Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (repec@elsevier.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 36, issue 6, 2007
- Asymmetry in information versus asymmetry in power: Implicit assumptions of agency theory? pp. 825-840

- Nicole J. Saam
- A psychological, attitudinal and professional profile of Irish economists pp. 841-855

- Brian Lucey and Liam Delaney
- The unconscious in economic decision-making: Convergent voices pp. 856-864

- Harold Wolozin and Benjamin Wolozin
- Experimenters' choices of trust experiments and their consequence for meta-studies pp. 865-874

- Friedel Bolle and Jessica Kaehler
- Firm-level training in local economic systems: Complementarities in production and firm innovation strategies pp. 875-894

- Giovanni Guidetti and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- The effect of job satisfaction on labor turnover by gender: An analysis for Switzerland pp. 895-913

- Alfonso Sousa-Poza and Andres A. Sousa-Poza
- The role of non-profit organisations in migration policies: Spain and Italy compared pp. 914-931

- Maria Carella, ANTONIA Rosa Gurrieri and Marilene Lorizio
- Social capital and innovation dynamics in district-based local systems pp. 932-948

- Giulio Cainelli, Susanna Mancinelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Cohesiveness and goals in agency networks: Explaining conflict and cooperation pp. 949-964

- Ananda Mukherji, Peter Wright and Jyotsna Mukherji
- Market overreach: The student as customer pp. 965-977

- David George
- W.K. Black, The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX (2005) ISBN 0-292-70638-3 329 pp., Price: $24.95 pp. 978-982

- Robert Ashford
- P.H. Lindert, Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge University Press (2004) ISBN 0 521 82174 6 (hardback), 0 521 52916 6 (paperback) vol. 1: xvii + 377 pp., vol. 2: vii + 230 pp pp. 982-983

- Simon James
Volume 36, issue 5, 2007
- The effect of life values and materialism on buying counterfeit products pp. 677-685

- Adrian Furnham and Halldor Valgeirsson
- Money obsession, social adjustment, and economic risk perception pp. 686-697

- Elisabeth Engelberg and Lennart Sjoberg
- Money illusion in intuitive financial judgments: Influences of nominal representation of share prices pp. 698-712

- Henrik Svedsater, Amelie Gamble and Tommy Garling
- Determinants of superstition pp. 713-733

- Benno Torgler
- Social mood: The stock market and political cycles pp. 734-744

- John R. Nofsinger
- Evaluating the need assessment in fiscal equalization schemes at the local government level pp. 745-770

- Anja Eichhorst
- Loss aversion, price and quality pp. 771-788

- Hugh Sibly
- Access to gambling and declaring personal bankruptcy pp. 789-801

- Barry Boardman and John Perry
- Stability of U.S. consumption expenditure patterns: 1996-1999 pp. 802-818

- Lester Taylor
- G. Benedetto and S. Robert, Economics and Social Interaction Accounting for Interpersonal Relations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2005) ISBN 13 978-0-521-84884-8 pp. xv; 299, Price: US$ 80.00 pp. 819-821

- Alan J. MacFadyen
- J. Faux, The Global Class War: How America's Elite Lost Our Future--And What It Will Take to Win It Back, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2006) 292 pp., $35.99, ISBN-13: 978-0-471-69761-9 pp. 821-824

- David Colander
Volume 36, issue 4, 2007
- Satisficing in portfolio selection--Theoretical aspects and experimental tests pp. 505-522

- Werner Guth
- Paradise to parking lots: Creation versus maintenance of a public good pp. 523-536

- James Shanley and Philip Grossman
- Positional goods in the United States and China pp. 537-545

- Sara J. Solnick, Li Hong and David Hemenway
- Is there as-if bargaining? pp. 546-560

- Sven Fischer, Werner Guth and Kerstin Pull
- Helping self-help: The fundamental conundrum of development assistance pp. 561-577

- David Ellerman
- The theory of institutions and collective action in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments pp. 578-594

- Keigo Tajima
- The anatomy of increasing inequality of U.S. family incomes pp. 595-618

- Frederic L. Pryor
- Metropolitan poverty: The case of Chicago pp. 619-629

- Robert G. Mogull
- Poverty alleviation and consumption insurance: Evidence from PROGRESA in Mexico pp. 630-649

- Emmanuel Skoufias
- Social and political forces as determinants of poverty: A spatial analysis pp. 650-671

- Anil Rupasingha and Stephan Goetz
- R.H. Thaler, Advances in Behavioral Finance II, Russell Sage Foundation, New York (2005) 712 pp., $45.00, ISBN: 0-691-12175-3 pp. 672-674

- Hersh Shefrin
- E. Shafir, Editor, Preference, Belief, and Similarity: Selected Writings by Amos Tversky, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2004) ISBN 0-262-20144-5 pp. 675-676

