Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 6, 2008
- The role of co-operatives in poverty reduction: Network perspectives pp. 2131-2140

- Richard Simmons and Johnston Birchall
- From tackling poverty to achieving financial inclusion--The changing role of British credit unions in low income communities pp. 2141-2154

- Paul A. Jones
- Cooperative games and cooperative organizations pp. 2155-2167

- Roger McCain
- Defining the co-operative difference pp. 2168-2177

- Sonja Novkovic
- Cooperatives as the "enfants terribles" of economics: Some implications for the social economy pp. 2178-2188

- Yair Levi and Peter Davis
- Trust as risk and the foundation of investment value pp. 2189-2200

- Robert A. Olsen
- Characteristics of cities that pass living wage ordinances: Are certain conditions more conducive than others? pp. 2201-2213

- Oren M. Levin-Waldman
- Empirical evidence on intergenerational inequality of tax burdens in the U.S. and Japan pp. 2214-2220

- Kosei Fukuda
- Repayment rate of loans from semi-formal financial institutions among small-scale farmers in Ethiopia: Two-limit Tobit analysis pp. 2221-2230

- Amare Brehanu and Bekabil Fufa
- Risk-taking in entrepreneurs, compared to criminals and students: The role of uncertainty and stakes pp. 2231-2241

- Klára Faragó, Orhidea Kiss and János Boros
- The poverty of growth with interdependent utility functions pp. 2242-2247

- John Komlos and Peter Salamon
- Health and human development at sub-state level in India pp. 2248-2260

- Brijesh C. Purohit
- Facilitating achievement by social capital in Japan pp. 2261-2277

- Chau-kiu Cheung and Raymond Kwok-hong Chan
- X-inefficiency in the use of income to attain economic satisfaction pp. 2278-2290

- Mariano Rojas
- Income distribution and financial satisfaction between spouses in Europe pp. 2291-2303

- Jens Bonke
- Do immigrants counter the effect of cultural distance on trade? Evidence from US state-level exports pp. 2304-2318

- Bedassa Tadesse and Roger White
- Where are you from? Cultural differences in public good experiments pp. 2319-2329

- Massimo Finocchiaro Castro
- Material vs. spiritual--A novel economics perspective on marriage and divorce pp. 2330-2339

- Xuemei Liu
- Have we come a long way? Using the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics to revisit the 'pin money' theory pp. 2340-2367

- Linda DeRiviere
- Women's employment decisions in Malaysia: Does religion matter? pp. 2368-2379

- Shahina Amin and Imam Alam
- Knowledge network dissemination in a family-firm sector pp. 2380-2389

- ANTONIA Rosa Gurrieri
- Trends in the occupations of eminent black entrepreneurs in the United States pp. 2390-2398

- Robert L. Boyd
- Social norms, cognitive dissonance and the timing of marriage pp. 2399-2410

- Alessandro Balestrino and Cinzia Ciardi
- Measuring the cost of making payment decisions pp. 2411-2416

- Oz Shy
- Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation on the effect of charitable donations on piracy pp. 2417-2426

- Gilles Grolleau, Naoufel Mzoughi and Angela Sutan
- The distribution of a federal entitlement: The case of adoption assistance pp. 2427-2442

- Mary Eschelbach Hansen
- Constituents' economic interests and senator support for spending limitations pp. 2443-2453

- Christopher Dennis, Marshall H. Medoff and Michael Magnera
- The impact of socio-economic factors on political instability: A cross-country analysis pp. 2454-2463

- Dragan Miljkovic and Arbindra Rimal
- Support for state opting out and stateless national identity in the Basque Country pp. 2464-2477

- Joan Costa-Font and Ramon Tremosa-Balcells
- Economic valuation of coastal water quality and protest responses: A case study in Mitilini, Greece pp. 2478-2491

- Nikoleta Jones, Costas M. Sophoulis and Chrysovalantis Malesios
- Something for nothing: A model of gambling behavior pp. 2492-2504

- John Nyman, John W. Welte and Bryan E. Dowd
- Impact of formal and informal deterrents on driving behavior pp. 2505-2512

- Eiji Yamamura
- Subjective discount rates among Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews pp. 2513-2522

- Ahmad Mahajna, Uri Benzion, Ravid Bogaire and Tal Shavit
- Determinants of obesity: The case of Germany pp. 2523-2534

- Wolfgang Maennig, Tobias Schicht and Tim Sievers
- A General Behavior Model and New Definitions of Organizational Cultures pp. 2535-2545

