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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)

1991 - 2025

Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics.

Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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Volume 33, issue 6, 2004

Introduction: SABE essays on behavioral economics pp. 677-678 Downloads
Mark Pingle
Human nature and economic policy: lessons for the transition economies pp. 679-694 Downloads
Robert Frank
Modeling cooperation among self-interested agents: a critique pp. 695-714 Downloads
Herbert Gintis
Behavioral economics: implications for economic theory and policy pp. 715-724 Downloads
Richard H. Day
Erosion of purchasing power and labor supply pp. 725-744 Downloads
Francesco Scacciati
The history of tipping--from sixteenth-century England to United States in the 1910s pp. 745-764 Downloads
Ofer Azar
Cultural evolution and economic growth: a theoretical hypothesis with some empirical evidence pp. 765-784 Downloads
Matteo Marini
How culture influences foreign trade: evidence from the U.S. and China pp. 785-812 Downloads
Rongxing Guo
In: T. Gilovich, D. Griffin and D. Kahneman, Editors, Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA (2002) 874 pp., Price $110 (Hardcover), ISBN 0-521-79260-6 pp. 813-816 Downloads
Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling
R. Hastie and R.M. Dawes, Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (2001) Price $51.95, ISBN 0-7619-2275-X (paperback) pp. 817-818 Downloads
Livia Markoczy

Volume 33, issue 5, 2004

Introduction pp. 523-525 Downloads
Morris Altman
Size matters: the standard error of regressions in the American Economic Review pp. 527-546 Downloads
Stephen Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey
Evaluating significance: comments on "size matters" pp. 547-550 Downloads
Graham Elliott and Clive Granger
Comments on "Size Matters" pp. 551-554 Downloads
Joel L. Horowitz
Are the roads red? Comments on "Size Matters" pp. 555-557 Downloads
Edward Leamer
The significance of the significance test controversy: comments on 'Size Matters' pp. 559-564 Downloads
Peter Lunt
Why is the standard error of regression so low using historical data?: Comments on "size matters" pp. 565-570 Downloads
Anthony O'Brien
Economic and statistical significance: comments on "Size Matters" pp. 571-575 Downloads
Erik Thorbecke
Statistical significance is okay, too: comment on "Size Matters" pp. 577-579 Downloads
Jeffrey Wooldridge
To test or not to test and if so, how?: Comments on "size matters" pp. 581-586 Downloads
Arnold Zellner
Mindless statistics pp. 587-606 Downloads
Gerd Gigerenzer
The "significance" crisis in psychology and education pp. 607-613 Downloads
Bruce Thompson
Statistical reform in medicine, psychology and ecology pp. 615-630 Downloads
Fiona Fidler, Cumming Geoff, Burgman Mark and Thomason Neil
No-decision classification: an alternative to testing for statistical significance pp. 631-650 Downloads
Nathan Berg
Statistical significance, path dependency, and the culture of journal publication pp. 651-663 Downloads
Morris Altman
Significance redux pp. 665-675 Downloads
Stephen Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey

Volume 33, issue 4, 2004

Rethinking incentive problems in cooperative organizations pp. 383-393 Downloads
Svein Ole Borgen
When in Rome: conformity and the provision of public goods pp. 395-408 Downloads
Jeffrey Carpenter
A game theoretic analysis of public/government interactions in human capital formation pp. 409-425 Downloads
Hector Correa
Social capital, information flows, and income creation in rural Canada: a cross-community analysis pp. 427-448 Downloads
M. Geepu Nah Tiepoh and Bill Reimer
The prescriptive turn in behavioral finance pp. 449-468 Downloads
George M. Frankfurter, Elton G. McGoun and Douglas E. Allen
Financial resource flows, macro policy response, and the socio-economic environment: the experience of Latin America and East Asia pp. 469-489 Downloads
Chandana Chakraborty and Glenville Rawlins
Conflict and trade: the relationship between geographic distance and international interactions pp. 491-509 Downloads
Yuan-Ching Chang, Solomon Polachek and John Robst
Rationality Gone Awry? Decision-Making Inconsistent with Economic and Financial Theory: Hugh Schwartz (Ed.), Praeger, Westport Connecticut and London, 1998, 209 pp., US$ 99.95, hardback, US$ 27.95, paperback, ISBN 0-275-96014-5 pp. 511-513 Downloads
Mark Pingle
Behavioral Law and Economics: Cass R. Sunstein (Ed.), vol. xiv, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, 431 pp., US$ 75.00, hardback, ISBN 0-521-66135-8 pp. 515-517 Downloads
Bruce Chapman
Time and Decision: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Intertemporal Choice: George Loewenstein, Daniel Read, Roy F. Baumeister (Eds.), Russel Sage Foundation, New York, USA, 2003, 569 pages, ISBN 0-87154-549-7 pp. 519-521 Downloads
Werner Guth

