Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 35, issue 6, 2006
- Measuring Australia's well-being using hierarchical needs pp. 933-945

- Matthew Clarke, Sardar M.N. Islam and Sally Paech
- A tale of two regions: Novgorod and Pskov as models of symbolic development pp. 946-958

- Nicolai N. Petro
- Evaluating economic theories of NPOs: A survey, a case study and some new directions for socio-economics pp. 959-979

- Joe Wallis
- Terror and trade of individual investors pp. 980-991

- Ori Levy and Itai Galili
- Does volunteer work pay off in the labor market? pp. 992-1013

- Lionel Prouteau and François-Charles Wolff
- Group egoism; investigating collective action and individual rationality pp. 1014-1031

- Jan Tullberg
- Cognitive dissonance and risk denial: The case of cannabis use in adolescents pp. 1032-1049

- Patrick Peretti-Watel
- A basic model for multiple self pp. 1050-1060

- Damien Bazin and Jerome Ballet
- Customer-based discrimination against major league baseball players: Additional evidence from All-star ballots pp. 1061-1077

- Craig Depken and Jon Ford
- Leadership, personality and effectiveness pp. 1078-1091

- Jon Aarum Andersen
- G.L.H. Svendsen and G.T. Svendsen, The Creation and Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements and Institutions, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2004) (207 pp., ISBN: 1-84376-616-7) pp. 1092-1094

- Per Davidsson
- J. Pixley, Emotions in Finance: Distrust and Uncertainty in Global Markets, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2004) (228 pp., $24.00, ISBN 0-521-53508-5 (paperback)) pp. 1094-1096

- Patric Andersson
Volume 35, issue 5, 2006
- The male/female earnings gap and female self-employment pp. 759-779

- Danny Leung
- Gender differences in the reemployment status of displaced workers human capital as signals that mitigate effects of bias pp. 780-796

- Charles Koeber and David W. Wright
- Marriage and female labour supply in Brunei Darussalam: A case study of urban women in Bandar Seri Begawan pp. 797-812

- Kwabena A. Anaman and Hartinie M. Kassim
- Dynamic behaviour in tax evasion: An experimental approach pp. 813-835

- Luigi Mittone
- With a little help from an anchor: Discussion and evidence of anchoring effects in contingent valuation pp. 836-853

- Job van Exel, Werner Brouwer, Bernard van den Berg and M.A. Koopmanschap
- Church organists: Analysing their willingness to play pp. 854-867

- Don Webber and Martin Freke
- A panel data analysis of the impact of trade on human development pp. 868-876

- Antony Davies and Gary Quinlivan
- History versus expectations: Increasing returns or social influence? pp. 877-888

- Franz Wirl and Gustav Feichtinger
- Three simple models of social capital and economic growth pp. 889-912

- Yuan K. Chou
- Social Capital and economic opportunities pp. 913-927

- Luca Crudeli
- S.T. Bruyn, A Civil Republic: Beyond Capitalism and Nationalism, Kumarian Press, Bloomfield, CT (2005) (289 pages, Price: $25.95, ISBN 1-56549-199-8) pp. 928-930

- Christina A. Clamp
- J.E. Stiglitz, The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade, W.W. Norton & Company, New York (2003) (379 pp., Price US$ 25.95, hardback, ISBN 0-393-05852-2) pp. 930-932

- Anthony O'Brien
Volume 35, issue 4, 2006
- The dual motive theory pp. 589-591

- Gerald A. Cory
- A behavioral model of the dual motive approach to behavioral economics and social exchange pp. 592-612

- Gerald Cory
- Neural modeling of the dual motive theory of economics pp. 613-625

- Daniel S. Levine
- The evolutionary neuroscience of human reciprocal sociality: A basic outline for economists pp. 626-633

- Daniel R. Wilson
- Toward a dual motive metaeconomic theory pp. 634-651

- Gary D. Lynne
- Religion and animal welfare: Evidence from voting data pp. 652-659

- Julio Videras
- Developing a civilised society in transition economies: The Post Keynesian paradigm pp. 660-681

- John Marangos
- Economic restructuring in post-crisis Korea pp. 682-690

- Jai S. Mah
- A Characterization of the Argentinian production sector prior to the 1998 crisis pp. 691-709

- Pedro J. Gutierrez and Eduardo F. Marroquin
- The influence of earnings on income distribution in the United States pp. 710-726

- Enrique Palazuelos Manso
- Economic history as it is and should be: Toward an open, honest, methodologically flexible, theoretically diverse, interdisciplinary exploration of the causes and consequences of economic growth pp. 727-750

- Rick Szostak
- M. Oppenheimer and N. Mercuro, Editors, Law and Economics: Alternative Economic Approaches To Legal and Regulatory Issues, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York (2005) (448 pp., $89.95, ISBN 0-7656-1331-X) pp. 751-753

- Jeffrey L. Harrison and Stephen C. O'Connell
- Timur Kuran, Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2004) (194 pp., ISBN 0-691-11510-9) pp. 753-755

- Hamid Hosseini
- B.M.S. van Praag and A.D.A. Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Happiness Quantified: A Satisfaction Calculus Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2004) 352+vi pp., ISBN 0-19-828654-6 pp. 755-757

- Roger McCain
Volume 35, issue 3, 2006
- On the role of the hostage in ultimatum bargaining games pp. 399-411