- Jay Y. Wu
- Socio-economic effects on increased cinema attendance: The case of Japan pp. 2546-2555

- Eiji Yamamura
- "Behavioral Economics Comes of Age": Review of: M. Altman (Ed.), Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Developments. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY (2006). 762 pp., Price: US$ 149.95, ISBN: 978-0-7656-1302-8 pp. 2557-2563

- Richard M. Coughlin
- S. Maital, Editor, Recent Developments in Behavioral Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenhen, UK and Northampton, MA, USA (2007) ISBN 978-1-84542-4060 Price: $215 pp. 2564-2565

- Hugh Schwartz
- David Ellerman, Helping People Help Themselves: From the World Bank to an Alternative Philosophy of Development Assistance, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (2005) ISBN 0-472-03142-2 xxiv + 334 pp pp. 2566-2567

- G. Edward Schuh
- H. Westlund, Social Capital in the Knowledge Economy: Theory and Empirics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2006) x + 212 pp., ISBN-10 3-540-35364-X, ISBN-13 978-540-35364-5 pp. 2567-2569

- Nicolas Sirven
- Steven Pressman, Editor, Alternative Theories of the State, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, NY (2006) ISBN 1-4039-9939-2 viii+229 pp., Price $90.00 pp. 2569-2571

- Fadhel Kaboub and Devin Rafferty
Volume 37, issue 5, 2008
- The psychological underpinnings of economics: Economic psychology according to Gabriel Tarde pp. 1685-1702

- Karl-Erik Wärneryd
- Beyond the rationality of economic man, toward the true rationality of human man pp. 1703-1712

- John Tomer
- What suicides reveal about gender bias pp. 1713-1723

- Siddhartha Mitra and Sangeeta Shroff
- Compassion and the Hippocratic Oath pp. 1724-1728

- Li Way Lee
- Preference variability along the policy chain in Vietnam pp. 1729-1745

- C. Leigh Anderson, Alison Cullen and Kostas Stamoulis
- The demand for clinical information and for involvement in medical treatment decision making: An empirical examination in the general population pp. 1746-1755

- Amir Shmueli
- A theory of entrenched socioeconomic deprivation and addiction to strong mind-altering substances pp. 1756-1767

- Amnon Levy
- Endowment effect theory, public goods and welfare pp. 1768-1774

- Ivo Bischoff and Jürgen Meckl
- Economic and hypothetical dictator game experiments: Incentive effects at the individual level pp. 1775-1784

- Avner Ben-Ner, Amit Kramer and Ori Levy
- Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and attitudes toward money: A study in neuroeconomics pp. 1785-1788

- Marcello Spinella, Bijou Yang and David Lester
- A critical note on the theory of inequity aversion pp. 1789-1796

- Andreas Bergh
- Jealousy and monetary policy pp. 1797-1802

- Juha Tervala
- Attitudes to money in a random sample of adults: Factor analysis of the MAS and MBBS scales, and correlations with demographic variables pp. 1803-1814

- Paul Morgan Baker and Robert B. Hagedorn
- Cross-cultural overconfidence and biased self-attribution pp. 1815-1824

- Daniella Acker and Nigel W. Duck
- Bureaucracy versus high performance: Work reorganization in the 1990s pp. 1825-1845

- Song Yang
- Labor market coordination systems and unemployment performance in some OECD countries pp. 1846-1855

- Giuseppina Autiero
- Group versus individual discrimination among young workers: A distributional approach pp. 1856-1879

- Donata Favaro and Stefano Magrini
- A decision-making model for workload/salary choices and their effect on well-being pp. 1880-1905

- Eugenio L. Facci and Genie Chartier
- Jobs as Lancaster goods: Facets of job satisfaction and overall job satisfaction pp. 1906-1920

- Ali Skalli, Ioannis Theodossiou and Efi Vasileiou
- Job satisfaction and response to incentives among China's urban workforce pp. 1921-1936

- Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth
- Materialism on the March: From conspicuous leisure to conspicuous consumption? pp. 1937-1945

- Paul Frijters and Andrew Leigh
- Assessing and explaining the relative efficiency of local government pp. 1946-1979

- Antonio Afonso and Sónia Fernandes
- The welfare economics of macroeconomics and chooser-dependent, non-expected utility preferences: A Senian critique with an application to the costs of the business cycle pp. 1980-1993

- Greg Hannsgen
- The cyclical nature of Consumer Sentiments Indices in the US and UK pp. 1994-1998