- Jean-Robert Tyran
Volume 36, issue 3, 2007
- What is the capability approach?: Its core, rationale, partners and dangers pp. 335-359

- Des Gasper
- An analytical framework for conceptualizing poverty and re-examining the capability approach pp. 360-375

- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and Stefano Moroni
- Income poverty and material hardship: How strong is the association? pp. 376-396

- John Iceland and Kurt J. Bauman
- Sen and the art of quality of life maintenance: Towards a general theory of quality of life and its causation pp. 397-423

- Danny Ruta, Laura Camfield and Cam Donaldson
- Capabilities, human capital and education pp. 424-435

- Diego Lanzi
- Children capabilities: A structural equation model for India pp. 436-450

- Maria Di Tommaso
- Behavioral economics and socio-economics journals: A citation-based ranking pp. 451-462

- Ofer Azar
- What is behavioral economics? pp. 463-479

- John Tomer
- Prefrontal systems in financial processing pp. 480-489

- Marcello Spinella, Bijou Yang and David Lester
- E.D. Beinhocker, The Origin of Wealth, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA (2006) ISBN 1-57851-777-X 544 pp., Price: US$ 29.95 pp. 490-495

- Roger McCain
- Altruistically Inclined? The Behavioral Sciences, Evolutionary Theory, and the Origins of Reciprocity, A.J. Field. Ann Arbor, Michigan (2002). xvi + 373 pp., Paperback 2004, Cloth $ 54.50, ISBN: 0-472-11224-4 pp. 495-501

- Robert Dimand
- J. Pencavel, Editor, Worker Participation: Lessons from the Worker Co-ops of the Pacific Northwest, Russell Sage Foundation, New York (2001) ISBN 0-87154-655-8 117 pp., Paper, $12.95 pp. 501-503

- David Ellerman
Volume 36, issue 2, 2007
- The relationship between parenting and materialism in British mothers and fathers of secondary school age children pp. 167-176

- Eirini Flouri
- Endogenizing Sen's capabilities: An adaptive dynamic analysis pp. 177-190

- Antonio D'Agata
- Reciprocity, social ties, and competition in markets for experience goods pp. 191-203

- Steffen Huck and Jean-Robert Tyran
- Contingent valuation controversies: Philosophic debates about economic theory pp. 204-232

- Knut Veisten
- Are people inequality averse, and do they prefer redistribution by the state?: Evidence from German longitudinal data on life satisfaction pp. 233-249

- Johannes Schwarze and Marco Harpfer
- Why pay extra? Tipping and the importance of social norms and feelings in economic theory pp. 250-265

- Ofer Azar
- An analysis of parochialism at the JPE and QJE pp. 266-274

- Marshall H. Medoff
- Socio-demographic determinants of disabled people: An empirical approach based on the European Community Household Panel pp. 275-287

- Marta Pascual and David Cantarero
- Does sickness absence increase the risk of unemployment? pp. 288-310

- Patrik Hesselius
- Modeling the ultra-pure quartz exploitation in northeastern madagascar: Impact of the activity on the socio-economical situation of the population pp. 311-329

- Fenintsoa Andriamasinoro and Jean-Michel Angel
- R.J. Shiller, The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2003) (p. 366, ISBN 0-691-09172-2) pp. 330-333

- David H. Goldenberg
Volume 36, issue 1, 2007
- Relative thinking theory pp. 1-14

- Ofer Azar
- Individual learning in different social contexts pp. 15-35

- Marco Novarese
- The framing of financial windfalls and implications for public policy pp. 36-47

- Nicholas Epley and Ayelet Gneezy
- Morale and the evolution of norms pp. 48-57

- Shinji Teraji
- The evolution of social norms: With managerial implications pp. 58-72

- Ivar Kolstad
- The economics of solidarity: A conceptual framework pp. 73-89

- Alexander Kritikos, Friedel Bolle and Jonathan Tan
- Social preferences in wage bargaining: A corporatist approach pp. 90-101

- Giuseppina Autiero and Bruna Bruno
- `Choice' in collective decision-making processes: Instrumental or expressive approval? pp. 102-117

- Philip Jones and Peter Dawson
- From homo economicus to homo corporativus: A neglected critique of neoclassical economics pp. 118-127

- Carlos Bastien and José Cardoso
- Social capital accumulation and the evolution of social participation pp. 128-143

- Angelo Antoci, Pier Luigi Sacco and Paolo Vanin
- The tree of science and original sin: Do christian religious beliefs constrain the supply of scientists? pp. 144-160

- Maury D. Granger and Gregory Price
- S.M. Jacoby, The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2005) (248 pp., $35.00 (hardcover), ISBN 0-691-11999-6) pp. 161-163

- John Budd
- D. Levine and A. Rizvi, Poverty, Work and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2005) (Price: $65.00, 159 pp., ISBN 9780521848268) pp. 163-165

- Jonathan Wight
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