Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 13, issue 2, 1970
- On Limiting the Domain of Inequality pp. 263-77

- James Tobin
- The Antitrust Task Force Deconcentration Recommendation pp. 279-92

- Yale Brozen
- The Private Production of Public Goods pp. 293-306

- Harold Demsetz
- The Tax Court and Profit Renegotiation pp. 307-26

- Arthur Edward Burns
- The Value of a Comprehensive Tax Base as a Tax Reform Goal pp. 327-63

- John Bossons
- A Statistical Study of Antitrust Enforcement pp. 365-419

- Richard Posner
- The Case of Coal: Should All Horizontal Mergers Be Held Illegal? pp. 421-37

- G E Hale
- Marginal Cost Pricing, Investment Theory and CATV pp. 439-60

- James C Ohls
- An Economic Analysis of the Webb-Pomerene Act pp. 461-500

- David A Larson
- Monopoly, the Emergence of Oligopoly and the Case of Sugar Refining pp. 501-15

- Richard O Zerbe
Volume 13, issue 1, 1970
- Director's Law of Public Income Redistribution pp. 1-10

- George Stigler
- The Pricing of North Sea Gas in Britain pp. 11-44

- Kenneth W Dam
- The Auction System and North Sea Gas: A Comment pp. 45-47

- Ronald Coase
- The Structure of a Contract and the Theory of a Non-exclusive Resource pp. 49-70

- Steven N S Cheung
- Non-zoning in Houston pp. 71-147

- Bernard H Siegan
- Conglomerates: The Rhetoric and the Evidence pp. 149-66

- James H Lorie and Paul Halpern
- New Evidence on Mergers pp. 167-84

- Michael Gort and Thomas F Hogarty
- Separation of Ownership and Control in the Modern Corporation pp. 185-221

- Brian Hindley
- Predatory Pricing: The Case of the Gunpowder Trust pp. 223-40

- Kenneth Elzinga
- Market Structure, Elasticity of Demand and Incentive to Invent pp. 241-52

- Morton I Kamien and Nancy L Schwartz
- Monopoly, Competition and the Incentive to Invent: A Comment pp. 253-56

- B S Yamey
- Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Reply pp. 257-59

- Grant L Reuber
- Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Final Comment pp. 261

- Christopher Maule
Volume 12, issue 2, 1969
- On Arrow's Impossibility Theorem pp. 227-48

- Duncan Black
- Social Insurance in the United States: A Program in Search of an Explanation pp. 249-65

- Colin D Campbell
- The 1919-1930 Merger Movement in American Industry pp. 267-96

- Carl Eis
- The Kennedy Round: A Try at Linear Trade Negotiations pp. 297-319

- Bernard Norwood
- Toward Better Resource Allocation in Transport pp. 321-38

- Robert W Harbeson
- The American Sugar Refinery Company, 1887-1914: The Story of a Monopoly pp. 339-75

- Richard Zerbe
- The Economic Consequences of the Minnesota Dairy Industry Unfair Trade Practices Act pp. 377-89

- Ronald D Knutson
- The Political Economy of Broadcasting in the 1920's pp. 391-403

- Jora R Minasian
- Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Further Analysis pp. 405-17

- Grant L Reuber
- Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Rejoinder pp. 419-24

- Christopher Maule
- Cookware: A Study in Vertical Integration-A Reexamination pp. 425-38

- James M Rock
- Cookware and Vertical Integration: A Rejoinder pp. 439-40

- Rosemary D Hale
- Cookware and Vertical Integration: A Reply pp. 441-43

- James M Rock
Volume 12, issue 1, 1969
- Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint pp. 1-22

- Harold Demsetz
- Transaction Costs, Risk Aversion, and the Choice of Contractual Arrangements pp. 23-42

- Steven N S Cheung
- The Antimerger Law: Pyrrhic Victories? pp. 43-78

- Kenneth Elzinga
- Landing Fees and the Airport Congestion Problem pp. 79-108

- Michael Levine
- The Effect of Statutory Minimum Wage Increases on Teen-Age Employment pp. 109-22

- Yale Brozen
- The Feedback Effect of Business Conduct on Industry Structure pp. 123-53

- William L Baldwin
- Liberman's Reforms and Property Rights in the Soviet Union pp. 155-62

- Svetozar Pejovich
- The Polycentric Soviet Economy pp. 163-79

- Paul Craig Roberts
- Alfred Marshall's Lectures on Progress and Poverty pp. 181-83

- George Stigler
- Three Lectures on Progress and Poverty pp. 184-226

- Alfred Marshall