Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 40, issue 2, 1997
- The Incentive to Cheat: An Empirical Analysis of OPEC pp. 289-316

- James M Griffin and Weiwen Xiong
- Do Campaign Donations Alter How a Politician Votes? Or, Do Donors Support Candidates Who Value the Same Things That They Do? pp. 317-50

- Stephen Bronars and Lott, John R,
- Ticket Pricing pp. 351-76

- Sherwin Rosen and Andrew M Rosenfield
- Enforcement of Environmental Protection Laws under Communism and Democracy pp. 377-402

- Dietrich Earnhart
- Takings, Compensation, and Equal Treatment for Owners of Developed and Undeveloped Property pp. 403-32

- Robert Innes
- Vertical Price Controls with Uncertain Demand pp. 433-59

- David A Butz
- Slotting Allowances and the Market for New Products pp. 461-93

- Mary W Sullivan
- The Regulation of Fuel Economy and the Demand for "Light Trucks." pp. 495-509

- Paul E Godek
- The Intertemporal Consequences of Unauthorized Reproduction of Intellectual Property pp. 511-22

- Lisa N Takeyama
Volume 40, issue 1, 1997
- The Government as a Shareholder: A Case from the United States pp. 1-22

- Stacey R Kole and J Harold Mulherin
- Clustering and Competition in Asset Markets pp. 23-60

- Sanford Grossman, Merton Miller, Kenneth R Cone, Daniel R Fischel and David J Ross
- Eliminating the Market for Secondhand Goods: An Alternative Explanation for Leasing pp. 61-92

- Michael Waldman
- Electoral and Financial Effects of Changes in Committee Power: The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Budget Reform, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and the Money Committees in the House pp. 93-111

- Jeffrey Milyo
- Efficient Excise Taxation: The Evidence from Cigarettes pp. 113-36

- Daniel Benjamin and William Dougan
- Demand for Environmental Goods: Evidence from Voting Patterns on California Initiatives pp. 137-73

- Matthew Kahn and John Matsusaka
- The Rational Racketeer: Pasta Protection in Depression Era Chicago pp. 175-202

- Barbara Alexander
- Products Liability and Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States pp. 203-43

- Richard L Manning
- Information and Competitive Advantage: The Rise of General Motors pp. 245-60

- Seth Norton
- Ownership, Regulation, and Managerial Monitoring in the Electric Utility Industry pp. 261-88

- R Richard Geddes
Volume 39, issue 2, 1996
- Settling for Coupons: Discount Contracts as Compensation and Punishment in Antitrust Lawsuits pp. 379-404

- Severin Borenstein
- The Economic Epidemiology of Crime pp. 405-33

- Tomas Philipson and Richard Posner
- Congressional Control of the Courts: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Expansion of the Federal Judiciary pp. 435-62

- John M de Figueiredo and Emerson H Tiller
- The Use of Covenants: An Empirical Analysis of Venture Partnership Agreements pp. 463-98

- Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner
- Is the "Dominant Firm" Dominant? An Empirical Analysis of AT&T's Market Power pp. 499-517

- Simran K Kahai, David L Kaserman and John Mayo
- Stigma and Self-Fulfilling Expectations of Criminality pp. 519-43

- Eric Rasmusen
- Issuer Expenses and Legal Liability in Initial Public Offerings pp. 545-602

- Randolph P Beatty and Ivo Welch
- How Reelection Constituencies Matter: Evidence from Political Action Committees' Contributions and Congressional Voting pp. 603-35

- Thomas Stratmann
- Agent Discretion and the Choice of Insurance Marketing System pp. 637-66

- Laureen Regan and Sharon Tennyson
- The Political Economy of Branching Restrictions and Deposit Insurance: A Model of Monopolistic Competition among Small and Large Banks pp. 667-704

- Nicholas Economides, Robert Hubbard and Darius Palia
- The Dynamic Adjustment Process of Firm Entry and Exit in Manufacturing and Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate pp. 705-35

- Kenneth Troske
Volume 39, issue 1, 1996
- Monopolization by "Raising Rivals' Costs": The Standard Oil Case pp. 1-47

- Elizabeth Granitz and Benjamin Klein
- Predation and the Logic of the Average Variable Cost Test pp. 49-72

- William Baumol
- Political Economy of Public Education: Non-College-Bound Students pp. 73-120

- Sam Peltzman
- Public Funding and Private Schooling across Countries pp. 121-48

- Eugenia Toma
- A Study of Wages and Reliability pp. 149-89

- Richard A Ippolito
- Accuracy in the Assessment of Damages pp. 191-210

- Louis Kaplow and Steven Shavell
- More Justice for Less Money pp. 211-40

- David Friedman
- When Are Cartels Stable Contracts? pp. 241-83

- Andrew R Dick
- Resale Price Maintenance: An Economic Assessment of the Federal Trade Commission's Case against the Corning Glass Works pp. 285-328

- Pauline M Ippolito and Overstreet, Thomas R,
- The Right to Return pp. 329-56

- Eugene Kandel
- Administered Pricing and Vertical Integration in the Hospital Industry pp. 357-78

- James C Robinson
Volume 38, issue 2, 1995
- Are Drivers of Air-Bag-Equipped Cars More Aggressive? A Test of the Offsetting Behavior Hypothesis pp. 251-64

- Steven Peterson, George Hoffer and Edward Millner
- Automobile Air Bags in the 1990s: Market Failure or Market Efficiency? pp. 265-79

- Fred Mannering and Clifford Winston
- Fashion, Styling, and the Within-Season Decline in Automobile Prices pp. 281-309

- B Peter Pashigian, Brian Bowen and Eric Gould
- Legislative Organization of Fiscal Policy pp. 311-33

- W. Crain and Timothy J Muris
- Economics and Politics: The Case of Sugar Tariff Reform pp. 335-66

- Sara Fisher Ellison and Wallace P Mullin
- The Voting Rights Act, District Elections, and the Success of Black Candidates in Municipal Elections pp. 367-92

- Tim Sass and Stephen L Mehay
- The Rule of First Possession and the Design of the Law pp. 393-436

- Dean Lueck
- Nonprofit Hospital Mergers and the Exercise of Market Power pp. 437-61

- William J Lynk
- Patenting in the Shadow of Competitors pp. 463-95

- Josh Lerner
- Shareholder Liability Regimes, Principal-Agent Relationships, and Banking Industry Performance pp. 497-520

- Lewis Evans and Neil C Quigley
- Cooperation in Prices and Capacities: Trade Associations in Brewing after Repeal pp. 521-59

- A M McGahan
Volume 38, issue 1, 1995
- The Politics of Infrastructure pp. 1-17

- W. Crain and Lisa K Oakley
- Designing More Efficient Markets: Lessons from Los Angeles Smog Control pp. 19-48

- Vivien Foster and Robert Hahn
- Effects of Tort Liability and Insurance on Heavy Drinking and Drinking and Driving pp. 49-77

- Frank Sloan, Bridget A Reilly and Christoph Schenzler
- Rates of Time Preference and Consumer Valuations of Automobile Safety and Fuel Efficiency pp. 79-105

- Mark K Dreyfus and W Viscusi
- Are Fines and Prison Terms Used Efficiently? Evidence on Federal Fraud Offenders pp. 107-39

- Joel Waldfogel
- The Self-Regulation of Commodity Exchanges: The Case of Market Manipulation pp. 141-206

- Stephen Craig Pirrong
- Why Are Some Products Branded and Others Not? pp. 207-24

- Ivan Png and David Reitman
- Litigation and Settlement under the English and American Rules: Theory and Evidence pp. 225-50

- James Hughes and Edward Snyder
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