Apas Papers
From Academic Public Administration Studies Archive - APAS Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Ani Matei (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 133: The Market Orientation and Performance of Non-governamental Organizations for Disabled Persons

- Arminda Do Paco, Eugenia Guerra and Ricardo Rodrigues
- 132: Marketing through the Eye of the Law

- Gabriel Croitoru, Ana Lucia Ristea and Ion Stegaroiu
- 129: Assessment of Partnership Marketing on Development of Cross Border Local Network

- Dan Lupu and Mihaela Onofrei
- 128: The Market Orientation and Performance of Non-Governamental Organisations for Disabled Persons

- Arminda Do Paco, Eugenia Guerra and Ricardo Rodrigues
- 125: The True "Face" of the University Ranking

- Crina Radulescu
- 124: Learning 2.0: Collaborative Technologies Transforming Learning Pattern s

- Crina Raluca Bucur, Nicoleta Ramona Bunda, Mihaela Costandache and Veronica Popovici
- 123: Supermarkets in Portugal - Corporate Social Responsibility Image, Attitude Towards the Brand and Purchase Intention

- Ines V. Pereira
- 122: The Importance of Communication Policies for Promoting Energy Saving

- Arminda Do Paco and Lilia Varejao
- 121: The Gift of Life: The Role of Social Marketing in Organ Donation

- Maurice Murphy and Ronan O'Sullivan
- 120: Assessment of Partnership Marketing on Development of Cross Border Local Network

- Dan Lupu and Mihaela Onofrei
- 119: Binge Drinking: The Curse of the Female College Student

- Fergus Murhy and Maurice Murphy
- 117: The Main Indicators used in the Financing of the Constanta County Clinic Emergency Hospital

- Elena Condrea, Aivaz Kamer-Ainur, Marioara Mirea and Anca Cristina Stanciu
- 116: Breastfeeding Mothers: Typologies and Profiles

- Gonzalo Meneses
- 115: Systematic Reviews: Their Emerging Role in the Co-Creation of Social Marketing Value

- Christine Domegan and Patricia McHugh
- 114: The Instrumentation of Social Marketing in Promoting 'The European Year For Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion' Program. Case Study: Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection in Romania

- Corina Georgiana Lazar
- 113: The Population Trust in the Local Administrations. Case Study

- Elena Condrea, Cristina Elena Georgescu, Aivaz Kamer-Ainur and Marioara Mirea
- 112: Marketing for the Public Transport

- Alexandra Iancu
- 111: Just One Pint Saves Life: The Role of Social Marketing in Blood Donati on

- John Healy and Maurice Murphy
- 110: Driven to Excess: An Analysis of the Causes of Young Male Driver Deaths and Injuries

- Brian Harman and Maurice Murphy
- 109: The Role of Marketing in the Development of Public Services

- Adriana Grigorescu and Andreea Simona Saseanu
- 108: Discriminant Analysis for the Abilities of Public Marketing Specialist s

- Constantin Bob and Adriana Grigorescu
- 107: Thinking Outside the Box: Does Packaging on Cigarettes Work?

- Barry Griffin and Maurice Murphy
- 106: Educational Offer, Education Demand and Institutional Capacity

- Adrian Gorun
- 105: The Get Your Life in Gear Truck Driver Social Marketing Intervention on the Island of Ireland

- Christine Domegan and Sinead Duane
- 104: Integrating Social Marketing with service Learning

- Robert G. Bringle and Christine Domegan
- 103: The Role of Social marketing in the Development of Associations and Fo undations

- Madalina Cocosatu
- 102: Image, Satisfaction and Identification as Antecedents of Graduate Loya lty

- MA. Walesska Schlesinger Diaz, M. Angeles Iniesta, Raquel Sanchez-Fernandez and Amparo Cervera Taulet
- 101: Positioning Educational Programs with Nonmetric Data; Perceptual versus Preference Maps

- Corneliu Munteanu
- 99: Quality and Transparency of High Education Institutions. Insights into the Marketing Approaches

- Nicoleta Ramona Bunda, Veronica Condrea, Mihaela Costandache and Veronica Popovici
- 98: The Relevance of Subjective Norm in Adopting E-government: A Theoretical Framework

- Daniel Belanche-Gracia, Luis V. Casalo-Arino and Carlos Flavian-Blanco
- 97: Student's Perceptions of Ethics as a Generic Competence in Higher Educ ation

- Raquel Barreda-Tarrazona and Alfonso Miguel Marquez-Garcia
- 96: Romanian Environmental Non-governmental Organizations Marketing in Relation with Companies, in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis

- Alina Elena Balalia and Estera Laura Nemoianu
- 93: A Phenomenographic Analysis of the Social Marketing Concept

- Helena Alves and Emerson Mainardes
- 92: Social Responsibility and the Influence of Public Marketing on Solutions in Favor of Local Collectivities

- Adelina Dumitrescu and Mihail Dumitrescu
- 91: Analysis of the Value Creation in Higher Institutions: A Relational Pe rspective

- M. Ángeles Iniesta-Bonillo, Pilar Rivera-Torres, Raquel Sánchez-Fernández and Walesska Schlesinger-Díaz
- 90: Competition and Human Capital on the Education Market

- Liana Badea, Magdalena Iordache-Platis, Diana-Mihaela Țîrcă (Pociovalisteanu) and El Thalassinos
- 89: Importance of Partnership and Cooperation for Territory Development

- Kamila Borseková, Miroslav Foret and Anna Vaňová
- 86: Real Effectiveness of Anti-drug Campaigns. An Exploratory Analysis in the Young Spanish People

- Pedro Cuesta Valiño, María Purificación García Miguélez, Pablo Gutiérrez Rodriguez, Ana Lanero Carrizo and José Luis Vázquez Burguete
- 85: Customer Relationship Marketing for Higher Education Institutions

- Magdalena Iordache-Platis
- 84: Towards a Better Understanding of Ethical Consumption

- Alexandra Malheiro
- 83: Corporate Social Action: Conceptual Definition and Typology

- Goldaracena Licandro, Daniel Oscar and Juanita Sabath
- 78: Elements of strategy, communication and electoral marketing in the 2009 presidential campaign

- Andra Seceleanu
- 76: Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania: Between PR Tactic and Sustainability Strategy

- Estera Laura Nemoianu
- 74: Are we teaching social marketing properly?

- Helena Alves and Emerson Wagner Mainardes
- 73: Hospital Volunteers - Are They Satisifed?

- Marisa R. Ferreira, João F. Proença and Teresa Proença
- 71: Keynesian Substantiation of the Marketing Policies in Local Developmen t

- Stoica Anghelescu and Lucica Matei
- 70: Socio-indicators Related to Social Perception of Reforms in the Public Health System. The Romanian Case

- Ani Matei and Carmen Savulescu
- 69: Managing Relations with Donors Using the Customer Relationship Management Concept

- Ana Popovic and Ljiljana Stankovic
- 68: Determinants of Low Income People's Decisions to Give to Charity

- Roger Bennett
- 67: The Effect of Fear Appeal HIV/AIDS Social Marketing on Behavior: Evaluating the Importance of Market Segmentation

- Marlize Terblanche-Smit
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