Journal of Law and Economics
1969 - 2024
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Volume 30, issue 2, 1987
- The Health Effects of Mandatory Prescriptions pp. 207-38

- Sam Peltzman
- Predation through Regulation: The Wage and Profit Effects of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency pp. 239-64

- Ann P Bartel and Lacy Glenn Thomas
- Trademark Law: An Economic Perspective pp. 265-309

- William Landes and Richard Posner
- Regulation on Demand: A Private Interest Model, with an Application to Insider Trading Regulation pp. 311-52

- David D Haddock and Jonathan R Macey
- The Effects of Antitakeover Amendments on Takeover Activity: Some Direct Evidence pp. 353-67

- John Pound
- Quantity and Price Adjustment in Long-term Contracts: A Case Study of Petroleum Coke pp. 369-98

- Victor P Goldberg and John R Erickson
- The Economic Basis of Hyde: Are Market Power and Hospital Exclusive Contracts Related? pp. 399-421

- William J Lynk and Michael Morrisey
- "Captive Shippers" and the Success of Railroads in Capturing Monopoly Rent pp. 423-42

- P V Garrod and W Miklius
- The Minimum Wage Law and Youth Crimes: Time-series Evidence pp. 443-64

- Masanori Hashimoto
- The Welfare Gain from Efficient Pricing of Local Telephone Services pp. 465-87

- James M Griffin and Thomas H Mayor
- Economic Efficiency in Cooperatives pp. 489-512

- Philip K Porter and Gerald W Scully
Volume 30, issue 1, 1987
- Terrorism in a Bargaining Framework pp. 1-21

- Scott Atkinson, Todd Sandler and John Tschirhart
- Optimal Enforcement Strategy to Prevent Oil Spills: An Application of a Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard pp. 23-51

- Mark Cohen
- Empirical Implications and Tests of the Contestability Hypothesis pp. 53-66

- Steven A Morrison and Clifford Winston
- Disentangling Interrelated Effects of Regulatory Changes on Shareholder Wealth: The Case of Motor Carrier Deregulation pp. 67-100

- Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson and Roman L Weil
- Are Imports to Blame? Attribution of Injury under the 1974 Trade Act pp. 101-22

- Robert Pindyck and Julio Rotemberg
- Geographic Market Definition under the U.S. Department of Justice Merger Guidelines pp. 123-47

- David T Scheffman and Pablo Spiller
- The Interjurisdictional Effects of Growth Controls on Housing Prices pp. 149-60

- Lawrence Katz and Kenneth T Rosen
- The Takeover Market, Corporate Board Composition, and Ownership Structure: The Case of Banking pp. 161-80

- James A Brickley and Christopher James
- Shelf Registration: Competition and Market Flexibility pp. 181-206

- David S Kidwell, M Wayne Marr and G Rodney Thompson
Volume 29, issue 2, 1986
- Counterfeit Goods pp. 211-30

- Richard S Higgins and Paul Rubin
- The Effect of Government Policy Changes on the Supply of Physicians: Expansion of a Competitive Fringe pp. 231-62

- Monica Noether
- A Study of Signaling Behavior in Occupational Disease Claims pp. 263-86

- Michael Staten and John Umbeck
- Why Did States Enact Hospital Rate-Setting Laws? pp. 287-302

- Kenneth R Cone and David Dranove
- Optimal Tenure of Elected Public Officials pp. 303-28

- James Adams and Lawrence Kenny
- The Costs of Workers' Compensation Insurance: Private versus Public pp. 329-56

- Richard J Butler and John D Worrall
- Benefits and Costs of Legal Restrictions on Personal Loan Markets pp. 357-80

- James Barth, Joseph Cordes and Anthony Yezer
- Internal Regulation: The Effects of Government Ownership on the Value of the Firm pp. 381-403

- Catherine Eckel and Theo Vermaelen
- Televising Legislatures: An Economic Analysis pp. 405-21

- W. Crain and Brian L Goff
- Reciprocity Reexamined: The Consolidated Foods Case pp. 423-38

- Stephen J K Walters
Volume 29, issue 1, 1986
- U.S. Airline Deregulation: Its Effects on Passengers, Capital, and Labor pp. 1-28

- Thomas Gale Moore
- The Economic Consequences of the OSHA Cotton Dust Standards: An Analysis of Stock Price Behavior pp. 29-59

- John S Hughes, Wesley A Magat and William E Ricks
- Implicit Labor Contracts and Public Choice: A General Equilibrium Approach pp. 61-82

- Leonard Dudley
- Cartelization of the California-Arizona Orange Industry, 1934-1981 pp. 83-123

