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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)

1991 - 2025

Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics.

Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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Volume 21, issue 4, 1992

Liberalism and the decay of the American political economy pp. 277-301 Downloads
Stanley Rothman
Human needs and consumer economics: the implications of Maslow's theory of motivation for consumer expenditure patterns pp. 303-324 Downloads
Eric Seeley
The mixed economy, the neoliberal challenge, and the negotiated economy pp. 325-351 Downloads
Klaus Nielsen
Psychological traits of rural entrepreneurs pp. 353-362 Downloads
Emerson M. Babb and Stuart V. Babb
Rhetoric in the economy: consumption and audience pp. 363-377 Downloads
Metin Cosgel

Volume 21, issue 3, 1992

Passion in politics and the science of politics pp. 181-190 Downloads
David O. Sears
Trust, uncertainty, and profit pp. 191-208 Downloads
Amar Bhide and Howard Stevenson
Time estimation and orientation mediated by transient mood pp. 209-227 Downloads
Jacob Hornik
Compression in faculty salaries: An empirical evaluation of merit and market based adjustments pp. 229-243 Downloads
Jane H. Lillydahl and Larry D. Singell
Development indicators: A research problem, a policy problem pp. 245-260 Downloads
Denis Goulet
The war is over and the victors have lost pp. 261-267 Downloads
James G. March

Volume 21, issue 2, 1992

Rational organizational decision making in the human firm: A socio-economic model pp. 85-107 Downloads
John Tomer
Schumpeter and knight on economic and political rationality: A comparative restatement pp. 109-124 Downloads
J. Patrick Raines and Clarence Jung
Gender differences in business school graduates' opportunity to advance pp. 125-141 Downloads
Ethel B. Jones and John Jackson
Religion and behavior: An empirical analysis pp. 143-151 Downloads
M. H. Medoff and I. Lee Skov
The relationship between variability, distance from target, and firm size: A test of prospect theory in the commercial banking industry pp. 153-171 Downloads
Hazel J. Johnson
Behavior analysis and socio-economics: Some similarities and differences pp. 173-180 Downloads
P. A. Lamal

Volume 21, issue 1, 1992

The failure of market falilures pp. 1-24 Downloads
Peter G. Brown
Welfare economics as the foundation for public policy analysis: Incomplete and flawed but nevertheless desirable pp. 25-37 Downloads
Aidan Vining and David Weimer
Suicide and unemployment: Predicting the smoothed trend and yearly fluctuations pp. 39-41 Downloads
Bijou Yang, Steven Stack and David Lester
Work as "disutility" and money as "happiness": Cultural origins of a basic market error pp. 43-64 Downloads
Robert E. Lane
Decisions and perceptions of recipients in ultimatum bargaining games pp. 65-84 Downloads
David A. Kravitz and Samuel Gunto

Volume 20, issue 4, 1991

Towards a general theory of X-efficiency pp. 277-295 Downloads
T. Y. Shen
The labor market in a socio-economic perspective pp. 297-312 Downloads
Beat Bürgenmeier
Policing in the uneconomic zone of the production function pp. 313-323 Downloads
Samuel Cameron
Labor-market behavior of long-term unemployed: A multidisciplinary approach pp. 325-345 Downloads
Ruud Muffels and Marco Vriens
The marriage market and occupational sex segregation: A "new home economics" approach pp. 347-358 Downloads
Shoshana Neuman
Absenteeism and the risk of involuntary unemployment: A dynamic analysis pp. 359-372 Downloads
Gideon Yaniv

Volume 20, issue 3, 1991

On dogmatism in economics: The case of preference reversals pp. 205-225 Downloads
Daniel M. Hausman
Random utility and the preference for variety pp. 227-233 Downloads
Elliott Middleton
Cartel failure: A mistake or do they do it to each other on purpose? pp. 235-249 Downloads
James Holcomb and Paul Nelson
Motivations for innovation in firms: Economic insight into the U.S. competitive stance pp. 251-262 Downloads
Nan S. Lalgowitz
Explaining investor behavior using an adjective check list pp. 263-275 Downloads
Thomas McInish

Volume 20, issue 1, 1991

A behavioral theory of oligopoly pp. 1-18 Downloads
Li Way Lee
Measuring corporate social orientation: The decision process approach pp. 19-36 Downloads
Dorla A. Evans and Farzad Moussavi
Let's get serious about Caprice pp. 37-56 Downloads
T. Stanley
A transactional approach to economic research pp. 57-71 Downloads
Bartley J. Madden
Repetitive work: Contrast and conflict pp. 73-82 Downloads
Carl R. Phillips, Arthur G. Bedeian and Clark Molstad
A data envelopment approach to measuring efficiency: Case analysis of highway maintenance patrols pp. 83-103 Downloads
Wade D. Cook, Alex Kazakov, Yaakov Roll and Lawrence Seiford
Page updated 2025-03-31