Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 39, issue 6, 2010
- The mood of a firm pp. 615-618

- Li Way Lee
- Modes of state intervention and business group performance in China's transitional economy pp. 619-630

- Xinxiang Chen
- How do private entrepreneurs transform local social capital into economic capital? Four case studies from rural Denmark pp. 631-644

- Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Chris Kjeldsen and Egon Noe
- Financial literacy and the design of retirement plans pp. 645-652

- Tomas Dvorak and Henry Hanley
- Trust responsiveness. On the dynamics of fiduciary interactions pp. 653-660

- Vittorio Pelligra
- Let's meet up! The role of relational goods in promoting cooperation pp. 661-669

- Leonardo Becchetti, Giacomo Degli Antoni and Marco Faillo
- Tournaments and unfair treatment pp. 670-682

- Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist
- Suicide and unemployment in Japan: Evidence from municipal level suicide rates and age-specific suicide rates pp. 683-691

- Masanori Kuroki
- The value of planned death pp. 692-695

- Leo Chan and Donald Lien
- Marxism as a capitalist tool pp. 696-700

- David Ellerman
- Paul Zak, Editor, Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2008) ISBN 978-0-691-13523-6, p. 386 $29.95/£20.95 pp. 701-702

- Nimish Adhia
- John F. Tomer, Intangible Capital: Its Contribution to Economic Growth, Well-being and Rationality, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA (2008) ISBN 978-1-84720-088-4 296 pp., bibliographical references and index, Hardback, £70.00 pp. 702-703

- Hans Westlund
Volume 39, issue 5, 2010
- Symposium: Methodological issues in behavioural economics pp. 537-539

- Francesco Guala and Luigi Mittone
- On price data elicitation: A laboratory investigation pp. 540-545

- Andrea Morone
- Some differences in revealed behaviour under different inquiry methods pp. 546-553

- Stefania Ottone, Guido Ortona, Ferruccio Ponzano and Francesco Scacciati
- Satisficing in strategic environments: A theoretical approach and experimental evidence pp. 554-561

- Werner Güth, Maria Levati and Matteo Ploner
- Behavioral economics has two 'souls': Do they both depart from economic rationality? pp. 562-567

- Luca Zarri
- The hunt for a descriptive theory of choice under risk--A view from the road not taken pp. 568-577

- Jonathan Leland
- Paradigmatic experiments: The Dictator Game pp. 578-584

- Francesco Guala and Luigi Mittone
- Imitation with intention and memory: An experiment pp. 585-594

- Astrid Matthey
- Risk-defusing in decisions by probability of detection of harm and promotion and prevention focus pp. 595-600

- Erich Kirchler, Erik Hoelzl and Oswald Huber
- Tax avoidance and the endogenous formation of social norms pp. 601-609

- Alessandro Balestrino
- Deirdre N. McCloskey, The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL (2006) ISBN 0-226-55663-8 xviii + 616 pp., US$22.50 pp. 610-612

- Marianna Khachaturyan and Gary D. Lynne
- Animal Spirits Intro, pp. v-xiv, G.A. Akerlof, R.J. Shiller. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2009). Text, pp. 1-230, ISBN: 978-0-691-14233-3 pp. 612-614

- David H. Goldenberg
Volume 39, issue 4, 2010
- Appeals to social norms as policy instruments to address consumption externalities pp. 447-454

- Steffen Kallbekken, Hege Westskog and Torben Mideksa
- Framing effects and gender differences in voluntary public goods provision experiments pp. 455-457

- Hiroaki Fujimoto and Eun-Soo Park
- Subjective time discount rates among teenagers and adults: Evidence from Israel pp. 458-465

- Eyal Lahav, Uri Benzion and Tal Shavit
- Individual determinants of social behavior pp. 466-473

- Guido de Blasio and Giorgio Nuzzo
- Social capital and public goods pp. 474-481

- Tammy Leonard, Rachel Croson and Angela de Oliveira
- Social capital and subjective well-being trends: Comparing 11 western European countries pp. 482-517

- Francesco Sarracino
- Welfare and capital-theoretic foundations of corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability pp. 518-526

- Werner Hediger
- Shadow employment in post-transition--Is informal employment a matter of choice or no choice in Poland? pp. 527-535

