Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 6, 2000
- Confidence and action: a comment on Barbalet pp. 503-515

- David Dequech
- Well-being at work: a cross-national analysis of the levels and determinants of job satisfaction pp. 517-538

- Alfonso Sousa-Poza and Andres A. Sousa-Poza
- The theory of productiveness: a microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis of binary growth and output in the Kelso system1 pp. 541-563

- Stephen V. Kane
- Kelso's binary economy as social ethics pp. 565-578

- Alan Zundel
- Work and family patterns:: Effects across generations pp. 587-590

- Elizabeth Menaghan, Frank Mott, Elizabeth Cooksey and Susan Jekielek
- Social capital, capital goods, and the production of learning pp. 591-595

- Stephen L. Morgan
- Lone motherhood in twentieth-century Britain-from footnote to front page: Kathleen Kiernan, Hilary Land, and Jane Lewis; Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998 pp. 597-599

- Shoshana Grossbard
Volume 29, issue 5, 2000
- Foundations of the open society: discourse ethics and the logic of inquiry pp. 403-442

- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu
- Where's the glue? Institutional and cultural foundations of American Indian economic development pp. 443-470

- Stephen Cornell and Joseph P. Kalt
- Empowerment, expectations, and the psychological contract--managing the dilemmas and gaining the advantages pp. 471-485

- Robert J. Paul, Brian P. Niehoff and William H. Turnley
- Social networks and self-employment pp. 487-501

- W. David Allen
Volume 29, issue 4, 2000
- Relational wealth and the quality of life pp. 305-340

- Romesh Diwan
- On the connecting of socio-economics with communitarianism15 pp. 341-347

- Mark A. Lutz
- Constituent diversity and congress: the case of NAFTA pp. 349-360

- Christopher Dennis, Benjamin Bishin and Politimy Nicolaou
- Socialization in network marketing organizations: is it cult behavior?1 pp. 361-374

- Patralekha Bhattacharya and Krishna Kumar Mehta
- Behavioral influences of bureaucratic organizations and the Schumpeterian controversy pp. 375-388

- J. Patrick Raines and Charles G. Leathers
- Cognitive skills and Black-White wages in the United States labor market pp. 389-401

- Aparna Mitra
Volume 29, issue 3, 2000
- A restructured social market1 pp. 215-223

- Amitai Etzioni
- Dancing with strangers pp. 225-230

- Judith R. Blau
- Local networks and global markets pp. 231-233

- Michael J. Lovaglia
- An economy to feed society or a society to feed the economy pp. 235-241

- Suzanne T. Reading
- Reconstructing with care and with science pp. 243-246

- Joseph M. Whitmeyer
- Casino gambling and bankruptcy in new United States casino jurisdictions pp. 247-261

- Mark Nichols, B. Grant Stitt and David Giacopassi
- The impact of caring on exchange choices and efficiencies: a modification of Boulding's three social organizers pp. 263-279

- Richard Beilock
- An exploration of the impact of culture on the economy: an empirical study of unemployment pp. 281-290

- Bijou Yang and David Lester
- The effects of internal migration on the relative economic status of women and men pp. 291-304

- Joyce Jacobsen and Laurence M. Levin
Volume 29, issue 2, 2000
- A behavioral model of path dependency: the economics of profitable inefficiency and market failure pp. 127-145

- Morris Altman
- Systemism: the alternative to individualism and holism pp. 147-157

- Mario Bunge
- Affinity as social capital: its role in development pp. 159-171

- Allan Schmid
- The developing workfare policy in Australia: a critical assessment pp. 173-188

- John Burgess, William F. Mitchell, Duncan J. O'Brien and Martin J. Watts
- Corporate fraud, systematic risk, and shareholder enrichment pp. 189-201

- Dale Cloninger and Edward R. Waller
- Gratitude and gratuity: a meta-analysis of research on the service-tipping relationship pp. 203-214

- Michael Lynn and Michael McCall
Volume 29, issue 1, 2000
- Intuitive elements in Adam Smith pp. 1-19

