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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)

1991 - 2025

Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics.

Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza

From Elsevier
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Volume 25, issue 6, 1996

Good habits and bad habits: A new age socio-economic model of preference formation pp. 619-638 Downloads
John Tomer
Retail entrepreneurial values in a bicultural community: Cultural and economic contentions and negotiation pp. 639-661 Downloads
Jana M. Hawley and Jean A. Hamilton
Shifting parameters in the economic model of divorce: Evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 663-669 Downloads
Samuel Cameron
Gender and self-employment selection: An empirical assessment pp. 671-682 Downloads
Richard Boden
Race differences in the effect of unemployment on marital instability: A socioeconomic analysis pp. 683-720 Downloads
James L. Starkey

Volume 25, issue 5, 1996

Creating moral economies: Reciprocity and welfare entitlements on the Yukon mining frontier pp. 537-558 Downloads
Thomas Stone and Suny Potsdam
Socio-economic elements in Public Choice research pp. 559-569 Downloads
Cyril Morong
Confucian ethics and economic development: A study of the adaptation of Confucian values to modern Japanese economic ideology and institutions pp. 571-590 Downloads
Gregory K. Ornatowski
Occupational change and differing returns to migration by gender pp. 591-599 Downloads
Randall G. Krieg
The decision to quit smoking: Theory and evidence pp. 601-618 Downloads
William T. Harris and Lydia Harris

Volume 25, issue 4, 1996

Missiles to plowshares: The switch from war to peace pp. 407-424 Downloads
Susan J. Tolchin
Public policy analysis: The next generation of theory pp. 425-452 Downloads
Lawrence C. Walters and Ray R. Sudweeks
Critical analysis of contractual regulation mechanisms: An organizational approach pp. 453-472 Downloads
Olivier Debande and Anne Drumaux
Economic restructuring and institutional change: Post-communist management in the Czech Republic pp. 473-496 Downloads
Anna Soulsby and Ed Clark
Economic structure and crime: The case of Japan pp. 497-515 Downloads
Masahiro Tsushima
Different kinds of work, different kinds of pay: An examination of the overjustification effect pp. 517-535 Downloads
Snelders, H. M. J. J. (Dirk) and Stephen E. G. Lea

Volume 25, issue 3, 1996

Earnings differentials of Mexican immigrants: The case of Turkey processing pp. 271-283 Downloads
John R. Walker
Gender pay inequality and occupational change in Canada, 1900-1930 pp. 285-309 Downloads
Morris Altman and Louise Lamontacne
Business ethics, society, and Adam Smith: Some observations on the liberal business ethos pp. 311-332 Downloads
Gary M. Woller
The psychological impact of unemployment and joblessness pp. 333-358 Downloads
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Jonathan R. Veum and William Darity
Cooperative relationships in competitive markets pp. 359-371 Downloads
Sven A. Haugland and Kjell Cronhaug
The economics of illegitimate activities: Further evidence pp. 373-381 Downloads
Franklin Mixon and Darlene C. Mixon
A refundable tax credit for children: Self-interest-based and morally based arguments pp. 383-394 Downloads
W. Ver Eecke
Estimating the laffer curve and policy implications pp. 395-401 Downloads
Yu Hsing

Volume 25, issue 1, 1996

Louis Kelso's binary economy pp. 1-53 Downloads
Robert Ashford
A supply-sider's (sympathetic) view of binary economics pp. 55-68 Downloads
Timothy P. Roth
Political use of income: Some experimental evidence from Capitol Hill pp. 69-87 Downloads
Steven F. Cahan
Employee absence incentives in the welfare state: Toward explaining cross-national differences pp. 89-103 Downloads
Carl R. Kaiser
Gender discrimination in the public and private sectors: A sample selectivity approach pp. 105-114 Downloads
Emily Hoffnar and Michael Greene
Reducing unemployment through community efforts to improve the labor-management relations climate pp. 115-131 Downloads
Paul F. Gerhart
On economic institutions: Edited by John Groenewegen, Christos Pitelis and Sven-Erik Sjostrand. Hants, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995. 230 pps pp. 133-134 Downloads
Richard E. Hattwick

