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Journal of Law and Economics

1969 - 2024

From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 53, issue 4, 2010

Does the Rights Hypothesis Apply to China? pp. 629 - 650 Downloads
Cheryl Xiaoning Long
Institutions and Casinos on American Indian Reservations: An Empirical Analysis of the Location of Indian Casinos pp. 651 - 687 Downloads
J. Cookson
Holding onto Your Horses: Conflicts of Interest in Asset Management pp. 689 - 713 Downloads
Glenn Boyle, Graeme Guthrie and Luke Gorton
Striking at the Roots of Crime: The Impact of Welfare Spending on Crime during the Great Depression pp. 715 - 740 Downloads
Price Fishback, Ryan S. Johnson and Shawn Kantor
Criminal Prosecution and Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Related Risky Behavior pp. 741 - 782 Downloads
Adeline Delavande, Dana Goldman and Neeraj Sood
Moral Hazard in Leasing Contracts: Evidence from the New York City Taxi Industry pp. 783 - 805 Downloads
Henry Schneider
The Litigation of Financial Innovations pp. 807 - 831 Downloads
Josh Lerner
Do Reorganization Costs Matter for Efficiency? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Reform in Colombia pp. 833 - 864 Downloads
Xavier Gine and Inessa Love

Volume 53, issue 3, 2010

The Effect of Mergers on Consumer Prices: Evidence from Five Mergers on the Enforcement Margin pp. 417 - 466 Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter and Daniel Hosken
Limited Access to Airport Facilities and Market Power in the Airline Industry pp. 467 - 495 Downloads
Federico Ciliberto and Jonathan W. Williams
Altruism and Innovation in Health Care pp. 497 - 518 Downloads
Anupam Jena, Stéphane Mechoulan and Tomas Philipson
Vertical Integration during the Hollywood Studio Era pp. 519 - 543 Downloads
F. Andrew Hanssen
Redistricting and Polarization: Who Draws the Lines in California? pp. 545 - 567 Downloads
Corbett Grainger
Did the Airline Tariff Publishing Case Reduce Collusion? pp. 569 - 586 Downloads
Amalia Miller
Industrial Policy Cuts Two Ways: Evidence from Cotton-Spinning Firms in Japan, 1956-1964 pp. 587 - 609 Downloads
Kozo Kiyota and Tetsuji Okazaki
Video Games and Adolescent Fighting pp. 611 - 628 Downloads
Michael Ward

Volume 53, issue 2, 2010

Analyzing the Effects of Temporary Antitrust Immunity: The Aloha-Hawaiian Immunity Agreement pp. 239-261 Downloads
Rene Y. Kamita
Fairness in an Embedded Ultimatum Game pp. 263-287 Downloads
Paul Pecorino and Mark Van Boening
Environmental Liability and Redevelopment of Old Industrial Land pp. 289-306 Downloads
Hilary Sigman
Leasing, Lemons, and Moral Hazard pp. 307-328 Downloads
Justin P. Johnson and Michael Waldman
The Roles of Freedom, Growth, and Religion in the Taste for Revolution pp. 329-358 Downloads
Robert MacCulloch and Silvia Pezzini
Centralization versus Decentralization as a Risk-Return Trade-Off pp. 359-378 Downloads
Alessandra Arcuri and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci
Federal Policy and the Rise in Disability Enrollment: Evidence for the Veterans Affairs' Disability Compensation Program pp. 379-398 Downloads
Mark Duggan, Robert Rosenheck and Perry Singleton
When Do Applicants Search for Prior Art? pp. 399-416 Downloads
Bhaven Sampat

Volume 53, issue 1, 2010

Eminent Domain versus Government Purchase of Land Given Imperfect Information about Owners' Valuations pp. 1-27 Downloads
Steven Shavell
Understanding the Effects of Antiprofiling Policies pp. 29-64 Downloads
Paul Heaton
Does Terrorism Threaten Human Rights? Evidence from Panel Data pp. 65-93 Downloads
Axel Dreher, Martin Gassebner and Lars-Hinrich Siemers
The Evolution of Citizenship: Economic and Institutional Determinants pp. 95-136 Downloads
Graziella Bertocchi and Chiara Strozzi
Owning versus Renting: Do Courts Matter? pp. 137-165 Downloads
Pablo Casas-Arce and Albert Saiz
Patent Pools as a Solution to Efficient Licensing of Complementary Patents? Some Experimental Evidence pp. 167-183 Downloads
Rudy Santore, Michael McKee and David Bjornstad
Unmarried Fertility, Crime, and Social Stigma pp. 185-221 Downloads
Todd D. Kendall and Robert Tamura
Conspiracy at the Pump pp. 223-237 Downloads
Can Erutku and Vincent Hildebrand

