Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 30, issue 6, 2001
- JBE/JSE-the first 30 years pp. 469-471

- Richard Hattwick
- Richard Hattwick: founder and editor of the Journal of Socio-Economics pp. 473-474

- Roger Frantz
- Contributions of social capital theory in predicting rural community inshopping behavior pp. 475-493

- N. J. Miller
- A new look at prices and money: the Kelsonian binary model for achieving rapid growth without inflation pp. 495-515

- Norman G. Kurland
- Nationalization and privatization in Peru: socio-economic images in perpetual conflict? pp. 517-532

- Margaret Y. Champion
- Market management of the essential economy: an essay pp. 533-537

- Walter C. Wagner
- Risk level assessment and occupational health insurance expenditure: a gender imbalance pp. 539-547

- Jahangir Khan and Bjarne Jansson
- The dynamics of the mutualist movement in Portugal: a time series analysis pp. 549-552

- Carlos Barros
- The relationship between happiness, health, and socio-economic factors: results based on Swedish microdata pp. 553-557

- Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Magnus Johannesson
- A note on democratization and economic conditions in Eastern Europe pp. 559-562

- Bernd Hayo
- Binary economics: the new paradigm: Robert Ashford and Rodney Shakespeare; New York, University Press of America, 1999, 448 pages, plus bibliography pp. 563-565

- Richard Hattwick
- The human firm: a socio-economic analysis of its behavior and potential in a new economic age: John Tomer; New York, Routledge, 1999, 209 pages, plus bibliography pp. 565-566

- Richard Hattwick
Volume 30, issue 5, 2001
- Culture, human agency, and economic theory: culture as a determinant of material welfare pp. 379-391

- Morris Altman
- Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions: Mexican immigrants in Chicago pp. 393-411

- Rebeca Raijman
- A reexamination of agency theory assumptions: extensions and extrapolations pp. 413-429

- Peter Wright, Ananda Mukherji and Mark J. Kroll
- Research note pp. 431-436

- Claude Sobry
- Regulating the costs of empathy: the price of being human pp. 437-452

- Sara D. Hodges and Kristi J. K. Klein
- Suicide intention and suicide prevention: an economic perspective pp. 453-468

- Gideon Yaniv
Volume 30, issue 4, 2001
- Economic man vs. heterodox men: the concepts of human nature in schools of economic thought pp. 281-293

- John Tomer
- The self as a problem: the intra-personal coordination of conflicting desires pp. 295-330

- Mihnea Moldoveanu and Howard Stevenson
- A focus group study of the motivation to invest: 'ethical/green' and 'ordinary' investors compared pp. 331-341

- Alan Lewis
- W/age bias in worker displacement: how industrial structure shapes the job loss and earnings decline of older American workers pp. 343-352

- Charles Koeber and David W. Wright
- The qualitative element in organization behavior pp. 353-362

- Andreas A. Andrikopoulos and Kyprianos P. Prodromidis
- The role of family togetherness and right-wing attitudes in adolescent materialism pp. 363-365

- Eirini Flouri
- Auctions and fair division games - a cross-country bidding experiment pp. 367-374

- Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel
Volume 30, issue 3, 2001
- A behavioral model of labor supply: casting some light into the black box of income-leisure choice pp. 199-219

- Morris Altman
- Is the good corporation dead? the community social responsibility of small business operators pp. 221-241

- Terry L. Besser and Nancy Miller
- Addictions are not rational: a socio-economic model of addictive behavior pp. 243-261

- John Tomer
- Uncertainty and perceptual problems causing government failures in less advanced nations pp. 263-271

- Hamid Hosseini
- On the likelihood of finding the right partner in an arranged marriage pp. 273-280

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
Volume 30, issue 2, 2001
- Democratic capitalism vs. binary economics pp. 99-118

- Keith Wilde and R. G. Schulte
- Community conflict resolution: the development of social capital within an interactional field pp. 119-120

- John C. AllenPh.D.
- For whom does the school bell toll?: Multi-contextual presence of social capital and student educational achievement pp. 121-127

- Lionel J. Beaulieua, Glenn D. Israel, Glen Hartless and Patricia Dyk
- Family as source, user, and builder of social capital pp. 129-131

- Margaret M. Bubolz
- Civic life in Gray Mountain: sizing up the legacy of New England's blue-collar middle class pp. 133-137

- Cynthia Mildred Duncan
- The role of microenterprise development in stimulating social capital and rebuilding inner city economies:: A practitioner perspective pp. 139-143

- Jason J. Friedman
- Microenterprise development in Latin America:: Towards a new flexibility pp. 145-149

- Lara Goldmark
- Social capital: potential in family social sciences pp. 151-155

- M. Janice Hogan
- Government use of nonprofit organizations to build social capital pp. 157-160

- Laura Huntoon
- The social capital crash in the periphery:: An analysis of the current predicament in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 161-163

- Goran Hyden
- The elements of social capital in the context of six high schools pp. 165-167

- Valerie E. Lee and Robert C. Croninger
- Social and human capital in immigrant adaptation:: The case of Canadian business immigrants pp. 169-170

- Martin N. Marger
- Differential effects of parental involvement on cognitive and behavioral outcomes by socioeconomic status pp. 171-179

- Ralph B. McNealJr.
- Imaginary homecomings:: Chinese villagers, their overseas relations, and social capital pp. 181-186

- Ellen Oxfeld
- Building social capital:: The role of local government pp. 187-192

- Mildred Warner
- Microenterprise and social capital:: A framework for theory, research, and policy pp. 193-198

- Michael Woolcock
Volume 30, issue 1, 2001
- Symposium on the reorientation of economics: what is economics? pp. 1-6

- Shoshana Grossbard and Christopher Clague
- Comparing the methodologies used by statisticians and economists for research and modeling5 pp. 7-14

- Clive Granger
- Imperialism and competition in anthropology, sociology, political science and economics: a perspective from development economics pp. 15-29

- Vernon Ruttan
- Life cycle welfare: evidence and conjecture pp. 31-61

- Richard Easterlin
- Understanding high-performance work systems: the joint contribution of economics and human resource management pp. 63-73

- John Tomer
- Unemployment, marriage, and cohabitation in France pp. 75-98

- Olivia Ekert-Jaffe and Anne Solaz
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