- Stanisław Cichocki and Joanna Tyrowicz
Volume 39, issue 3, 2010
- Happiness and capability: Introduction to the symposium pp. 339-343

- André van Hoorn, Ramzi Mabsout and Esther-Mirjam Sent
- Capability and happiness: Conceptual difference and reality links pp. 344-350

- Ruut Veenhoven
- Understanding the diversity of conceptions of well-being and quality of life pp. 351-360

- Des Gasper
- Subjective well-being pp. 361-368

- Erik Angner
- Freedom or happiness? Agency and subjective well-being in the capability approach pp. 369-375

- Murat Kotan
- Procedural rationality and happiness pp. 376-383

- Marco Castellani, Viviana Di Giovinazzo and Marco Novarese
- With a focus on well-being and capabilities pp. 384-390

- Luc Van Ootegem and Sophie Spillemaeckers
- Applying the capability approach to policy-making: The impact assessment of the EU-proposal on organ donation pp. 391-399

- Marcel Canoy, Frédéric Lerais and Erik Schokkaert
- Targeting occupations with varying reputations to increase tax revenue pp. 400-406

- Adam Forest and Erich Kirchler
- Explorations of the effect of experience on preferences for a health-care service pp. 407-419

- Tzahi Neuman, Einat Neuman and Shoshana Neuman
- Absenteeism and peer interaction effects: Evidence from an Italian Public Institute pp. 420-428

- Maria De Paola
- Occupational safety and profit maximization: Friends or foes? pp. 429-435

- Pavel Yakovlev and Russell Sobel
- Institutions and the shaping of different forms of entrepreneurship pp. 436-444

- Sana Harbi and Alistair Anderson
- Corrigendum to "Decisive FDI obstacles as an explanatory reason for limited FDI inflows in an EMU member state: The case of Greece" [J. Socio-Econ. 38 (2009) 691-704] pp. 445-445

- Aristidis Bitzenis, Antonis Tsitouras and Vasileios Vlachos
Volume 39, issue 2, 2010
- The financial crisis--Economic and psychological perspectives: Introduction to the special issue of the Journal of Socio-Economics on "The Financial Crisis" pp. 117-118

- David Leiser and Tobias F. Rötheli
- Causes of the financial crisis: Risk misperception, policy mistakes, and banks' bounded rationality pp. 119-126

- Tobias F. Rötheli
- The credit crunch: Ideological, psychological and epistemological perspectives pp. 127-131

- Alan Lewis
- Human foibles or systemic failure--Lay perceptions of the 2008-2009 financial crisis pp. 132-141

- David Leiser, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Rinat Benita
- Representation of the financial crisis: Effect on social representations of savings and credit pp. 142-149

- Christine Roland-Lévy, Fatima-Ezzahra Pappalardo Boumelki and Emilie Guillet
- Does Akerlof and Shiller's Animal Spirits provide a helpful new approach for macroeconomics? pp. 150-154

- Hugh Schwartz
- The Generosity Game and calibration of inequity aversion pp. 155-157

- Werner Güth
- Prisoner's Dilemma payoffs and the evolution of co-operative preferences pp. 158-162

- Anders Poulsen and Odile Poulsen
- Competition and cooperation in markets. The experimental case of a winner-take-all setting pp. 163-170

- Stefania Ottone and Ferruccio Ponzano
- Incentive pay: Productivity, sorting, and adjacent rents pp. 171-179

- Noah Patrick Stefanec
- It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix: Concern for relative standing in rural China pp. 180-186

- Fredrik Carlsson and Ping Qin
- Expected utility paradoxes pp. 187-193

- Lindon Robison, Robert Shupp and Robert Myers
- Anomaly, impulsivity, and addiction pp. 194-203

- Takanori Ida
- The Oregon Paradox pp. 204-208

- Li Way Lee
- The use of risk in understanding financial decisions and institutional uncertainty pp. 209-222

- Jocelyn Pixley
- Does alcohol consumption reinforce mental problems in adolescence? pp. 223-232

- Ana Isabel Gil Lacruz and Marta Gil Lacruz
- Can demographic transition only be explained by altruistic and neo-Malthusian models? pp. 233-240