- Roger Frantz
- Is it necessary to have Islamic economics? pp. 21-37

- M Umer Chapra
- The new rural-urban labor mobility in China: Causes and implications pp. 39-56

- Michael Seeborg, Zhenhu Jin and Yiping Zhu
- Morality as the enemy of equality: Law, economy, and moral responsibility in the early Mormon church pp. 57-71

- Thomas Stone
- Dynamics of earnings inequality among female-headed households in the United States pp. 73-89

- Sourushe Zandvakili
- An empirical critique of the Lucas critique pp. 91-107

- T. Stanley
- Efficiency: An inappropriate guide to structural transformation pp. 109-126

- Timothy P. Roth
Volume 28, issue 6, 2000
- A mini-symposium: Introduction pp. 651-652

- Christopher Clague
- Does economics have a broad enough subject matter? pp. 653-663

- Herbert Kiesling
- Marriage contracts and the law-and-economics of marriage: an Austrian perspective pp. 665-690

- Shoshana Grossbard and Bertrand Lemennicier
- How the internal flexibility of plants in the U.S. paper industry was increased and what it tells us about the effects of employment security pp. 691-705

- Michael R. Smith
- An integrated model of consumer materialism: Can economic socialization and maternal values predict materialistic attitudes in adolescents? pp. 707-724

- Eirini Flouri
- The meaning of work: Lessons from sociology, psychology, and political theory pp. 725-743

- Flora Gill
- Truth-in-sentencing, law enforcement, and inmate population growth pp. 745-757

- Paul Grimes and Kevin E. Rogers
- Problems with international measures of education pp. 759-775

- Alan C. Kerckhoff and Michelle Dylan
- The Vices of Economists, The Virtues of the Bourgeoisie: By Deirdre McCloskey, Amsterdam University Press, 1996, 130 pages, ISBN: 90-5356-244-3 $24.95 pp. 777-779

- Roger Frantz
- STREET POLITICS: Poor People's Movements in Iran: By Asaf Bayat, New York, Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231.10858-3, 232 pp pp. 779-786

- Peter Bearse
Volume 28, issue 5, 1999
- The common will pp. 541-554

- Mihnea Moldoveanu
- System-wide economic community in capital-based market systems pp. 555-576

- Ross Zucker
- In (a) democracy we trust: social and economic determinants of support for democratic procedures in central and eastern Europe pp. 577-596

- Todd Kunioka and Gary M. Woller
- Hospital competition in major U.S. metropolitan areas: An empirical evidence pp. 597-606

- Patrick Asubonteng Rivers and Sejong Bae
- Locational effects on AFDC exits: Examining local labor markets pp. 607-631

- Thomas P. Vartanian
- Rational addiction and smoking cessation: An empirical study pp. 633-643

- Theodore E. Keeler, Martin Marciniak and Teh-wei Hu
- In Praise of Commercial Culture: Tyler Cowen; Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1998 (hardcover) pp. 645-647

- Michael Smith
- Welfare States in Transition: Gosta Esping-Anderson; Sage, 1996, 275 pages pp. 647-649

- James Angresano
Volume 28, issue 4, 1999
- Interdisciplinary social science, global social theory, and socio-economics: a report on the UMKC Symposium at the Vienna Conference pp. 387-427

- Douglas H. Bowles, James I. Sturgeon, Morteza H. Ardebili, Kelly D. Pinkham, Wayne D. Washer, John J. Jumara, W. Robert Brazelton, Kenneth C. Erickson, Jules A. Townsend and Elizabeth Anne Berkshire
- Etzioni's new theory: a synthesis of liberal and communitarian views pp. 429-438

- Bernd Schilcher
- Faith, frequency, and the allocation of time: a micro level study of religious capital and participation pp. 439-456

- Samuel Cameron
- Institutional determinants of saving: implications for low-income households and public policy pp. 457-473