Volume 24, issue 4, 1998

Symposium Papers from the 1997 Conference of SABE: Introduction pp. 473-474 Downloads
Arthur H. Goldsmith
The Study of Tastes will Set Thee Free pp. 475-478 Downloads
Amitai Etzioni
The Ethic of Care versus the Ethic of Justice: An Economic Analysis pp. 479-493 Downloads
Robert Taylor
The Economic Value of Status pp. 495-514 Downloads
Sheryl Ball and Catherine Eckel
The Decision to Cover a Procedure at HMOs: Who Makes the Call? pp. 515-533 Downloads
Kevin D. Frick and Neil R. Powe
Schumpeter's vision of socioeconomics pp. 525-544 Downloads
Richard Swedberg
Max Weber's Vision of Economic Sociology pp. 535-555 Downloads
Richard Swedberg
The socioculturalist agenda in economics: Critical remarks of Thorstein Veblen's legacy pp. 545-569 Downloads
Elias Khalil
The Moral of the Gift pp. 557-570 Downloads
Jacquest T. Godbout
The Road from Rio. Sustainable Development and the Nongovernmental Movement in the Third World: By July Fisher. Praeger, Westprt, CT. 1993. 265 pp pp. 571-573 Downloads
Jean-Guy Vaillancourt
The relationship between work/family benefits and earnings: A test of competing predictions pp. 571-584 Downloads
Nancy Brown Johnson and Keith G. Provan
The Feminine Economy and Economic Man: By Shirley P. Burggraf-Addison-Wesley, 1997 pp. 573-574 Downloads
Shoshana Grossbard
The impact of legislator and constituency ideology on voting on the assault weapons ban pp. 585-591 Downloads
Marshall H. Medoff, Christopher Dennis and Benjamin G. Bishin
Communitarianism: A new paradigm of socioeconomic analysis pp. 593-605 Downloads
Antonin Wagner
The structure of rights in the context of private property pp. 607-622 Downloads
Duran Bell

Volume 24, issue 3, 1995

Preface pp. 409-410 Downloads
Morris Altman
Strategy and structure in the human firm: Beyond hierarchy, toward flexibility and integration pp. 411-431 Downloads
John Tomer
New directions for economics pp. 433-446 Downloads
Bijou Yang and David Lester
Entrapment in risky investments pp. 447-461 Downloads
Gerrit Antonides
Community turnarounds in declining company towns: A restructuring model pp. 463-475 Downloads
Rune Wigblad
On theorizing the complexity of economic systems pp. 477-499 Downloads
Jean-Louis Le Moigne
The Grunberg/Modigliani and Simon possibility theorem: A social psychological critique pp. 501-520 Downloads
Richard L. Henshel
I, we, and she: An ecological note on Etzioni's I & we paradigm pp. 521-524 Downloads
Laszlo Zsolnai

Volume 24, issue 2, 1995

Toward a theory of choice: Socially embedded preference construction pp. 261-279 Downloads
Thomas Dietz and Paul C. Stern
Imitation versus rationality: An experimental perspective on decision making pp. 281-315 Downloads
Mark Pingle
Creating ethical work climates: A socioeconomic perspective pp. 317-343 Downloads
Deborah Vidaver Cohen
Cross-cultural correlates of the ownership of private property: Two samples of Murdock's data pp. 345-373 Downloads
Floyd Webster Rudmin
Benefit-cost analysis at the EPA pp. 375-389 Downloads
Eban Goodstein
Love thy parents and care for thy children: Filial piety and intergenerational cooperation in traditional China pp. 391-408 Downloads
Clement Chow Kong Wing

Volume 24, issue 1, 1995

Latin American debt, the IMF, and Adam Smith: A proposal for ethical reform pp. 1-20 Downloads
Gary M. Woller and David Kirkwood Hart
Market entry: An experimental investigation pp. 21-49 Downloads
Cristina Pitassi and John Hey
Institutional incentives to prevent unemployment: Unemployment insurance and active labor market policy in a comparative perspective pp. 51-103 Downloads
Gunther Schmid
Determinants of recycling behavior: A synthesis of research results pp. 105-127 Downloads
Jacob Hornik, Joseph Cherian, Michelle Madansky and Chem Narayana
Embeddedness and capital markets: Bank financing of businesses pp. 129-149 Downloads
Gary P. Green, Tsz Man Kwong and Leann M. Tigges
Economic liberalization and social values: Spain in the decade of the 1980s pp. 151-167 Downloads
John D. Aram
What forms of rationality for sustainable development? pp. 169-209 Downloads
Sylvie Faucheux, Geraldine Froger and Jean-Francois Noël
Industrial/environmental crises and corporate social responsibility pp. 211-227 Downloads
Paul Shrivastava
From nationalism to continentalism: Twenty years of energy policy in Canada pp. 229-251 Downloads
Michel Duquette
Page updated 2025-03-31