- Elise Brezis
- Extracting a revised labor supply theory from Becker's model of the household pp. 241-250

- Roger D. Johnson
- Will the possibility of divorce discourage marriage-specific investment? pp. 251-257

- Xuemei Liu
- Effects of positive attitude and optimism on employment: Evidence from the US data pp. 258-270

- Madhu Sudan Mohanty
- Regulatory fit effects on perceived fiscal exchange and tax compliance pp. 271-277

- Susanne Leder, Lucia Mannetti, Erik Hölzl and Erich Kirchler
- Public governance of information asymmetries--The gap between reality and economic theory pp. 278-285

- Stefan Mann and Henry Wüstemann
- Gain versus pain from status and ambition: Effects on growth and inequality pp. 286-294

- Frederic Tournemaine and Christopher Tsoukis
- Swinger economics pp. 295-305

- Fabio D'Orlando
- Group diversity and salience: A natural experiment from a television game show pp. 306-315

- Gabriella A. Bucci and Rafael Tenorio
- New decimal currencies' relationships with their predecessors pp. 316-318

- Jerry Mushin
- Household size, income and expenditure on food: The case of Cyprus pp. 319-328

- David Jacobson, Petroula M. Mavrikiou and Christos Minas
- Research in economics and management in France: A bibliometric study using the h-index pp. 329-337

- Jean-Michel Courtault, Naïla Hayek, Eric Rimbaux and Tong Zhu
Volume 39, issue 1, 2010
- Risk, fear, bird flu and terrorists: A study of risk perceptions and economics pp. 1-10

- Calum Turvey, Benjamin Onyango, Cara Cuite and William K. Hallman
- Does generosity generate generosity? An experimental study of reputation effects in a dictator game pp. 11-17

- Maroš Servátka
- Waning vigilance and the disposition effect: Evidence from Thailand on individual investor decision making pp. 18-23

- Mark A. DeWeaver and Randall Shannon
- Overconfident investors and probability misjudgments pp. 24-29

- Doron Kliger and Ori Levy
- Financial decision making in collective society--A field test on Israeli kibbutz members and city residents pp. 30-36

- Mosi Rosenboim, Tal Shavit and Amir Shoham
- Multidimensional tests for economic behavior differences across cultures pp. 37-45

- Mariah Tanner Ehmke, Jayson Lusk and Wallace Tyner
- A model of religion and death pp. 46-54

- Derek Pyne
- Social exchange and common agency in organizations pp. 55-63

- Robert Dur and Hein Roelfsema
- Education, reputation or network? Evidence on migrant workers employability pp. 64-71

- Susanna Mancinelli, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Nora Piva and Giovanni Ponti
- Comparing public attitudes toward providing for the livelihood of the elderly in two aging societies: Germany and Japan pp. 72-80

- Bernd Hayo and Hiroyuki Ono
- Real household income and attitude toward immigrants: an empirical analysis pp. 81-88

- Leonardo Becchetti, Fiammetta Rossetti and Stefano Castriota
- The use of informal networks in Italy: Efficiency or favoritism? pp. 89-99

- Michela Ponzo and Vincenzo Scoppa
- The international diffusion of an innovation: The spread of decimal currency pp. 100-109

- Adrian Tschoegl
- Douglass C. North, John Joseph Wallis and Barry R. Weingast, Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England (2009) ISBN 978-0-521-76173-4 pp. 110-111

- Stephen Snyder
- Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational, HarperCollins, New York (2008) ISBN 978-0-06-135323-9 280 pp., Price: 25.95 pp. 111-112

- Schinria Islam and Mark Pingle
- Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart, Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics: Reclaiming the Environmental Agenda, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2008 May) 1088 pp., $90.00, ISBN-10: 0262012383, ISBN-13: 978-0262012386 pp. 112-113

- Anne C. Steinemann
- Wilfried Ver Eecke, An Anthology Regarding Merit Goods, Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana (2007) 800 pp., $99.99, ISBN: 1-55753-428-4 pp. 113-114

- Donald Vitaliano
- David Colander, The Making of an Economist, Redux, Princeton University Press (2007) pp. 280, Hardcover, $24.95, ISBN: 0691125856 pp. 114-115

- Yan Liang
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