Economic Theory
1991 - 2025
Current editor(s): Nichoals Yanneils From: Springer Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 75, issue 4, 2023
- Source and rank-dependent utility pp. 949-981

- Mohammed Abdellaoui and Horst Zank
- Equilibrium existence and expected payoffs in all-pay auctions with constraints pp. 983-1007

- Ivan Pastine and Tuvana Pastine
- Randomizing without randomness pp. 1009-1037

- Paolo Ghirardato and Daniele Pennesi
- Bequests or education pp. 1039-1069

- Julio Dávila
- Choquet expected discounted utility pp. 1071-1098

- Lorenzo Bastianello and José Heleno Faro
- Thresholds, critical levels, and generalized sufficientarian principles pp. 1099-1139

- Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato and Kohei Kamaga
- Optimal design for redistributions among endogenous buyers and sellers pp. 1141-1180

- Mingshi Kang and Charles Zheng
- Corporate self-regulation of imperfect competition pp. 1181-1205

- Hervé Crès and Mich Tvede
- Auctions versus sequential mechanisms when resale is allowed pp. 1207-1245

- Xiaogang Che and Tilman Klumpp
- Measuring well-being and lives worth living pp. 1247-1266

- Marc Fleurbaey and Gregory Ponthiere
Volume 75, issue 3, 2023
- Complete markets with bankruptcy risk and pecuniary default punishments pp. 625-640

- V. Filipe Martins-da-Rocha and Rafael Mouallem Rosa
- General equilibrium methodology applied to the design, implementation and performance evaluation of large, multi-market and multi-unit policy constrained auctions pp. 641-693

- Charles R. Plott, Timothy Cason, Benjamin J. Gillen, Hsingyang Lee and Travis Maron
- On the observable restrictions of limited consideration models: theory and application pp. 695-715

- Yuta Inoue and Koji Shirai
- An algebraic approach to revealed preference pp. 717-742

- Mikhail Freer and Cesar Martinelli
- Optimal information disclosure in contests with stochastic prize valuations pp. 743-780

- Anastasia Antsygina and Mariya Teteryatnikova
- Forgetful updating and stubborn decision-makers pp. 781-802

- Tai-Wei Hu
- Poisson–Cournot games pp. 803-840

- Francesco Sinopoli, Christopher Künstler, Claudia Meroni and Carlos Pimienta
- The interaction of emotions and cost-shifting rules in civil litigation pp. 841-885

- Ben Chen and José Rodrigues-Neto
- Cautious stochastic choice, optimal stopping and deliberate randomization pp. 887-922

- Vicky Henderson, David Hobson and Matthew Zeng
- Greater search cost reduces prices pp. 923-947

- Sander Heinsalu
Volume 75, issue 2, 2023
- Random dual expected utility pp. 293-315

- Wei Ma
- Collateral constraints, tranching, and price bases pp. 317-340

- Feixue Gong and Gregory Phelan
- Flying or trapped? pp. 341-388

- Yunfang Hu, Takuma Kunieda, Kazuo Nishimura and Ping Wang
- A note on payments in the lab for infinite horizon dynamic games with discounting pp. 389-426

- Arun Gautham Chandrasekhar and Juan Pablo Xandri
- Dynamic bargaining with voluntary participation and externalities pp. 427-452

- Akira Okada
- Cryptocurrency and double spending history: transactions with zero confirmation pp. 453-491

- Kee-Youn Kang
- Information structures and information aggregation in threshold equilibria in elections pp. 493-522

- Svetlana Kosterina
- Welfare-improving misreported polls pp. 523-565

- Felipe R. Durazzo and David Turchick
- Efficient sequential screening with informational externalities pp. 567-590

- Boaz Zik
- Take-it-or-leave-it contracts in many-to-many matching markets pp. 591-623

- Antonio Romero-Medina and Matteo Triossi
Volume 75, issue 1, 2023
- Asset market equilibrium under rational inattention pp. 1-30

- Jianjun Miao and Dongling Su
- Continuity of marketable payoffs with re-trading pp. 31-53

- Jean-Marc Bonnisseau and Achis Chéry
- Optimal monetary policy in a collateralized economy pp. 55-89

- Gary Gorton and Ping He
- Revealed stochastic choice with attributes pp. 91-112

- Roy Allen and John Rehbeck
- Ranking and search effort in matching pp. 113-136

- Joonbae Lee and Hanna Wang
- A theory of reference point formation pp. 137-166

- Özgür Kıbrıs, Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Elchin Suleymanov
- Complementarity and information in collective action pp. 167-206

- Stefano Barbieri
- Updating variational (Bewley) preferences pp. 207-228

- José Heleno Faro and Ana Santos
- Axiomatic analysis of liability problems with rooted-tree networks in tort law pp. 229-258

- Takayuki Oishi, Gerard van der Laan and René van den Brink
- Prize formation and sharing in multi-stage contests pp. 259-289

