The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2024
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Volume 84, issue 4, 2024
- Black Americans’ Landholdings and Economic Mobility after Emancipation: Evidence from the Census of Agriculture and Linked Records pp. 963-996
- William J. Collins, Nicholas Holtkamp and Marianne H. Wanamaker
- Catching-Up and Falling Behind: Russian Economic Growth, 1690s–1880s pp. 997-1028
- Stephen Broadberry and Elena Korchmina
- Revealing the Diversity and Complexity behind Long-Term Income Inequality in Latin America: 1920–2011 pp. 1029-1065
- Pablo Astorga
- Social Networks and Elite Entrepreneurship in Latin America: Evidence from the Industrialization of Antioquia pp. 1067-1106
- Javier Mejia
- Trade, Slavery, and State Coercion of Labor: Egypt during the First Globalization Era pp. 1107-1141
- Mohamed Saleh
- Like Father Like Son? Intergenerational Immobility in England, 1851–1911 pp. 1143-1173
- Ziming Zhu
- Inventors among the “Impoverished Sophisticate” pp. 1175-1207
- Thor Berger and Erik Prawitz
- The Distribution of Land in Luxembourg (1766–1872): Family-Level Wealth Persistence in the Midst of Institutional Change pp. 1209-1239
- Sonia Schifano and Antoine Paccoud
- Imperial Borderlands: Institutions and Legacies of the Habsburg Military Frontier. By Bogdan G. Popescu. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2024. Pp. xiii + 300. $87.56, hardcover pp. 1244-1246
- Coşkun Tunçer
- The Silver Empire: How Germany Created Its First Common Currency. By Oliver Volckart. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 384. $39.99, hardcover pp. 1247-1249
- Michael Schiltz
- The Rise and Fall of the Italian Economy. By Carlo Bastasin and Gianni Toniolo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xii, 175. £22.99, paper; £70.00, cloth pp. 1249-1250
- Stefano Ugolini
Volume 84, issue 3, 2024
- Endogenous Political Legitimacy: The Tudor Roots of England’s Constitutional Governance pp. 655-689
- Avner Greif and Jared Rubin
- State Formation and Bureaucratization: Evidence from Pre-Imperial China pp. 690-726
- Joy Chen
- Internal Migration in the United States: Rates, Selection, and Destination Choice, 1850–1940 pp. 727-766
- Ariell Zimran
- The Belle-Epoque of Portfolios? How Returns, Risk, and Diversification Correlated with the Wealth Distribution in Paris in 1912 pp. 767-806
- Thomas Pastore
- Reform, Rails, and Rice: Political Railroads and Local Development in Thailand pp. 807-837
- Christopher Paik and Jessica Vechbanyongratana
- Ora et Guberna. The Economic Impact of the Rule of St Benedict in Medieval England pp. 838-873
- Domenico Rossignoli and Federico Trombetta
- The Great Depression as a Savings Glut pp. 874-916
- Victor Degorce and Eric Monnet
- Zombie International Currency: The Pound Sterling 1945–1971 pp. 917-952
- Maylis Avaro
- Labor in the Age of Finance. By Sanford Jacoby. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021. Pp. 368. $39.95, hardcover pp. 953-954
- Suresh Naidu
- El Pan Nuestro: A History of the Corn Tortilla. By Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato Freer. Mexico City: Colegio de Mexico, 2024. Pp. 610, il. $25 pp. 954-956
- Aldo Musacchio
- Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology. By Chris Miller. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2022. Pp. 464. $32.00, hardcover pp. 956-959
- Kenneth Flamm
Volume 84, issue 2, 2024
- Careworn: The Economic History of Caring Labor pp. 319-351
- Jane Humphries
- Leaving the Enclave: Historical Evidence on Immigrant Mobility from the Industrial Removal Office pp. 352-394
- Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan and Dylan Shane Connor
- Classicism and Modern Growth: The Shadow of the Sages pp. 395-431
- Chicheng Ma
- Art and Markets in the Greco-Roman World pp. 432-478
- Federico Etro
- The Political Economy of Status Competition: Sumptuary Laws in Preindustrial Europe pp. 479-516
- Desiree Desierto and Mark Koyama
- Urban Political Structure and Inequality: Political Economy Lessons from Early Modern German Cities pp. 517-553
- Felix Schaff
- Measuring the Partisan Behavior of U.S. Newspapers, 1880 to 1980 pp. 554-592
- Shigeo Hirano and James M. Snyder
- Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations pp. 593-627
- Anonymous
- Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting pp. 628-645
