Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 38, issue 6, 2009
- Is diversity bad for economic growth?: Evidence from state-level data in the US pp. 859-870

- Nazmun Ratna, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas
- Reputational cues in repeated trust games pp. 871-877

- Riccardo Boero, Giangiacomo Bravo, Marco Castellani and Flaminio Squazzoni
- Social innovation: Buzz word or enduring term? pp. 878-885

- Eduardo Pol and Simon Ville
- Midnight regulations and the Cinderella effect pp. 886-890

- Veronique de Rugy and Antony Davies
- Behavioral economics and the economics of Keynes pp. 891-902

- Wesley Pech and Marcelo Milan
- A dynamic econometric model of suicides in Turkey pp. 903-907

- Alper Altinanahtar and Ferda Halicioglu
- Why reputation is not always beneficial: Tolerance and opportunism in business networks pp. 908-915

- Martin Abraham
- The social economics of ethical consumption: Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence pp. 916-925

- Martha Starr
- A model of corporate social performance: Social satisfaction and moral conduct pp. 926-934

- Shinji Teraji
- Do taboo trade-offs explain the difficulty in valuing health and social interventions? pp. 935-939

- Alan Shiell, Daniel Sperber and Carly Porat
- Enforcement of exogenous environmental regulation, social disapproval and bribery pp. 940-945

- Wisdom Akpalu, Håkan Eggert and Godwin Kofi Vondolia
- Healthy, educated and wealthy: A primer on the impact of public and private welfare expenditures on economic growth pp. 946-956

- Sergio Beraldo, Daniel Montolio and Gilberto Turati
- Changing your role models: Social learning and the Engel curve pp. 957-965

- Christian Cordes
- Examining evidence of financial and credit exclusion in Canada from 1999 to 2005 pp. 966-976

- Wayne Simpson and Jerry Buckland
- Controlling for endogeneity in the health-socioeconomic status relationship of the near retired pp. 977-987

- Keith Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou
- Tax evasion, tax morale and policy maker's effectiveness pp. 988-997

- Roberto Dell'Anno
- Hugh Schwartz, A Guide to Behavioral Economics, Higher Education Publications, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia (2008) 90 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0-914927-61-7, ISBN-10: 0-914927-61-2 pp. 998-999

- Demetri Kantarelis
- Robert J. Shiller, The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened and What to Do About It, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2008) ISBN 978-0-691-13929-6 196 pp., Price: $16.95 pp. 999-1000

- Robert J. Hendershott
Volume 38, issue 5, 2009
- A note on interdependent happiness pp. 713-721

- Friedel Bolle, Yarema Okhrin and Claudia Vogel
- How Sunday, price, and social norms influence donation behaviour pp. 722-727

- Richard Martin and John Randal
- On the absorbability of informational cascades in the laboratory pp. 728-738

- Andrea Morone, Serena Sandri and Annamaria Fiore
- An empirical investigation of heterogeneity in time preferences and smoking behaviors pp. 739-751

- Michel Grignon
- Risk behavior in decision-making in a multi-person-setting pp. 752-756

- Thomas Fenzl and Thomas Brudermann
- Perceived facilitators and barriers to saving among low-income youth pp. 757-763

- Jennifer Wheeler-Brooks and Edward Scanlon
- Women and poverty: A gender-sensitive approach pp. 764-778

- Amélia Bastos, Sara F. Casaca, Francisco Nunes and José Pereirinha
- Gender pairing bias in trustworthiness pp. 779-789

- Aurélie Bonein and Daniel Serra
- Why a fixed workweek? pp. 790-798

- Antonia Díaz and E. Echevarria
- The role and significance of endogenous firing costs in a matching model with endogenous job destruction pp. 799-808

- Enrico Saltari and Riccardo Tilli
- Older workers' employment in dynamic technology changes pp. 809-813

- Miki Malul
- Consumer attitudes towards switching supplier in three deregulated markets pp. 814-819

- Amelie Gamble, E. Asgeir Juliusson and Tommy Gärling
- Faking it: Personality and individual difference predictors of willingness to buy counterfeit goods pp. 820-825