- Robert Shupp, Pamela Schmitt and Kurtis Swope
- A middleman in an ambiguous situation--Experimental evidence pp. 412-439

- Kazuhito Ogawa, Yuhsuke Koyama and Sobei H. Oda
- Immigrant consumption of sickness benefits in Sweden, 1982-1991 pp. 440-457

- Tommy Bengtsson and Kirk Scott
- Learned helplessness, discouraged workers, and multiple unemployment equilibria pp. 458-475

- Roger Bjørnstad
- The impact of basic income on the propensity to work: Theoretical issues and micro-econometric results pp. 476-497

- Claude Gamel, Didier Balsan and Josiane Vero
- Can the low unemployment rate of Swedish speakers in Finland be attributed to structural factors? pp. 498-513

- Jan Saarela and Fjalar Finnas
- Exchange, role modeling and the intergenerational transmission of elder support attitudes: Evidence from three generations of Mexican-Americans pp. 514-531

- David Ribar and Mark Wilhelm
- Economic analysis of volunteers' motivations--A cross-country study pp. 532-555

- Susanne Ziemek
- The open system of four dynamic bio-socio-economic processes of the firm: The diamond of the black box pp. 556-582

- Elias Sanidas
- R. Layard, Happiness--Lessons From a New Science, The Penguin Press (2005) (p. 272, $25.95, ISBN 1594200394) pp. 583-585

- Gianni De Robertis
- D. Kahneman, E. Deiner, N. Schwarz (Eds.), Well-being: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology, New York Russell Sage Foundation, New York (594 pp., Price?, ISBN 087154 423-7 (paper) 4-5 (cloth)) pp. 585-587

- Jane Henry
Volume 35, issue 2, 2006
- Romesh Kumar Diwan--An academic obituary pp. 171-176

- Roberto Burlando, Steve Onyeiwu, John Tomer and Donald Vitaliano
- Symposium introduction: Life satisfaction and welfare economics pp. 177-179

- Paul Anand and Andrew Clark
- The (unexpected) structure of "rents" on the French and British labour markets pp. 180-196

- Andrew Clark and Claudia Senik
- Parental separation and well-being of youths: Evidence from Germany pp. 197-208

- Rainer Winkelmann
- Well-being and unemployment in Russia in the 1990s: Can society's suffering be individuals' solace? pp. 209-242

- Andrew Eggers, Clifford Gaddy and Carol Graham
- A cross-section analysis of the fairness-of-pay perception of UK employees pp. 243-267

- Maureen Paul
- Capabilities and achievements: An empirical study pp. 268-284

- Paul Anand and Martin van Hees
- Knowing what is good for you: Empirical analysis of personal preferences and the "objective good" pp. 285-307

- Orsolya Lelkes
- Economic policy and the level of self-perceived well-being: An international comparison pp. 308-325

- Tomi Ovaska and Ryo Takashima
- Does marriage make people happy, or do happy people get married? pp. 326-347

- Alois Stutzer and Bruno Frey
- Happiness, satisfaction and socio-economic conditions: Some international evidence pp. 348-365

- Amado Peiro
- Why does income growth fail to make us happier?: Searching for the treadmills behind the paradox of happiness pp. 366-381

- Mathias Binswanger
- To your happiness? Extra hours of labor supply and worker well-being pp. 382-397

- Lonnie Golden and Barbara Wiens-Tuers
Volume 35, issue 1, 2006
- Taxing utility pp. 1-16

- Terrence Chorvat
- The chilling effect of optimism: The case of final-offer arbitration pp. 17-30

- David Dickinson
- Depth of reasoning in strategic form games pp. 31-47

- Yohsuke Ohtsubo and Amnon Rapoport
- A new theory of financial regulation: Predicting, measuring and preventing financial crises pp. 48-71

- Carolyn Currie
- Norms of reciprocity and human capital formation in a poor patriarchal household pp. 72-82

- Dipankar Purkayastha
- The production of social capital in US counties pp. 83-101

- Anil Rupasingha, Stephan Goetz and David Freshwater
- In credit we trust: Building social capital by Grameen Bank in Bangladesh pp. 102-122

- Asif Dowla
- Organizational innovations, human resources and firm performance: The Emilia-Romagna food sector pp. 123-141

- Massimiliano Mazzanti, Paolo Pini and Ermanno Tortia
- Organizational portfolio theory and international not-for-profit organizations pp. 142-150

- Dragan Miljkovic
- Values, social problems and balanced development in Malaysia pp. 151-163

- Ruzita Mohd. Amin, Selamah Abdullah Yusof and Mohamed Aslam Mohamed Haneef
- K. Dopfer, Editor, The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Cambridge University Press, Hardback, New York (2005) (592 pp., [UK pound]60.00, ISBN-10: 0521621992/ISBN 13: 9780521621991) pp. 164-165

- Wilfred Dolfsma
- M. Oppenheimer and N. Mercuro, Editors, Law and Economics: Alternative Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York (2005) (448 pp., $89.95, ISBN 0-7656-1331-X) pp. 166-167

- Jeffrey L. Harrison and Stephen C. O'Connell
- William J. Baumol, Alan S. Blinder and Edward N. Wolff, Downsizing in America: Reality, Causes, and Consequences, Russell Sage Foundation, New York (2003) (321 pp., ISBN 0-87154-094-0) pp. 168-170

- Trevor Bain
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