Volume 33, issue 3, 2004

Motivating Russian workers: analysis of age and gender differences pp. 261-289 Downloads
Susan Linz
Ethnic differences and married women's employment in Malaysia: do government policies matter? pp. 291-306 Downloads
Shahina Amin
Does religion influence the labor supply of married women in Germany? pp. 307-328 Downloads
Guido Heineck
Rationality, integrity, and religious behavior pp. 329-341 Downloads
Metin Cosgel and Lanse Minkler
Economic man and selfish genes: the implications of group selection for economic valuation and policy pp. 343-358 Downloads
John Gowdy and Irmi Seidl
The politics of contraband: The honor economies of the warez scene pp. 359-374 Downloads
Alf Rehn
Economics as an Evolutionary Science: Arthur E. Gandolfi, Anna Sachko Gandolfi, David P. Barash, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, USA, 2002, 273 pp., hardcover, ISBN 0-7658-0123-X pp. 375-377 Downloads
Calvin Blackwell
National Competitiveness and Economic Growth: The Changing Determinants of Economic Performance in the World Economy: Timo J. Hamalainen, Edward Elgar (Eds.), Cheltenham, UK, 2003, ISBN 1-84064-454-0, 380 pp. (including bibliographical references and index) pp. 377-380 Downloads
Roberto Mazzoleni
Physioeconomics: The Basis for Long-Run Economic Growth: Parker, Philip, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000, US$ 37, ISBN 0-262-16194-X pp. 381-382 Downloads
Beat Bürgenmeier

Volume 33, issue 2, 2004

Reported job satisfaction: what does it mean? pp. 135-151 Downloads
Louis Lévy-Garboua and Claude Montmarquette
Child discipline and family decision-making pp. 153-173 Downloads
Shaffdeen Amuwo, Robert Fabian, George Tolley, Ardith Spence and Jacqueline Hill
Restorative justice: an alternative approach to juvenile crime pp. 175-188 Downloads
Catherine L. Lawson and JoAnne Katz
The economic cost of behavioural disorders in substitute care pp. 189-200 Downloads
Paul H. Delfabbro and James G. Barber
The dynamics of race, ethnicity and economic development: the Brazilian experience pp. 201-215 Downloads
Tade Okediji
Poverty and economic development: not as direct as it may seem pp. 217-228 Downloads
Rock-Antoine Mehanna
Economic value of a local museum: Factors of willingness-to-pay pp. 229-240 Downloads
Timo Tohmo
The impacts of quickness, price, payment risk, and delivery issues on on-line shopping pp. 241-251 Downloads
Cuneyt Koyuncu and Gautam Bhattacharya
Working in America: Blueprint for the New Labor Market: Paul Osterman, Thomas Kochan, Richard Locke, Michael Piore, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2001, 229 pp., ISBN 0-262-15105-7 pp. 253-255 Downloads
Bruce Kaufman
Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences: Steve Keen, Pluto Press, Annandale, Australia, 2001, 335 pp., US$ 27.00, ISBN 1-85649-992-8 (paper) pp. 255-257 Downloads
Charles J. Whalen
The New Evolutionary Microeconomics: Complexity, Competence, and Adaptive Behavior (New Horizons in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics Series): Jason Potts, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 256pp., Cloth 2000 US$ 85.00, ISBN 1-84064-543-1, Paperback 2001 US$ 35.00, ISBN 1-84064-895-3 pp. 257-260 Downloads
Catherine S. Elliott

Volume 33, issue 1, 2004

Daniel Kahneman: on redefining rationality pp. 1-14 Downloads
Shlomo Maital
Vernon Smith: economics as a laboratory science pp. 15-28 Downloads
Catherine Eckel
The behavioral economics of George Akerloff and Harvey Leibenstein pp. 29-44 Downloads
Roger Frantz
Can institutions or education explain world poverty? An augmented Solow model provides some insights pp. 45-69 Downloads
Theodore Breton
The persistence of national differences in a globalizing world: the Japanese struggle for competitiveness in advanced information technologies pp. 71-88 Downloads
John M. Ratliff
Can homo economicus follow Kant's categorical imperative? pp. 89-106 Downloads
Mark White
A formal theory approach to lawsuits and corporate deviant behavior: building a more efficient system pp. 107-123 Downloads
Mathew Manweller
Advancing Socio-Economics: An Institutionalist Perspective: J. Rogers Hollingsworth, Karl H. Muller, Ellen Jane Hollingsworth, Eds., Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, New York, 2002, 464 pp., US$ 85, ISBN 0-7425-1176-6 pp. 125-127 Downloads
Richard E. Hattwick
The Perception of Risk: Paul Slovic, Earthscan, London, 2000, 473 + xxxvii pp., Bibliography, Index, Foreword by G. White, [UK pound]19.95 paperback, ISBN 1-85383-528-5 pp. 128-131 Downloads
Bertrand Munier
Beyond Greed and Fear: Hersh Shefrin, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, pp. 368, 0-19-516121-1 pp. 131-134 Downloads
David H. Goldenberg
Page updated 2025-03-31