- Lawrence Shepard
- Store Wars: The Chain Tax Movement pp. 125-37

- Thomas Ross
- Some Effects of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 pp. 139-49

- William J Boyes and Roger L Faith
- The Price of Negligence under Differing Liability Rules pp. 151-63

- Donald Wittman
- The Effect of Commercial Practice Restrictions: The Case of Optometry pp. 165-86

- Deborah Haas-Wilson
- The Differential Effect of Regulation across Plan Size: Comment [The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Optimal Plant Size and Factor Shares] pp. 187-200

- David Evans
- Reply [The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Optimal Plant Size and Factor Shares] pp. 201-09

- B Peter Pashigian
Volume 28, issue 3, 1985
- The Economics of Franchise Contracts pp. 503-26

- G Frank Mathewson and Ralph Winter
- Consumer Behavior and the Safety Effects of Product Safety Regulation pp. 527-53

- W Viscusi
- The Extent of the Market pp. 555-85

- George Stigler and Robert A Sherwin
- Uncertainty over Causation and the Determination of Civil Liability pp. 587-609

- Steven Shavell
- The Economic Function of Underfunded Pension Plans pp. 611-51

- Richard A Ippolito
- Experimental Evaluation of the Coase Theorem pp. 653-70

- Glenn Harrison and Michael McKee
- Regulation and Systematic Risk: The Case of Electric Utilities pp. 671-86

- Seth Norton
- Industry Structure and Redistribution through Trade Restrictions pp. 687-703

- Paul E Godek
Volume 28, issue 2, 1985
- Antitrust and Economic Efficiency: Introduction pp. 245-46

- Thomas Gale Moore
- Use of Antitrust to Subvert Competition pp. 247-65

- William Baumol and Janusz A Ordover
- Use of Antitrust to Subvert Competition: Comment pp. 267-70

- Miller, James C,
- Cooperation, Competition, and Efficiency pp. 271-95

- Lester G Telser
- Reducing Unions' Monopoly Power: Costs and Benefits pp. 297-310

- Robert H Lande and Zerbe, Richard O,
- Antitrust for High-Technology Industries: Assessing Research Joint Ventures and Mergers pp. 311-33

- Janusz A Ordover and Robert Willig
- Antitrust and Economic Efficiency: Comment pp. 335-43

- Wesley J Liebeler
- The Law and Economics of Franchise Tying Contracts pp. 345-61

- Benjamin Klein and Lester F Saft
- The Welfare Effects of Resale Price Maintenance pp. 363-79

- Howard P Marvel and Stephen McCafferty
- Toward a Reasonable Rule of Reason: Comments pp. 381-86

- Keith Leffler
- The Functions, Allocative Efficiency, and Legality of Tie-ins: A Comment pp. 387-404

- Richard S Markovits
- Private Antitrust Enforcement: The New Learning pp. 405-43

- William Breit and Kenneth Elzinga
- Detrebling Antitrust Damages pp. 445-67

- Frank H Easterbrook
- Efficient Assignment of Rights to Sue for Antitrust Damages pp. 469-82

- Edward Snyder
- Comment on Antitrust Remedies [Detrebling Antitrust Damages] [Private Antitrust Enforcement: The New Learning] pp. 483-88

- Laura Bennett Peterson
- Comments on Easterbrook and Snyder [Detrebling Antitrust Damages] [Efficient Assignment of Rights to Sue for Antitrust Damages] pp. 489-94

- Pablo Spiller
- Predation: The Changing View in Economics and the Law pp. 495-502

- Miller, James C, and Paul Pautler
Volume 28, issue 1, 1985
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Regulation: A New Look at OSHA's Impact pp. 1-25

- Ann P Bartel and Lacy Glenn Thomas
- Recipient Preferences and the Design of Government Transfer Programs pp. 27-54

- Russell D Roberts
- Retail Price Controls in the Dairy Industry: A Political Coalition Argument pp. 55-75

- Ronald N Johnson
- Did Antitrust Policy Cause the Great Merger Wave? pp. 77-118

- George Bittlingmayer
- Antimerger Policy under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act: A Reexamination of the Market Power Hypothesis pp. 119-49

- Bjorn Eckbo and Peggy Wier
- The Wealth Effects of Litigation by Targets: Do Interests Diverge in a Merge? pp. 151-77

- Gregg A Jarrell
- The Role of Corporate Law in the Theory of the Firm pp. 179-91

- Barry D Baysinger and Henry N Butler
- The Measurement of Monopoly Power in Dynamic Markets pp. 193-222

- Robert Pindyck
- Market Structure, Innovation, and Optimal Patent Life pp. 223-44

- Lawrence M DeBrock
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