Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
1991 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Behavioral Economics. Current editor(s): Pablo Brañas Garza From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 31, issue 6, 2003
- On the relation between preference and choice pp. 587-598

- Mark Sagoff
- On competing rewards standards--an experimental study of ultimatum bargaining pp. 599-607

- Uri Gneezy and Werner Guth
- A consumer theory with competitive markets for work in marriage pp. 609-645

- Shoshana Grossbard
- The black earnings gap: discrimination or culture pp. 647-655

- Walter O. Simmons
- Addiction and intrapersonal externalities in the labour market pp. 657-672

- Jonathan Boymal
- Trust and social capital in the regulation of lending activities pp. 673-699

- Michel Ferrary
- Adam Smith and Musgrave's concept of merit good pp. 701-720

- W. Ver Eecke
- The grasshopper and the ants: popular opinions of just distribution in Australia and Finland pp. 721-743

- Olli Kangas
- An empirical examination of cost-adjusting in outpatient clinics pp. 745-759

- Daniel L. Friesner
Volume 31, issue 5, 2002
- The absence of power in contemporary economic theory pp. 433-442

- Kurt W. Rothschild
- Mathematics skill and male-female wages pp. 443-456

- Aparna Mitra
- Judeo-Christian principles for employment organisation pp. 457-468

- Clive Beed and Cara Beed
- Explaining differences in the political meaning of unemployment across time and space pp. 469-502

- Phineas Baxandall
- The impact of gambling on personal bankruptcy rates pp. 503-509

- Lynda de la Vina and David Bernstein
- Endogenous preferences and sustainable development pp. 511-527

- Sabine U. O'Hara and Sigrid Stagl
- Cultural heritage as multi-dimensional, multi-value and multi-attribute economic good: toward a new framework for economic analysis and valuation pp. 529-558

- Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Reconsidering equilibrium: a socio-economic perspective pp. 559-579

- Milan Zafirovski
- Happiness and Economics: Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer; Princeton University Press, 2002, 220 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-691-06998-0 pp. 581-582

- Erik Thorbecke and H. E. Babcock
- The Reciprocal Modular Brain in Economics and Politics: Gerald A. Cory, Jr.; New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999, 134 pp., $71.50 USD, ISBN 0-306-46183-8 pp. 583-586

- Gary D. Lynne
Volume 31, issue 4, 2002
- The Journal of Socio-Economics: the road to the future pp. 323-325

- Morris Altman
- Symposium on behavioral economics: introduction and summary pp. 326-328

- Hugh Schwartz
- Rational actors or rational fools: implications of the affect heuristic for behavioral economics pp. 329-342

- Paul Slovic, Melissa Finucane, Ellen Peters and Donald G. MacGregor
- Interviews as a valid empirical tool in economics pp. 343-353

- Truman Bewley
- A behavioral mindset on environment policy pp. 355-369

- Jason Shogren
- What does economic freedom buy? pp. 371-390

- David E. Kaun
- Conflicts of interest and games of power concerning the standardization of the workforce pp. 391-403

- Michel Ferrary
- Neighbourhoods, families and youth employment outcomes: a study of metropolitan Melbourne pp. 405-408

- Ross Kelly and Philip E. T. Lewis
- Social support and the reduction of discouragement after job displacement pp. 409-422

- Maurice J. Mazerolle and Gangaram Singh
- Towards a new experimental socio-economics: Complex behaviour in bargaining pp. 423-429

- Adolfo Lopez-Paredes, Cesareo Hernandez and Javier Pajares
- Why Wages Don't Fall During a Recession: Truman Bewley; Harvard University Press, 1999, 527 pages, ISBN 0-674-95241-3 pp. 431-432

- David Colander
Volume 31, issue 3, 2002
- Herbert Simon and behavioral economics pp. 181-189

- Hugh Schwartz
- Instrumental versus bounded rationality: a comparison of Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association pp. 191-214

- David Berri and Martin Schmidt
- Economic welfare, civil liberty, and suicide: an empirical investigation pp. 215-231

- Jochen Jungeilges and Gebhard Kirchgässner
- Language, games and language games pp. 233-251

- Mihnea Moldoveanu
- Ex ante and ex post moral hazard in compensation for income losses: results from an experiment pp. 253-271

- Carmela Di Mauro
- Long-run economic consequences of child support enforcement for the middle class pp. 273-286

- Kimberly Folse and Hugo Varela-Alvarez
- Occupations and the cyclical behavior of gender unemployment rates pp. 287-299

- Janet M. Rives and Kim Sosin
- Status characteristics, cognitive bias, and incentives in teams pp. 301-316

- Robert Oxoby
- Path to Collective Madness: A Study in Social Order and Political Pathology: Dipak K. Gupta; Westport, CT, Praeger, 2001, 283 pp., $24.95 (paperback), ISBN 0-275-97221-6 pp. 318-322

- Murat Somer
Volume 31, issue 2, 2002
- The need for policy direction in the provision of care to the mentally ill: an interdisciplinary view pp. 105-113

- Randall G. Krieg
- An input-output operationalization of societal systems pp. 115-123

- Hector Correa
- John Stuart Mill as an anti-intuitionist social reformer pp. 125-136

- R. Frantz
- Innovation in services and the attendant old and new myths pp. 137-154

- Faïz Gallouj
- Effects of feedback and educational training on maximization in choice tasks: experimental-game evidence pp. 155-165

- Gerrit Antonides and Shlomo Maital
- Altruism in valuing government and market-supplied goods pp. 167-169

- Simon Kemp and Christopher D. B. Burt
- Contraceptive sterilization and women's work careers pp. 171-173

- Padma Rao Sahib
- Conflict and Decision-Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines: Kirchler, E., Rodler, C., Hoezl, E., & Meier, K.; Psychology Press Hove, East Sussex, UK, 2001, 262 + ix pp., [UK pound]34.95 pp. 175-177

- Carole B. Burgoyne
- The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman: Kenneth O. Doyle; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999, Hardcover, $72.95; Paperback, $34.95, ISBN 0-7619-0209-0 pp. 177-179

- Michael Smith
Volume 31, issue 1, 2002
- Introduction to special issue on household and gender economics pp. 1-2

- Shoshana Grossbard
- How mothering behaviors change during structural transformation pp. 3-14

- Kathleen Cloud
- Who's minding the kids? An economic comparison of sole and joint custody pp. 15-29

- Linda Welling and Marci Bearance
- Stigma in divorces and its deterrence effect pp. 31-44

- Jeong-Yoo Kim and Hyunju Kim
- The individual in economic analysis: toward psychology of economic behavior pp. 45-57

- Harold Wolozin
- Drawing on revisionist economics to explain the inspirational dimension of leadership pp. 59-74

- Joe Wallis
- A new paradigm: the wealth effect of the stock market on consumption, in a context of interacting bio-systems pp. 75-100

- Samuel B. Bulmash
- The Tobacco Wars: Walter Adams, James W. Brock; Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1999, 209 pp., $14.95, ISBN: 0-324-01296-9 pp. 101-104

- Edward Nissan
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