- Viren Swami, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Adrian Furnham
- Technical efficiency estimates of Cherokee agriculture: A pre- and post-removal analysis pp. 826-833

- Matthew Gregg
- With or without you? Measuring the quality of relational life throughout the world pp. 834-842

- Luca Stanca
- A simple theory of 'meso'. On the co-evolution of institutions and platform size--With an application to varieties of capitalism and 'medium-sized' countries pp. 843-858

- Wolfram Elsner and Torsten Heinrich
Volume 38, issue 4, 2009
- Commitment and weakness of will in game theory and neoclassical economics pp. 549-556

- Roger McCain
- Followers and leaders: Reciprocity, social norms and group behavior pp. 557-567

- Raúl López-Pérez
- Do spending comparisons affect spending and satisfaction? pp. 568-573

- Sara J. Solnick and David Hemenway
- Heterogeneous 'adaptation' and 'income effects' across self-reported health distribution? pp. 574-580

- Montserrat Costa-Font and Joan Costa-Font
- The job satisfaction gender gap among young recent university graduates: Evidence from Catalonia pp. 581-589

- Toni Mora and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell
- The Easterlin paradox and the decline of social capital: An integrated explanation pp. 590-600

- Maurizio Pugno
- Social capital and business giving to charity following a natural disaster: An empirical assessment pp. 601-607

- Okmyung Bin and Bob Edwards
- Shoplifting, monitoring and price determination pp. 608-610

- Gideon Yaniv
- Formal and informal deterrents of crime in Japan: Roles of police and social capital revisited pp. 611-621

- Eiji Yamamura
- Non-expected utility maximizers behave as if expected utility maximizers: An experimental test pp. 622-629

- Hiroshi Kurata, Hiroshi Izawa and Makoto Okamura
- Satisfaction and 'comparison sharing': What influences Swedish parents satisfaction with the sharing of parental leave? pp. 630-640

- Anna Amilon
- Tipping as risk sharing pp. 641-647

- Steven J. Holland
- Career prospects and tenure-job satisfaction profiles: Evidence from panel data pp. 648-657

- Ioannis Theodossiou and Alexandros Zangelidis
- Two sources of human irrationality: Cognitive dissonance and brain dysfunction pp. 658-662

- David Lester and Bijou Yang
- Non-response to the recycling promotion technique of blockleader and commitment pp. 663-671

- Gonzalo Díaz Meneses
- Urban path dependency theory and the living wage: Were cities that passed ordinances destined to do so? pp. 672-683

- Oren M. Levin-Waldman
- Cognitive dissonance and the overtaking anomaly: Psychology in the principal-agent relationship pp. 684-690

- John Smith
- Decisive FDI obstacles as an explanatory reason for limited FDI inflows in an EMU member state: The case of Greece pp. 691-704

- Aristidis Bitzenis, Antonis Tsitouras and Vasileios Vlachos
- P. Diamond and H. Vartiainen, Editors, Behavioral Economics and its Applications, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Woodstock (2007) 336 pp., $46.95, ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12284-7 and ISBN-10: 0-691-12284-9 pp. 705-706

- Özgür Gürerk
- Duncan Foley, Adam's Fallacy. A Guide to Economic Theology, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA (2006) 265 pages including references and index. ISBN: 13:978-0-674-02309-3 pp. 706-707

- Roger Frantz
- Erratum to "Steven Pressman (Ed.), Palgrave MacMillan, Alternative Theories of the State, New York, NY (2006). viii+229 pp., Price $90.00, ISBN: 1-4039-9939-2" [The Journal of Socio-Economics 37 (2009) 2569-2571] pp. 709-711

- Fadhel Kaboub and Devin Rafferty
Volume 38, issue 3, 2009
- Social norms: Does it matter whether agents are rational or boundedly rational? pp. 403-410

- Edward Cartwright
- Explaining the gap between the theoretical prediction and experimental evidences about the investment in the spouse's human capital pp. 411-414

- Xuemei Liu
- Consumption theory with reference dependent utility pp. 415-420

- Fredrik W. Andersson
- The value of non-binding announcements in public goods experiments: Some theory and experimental evidence pp. 421-428

