Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 34, issue 6, 2005
- Introduction: Control fraud and economic criminology pp. 731-733

- James K. Galbraith
- "Control frauds" as financial super-predators: How "pathogens" make financial markets inefficient pp. 734-755

- William K. Black
- Control fraud, gambling for resurrection, and moral hazard: Accounting for white-collar crime in the savings and loan crisis pp. 756-770

- Henry N. Pontell
- Lawful but awful: 'Legal Corporate Crimes' pp. 771-786

- Nikos Passas
- The effect of marital dissolution on the labour supply of males and females: Evidence from Canada pp. 787-809

- Richard Mueller
- Public-private wage differential and gender gap in Latin America: Spoiled bureaucrats and exploited women? pp. 810-833

- Ugo Panizza and Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang
- Gender differences in the use of high-variance strategies in tournament competition pp. 834-849

- Donald Vandegrift and Paul Brown
- What makes motherhood so expensive?: The role of social expectations, interdependence, and coordination failure in explaining lower wages of mothers pp. 850-865

- Sharmistha Self
- Schmid, Allan. Conflict and Cooperation: Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Blackwell, 2004, Malden, MA (342 pp., Price: US$ 39.95), ISBN 1-4051-1356-1 pp. 866-868

- Nathan Berg
- E. Warren, A.W. Tyagi. The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke. New York Basic Books, 2003, 272 pp., price US$ 26.00, ISBN 0-465-09082-6 (hbk.) pp. 869-870

- Barbara Bergmann
Volume 34, issue 5, 2005
- In search of the economic self pp. 585-604

- Stephen E.G. Lea and Paul Webley
- Internal consistency of choice, Sen and the spirit of revealed preferences: A behaviorist approach pp. 605-620

- Damien Broussolle
- Rational choice and irrational individuals or simply an irrational theory: A critical review of the hypothesis of perfect rationality pp. 621-634

- Dragan Miljkovic
- Ambiguity aversion and the equity premium puzzle: A re-examination of experimental data on repeated gambles pp. 635-655

- John A. Aloysius
- Job satisfaction as an indicator of the quality of work pp. 656-673

- Rafael Munoz de Bustillo Llorente and Enrique Fernandez Macias
- Gender, religion and happiness pp. 674-685

- Rajen Mookerjee and Krista Beron
- Interdisciplinary views of sub-optimal outcomes: Path dependence in the social and management sciences pp. 686-702

- Myles P. Gartland
- Understanding the meaning of tax: Young peoples' knowledge of the principles of taxation pp. 703-713

- Adrian Furnham
- Willingness to pay tax: The Laffer curve revisited for 12 OECD countries pp. 714-723

- W.J.M. Heijman and J.A.C. van Ophem
- Homo Economicus: Crash dummy? or Amoral dummie? A polemic review pp. 724-727

- Shlomo Maital
- Comment on Maital's review of 'Human Nature and Organization Theory' pp. 728-729

- Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
Volume 34, issue 4, 2005
- The need for a new theory of economic reform pp. 425-443

- Carolyn Currie
- Globalization and its disconnects pp. 444-470

- Simon Teitel
- China's development strategy: A game of chess that countered orthodox development advice pp. 471-498

- James Angresano
- Assessing China's economic performance since 1978: Material attainments and beyond pp. 499-527

- Aimin Chen
- An economic theory of FDI: A behavioral economics and historical approach pp. 528-541

- Hamid Hosseini
- Oppressed people: Economic mobility of the socially excluded pp. 542-567

- Jacob Meerman
- Can homo economicus follow Kant's categorical imperative? A reply pp. 568-571

- Mark White
- Can homo economicus follow Kant's categorical imperative?: A comment pp. 572-577

- Jerome Ballet and Damien Bazin
- David Colander, The Lost Art of Economics: Essays on Economics and the Economics Profession, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK (2001) 203 pp., US$ 95.00, hardback, ISBN 1-84064-694-2 pp. 578-580

- Charles J. Whalen
- Easterly William, The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2001 (hc) and 2002 (pb)) 342 pp., incl. index, ISBN 0-262-05065-X (hc), 0-262-55042-3 (pb) pp. 580-583

- Harold M. Hochman
Volume 34, issue 3, 2005
- Who gets caught?: Statistical discrimination in law enforcement pp. 289-309

- Ambrose Leung, Frances Woolley, Richard E. Tremblay and Frank Vitaro
- Crime and social interactions: a developing country case study pp. 311-318

- Francisco Carneiro, Paulo Loureiro and Adolfo Sachsida
- Additional law enforcement as a deterrent to criminal behavior: empirical evidence from the National Hockey League pp. 319-330

