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Economic Theory

1991 - 2025

Current editor(s): Nichoals Yanneils

Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET)
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Volume 3, issue 4, 1993

A Theory of Optimal Denominations for Government Liabilities pp. 597-623
Thomas Cooley and Bruce Smith
On the Continuity of Expected Utility pp. 625-43
Erik Balder and Nicholas C Yannelis
Asset Markets and the Information Revealed by Prices pp. 645-61
H M Polemarchakis and P Siconolfi
Labor Income, Borrowing Constraints, and Equilibrium Asset Prices pp. 663-96
Hua He and Henri Pagès
Monetary Equilibrium in an Overlapping Generations Model with Productive Capital pp. 697-716
Amitava Bose and Debraj Ray
Economies with a Two-Sector Representation pp. 717-34
Charles Blackorby, Russell Davidson and William Schworm
Linear Joint-Production Models pp. 735-42
Josep E. Peris and Antonio Villar
A Theory of Stopping Time Games with Applications to Product Innovations and Asset Sales pp. 743-63
Prajit K Dutta and Aldo Rustichini
Optimality for Controlled Jump Processes: A Simple Approach pp. 765-74
Siu Leung
Social Indifference Curves with Optimal Second-Best Taxation pp. 775-82
Dagobert Brito, Jonathan Hamilton and Steven Slutsky

Volume 3, issue 3, 1993

On Some Aspects of Survival under Production Uncertainty pp. 397-411
Tapan Mitra and Santanu Roy
The Tragedy of the Commons? pp. 413-26
Prajit K Dutta and Rangarajan K Sundaram
The Equilibrium Allocation of Investment Capital in the Presence of Adverse Selection and Costly State Verification pp. 427-51
John H Boyd and Bruce Smith
Cournot-Walras Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Traders pp. 453-64
Giulio Codognato and Jean Gabszewicz
A Characterization of Egalitarian Equivalence pp. 465-79
Bhaskar Dutta and Rajiv Vohra
Information Revelation in a Market with Pairwise Meetings: The One Sided Information Case pp. 481-99
Roberto Serrano and Oved Yosha
Strategic Behavior in Dynamic Auctions pp. 501-16
Ruqu Wang
Dynamic Duopoly with Learning through Market Experimentation pp. 517-39
Philippe Aghion, Maria Paz Espinosa and Bruno Jullien
Price Dynamics in Overlapping Generations Environments pp. 541-63
David Schmidt and Charalambos D Aliprantis
On High-Order Differentiability of the Policy Function pp. 565-70
Manuel Santos
Characterization of Generalized Weak Orders and Revealed Preference pp. 571-76
Taradas Bandyopadhyay and Kunal Sengupta
A Discrete Approach to Continuum Economies pp. 577-83
Javier Garcia-Cutrin and Carlos Hervés-Beloso
On the Effectiveness of Sunspots in Incomplete Markets pp. 585-88
Christophe Prechac
Sharing Cost Information: A Counterexample pp. 589-92
Richard Jensen
Corrigendum: Chaotic Tatonnement pp. 593
Venkatesh Bala and Mukul Majumdar

Volume 3, issue 2, 1993

Incentive Compatibility and Information Superiority of the Core of an Economy with Differential Information pp. 195-216
Leonidas C Koutsougeras and Nicholas C Yannelis
Approximately Rational Consumer Demand pp. 217-41
David Jerison and Michael Jerison
Market Equilibrium with Heterogenous Recursive-Utility-Maximizing Agents pp. 243-66
Chenghu Ma
On the Uniqueness of Subjective Probabilities pp. 267-77
Edi Karni and David Schmeidler
A Coalition Proof Equilibrium for a Private Information Credit Economy pp. 279-96
Jeffrey Lacker and John Weinberg
More on Money as a Medium of Exchange pp. 297-314
Timothy Kehoe, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and Randall Wright
A Common Value Auction Model with Endogenous Entry and Information Acquisition pp. 315-34
Donald B Hausch and Lode Li
Duality between Direct and Indirect Preferences pp. 335-51
Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz and Manuel Santos
Sequential Bargaining and Competition pp. 353-63
Abhinay Muthoo
Robustness of the Market Model pp. 365-69
Lars Nielsen
A Simple Proof of the Shapley-Folkman Theorem pp. 371-72
Lin Zhou
Can Rational Individuals Keep Money under Their Mattresses Forever? pp. 373-77
Michael Spagat
Continuous Choice Functions and the Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference pp. 379-85
Walter Bossert
Existence of a Continuous Utility Function with Path Monotonicity: The Wold Approach pp. 387-92
Ghanshyam Mehta

Volume 3, issue 1, 1993

Indivisibilities, Lotteries, and Sunspot Equilibria pp. 1-17
Karl Shell and Randall Wright
Money and Insurance in a Turnpike Environment pp. 19-34
Andreas Hornstein and Per Krusell
Incomplete Markets and Individual Risks pp. 35-42
Kerry Back
Symmetric Cournot Oligopoly and Economic Welfare: A Synthesis pp. 43-59
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara and Kotaro Suzumura
Dynamic Equilibria with Unemployment Due to Undernourishment pp. 61-85
Debraj Ray and Peter Streufert
Simple and Inertial Behavior: An Optimizing Decision Model with Imprecise Perceptions pp. 87-98
Fernando Vega-Redondo
A Generalized Theorem of the Maximum pp. 99-107
Lawrence M Ausubel and Raymond J Deneckere
Double Implementation in Nash and Undominated Nash Equilibria in Social Choice Environments pp. 109-17
Yoshikatsu Tatamitani
Is Kreps-Porteus Utility Distinguishable from Intertemporal Expected Utility? pp. 119-27
Susheng Wang
Duopoly Signal Jamming pp. 129-49
Leonard Mirman, Larry Samuelson and Amparo Urbano
Interlinkage in the Endogenous Real Business Cycles of International Economies pp. 151-68
Kazuo Nishimura and Makoto Yano
Non-existence and Inefficiency of Equilibria with American Options pp. 169-76
Charles Kahn and Stefan Krasa
The Cone Condition, Properness, and Extremely Desirable Commodities pp. 177-82
Graciela Chichilnisky
Mixing on Function Spaces pp. 183-91
Aldo Rustichini
Page updated 2025-03-31