Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 62, issue C, 2016
- Norm elicitation in within-subject designs: Testing for order effects pp. 1-7

- Giovanna d'Adda, Michalis Drouvelis and Daniele Nosenzo
- Sequential auctions with budget constraints: Evidence from fantasy basketball auction drafts pp. 8-22

- James Boudreau and Nicholas Shunda
- Pro-social or anti-social, or both? A within- and between-subjects study of social preferences pp. 23-32

- Le Zhang and Andreas Ortmann
- Endogenous and costly institutional deterrence in a public good experiment pp. 33-41

- David Kingsley and Thomas C. Brown
- Inflation forecasts and forecaster herding: Evidence from South African survey data pp. 42-50

- Christian Pierdzioch, Monique Reid and Rangan Gupta
- Hardwick, David F. and Marsh, Leslie, Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith, Archival Insights Into the Evolution of Economics, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ISBN: 978-1-137-32068-1, xviii, 283 pp. $ 120.00 (Hardcover), 89.00 € (ebook) pp. 51-52

- Reinhard Schumacher
Volume 61, issue C, 2016
- Can chocolate cure blindness? Investigating the effect of preference strength and incentives on the incidence of Choice Blindness pp. 1-11

- Jason Somerville and Féidhlim McGowan
- An experimental examination of compensation schemes and level of effort in differentiated tasks pp. 12-19

- Hiromasa Takahashi, Junyi Shen and Kazuhito Ogawa
- Public announcements and coordination in dynamic global games: Experimental evidence pp. 20-30

- Olga Shurchkov
- Gender, context and competition: Experimental evidence from rural and urban Uganda pp. 31-37

- Kjetil Bjorvatn, Ranveig Falch and Ulrikke Hernæs
- Groups and trust: Experimental evidence on the Olson and Putnam hypotheses pp. 38-54

- Giacomo Degli Antoni and Gianluca Grimalda
- A Seminal Handbook for Empirical 'Hitch-Hiking' through Cultural Diversity and Its Impacs: The Economics of Cultural Diversity, Peter Nijkamp, Jacques Poot and Jessie Bakens (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, GBP 100, ISBN: 978 1 78347680 0, 2015, 448 pp pp. 55-56

- Annie Tubadji
Volume 60, issue C, 2016
- Risk aversion for decisions under uncertainty: Are there gender differences? pp. 1-8

- Rakesh Sarin and Alice Wieland
- Adult employment probabilities of socially maladjusted children pp. 9-22

- Dario Sciulli
- Behavioral biases in the labor market, differences between older and younger individuals pp. 23-28

- Hila Axelrad, Israel Luski and Miki Malul
- The focality of dominated compromises in tacit coordination situations: Experimental evidence pp. 29-34

- Zoë Bett, Anders Poulsen and Odile Poulsen
- Complexity and asset legitimacy in retirement investment pp. 35-48

- Alan Tse, Lana Friesen and Kenan Kalayci
- Endowment heterogeneity and peer punishment in a public good experiment: Cooperation and normative conflict pp. 49-61

- David Kingsley
- Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics by Richard H. Thaler, W.W. Norton and Company, New York, 2015, xvi + 415 pp., Hardcover, USD 27.95, ISBN: 978-0-393-08094-0 pp. 64-65

- Ananish Chaudhuri
Volume 59, issue C, 2015
- Subjective belief distributions and the characterization of economic literacy pp. 1-12

- Amalia Di Girolamo, Glenn Harrison, Morten Lau and J. Todd Swarthout
- To suggest is to commit? A common pool resource experiment with non-enforceable recommendations pp. 13-20

- César Mantilla
- Income comparison, income formation, and subjective well-being: New evidence on envy versus signaling pp. 21-31

- Heinz Welsch and Jan Kühling
- Cooperativeness and competitiveness in children pp. 32-41

- Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen and Eva Ranehill
- Violations of first-order stochastic dominance as salience effects pp. 42-46

- Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt and Mats Köster
- The effect of social bonding and identity on the decision to invest in food production pp. 47-55