- Michael Berlemann, Marcus Dittrich and Gunther Markwardt
- Social capital as social networks: A new framework for measurement and an empirical analysis of its determinants and consequences pp. 429-442

- Fabio Sabatini
- Social capital: An analysis of factors influencing investment pp. 443-455

- David Shideler and David S. Kraybill
- Low wages and high unemployment rates: The role of social interactions in hiring discrimination pp. 456-463

- Jean-François Jacques and Emmanuelle Walkowiak
- Good for the soul: The relationship between work, wellbeing and psychological capital pp. 464-474

- Kenneth Cole, Anne Daly and Anita Mak
- Do institutions really matter for saving among low-income households? A comparative approach pp. 475-483

- Chang-Keun Han and Michael Sherraden
- Why do small firms produce the entrepreneurs? pp. 484-494

- Simon Parker
- Cultural filtering in the hiring process and its relationship to welfare reform pp. 495-508

- Dan Axelsen, Daniel A. Underwood and Dan Friesner
- The effects of direct experience on consumer product evaluation pp. 509-518

- I. Manon de Groot, Gerrit Antonides, Daniel Read and W. Fred van Raaij
- The financial practices and perceptions behind separate systems of household financial management pp. 519-529

- Katherine J. Ashby and Carole. B. Burgoyne
- Portfolio choice when relative income matters pp. 530-533

- Sangkyun Park
- Optimal dividend distribution policy from the perspective of the impatient and loss-averse investor pp. 534-540

- Yang Yang, Isao Shoji and Sumei Kanehiro
- R. Thaler and C. Sunstein, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Yale University Press, New Haven (2008) pp. 293, $26.00, ISBN: 978-0-300-12223-7 pp. 541-542

- David Colander
- Tobias F. Rotheli, Expectations, Rationality, and Economic Performance, Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA (2007) 202 pp., [euro]93.24, ISBN: 987-1-84542-724-9 pp. 542-543

- Robert Oxoby
- Erratum to "Social Capital in the Knowledge Economy: Theory and Empirics, H. Westlund. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2006). x + 212 pp., ISBN-10 3-540-35364-X, ISBN-13 978-540-35364-5" [The Journal of Socio-Economics 37 (2009) 2567-2569] pp. 545-546

- Nicolas Sirven
- Retraction notice to "Social mood: The stock market and political cycles" [J. Socio-Econ. 36 (2007) 734-744] pp. 547-547

- John R. Nofsinger
Volume 38, issue 2, 2009
- Gift-giving and deadweight loss pp. 215-220

- Kristine E. Principe and Joseph G. Eisenhauer
- "I don't want to be selling my soul": Two experiments in environmental economics pp. 221-229

- Natalia V. Ovchinnikova, Hans J. Czap, Gary D. Lynne and Christopher W. Larimer
- The distinct role of group-central and group-peripheral norms in taxpaying behaviour pp. 230-237

- Julie S. Ashby, S. Alexander Haslam and Paul Webley
- Perceived tax evasion and the importance of trust pp. 238-245

- Henrik Hammar, Sverker C. Jagers and Katarina Nordblom
- Universal Basic Income and Negative Income Tax: Two different ways of thinking redistribution pp. 246-255

- Davide Tondani
- Gender disparities in the Italian regions from a human development perspective pp. 256-269

- Valeria Costantini and Salvatore Monni
- Groom price-female human capital: Some empirical evidence pp. 270-279

- Amarendra Sharma and Paul Frijters
- Examining the structure of awareness and perceptions of groundnut aflatoxin among Ghanaian health and agricultural professionals and its influence on their actions pp. 280-287

- Curtis M. Jolly, Budry Bayard, Richard T. Awuah, Simon C. Fialor and Johnathan T. Williams
- Interview effects in the reporting of domestic violence pp. 288-300

- W. David Allen
- Does satisfaction matter? A microeconomic empirical analysis of the effect of social relations on economic welfare pp. 301-309

- Giacomo Degli Antoni
- Religion and subjective well-being among the elderly in China pp. 310-319

