales pp. 691-723

- Davina C. Ling, Ernst R. Berndt and Margaret Kyle
Volume 45, issue 2, 2002
- Entry into Regulated Monopoly Markets: The Development of a Competitive Fringe in the Local Telephone Industry pp. 289-316

- Jaison Abel
- Evidence on Learning and Network Externalities in the Diffusion of Home Computers pp. 317-43

- Austan Goolsbee and Pete Klenow
- Can Special Interests Buy Congressional Votes? Evidence from Financial Services Legislation pp. 345-73

- Thomas Stratmann
- The Effect of the Big Eight Accounting Firm Mergers on the Market for Audit Services pp. 375-99

- Mary W Sullivan
- Were Compulsory Attendance and Child Labor Laws Effective? An Analysis from 1915 to 1939 pp. 401-35

- Adriana Lleras-Muney
- How Do Consumers Motivate Experts? Reputational Incentives in an Auto Repair Market pp. 437-68

- Thomas N Hubbard
- Insurance Fraud and Optimal Claims Settlement Strategies pp. 469-507

- Keith J Crocker and Sharon Tennyson
- Police, Prosecutors, Criminals, and Determinate Sentencing: The Truth about Truth-in-Sentencing Laws pp. 509-34

- Joanna M Shepherd
- Chief Executive Officer Careers in Regulated Environments: Evidence from Electric and Gas Utilities pp. 535-63

- Charles J Hadlock, D Scott Lee and Robert Parrino
- Title Systems and Land Values pp. 565-82

- Thomas Miceli, Henry J Munneke, C F Sirmans and Geoffrey K Turnbull
Volume 45, issue 1, 2002
- Inequality and Violent Crime pp. 1-40

- Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman and Norman Loayza
- Sorting, Quotas, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Who Hires When It's Hard to Fire? pp. 41-68

- Paul Oyer and Scott Schaefer
- The Effects of Civil Gang Injunctions on Reported Violent Crime: Evidence from Los Angeles County pp. 69-90

- Jeffrey Grogger
- Liability and Organizational Choice pp. 91-125

- Richard R W Brooks
- Banks and Economic Growth: Implications from Japanese History pp. 127-64

- Yoshiro Miwa and John Ramseyer
- Political and Economic Determinants of the Likelihood of Privatizing Argentine Public Banks pp. 165-97

- George Clarke and Robert Cull
- The Effect of State Funeral Regulations on Cremations Rates: Testing for Demand Inducement in Funeral Markets pp. 199-225

- David E Harrington and Kathy J Krynski
- Managerial Incentives in Nonprofit Organizations: Evidence from Hospitals pp. 227-49

- James A Brickley and R Lawrence Van Horn
- The Market for New Handguns: An Empirical Investigation pp. 251-65

- Douglas C Bice and David D Hemley
- A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile pp. 267-87

- Juan-Pablo Montero, José Sánchez and Ricardo Katz
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