- Dennis P. Wilson
- Race, gender, and survivalist entrepreneurship in large northern cities during the Great Depression pp. 331-339

- Robert L. Boyd
- Individual characteristics vs. city structural characteristics: explaining self-employment differences among Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos in the United States pp. 341-359

- Don Mar
- Adaptation to work restructuring among working people in Hong Kong pp. 361-376

- Chau-kiu Cheung
- Regional wages and subjective measures of employment opportunities pp. 377-400

- Fredrik Carlsen and Kåre Johansen
- After a shutdown: a case study of a closed textile mill pp. 401-415

- Lawrence B. Morse
- Seymour Martin Lipset, Noah M. Meltz (with Raphael Gomez, Ivan Katchanovsky) (Eds.), The Paradox of American Unionism: Why Americans Like Unions More than Canadians Do But Join Much Less, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2004, xii + 256 pp., ISBN 0-8014-4200-1 pp. 417-418

- Shlomo Maital
- Elinor Ostrom, James Walker (Eds.), Trust and Reciprocity: Interdisciplinary Lessons from Experimental Research, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY, 2003, 409 pp., US$39.95, ISBN 0-87154-647-7 pp. 418-421

- Abdolkarim Sadrieh
- Bart Nooteboom, Trust. Forms, Foundations, Functions, Failures and Figures, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, and Northhampton, MA, USA, 2002, xii + 231 pages, with tables and figures, hardback $95, paperback $25, ISBN 1 86064 545 8.Elias Khalil (Ed.), Trust, series 'Critical Studies in Economic Institutions', Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, and Northhampton, MA, USA, 2003, xxxii + 772 pages, with tables and figures, hardback $300, ISBN 1 84064 737 X pp. 421-424

- D.J. Bezemer
Volume 34, issue 2, 2005
- Behavioral economics research and the foundations of economics pp. 135-150

- Vernon Smith
- The illusion of over-optimism in survey data: the case of manufacturers' selling prices pp. 151-159

- Tobias F. Rotheli
- Income and happiness: earning and spending as sources of discontent pp. 161-177

- David E. Kaun
- NaIve understanding of inflation pp. 179-198

- David Leiser and Shelly Drori
- Money and efficiency wages: the neglected effect of employment on efficiency pp. 199-209

- Thomas J. Carter
- Rationality and self-control: the implications for smoking cessation pp. 211-222

- Shuaizhang Feng
- The use of job search strategies among university graduates pp. 223-243

- Sverre Try
- Economic systems and the Buddhist world view: the 21st century nexus pp. 245-268

- Peter L. Daniels
- Is there a trade-off between domestic and international publications? pp. 269-280

- Joao Faria
- Tim Kasser, The High Price of Materialism, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2002) 149 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-262-11268 pp. 281-285

- Alan J. MacFadyen
- Richard Swedberg, Principles of Economic Sociology, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2003) pp. 366, $39.50, ISBN 0-691-07439-9 pp. 285-287

- Richard M. Coughlin
Volume 34, issue 1, 2005
- Introduction to the special issue on the basic income guarantee pp. 1-2

- Karl Widerquist
- Distributive justice and the argument for an unconditional basic income pp. 3-15

- Almaz Zelleke
- Perhaps there can be too much freedom pp. 17-26

- Michael Anthony Lewis
- Universal basic income as a preferential social dividend a proposal for the Colombian case pp. 27-38

- Diego Hernandez
- Targeted programs v the basic income guarantee: an examination of the efficiency costs of different forms of redistribution pp. 39-47

- James B. Bryan
- A failure to communicate: what (if anything) can we learn from the negative income tax experiments? pp. 49-81

- Karl Widerquist
- Income guarantees and the equity-efficiency tradeoff pp. 83-100

- Steven Pressman
- Myth and ceremony in workfare: rights, contracts, and client satisfaction pp. 101-124

- Joel F. Handler
- Pete Alcock, Christina Beatty, Stephen Fothergill, Rob Macmillan and Sue Yeandle, Work to Welfare: How Men Become Detached from the Labour Force, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2003) 291, Price [Ukpound]16.99 (paperback), [Ukpound]45 (hardback), ISBN 0 521 00286 9 (paperback), 0 521 80249 0 (hardback) pp. 125-128

- Erdal Tekin
- In: Eileen Appelbaum, Annette Bernhardt and Richard J. Murnane, Editors, Low-Wage America: How Employers Are Reshaping Opportunity in the Workplace, New York: Russell Sage Foundation (2003) pp. 535, xiii, Price $45.00, ISBN 0-87154-025-8 pp. 129-132

- Edward Wolff
- Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class, Basic Books, New York (2002) $15.95; 0-465-02477-7 pp. 133-135

- Thomas R. Sadler
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