- Phil Brown and Brian Tierney
- Finance-growth-poverty nexus in South Africa: A dynamic causality linkage pp. 320-325

- Nicholas Odhiambo
- Human development and the optimal size of government pp. 326-330

- Antony Davies
- The problem of the 21st century: Economics faculty and the color line pp. 331-343

- Gregory Price
- Occupational differences in the wage penalty for obese women pp. 344-349

- Ronald DeBeaumont
- The effect of immigration on the earnings of native-born workers: Evidence from Australia pp. 350-356

- Temesgen Kifle
- Effects of positive attitude on earnings: Evidence from the US longitudinal data pp. 357-371

- Madhu S. Mohanty
- The impact of union direct voice on voluntary and involuntary absenteeism pp. 372-383

- Carlos García-Serrano and Miguel Malo
- The role of relationships in labor markets for the popular arts and its impact on product quality pp. 384-390

- Joshua M. Frank and Pamela Carlisle-Frank
- A post-Keynesian regulatory model of privatization pp. 391-398

- Wissam AlHussaini and Rick Molz
- D.C. North, Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2005) pp. xi, 187, $29.95/£18.95, ISBN 0-691-11805-1 pp. 399-400

- Elias Khalil
- Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McClosky, The Cult of Statistical Significance, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (2008) 352 pp., Price: US$ 24.95, ISBN-10: 0472050079 pp. 400-401

- Kudret Topyan
Volume 38, issue 1, 2009
- Institutions matter: The case of Vietnam pp. 1-12

- Thi Bich Tran, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas
- Cultural, cognition and human action pp. 13-24

- Adam Gifford
- Living will: Ruminations of an economist pp. 25-30

- Li Way Lee
- Becoming: Identity and spirituality pp. 31-36

- Rowena Pecchenino
- Rational praying: The economics of prayer pp. 37-44

- Timothy Tyler Brown
- The economics of possible selves pp. 45-51

- Shinji Teraji
- Relative status and interdependent effects in consumer behavior pp. 52-59

- Parfait U. Gasana
- About the "economic" origin of altruism pp. 60-71

- Antonio Luigi Paolilli
- The determinants of purposeful voluntarism pp. 72-79

- Jody W. Lipford and Bruce Yandle
- On the relation between impulses to help and causes of neediness: An experimental study pp. 80-88

- Gelkha Buitrago, Werner Gueth and Maria Levati
- Experiment timing and preferences for fairness pp. 89-95

- David Dickinson
- Some indications of limits to framing the policy preferences of the civically engaged: Interplay of social capital, race attitudes, and social justice frames pp. 96-103

- Catherine S. Elliott, Keith Fitzgerald, Donald M. Hayward and Stela Krasteva
- The demand for job protection: Some clues from behavioural economics pp. 104-114

- Fabio D'Orlando and Francesco Ferrante
- Social preferences for public intervention: An empirical investigation based on French data pp. 115-128

- Romina Boarini and Christine Le Clainche
- An economic analysis of the job search decisions for Canadian nurses pp. 129-137

- Karen J. Buhr
- Socioeconomic determinants of the need for personal assistance reported by community-dwelling elderly: Empirical evidence from a French national health survey pp. 138-146

- Bérengère Davin-Casalena, Alain Paraponaris and Pierre Verger
- The poor, the rich and the happy: Exploring the link between income and subjective well-being pp. 147-158

- Emmanouil Mentzakis and Mirko Moro
- When money does not buy happiness: The case of "frustrated achievers" pp. 159-167

- Leonardo Becchetti and Fiammetta Rossetti
- A theory of happiness-wealth relationship with status-sensitive communication pp. 168-172

- Amnon Levy
- Young and out: An application of a prospects-based concept of social exclusion pp. 173-187

- Oddbjørn Raaum, Jon Rogstad, Knut Røed and Lars Westlie
- Cooperative behavior and institutions pp. 188-196

- Arild Vatn
- What happened to the Washington Consensus? The evolution of international development policy pp. 197-208

- John Marangos
- Measures of freedom pp. 209-214

- Antonio D'Agata
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