- Joshy Easaw and Atanu Ghoshray
- Culture and entrepreneurship? African American and immigrant self-employment in the United States pp. 1999-2019

- Vicki Bogan and William Darity
- Social capital in the creation of human capital and economic growth: A productive consumption approach pp. 2020-2033

- Soumyananda Dinda
- Analysing fair trade in economic terms pp. 2034-2042

- Stefan Mann
- Modeling religious behavior and economic outcome: Is the relationship bicausal?: Evidence from a survey of Mississippi households pp. 2043-2053

- Kathleen G. Arano and Benjamin F. Blair
- The effects of inequality, fragmentation, and social capital on collective action in a homogeneous society: Analyzing responses to the 2005 Japan Census pp. 2054-2058

- Eiji Yamamura
- Trust--The importance of trustfulness versus trustworthiness pp. 2059-2071

- Jan Tullberg
- The implementation of democratic justice regimes in the Israeli taxi sector: Economic imperative or ethnic origin? pp. 2072-2079

- Asaf Darr and Alisa C. Lewin
- Worker well-being and perceived fairness: Survey-based findings from Italy pp. 2080-2094

- Ermanno Tortia
- Press media reporting effects on risk perceptions and attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) food pp. 2095-2106

- Marta Vilella-Vila and Joan Costa-Font
- The pitfalls of transition: Crowding out the "National Virtues" pp. 2107-2113

- Dragan Miljkovic
- The visibility of Ukrainian economists 1969-2005 pp. 2114-2125

- Tom Coupé
- L.L. Dallas, Law and Public Policy: A Socioeconomic Approach, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC (2005) 752 pp., xxxv, Price: $90, ISBN 0-89089-234-2 pp. 2126-2127

- Allan Schmid
- Diane Coyle, The Soulful Science: What Economists Really Do and Why It Matters, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2007) 279 pp., Price US$ 27.95, ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12513-8, ISBN-10: 0-691-12513-9 pp. 2127-2128

- Luis San Vicente Portes
- C. Heckscher and P.S. Adler, Editors, The Firm as a Collaborative Community: Reconstructing Trust, in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2006) ISBN 0-19-928603-5, p. 592 pp. 2129-2130

- Bruce Kaufman
Volume 37, issue 4, 2008
- Social identity and trust--An experimental investigation pp. 1293-1308

- Werner Güth, Maria Levati and Matteo Ploner
- Social interaction and effort in a success-at-work augmented utility model pp. 1309-1318

- George Bratsiotis and Baochun Peng
- Social networks, self-denial, and median preferences: Conformity as an evolutionary strategy pp. 1319-1327

- Jonathan Klick and Francesco Parisi
- Economics and the self: A formalisation of self-determination theory pp. 1328-1346

- Maurizio Pugno
- Analysis of domain satisfactions: Evidence from a panel of Greek women pp. 1347-1362

- Michael Demoussis and Nicholas Giannakopoulos
- Does financial security influence judgements of female physical attractiveness? pp. 1363-1370

- Viren Swami, Martin J. Tovée and Adrian Furnham
- Music piracy among students on the university campus: Do males and females react differently? pp. 1371-1380

- Eric Chiang and Djeto Assane
- Family unpredictability, future discounting, and risk taking pp. 1381-1396

- Elizabeth M. Hill, Jessica Jenkins and Lisa Farmer
- Mood impacts on probability weighting functions: "Large-gamble" evidence pp. 1397-1411

- Doron Kliger and Ori Levy
- The influence of a leader and social interaction on attendance: The case of the Japanese professional baseball league, 1952-2003 pp. 1412-1426

- Eiji Yamamura and Inyong Shin
- How do respondents explain WTP responses? A review of the qualitative evidence pp. 1427-1442

- Rachel Baker, Angela Robinson and Richard Smith
- Contingent valuation as a dynamic process pp. 1443-1458

- Clement Tisdell, Clevo Wilson and Hemanath Swarna Nantha
- Putting a price tag on friends, relatives, and neighbours: Using surveys of life satisfaction to value social relationships pp. 1459-1480

- Nattavudh Powdthavee
- Do casinos export bankruptcy? pp. 1481-1494

- Thomas Garrett and Mark Nichols
- On the capitalization and cultivation of social capital: Towards a neo-capital general science? pp. 1495-1514

- Christian Waldstrøm and Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen
- Social capital renewal and the academic performance of international students in Australia pp. 1515-1538

- Frank Neri and Simon Ville
- The role of social capital in enhancing factor productivity: Does its erosion depress per capita GDP? pp. 1539-1553

- Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti
- Social capital in non-profit organizations: A multi-disciplinary perspective pp. 1554-1569

- Carlos Barros and Francisco Nunes
- Interaction in organizations: A dynamic choice of codes pp. 1570-1583

- Orlando Gomes
- Property rights, trust, and economic performance pp. 1584-1596

- Shinji Teraji
- Social attitudes and re-distributive policies pp. 1597-1623

- Amos Witztum
- Capital democratization pp. 1624-1635

- Robert Ashford and Demetri Kantarelis
- An unconditional basic income and labor supply: Results from a pilot study of lottery winners pp. 1636-1659

- Axel Marx and Hans Peeters
- Enfranchisement and the welfare state: Institutional design of unemployment compensation pp. 1660-1678

- Wonik Kim
- S. Bowles, H. Gintis and M. Osborne Groves, Editors, Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success, Princeton University Press (2005) pp. 1679-1680

- Edward Wolff
- E.L. Jones, Cultures Merging: A Historical and Economic Critique of Culture, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2006) 328 p., $29.95, ISBN-13: 978-0-691-11737-9 pp. 1681-1682

- Stephen E. Snyder
- Richard H.K. Vietor, How Countries Compete: Strategy, Structure and Government in the Global Economy, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA (2007) 305 pp. + vi, Hardcover, Price: $21.00, ISBN 13:978-1-4221-1035-5 pp. 1683-1684

- Shlomo Maital
Volume 37, issue 3, 2008
- Understanding the behavior of the firm pp. 893-894

- John Tomer
- Understanding firm performance: The case of developing countries's firms that compete internationally in technologically advanced industries pp. 895-906

- Simon Teitel
- The role of corporate social responsibility in strong sustainability pp. 907-918

- György Málovics, Noémi Nagypál Csigéné and Sascha Kraus
- Learning from experience or learning from others?: Inferring informal training from a human capital earnings function with matched employer-employee data pp. 919-938

- Guillaume Destré, Louis Lévy-Garboua and Michel Sollogoub
- Psychic distance, psychic distance paradox and behavioral economics: Modeling MNC entry behavior in foreign markets pp. 939-948

- Hamid Hosseini
- The role of aspirations and aspirations adaptation in explaining satisficing and bounded rationality pp. 949-957

- Hugh Schwartz
- The role of employers' beliefs in the evaluation of educational output pp. 959-968

- Franck Bailly
- Do norms matter for firm boundaries? pp. 969-975

- Ola Kvaløy
- Spontaneous evolution of social exchange--An experimental study pp. 976-997

- Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Werner Güth and Bodo Vogt
- Personality preferences in laboratory economics experiments pp. 998-1009

- Kurtis Swope, John Cadigan, Pamela Schmitt and Robert Shupp
- Inequality and public good provision: An experimental analysis pp. 1010-1028

- Lisa Anderson, Jennifer Mellor and Jeffrey Milyo
- Positive confirmation in rational and irrational learning pp. 1029-1046

- Martin Jones
- The demand for social interaction pp. 1047-1060

- Henry Saffer
- Role-reversibility, stochastic ignorance, and social cooperation pp. 1061-1075

- Vincy Fon and Francesco Parisi
- The financial simulacrum: The consequences of the symbolization and the computerization of the financial market pp. 1076-1089

- Christophe Schinckus
- A comparative study of equity judgements in Lithuania and Norway pp. 1090-1118

- Jochen A. Jungeilges and Theis Theisen
- Describing poverty in an ultraperipheral region: The case of the Canary Islands pp. 1119-1133

- C. Delia Dávila Quintana, Vanessa del Pino González Garcia, Feijoó, Santiago Rodriguez and Caro, Alejandro Rodriguez
- Help from the parent-teacher association to parenting efficacy: Beyond social status and informal social capital pp. 1134-1152

- Chau-kiu Cheung, Ching-man Lam and Steven Sek-yum Ngai
- Economic convergence and life satisfaction in the European Union pp. 1153-1167

- Heinz Welsch and Udo Bonn
- Children with disabilities and chronic conditions and longer-term parental health pp. 1168-1186

- Peter Burton, Lynn Lethbridge and Shelley Phipps
- Economic theory and women's household status: The case of Japan pp. 1187-1201

- Barbara J. Redman
- The status of women among the scheduled tribes in India pp. 1202-1217

- Aparna Mitra
- Reflections on rational choice--The existence of systematic irrationality pp. 1218-1233