- Eeva Alho
- Which explanations for gender differences in competition are consistent with a simple theoretical model? pp. 56-67

- Christopher Cotton, Cheng Li, Frank McIntyre and Joseph P. Price
- International Environmental Agreements with reference points pp. 68-73

- Fuhai Hong
- Seasonal affective disorder and seasoned art auction prices: New evidence from old masters pp. 74-84

- Doron Kliger, Yaron Raviv, Joshua Rosett, Thomas Bayer and John Page
- A note on CES functions pp. 85-87

- Christian Thöni
- Water does not flow up hill: determinants of willingness to pay for water conservation measures in the mountains of western North Carolina pp. 88-95

- Peter Groothuis, Kristan Cockerill and Tanga McDaniel Mohr
- The effect of competition on tax compliance: The role of audit rules and shame pp. 96-110

- Alberto Casagrande, Daniela Di Cagno, Alessandro Pandimiglio and Marco Spallone
Volume 58, issue C, 2015
- An experiment on energy-saving competition with socially responsible consumers: Opening the black box pp. 1-10

- Efi Vasileiou and Nikolaos Georgantzís
- Motivating trust: Can mood and incentives increase interpersonal trust? pp. 11-19

- Alexandra Mislin, Lisa V. Williams and Brooke A. Shaughnessy
- Gender differences in personnel management: Some experimental evidence pp. 20-32

- Ananish Chaudhuri, Amy Cruickshank and Erwann Sbai
- Information transparency, fairness and labor market efficiency pp. 33-39

- Ebru Işgın and Barry Sopher
- A note on making humans randomize pp. 40-45

- Lisa Bruttel and Tim Friehe
- The good of the few: Reciprocal acts and the provision of a public bad pp. 46-55

- Jason Delaney and Sarah Jacobson
- Have we cause for despair? pp. 56-62

- Rowena Pecchenino
- Procrastination and impatience pp. 63-76

- Ernesto Reuben, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales
- Why churches need free-riders: Religious capital formation and religious group survival pp. 77-87

- Michael McBride
- The effect of communication channels on dishonest behavior pp. 88-93

- Julian Conrads and Sebastian Lotz
- The effect of priming in a Bertrand competition game: An experimental study pp. 94-100

- Francisca Jiménez-Jiménez and Javier Rodero-Cosano
- The role of critical mass in establishing a successful network market: An experimental investigationAuthor-Name: Ruffle, Bradley J pp. 101-110

- Avi Weiss and Amir Etziony
- Are happier people less judgmental of other people's selfish behaviors? Experimental survey evidence from trust and gift exchange games pp. 111-123

- Michalis Drouvelis and Nattavudh Powdthavee
- Do poachers make harsh gamekeepers? Attitudes to tax evasion and to benefit fraud pp. 124-131

- John Cullis, Philip Jones, Alan Lewis, Cinzia Castiglioni and Edoardo Lozza
- The impacts of elicitation mechanism and reward size on estimated rates of time preference pp. 132-148

- Andrew Meyer
- The two faces of ownership: Introduction to the special section on ownership and economic decisions pp. 159-161

- Bernadette Kamleitner and Stephan Dickert
- Ownership effect in the wild: Influence of land ownership on agribusiness goals and decisions in the Argentine Pampas pp. 162-170

- Poonam Arora, Federico Bert, Guillermo Podesta and David H. Krantz
- Sense and sensibility of ownership: Type of ownership experience and valuation of goods pp. 171-177

- (Xiao-Tian) Wang, X.T., Lay See Ong and Jolene H. Tan
- Enhancing valuation: the impact of self-congruence with a brand on the endowment effect pp. 178-185

- Veronica L. Thomas, Marie Yeh and Robert D. Jewell
- Investing the self: The effect of nonconscious goals on investor psychological ownership and word-of-mouth intentions pp. 186-194

- Colleen P. Kirk, Bernard McSherry and Scott D. Swain
- The need to belong and the value of belongings: Does ostracism change the subjective value of personal possessions? pp. 195-204

- Lukasz Walasek, William J Matthews and Tim Rakow
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