- Sondra G. Beverly and Michael Sherraden
- The volunteer's folly and socio-economic man: some thoughts on altruism, rationality, and community pp. 475-492

- Trevor M. Knox
- The power of Babel pp. 493-510

- David E. Kaun
- The Crisis of Global Capitalism [Open Society Endangered]: George Soros; New York, Public Affairs, 1998, xxx + 247 pages, (US$ 26.00) pp. 533-536

- Mario Bunge
- Still The Promised City? African Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York: Roger Waldinger; Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press 1996 (372 pages) pp. 536-539

- Robert L. Boyd
Volume 28, issue 3, 1999
- Exit, voice and loyalty in the course of corporate governance and counsel's changing role pp. 203-246

- Peter C. Kostant
- Comments on Peter C. Kostant's "Exit, voice, and loyalty in the course of corporate governance and counsel's changing role" pp. 247-249

- Harvey Rishikof
- Response to Peter C. Kostant's "Exit, voice and loyalty in the course of corporate governance and counsel's changing role" pp. 251-253

- Margaret M. Blair and Lynn A. Stout
- A brief comment on legal and economic theories of corporate governance: a reply to Kostant's "Exit, voice and loyalty in the course of corporate governance and counsel's changing role" pp. 255-257

- Mary Burke
- Comment on Kostant: Tune in to hear stories of corporate governance, the adventures of the go-between and more exciting tales of corporate law pp. 259-266

- Mae Kuykendall
- Divided self models of the socioeconomic person: the metaeconomics approach pp. 267-288

- Gary D. Lynne
- Estimating earnings in an information-poor market: the case of crack cocaine pp. 289-294

- Li Way Lee
- Inside the firm: Socioeconomic versus agency perspectives on firm competitiveness pp. 295-307

- Peter Wright and Ananda Mukherji
- A socio-economic approach to market transactions pp. 309-334

- Milan Zafirovski
- Participation in the next generation of agriculture conservation programs: the role of environmental attitudes pp. 335-349

- E. Jane Luzar and Assane Diagne
- Gender inequality in wage earnings and female self-employment selection pp. 351-364

- Richard J. BodenJr
- Correction for "The Decision to Cover a Procedure at HMOs: Who Makes the Call?" pp. 365-366

- Kevin D. Frick
- Book reviews pp. 367-371

- Romesh Diwan
- Book reviews pp. 373-377

- Flora Gill
- Book reviews pp. 381-385

- Richard E. Hattwick
Volume 28, issue 2, 1999
- Rosenstein-Rodan: From marginal utility to a pioneer in economic development & possibly socio-economics pp. 117-130

- Hamid Hosseini
- Reactance to taxation: Employers' attitudes towards taxes pp. 131-138

- Erich Kirchler
- Public goods: An ideal concept pp. 139-156

- W. Ver Eecke
- Two kinds of order: Thoughts on the theory of the firm pp. 157-173

- Elias Khalil
- An estimate of teenage abortion demand pp. 175-184

- Marshall H. Medoff
- A visibility analysis of the scientific production of Ukrainian economists: 1969-94 pp. 185-196

- Jean Mirucki
Volume 28, issue 1, 1999
- The end of triumphalism pp. 1-2

- Amitai Etzioni
- Consumer activism in the Czech Republic: the role of exit and voice in a changing economy pp. 3-19

- Michael A. Gurdon, Ronald Savitt and Marie Pribova
- Do neighborhood conditions affect high school dropout and college graduation rates? pp. 21-41

- Thomas P. Vartanian and Philip M. Gleason
- Social capital and household income distributions in the United States: 1980, 1990 pp. 43-93

- Lindon J. Robinson and Marcelo E. Siles
- Consequentialism, rights, and the new social welfare theory pp. 95-109

- Timothy P. Roth
- Critical economic methodology: A personal odyssey: By Lawrence A. Boland. Routledge: London and New York, 1997. Hb. xii + 308. ISBN 0-415-13607-5 pp. 113-116

- Matthias Klaes
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