- Anonymous
- Guerres et richesses d’une nation. Les Florentins à Pise au XIVe siècle. By Cédric Quertier. Rome, Italy: École française de Rome, 2022. Pp. xiv, 600. 35€ pp. 652-653
- Juliette Françoise
- The Legacy of the Global Financial Crisis. By Youssef Cassis and Jean-Jacques van Helten, eds. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. Pp. 236. $39.89, paper pp. 653-654
- Christopher Colvin
Volume 84, issue 1, 2024
- Institutions, Trade, and Growth: The Ancient Greek Case of Proxenia pp. 1-39
- Pier Paolo Creanza
- Economic Uncertainty and Divisive Politics: Evidence from the dos Españas pp. 40-73
- Sandra García-Uribe, Hannes Mueller and Carlos Sanz
- Impacts of the Relocation Program on Native American Migration and Fertility pp. 74-110
- Mary Kopriva
- Consumption Smoothing in the Working-Class Households of Interwar Japan pp. 111-148
- Kota Ogasawara
- Whither Education? The Long Shadow of Pre-Unification School Systems into Italy’s Liberal Age (1861–1911) pp. 149-190
- Monica Bozzano, Gabriele Cappelli and Michelangelo Vasta
- Sovereign Collateral pp. 191-231
- Marc Flandreau, Stefano Pietrosanti and Carlotta E. Schuster
- Opening Heaven’s Door: Public Opinion and Congressional Votes on the 1965 Immigration Act pp. 232-270
- Giovanni Facchini, Timothy Hatton and Max Steinhardt
- Using Digitized Newspapers to Address Measurement Error in Historical Data pp. 271-306
- Andreas Ferrara, Joung Yeob Ha and Randall Walsh
- Financial Innovation and Resilience: A Comparative Perspective on the Public Banks of Naples (1462–1808). Edited by Lilia Costabile and Larry Neal. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Pp. xix, 372. €155.99, hardcover; €93.08, eBook pp. 315-317
- Maria Stella Chiaruttini
- Welfare for Markets: A Global History of Basic Income. By Anton Jäger and Daniel Zamora Vargas. Chicago, IL, and London, UK: The University of Chicago Press, 2023. Pp. 258. $32.50, cloth. ISBN-13: 978-0-226-82368-3 pp. 317-318
- Alberto Tena Camporesi
Volume 83, issue 4, 2023
- The Historical Gender Gap Index: A Longitudinal and Spatial Assessment of Sweden, 1870–1990 pp. 943-980
- Faustine Perrin, Tobias Karlsson and Joris Kok
- Political Conflict and Development Dynamics: Economic Legacies of the Cultural Revolution pp. 981-1017
- Liang Bai and Lingwei Wu
- The HOLC Maps: How Race and Poverty Influenced Real Estate Professionals’ Evaluation of Lending Risk in the 1930s pp. 1019-1056
- Price Fishback, Jessica LaVoice, Allison Shertzer and Randall Walsh
- Drafting the Great Army: The Political Economy of Conscription in Napoleonic France pp. 1057-1100
- Louis Rouanet and Ennio E. Piano
- Job Tenure and Unskilled Workers before the Industrial Revolution: St Paul’s Cathedral 1672–1748 pp. 1101-1137
- Meredith M. Paker, Judy Stephenson and Patrick Wallis
- Railways, Development, and Literacy in India pp. 1139-1174
- Latika Chaudhary and James Fenske
- The Transportation Revolution and the English Coal Industry, 1695–1842: A Geographical Approach pp. 1175-1220
- Robert Allen
- The Efficiency of Occupational Licensing during the Gilded and Progressive Eras: Evidence from Judicial Review pp. 1221-1252
- Mark Kanazawa
- The Making of a Fiscal-Military State in Post-Revolutionary France. By Jerome Greenfield. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. ix, 300. £75.00, hardcover pp. 1257-1258
- Didac Queralt
- Shadow of a Taxman: Who Funded the Irish Revolution? By R. J. C. Adams. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xvi, 320. £65.00, hardcover pp. 1258-1261
- Marc Morgan
- To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Legal Imagination and International Power, 1300–1870. By Martti Koskenniemi. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xviii, 1107. $195.00, hardcover; $99.99, paper pp. 1261-1263
- Jérome Sgard
- How the World Became Rich. The Historical Origins of Economic Growth. By Mark Koyama and Jared Rubin. Medford: Polity Press, 2022. Pp. viii, 259. $24.95, paper pp. 1264-1265
- Esteban Nicolini
- Internal Borders and Population Geography in the Unification of Italy – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1266-1266
- A’Hearn, Brian and Valeria Rueda
Volume 83, issue 3, 2023
- Dust Bowl Migrants: Environmental Refugees and Economic Adaptation pp. 645-675
- Richard Hornbeck