- Bijou Yang and David Lester
- Negatively correlated author seniority and the number of acknowledged people: Name-recognition as a signal of scientific merit? pp. 1234-1247

- Nathan Berg and Joao Faria
- Can incentives for research harm research? A business schools' tale pp. 1248-1265

- Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu
- Alphabet Economics: The link between names and reputation pp. 1266-1285

- Georgios Efthyvoulou
- Robert H. Frank, What Price the Moral High Ground? Ethical Dilemmas in Competitive Environments, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2004) ISBN 0-691-00672-5 xii+203 pp., US$27.95 pp. 1287-1289

- Gary D. Lynne
- Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics, William Morrow (An imprint of HarperCollins Publishers), New York (2005) 242 pp., $25.95, ISBN: 0-06-073132-X pp. 1289-1290

- Donald Vitaliano
- K. Roger, Editor, Advances in Austrian Economics (vol. 7): Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Elsevier, Amsterdam et al. (2004) ISBN 0-7623-1138-X Price: $95 pp. 1290-1291

- Lesley Newson
Volume 37, issue 2, 2008
- Introduction: Special issue on the household economy pp. 455-457

- Carole B. Burgoyne
- Separate financial entities?: Beyond categories of money management pp. 458-480

- Katherine J. Ashby and Carole B. Burgoyne
- Financial affairs? Money management in same-sex relationships pp. 481-501

- Maree Burns, Carole Burgoyne and Victoria Clarke
- Cohabiting relationships, money and property: The legal backdrop pp. 502-518

- Anne Barlow
- Spending and credit use in the private household pp. 519-532

- Erich Kirchler, Erik Hoelzl and Bernadette Kamleitner
- Household financial organisation and discursive practice: Managing money and identity pp. 533-551

- Stefanie J. Sonnenberg
- Managing money in new heterosexual forms of intimate relationships pp. 552-576

- Carolyn Vogler, Michaela Brockmann and Richard Wiggins
- Family finances, individualisation, spending patterns and access to credit pp. 577-591

- Jan Pahl
- Control over money and the savings decisions of Canadian households pp. 592-611

- Shelley Phipps and Frances Woolley
- Lower monetary returns for that many overtime hours? Forget it! pp. 613-626

- Linda DeRiviere
- The effect of transfer payments on the labor supply of single mothers pp. 627-643

- Roni Frish and Noam Zussman
- Microcredit and the socio-economic wellbeing of women and their families in Cairo pp. 644-656

- Yasmine F. Nader
- Determinants of the likelihood of finding the right partner in an arranged marriage: Evidence from a French matchmaking agency pp. 657-671

- Nicolas Vaillant and Valérie Harrant
- Constructing and reconstructing gender: Reference group effects and women's demand for entrepreneurial capital pp. 672-693

- Diana Fletschner and Michael Carter
- Attitudes and performance: An analysis of Russian workers pp. 694-717

- Susan Linz and Anastasia Semykina
- On the definition of involuntary unemployment pp. 718-735

- Malcolm Sawyer and David Spencer
- The internal migration of the immigrant and native-born populations in Canada between 1976 and 1996 pp. 736-756

- Gilles Grenier
- Residential segregation by race in cities and the employment of blacks in insurance occupations during the early 20th century pp. 757-766

- Robert L. Boyd
- Long-term effects of involuntary job separations on labour careers pp. 767-788

- Miguel Malo and Fernando Muñoz-Bullón
- Classical and neoclassical conceptions of rationality--Findings of an exploratory survey pp. 789-820

- Milan Zafirovski
- Attitudes toward inequality: Racism and other varieties of American exceptionalism pp. 821-835

- David E. Kaun
- Ibn Khaldun's theory of development: Does it help explain the low performance of the present-day Muslim world? pp. 836-863

- M Umer Chapra
- A policy analysis of Victoria's Genuine Progress Indictor pp. 864-879

- Matthew Clarke and Philip Lawn
- Review of Robert Scott Gassler, Beyond Profit and Self-Interest: Economics with a Broader Scope, Elgar, Cheltenham (2003) ISBN 184376492X pp. xii + 333, Price: US$ 100.00 pp. 881-884

- Roger McCain
- E. Tijerina, Sarah Babb, Managing Mexico. Economists from Nationalism to Neoliberalism, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (March 2004) ISBN 0-691-11793-4 Xi, 255 pp., Price: US$ 19.95 pp. 885-887

- Eliezer Tijerina
- T.L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century--Updated and Expanded, Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, New York, NY (2006) 593 pp pp. 887-889

