1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 79, issue 6, 2011
- Dynamic Female Labor Supply pp. 1675-1726

- Zvi Eckstein and Osnat Lifshitz
- Estimation of Jump Tails pp. 1727-1783

- Tim Bollerslev and Viktor Todorov
- Sharp Identification Regions in Models With Convex Moment Predictions pp. 1785-1821

- Arie Beresteanu, Ilya Molchanov and Francesca Molinari
- Conditional Choice Probability Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models With Unobserved Heterogeneity pp. 1823-1867

- Peter Arcidiacono and Robert A. Miller
- Nonexclusive Competition in the Market for Lemons pp. 1869-1918

- Andrea Attar, Thomas Mariotti and François Salanié
- Strategic Supply Function Competition With Private Information pp. 1919-1966

- Xavier Vives
- Efficient Repeated Implementation pp. 1967-1994

- Jihong Lee and Hamid Sabourian
- Dynamic Identification of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models pp. 1995-2032

- Ivana Komunjer and Serena Ng
Volume 79, issue 5, 2011
- On the Dynamics of Unemployment and Wage Distributions pp. 1327-1355

- Jean-Marc Robin
- A Structural Evaluation of a Large‐Scale Quasi‐Experimental Microfinance Initiative pp. 1357-1406

- Joseph Kaboski and Robert Townsend
- Product Differentiation, Multiproduct Firms, and Estimating the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Productivity pp. 1407-1451

- Jan De Loecker
- An Anatomy of International Trade: Evidence From French Firms pp. 1453-1498

- Jonathan Eaton, Samuel Kortum and Francis Kramarz
- Nonparametric Identification of a Contract Model With Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard pp. 1499-1539

- Isabelle Perrigne and Quang Vuong
- Nonparametric Instrumental Regression pp. 1541-1565

- Serge Darolles, Y. Fan, J. P. Florens and Eric Renault
- On the Size Distribution of Macroeconomic Disasters pp. 1567-1589

- Robert Barro and Tao Jin
- Apparent Overconfidence pp. 1591-1625

- Jean‐Pierre Benoît and Juan Dubra
- Simple Bounds on the Value of a Reputation pp. 1627-1641

- Olivier Gossner
- Games With Discontinuous Payoffs: A Strengthening of Reny's Existence Theorem pp. 1643-1664

- Andrew McLennan, Paulo Monteiro and Rabee Tourky
- The Econometric Society 2010 Annual Report of the President pp. 1669-1673

- John Moore
Volume 79, issue 4, 2011
- Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets pp. 973-1026
- Andreas Park and Hamid Sabourian
- Risk Sharing in Private Information Models With Asset Accumulation: Explaining the Excess Smoothness of Consumption pp. 1027-1068
- Orazio P. Attanasio and Nicola Pavoni
- Nonhomotheticity and Bilateral Trade: Evidence and a Quantitative Explanation pp. 1069-1101
- Ana Cecília Fieler
- Nature or Nurture? Learning and the Geography of Female Labor Force Participation pp. 1103-1138
- Alessandra Fogli and Laura Veldkamp
- Menu Costs, Multiproduct Firms, and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 1139-1180
- Virgiliu Midrigan
- Efficient Derivative Pricing by the Extended Method of Moments pp. 1181-1232
- Patrick Gagliardini, Christian Gourieroux and Eric Renault
- Persistent Private Information pp. 1233-1275
- Noah Williams
- Recursive Methods in Discounted Stochastic Games: An Algorithm for δ→ 1 and a Folk Theorem pp. 1277-1318
- Johannes Hörner, Takuo Sugaya, Satoru Takahashi and Nicolas Vieille
Volume 79, issue 3, 2011
- Unwilling or Unable to Cheat? Evidence From a Tax Audit Experiment in Denmark pp. 651-692
- Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Martin B. Knudsen, Claus Kreiner, Søren Pedersen and Emmanuel Saez
- The Effects of Health Insurance and Self‐Insurance on Retirement Behavior pp. 693-732
- Eric French and John Jones
- The Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 733-772
- Xavier Gabaix
- Reputation in Continuous‐Time Games pp. 773-876
- Eduardo Faingold and Yuliy Sannikov
- Weakly Belief‐Free Equilibria in Repeated Games With Private Monitoring pp. 877-892
- Michihiro Kandori
- An Experimental Study of Collective Deliberation pp. 893-921
- Jacob Goeree and Leeat Yariv
- Rain and the Democratic Window of Opportunity pp. 923-947
- Markus Brückner and Antonio Ciccone
- Partial Identification in Triangular Systems of Equations With Binary Dependent Variables pp. 949-955
- Azeem Shaikh and Edward Vytlacil
Volume 79, issue 2, 2011
- Applied Nonparametric Instrumental Variables Estimation pp. 347-394
- Joel L. Horowitz
- Efficient Tests Under a Weak Convergence Assumption pp. 395-435
- Ulrich K. Müller
- Efficiency Bounds for Missing Data Models With Semiparametric Restrictions pp. 437-452
- Bryan Graham
- The Model Confidence Set pp. 453-497
- Peter Hansen, Asger Lunde and James Nason
- On the Existence of Monotone Pure‐Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games pp. 499-553
- Philip Reny
- The Economics of Labor Coercion pp. 555-600
- Daron Acemoglu and Alexander Wolitzky
- Temptation and Revealed Preference pp. 601-644
- Jawwad Noor
Volume 79, issue 1, 2011
- Learning the Wealth of Nations pp. 1-45
- Francisco Buera, Alexander Monge‐Naranjo and Giorgio Primiceri
- Axiomatic Foundations of Multiplier Preferences pp. 47-73
- Tomasz Strzalecki
- Search and Rest Unemployment pp. 75-122
- Fernando Alvarez and Robert Shimer
- The Distribution of Wealth and Fiscal Policy in Economies With Finitely Lived Agents pp. 123-157
- Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin and Shenghao Zhu
- Selection and Comparative Advantage in Technology Adoption pp. 159-209
- Tavneet Suri
- The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions pp. 211-251
- John Kennan and James Walker
- The Diffusion of Wal‐Mart and Economies of Density pp. 253-302
- Thomas J. Holmes
- Report of the Secretary pp. 309-317
- Rafael Repullo
- Report of the Treasurer pp. 319-325
- Rafael Repullo
- Report of the Editors 2009–2010 pp. 327-330
- Stephen Morris, Daron Acemoglu, Wolfgang Pesendorfer, Jean-Marc Robin, Larry Samuelson, James H. Stock and Harald Uhlig
- Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series pp. 341-343
- George Mailath and Rosa Matzkin
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