- The Glorious Revolution and Access to Parliament pp. 676-708
- Kara Dimitruk
- State Capacity, Property Rights, and External Revenues: Haiti, 1932–1949 pp. 709-746
- Craig Palsson
- Internal Borders and Population Geography in the Unification of Italy pp. 747-785
- A’Hearn, Brian and Valeria Rueda
- Churches as Social Insurance: Oil Risk and Religion in the U.S. South pp. 786-832
- Andreas Ferrara and Patrick Testa
- British-French Technology Transfer from the Revolution to Louis Philippe (1791–1844): Evidence from Patent Data pp. 833-873
- Alessandro Nuvolari, Gaspare Tortorici and Michelangelo Vasta
- Plantation Mortgage-Backed Securities: Evidence from Surinam in the Eighteenth Century pp. 874-911
- Abe de Jong, Tim Kooijmans and Peter Koudijs
- We Do Not Know the Population of Every Country in the World for the Past Two Thousand Years pp. 912-938
- Timothy Guinnane
- Navigating Nationalism in Global Enterprise: A Century of Indo-German Business Relations. By Christina Lubinski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. 300. £75.00, hardcover. ISBN 978-1-316-51128-2 pp. 939-940
- Sabine Pitteloud
- El Nacimiento de la Banca en América Latina: Finanzas y Política en el Siglo XIX. By Carlos Marichal. Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 2022. Pp. 508, MX$350 pp. 941-942
- Sebastian Alvarez
Volume 83, issue 2, 2023
- The Country They Built: Dynamic and Complex Indigenous Economies in North America before 1492 pp. 319-358
- Ann Carlos
- Political Dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of France’s 1940 Enabling Act pp. 359-397
- Jean Lacroix, Pierre-Guillaume Méon and Kim Oosterlinck
- The Impact of Business Cycle Conditions on Firm Dynamics and Composition pp. 398-430
- Cihan Artunç
- Social Mobility in Sweden before the Welfare State pp. 431-463
- Thor Berger, Per Engzell, Björn Eriksson and Jakob Molinder
- The Feudal Origins of Manorial Prosperity: Social Interactions in Eleventh-Century England pp. 464-500
- Vincent Delabastita and Sebastiaan Maes
- Reconstruction Aid, Public Infrastructure, and Economic Development: The Case of the Marshall Plan in Italy pp. 501-537
- Nicola Bianchi and Michela Giorcelli
- Whitelashing: Black Politicians, Taxes, and Violence pp. 538-571
- Trevon Logan
- Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations pp. 573-611
- Anonymous
- Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting pp. 613-631
- Anonymous
- The Economic Consequences of U.S. Mobilization for the Second World War. By Alexander J. Field. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2022. Pp. v, 453. $45.00, hardcover pp. 641-642
- Taylor Jaworski
- Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century. By J. Bradford DeLong. New York: Basic Books, 2022. Pp. 624. $23.96, hardcover pp. 642-644
- Nicolas L. Ziebarth
Volume 83, issue 1, 2023
- Sectarian Competition and the Market Provision of Human Capital pp. 1-44
- Heyu Xiong and Yiling Zhao
- Migrant Self-Selection and Random Shocks: Evidence from the Panic of 1907 pp. 45-85
- David Escamilla-Guerrero and Moramay López-Alonso
- Financial Failure and Depositor Quality: Evidence from Building and Loan Associations in California pp. 87-130
- Todd Messer
- Was Marshall Right? Managerial Failure and Corporate Ownership in Edwardian Britain pp. 131-165
- Michael Aldous, Philip T. Fliers and John Turner
- Loose Cannons: War Veterans and the Erosion of Democracy in Weimar Germany pp. 167-202
- Christoph Koenig
- Landholding Inequality and the Consolidation of Democracy: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century France pp. 203-241
- Adrien Montalbo
- Institutional Change and Property Rights before the Industrial Revolution: The Case of the English Court of Wards and Liveries, 1540–1660 pp. 242-274
- Sean Bottomley
- Market Access and Information Technology Adoption: Historical Evidence from the Telephone in Bavaria pp. 275-308
- Florian Ploeckl
- Ibicaba (1817–1927): Entendendo, Vivendo e Construindo Futuros. Bruno Gabriel Witzel and Leonardo Antonio Santin Gardenal (Orgs.). Campinas, SP: Pontes, 2021. Pp. 471; $17.50 pp. 316-316
- Aldo Musacchio
- An Exchange Rate History of the United Kingdom, 1945–1992. By Alain Naef. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xx, 246. £85.00, hardcover pp. 317-318
- Gianandrea Nodari
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