- Christian Weller
- J. Henrich, R. Boyd, S. Bowles, C. Camerer, E. Fehr and H. Gintis, Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies, Oxford University Press, New York, NY (2004) ISBN 0-19-926204-7 p. 451 pp. 889-891

- Ragan Petrie
Volume 37, issue 1, 2008
- Groups, cooperation and conflict in games pp. 1-17

- Jonathan Tan and Daniel Zizzo
- Competition versus cooperation: Some experimental evidence pp. 18-30

- Claudia Canegallo, Guido Ortona, Stefania Ottone, Ferruccio Ponzano and Francesco Scacciati
- Fairness perceptions and observed consumer behavior: Results of a partial observability model pp. 31-44

- Irene Daskalopoulou
- Ethical preferences, risk aversion, and taxpayer behavior pp. 45-63

- Joseph G. Eisenhauer
- The leisure experience pp. 64-78

- Victoria Ateca-Amestoy, Rafael Serrano-del-Rosal and Esperanza Vera-Toscano
- The Seat is right: Bidder heterogeneity in The Price Is Right pp. 79-89

- Ronald Baker and Jeremy T. Schwartz
- An economic analysis of apathetic behavior: Theory and experiment pp. 90-107

- Aiko Shibata, Toru Mori, Makoto Okamura and Noriko Soyama
- Collective opinion formation of individuals socially embedded in a power structure pp. 108-137

- Jules Gazon
- Estimation of evolutionary models as a tool for research in industrial organization pp. 138-148

- Tobias F. Rotheli
- The effect of external incentives on profits and firm-provided incentives strategy pp. 149-156

- Ofer Azar
- Culture, effort variability, and hierarchy pp. 157-166

- Shinji Teraji
- Does the stigma of slavery explain the maltreatment of blacks by whites: The case of lynchings pp. 167-193

- Gregory Price, William Darity and Alvin E. Headen
- An ecological perspective on interest groups and economic stagnation pp. 194-212

- Gregory G. Brunk and Kennith G. Hunter
- Happiness and health: Well-being among the self-employed pp. 213-236

- Pernilla Andersson Joona
- The effect of public spending on suicide: Evidence from U.S. state data pp. 237-261

- Camelia Minoiu and Antonio Andres
- Should we invest in suicide prevention programs pp. 262-275

- Nazmi Sari, Sahily de Castro, Frederick L. Newman and Gerry Mills
- Meta-regression analysis as the socio-economics of economics research pp. 276-292

- T. Stanley, Chris Doucouliagos and Stephen B. Jarrell
- Multifunctionality and a new focus on externalities pp. 293-307

- Stefan Mann and Henry Wüstemann
- The Tragedy of the Commune: Learning from worst-case scenarios pp. 308-327

- Karsten Mause
- Peer group effects in education production: Is it about congestion pp. 328-342

- Hans Bonesronning
- Relative age, identity and schooling: An extension of the Akerlof/Kranton model which solves a puzzle pp. 343-352

- Jeremiah Allen
- Is concern for relative consumption a function of relative consumption pp. 353-364

- Fredrik W. Andersson
- Gender dimension in the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in West Asia pp. 365-383

- Malika Abdelali-Martini, Ahmed Amri, Mohammed Ajlouni, Raghed Assi, Younes Sbieh and Ali Khnifes
- Time, speeding behavior, and optimal penalties pp. 384-399

- Mark White
- How realistic is the supply/demand equilibrium story: A simple demonstration of false trading and its implications for market equilibrium pp. 400-415

- Neil H. Buchanan
- Institutions and economic change: A critical survey of the new institutional approaches and empirical evidence pp. 416-443

- Francesca Gagliardi
- S. Bowles, Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford (2004) ISBN 978-0-691-09163-1 608 pp., Price: US$ 75 http://press.princeton.edu/titles/7610.html pp. 444-447

- Nathan Berg
- D. Vogel, The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility, Brookings Institute Press, Washington, DC (2005) ISBN 0-8157-9076-7 222 pp., Hardback, Price: US$ 28.95 pp. 448-450

- Danyelle Guyatt
- C. Prestowitz, Three Billion New Capitalists, Basic Books, New York, NY (2005) 321 pp pp. 451-453

- Christian Weller
- Lawson Tony, Reorienting Economics, Routledge, London (2003) ISBN 0-415-25336-5 Pages xxvi, 383 pp. 454-456

- Stephen Ziliak
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