Volume 52, issue 4, 2009

The Impact of Liability on the Physician Labor Market pp. 635-663 Downloads
Eric Helland and Mark Showalter
Political Influence behind the Veil of Peer Review: An Analysis of Public Biomedical Research Funding in the United States pp. 665-690 Downloads
Deepak Hegde
Vertical Restraints and the Law: Evidence from Automobile Franchising pp. 691-700 Downloads
Giorgio Zanarone
Creditor Protection Laws and the Cost of Debt pp. 701-717 Downloads
Sattar A. Mansi, William F. Maxwell and John K. Wald
Quality and the Commons: The Surf Gangs of California pp. 727-743 Downloads
Daniel Kaffine
Experimental Tests of Core Theory and the Coase Theorem: Inefficiency and Cycling pp. 745-759 Downloads
Varouj Aivazian, Jeffrey L. Callen and Susan McCracken
Social Insurance, Commitment, and the Origin of Law: Interest Bans in Early Christianity pp. 761-786 Downloads
Jared Rubin
Juvenile Jails: A Path to the Straight and Narrow or to Hardened Criminality? pp. 779-809 Downloads
Randi Hjalmarsson

Volume 52, issue 3, 2009

The Economics of a Centralized Judiciary: Uniformity, Forum Shopping, and the Federal Circuit pp. 411-443 Downloads
Scott Atkinson, Alan Marco and John Turner
Redistributive Taxation and Personal Bankruptcy in U.S. States pp. 445-467 Downloads
Charles Grant and Winfried Koeniger
Fiscal Consequences of Electoral Institutions pp. 469-495 Downloads
Christopher R. Berry and Jacob E. Gersen
The Effect of Cost Suppression under Universal Health Insurance on the Allocation of Talent and the Development of Expertise: Cosmetic Surgery in Japan pp. 497-522 Downloads
John Ramseyer
Estimation and Identification of Merger Effects: An Application to Hospital Mergers pp. 523-550 Downloads
Leemore Dafny
More Time, Less Crime? Estimating the Incapacitative Effect of Sentence Enhancements pp. 551-579 Downloads
Emily Owens
Temporary Wholesale Gasoline Price Spikes Have Long-Lasting Retail Effects: The Aftermath of Hurricane Rita pp. 581-605 Downloads
Matthew Lewis
Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow: The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools pp. 607-634 Downloads
Jo Seldeslachts, Joseph Clougherty and Pedro Barros

Volume 52, issue 2, 2009

Do Wrongful-Discharge Laws Impair Firm Performance? pp. 197-222 Downloads
Robert C. Bird and John D. Knopf
Regulatory Exploitation and Management Changes: Upcoding in the Hospital Industry pp. 223-250 Downloads
Leemore Dafny and David Dranove
The Effects of Male Incarceration Dynamics on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Infection Rates among African American Women and Men pp. 251-293 Downloads
Rucker C. Johnson and Steven Raphael
Does It Matter Who Your Buyer Is? The Role of Nonprofit Mission in the Market for Corporate Control of Hospitals pp. 295-306 Downloads
Paul Gertler and Jennifer Kuan
Postcommunist Oligarchs in Russia: Quantitative Analysis pp. 307-349 Downloads
Serguey Braguinsky
Effects of Occupational Licensing Laws on Minorities: Evidence from the Progressive Era pp. 351-366 Downloads
Marc Law and Mindy Marks
Explaining the Puzzle of Cross-State Differences in Bankruptcy Rates pp. 367-393 Downloads
Lars Lefgren and Frank McIntyre
Checkerboards and Coase: The Effect of Property Institutions on Efficiency in Housing Markets pp. 395-410 Downloads
Randall Akee

Volume 52, issue 1, 2009

Antitrust in the Not-for-Profit Sector pp. 1-18 Downloads
Tomas Philipson and Richard Posner
Arrest Avoidance: Law Enforcement and the Price of Cocaine pp. 19-40 Downloads
Beth Freeborn
Political Determinants of Government Loans in Japan pp. 41-70 Downloads
Masami Imai
Red Ink in the Rearview Mirror: Local Fiscal Conditions and the Issuance of Traffic Tickets pp. 71-90 Downloads
Thomas Garrett and Gary A. Wagner
Maintaining Tacit Collusion in Repeated Ascending Auctions pp. 91-109 Downloads
Owen R. Phillips and Dale J. Menkhaus
University Knowledge Transfer: Private Ownership, Incentives, and Local Development Objectives pp. 111-144 Downloads
Sharon Belenzon and Mark Schankerman
Does Social Capital Reduce Crime? pp. 145-170 Downloads
Paolo Buonanno, Daniel Montolio and Paolo Vanin
Do Smokers Value Their Health and Longevity Less? pp. 171-196 Downloads
Ahmed Khwaja, Frank Sloan and Yang Wang
Page updated 2025-03-31