- Vladimir Petkov
- Correction to: Asset pricing under smooth ambiguity in continuous time pp. 291-292

- Lars Hansen and Jianjun Miao
Volume 74, issue 4, 2022
- Contests with dominant strategies pp. 1-19

- Carmen Bevia and Luis Corchon
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Contests pp. 1017-1023

- Kai Konrad and Dan Kovenock
- A “fractal” solution to the chopstick auction pp. 1025-1041

- Christian Ewerhart
- Large contests without single crossing pp. 1043-1055

- Wojciech Olszewski and Ron Siegel
- Eternal peace in the tug-of-war? pp. 1057-1101

- Samuel Häfner
- Sorting in iterated incumbency contests pp. 1103-1140

- Samuel Häfner and Georg Nöldeke
- Two-stage contests with preferences over style pp. 1141-1161

- Todd Kaplan and David Wettstein
- All-pay auctions with ties pp. 1183-1231

- Alan Gelder, Dan Kovenock and Brian Roberson
Volume 74, issue 3, 2022
- On the uniqueness of quantal response equilibria and its application to network games pp. 681-725

- Emerson Melo
- Incomplete preferences, willingness to pay, and willingness to accept pp. 727-761

- Robert G. Chambers, Tigran Melkonyan and John Quiggin
- Harnessing beliefs to optimally disclose contestants’ types pp. 763-792

- Marco Serena
- Continuous spatial monopolistic competition: matching goods with consumers pp. 793-832

- Maxim Goryunov, Sergey Kokovin and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- Financial aid and early admissions at selective need-blind colleges pp. 833-870

- Zeky Murra-Anton
- Procrastination, self-imposed deadlines and other commitment devices pp. 871-897

- Kyle Hyndman and Alberto Bisin
- Nonparametric market supply with variable participants pp. 899-921

- Christopher Chambers and John Rehbeck
- Parallel inverse aggregate demand curves in discrete choice models pp. 923-946

- Kory Kroft, René Leal-Vizcaíno, Matthew Notowidigdo and Ting Wang
- Believing in forecasts, uncertainty, and rational expectations pp. 947-971

- Efe A. Ok and Andrei Savochkin
- Bubbly Bitcoin pp. 973-1015

- Feng Dong, Zhiwei Xu and Yu Zhang
Volume 74, issue 2, 2022
- Introduction to the special issue in honor of Larry Epstein pp. 329-333

- Jianjun Miao
- Asset pricing under smooth ambiguity in continuous time pp. 335-371

- Lars Hansen and Jianjun Miao
- Uncertainty and compound lotteries: calibration pp. 373-395

- Yoram Halevy and Emre Ozdenoren
- A critical look at the Aumann-Serrano and Foster-Hart measures of riskiness pp. 397-422

- Soo Hong Chew and Jacob S. Sagi
- All probabilities are equal, but some probabilities are more equal than others pp. 423-445

- Christina Letsou, Shlomo Naeh and Uzi Segal
- Learning under unawareness pp. 447-475

- Simon Grant, Idione Meneghel and Rabee Tourky
- Dynamically consistent objective and subjective rationality pp. 477-504

- Lorenzo Bastianello, José Heleno Faro and Ana Santos
- Equilibrium CEO contract with belief heterogeneity pp. 505-546

- Milo Bianchi, Rose-Anne Dana and Elyès Jouini
- Habit formation, self-deception, and self-control pp. 547-592

- Takashi Hayashi and Norio Takeoka
- Optimal contracting under mean-volatility joint ambiguity uncertainties pp. 593-642

- Jaeyoung Sung
- Robust leverage dynamics without commitment pp. 643-679

- Shilin Li, Jinqiang Yang and Siqi Zhao
Volume 74, issue 1, 2022
- Educational choice, rural–urban migration and economic development pp. 1-67

- Pei-Ju Liao, Ping Wang, Yin-Chi Wang and Chong Yip
- Costless delay in negotiations pp. 69-93

- P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Harold Houba
- Default and determinacy under quantitative easing pp. 95-111

- Nikolaos Romanidis and Dimitrios Tsomocos
- Excessive consumption and present bias pp. 113-134

- Paul Calcott and Vladimir Petkov
- Costly information and random choice pp. 135-159

- Jetlir Duraj and Yi-Hsuan Lin
- Characterising scoring rules by their solution in iteratively undominated strategies pp. 161-208

- Christian Basteck
- Sequential search and firm prominence pp. 209-233

- Jose A. Carrasco and Rodrigo Yañez
- Bounded rationality, asymmetric information and mispricing in financial markets pp. 235-264

- Qingbin Gong and Xundi Diao
- On convexity in cooperative games with externalities pp. 265-292

- J. M. Alonso-Meijide, Mikel Álvarez-Mozos, M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro and A. Jiménez-Losada
- Information acquisition and provision in school choice: a theoretical investigation pp. 293-327

- Yan Chen and YingHua He
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