1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 47, issue 6, 1979
- Dominance Solvable Voting Schemes pp. 1137-51

- Herve Moulin
- The Impossibility of Bayesian Group Decision Making with Separate Aggregation of Beliefs and Values pp. 1321-36

- Aanund Hylland and Richard Zeckhauser
- Sequences of Games with Varying Opponents pp. 1353-66

- Robert Rosenthal
- Synopses in the Theory of Choice pp. 1367-89

- Murat R Sertel and Alexander Van der Bellen
- On Multivariate Risk Aversion pp. 1391-1401

- Edi Karni
- Expectations and Money in a Dynamic Exchange Model pp. 1403-19

- Milton Harris
- The Ergodic Behavior of Stochastic Processes of Economic Equilibria pp. 1421-32

- Lawrence Blume
- Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path in a Monetary Optimizing Model pp. 1433-39

- Stanley Fischer
- The Estimation of Partial Adjustment Models with Rational Expectations pp. 1441-55

- John Kennan
- Expectational Consistency, Informational Lags, and the Formulation of Expectations in Continuous Time Models pp. 1457-74

- Malcolm R Gray and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Investors' Portfolio Behavior under Alternative Models of Long-Term Interest Rate Expectations: Unitary, Rational, or Autoregressive pp. 1475-97

- Benjamin M Friedman and V Vance Roley
- Estimating the Time Costs of Highway Congestion pp. 1499-1512

- Donald Dewees
- Functional Forms, Estimation Techniques and the Distribution of Income pp. 1513-25

- James McDonald and Michael Ransom
- A Saddlepoint Approximation to the Distribution of the k-Class Estimator of a Coefficient in a Simultaneous System pp. 1527-47

- A Holly and Peter Phillips
- Saturation Locale et Concepts Primitifs de la Theorie du Consommateur pp. 1549-53

- Edouard Wagneur
- Un Modele Bayesien d'Affectation de Capitaux dans le Cas d'Aversion Decroissante pour le Risque pp. 1555-57

- J Voranger
- A Note on Capital and Output Aggregation in a General Equilibrium Model of Production pp. 1559-63

- Kazuo Sato
- Nonregular Singular Dynamic Leontief Systems pp. 1565-68

- Stephen L Campbell
- The Exhaustion and Depletion of Natural Resources pp. 1569-71

- Tracy Lewis
Volume 47, issue 5, 1979
- On Shareholder Unanimity in Large Stock Market Economies pp. 1057-83

- Oliver D Hart
- General Conditions for Global Intransitivities in Formal Voting Models pp. 1085-1112

- Richard D McKelvey
- Equilibrium under a-Majority Voting pp. 1113-25

- Steven Slutsky
- Equity in Two Person Situations: Some Consequences pp. 1127-35

- Peter Hammond
- Groves' Scheme on Restricted Domains pp. 1137-44

- Bengt Holmstrom
- On Hotelling's "Stability in Competition" pp. 1145-50

- Claude d'Aspremont, Jean Gabszewicz and Jacques Thisse
- An Estimate of a Structural Hedonic Price Model of the Housing Market: An Application of Rosen's Theory of Implicit Markets pp. 1151-73

- Ann D Witte, Howard J Sumka and Homer Erekson
- Household Bequests, Perfect Expectations, and the National Distribution of Wealth pp. 1175-93

- John Laitner
- Insurance and Individual Incentives in Adaptive Contexts pp. 1195-1207

- W Viscusi
- Perfect Price Aggregation and Empirical Demand Analysis pp. 1209-30

- Ronald W Anderson
- Theory and Time Series Estimation of the Quadratic Expenditure System pp. 1231-47

- Howard Howe, Robert Pollak and Terence J Wales
- Estimating the Probability of Leaving Unemployment pp. 1249-66

- Stephen Nickell
- Estimation and Control of a Macroeconomic Model with Rational Expectations pp. 1267-86

- John Taylor
- A Simple Test for Heteroscedasticity and Random Coefficient Variation pp. 1287-94

- Trevor Breusch and Adrian Pagan
- Identification Results for ARMAX Structures pp. 1295-1304

- Robert Kohn
- The Borda Rule and Pareto Stability: A Comment pp. 1305-06

- Daniel Farkas and Shmuel Nitzan
- Etalon(s) et "Transformation": Pour Clore un Debat pp. 1307-09

- G Abraham-Frois and E Berrebi
- Taxes in a Labor Supply Model with Joint Wage-Hours Determination: A Comment pp. 1311-13

- Donald A Larson
Volume 47, issue 4, 1979
- Resource-Constrained versus Demand-Constrained Systems pp. 801-19

- János Kornai
- Iterative Aggregation-A New Approach to the Solution of Large-Scale Problems pp. 821-41

- I Y Vakhutinsky, L M Dudkin and A A Ryvkin
- Dynamics under Uncertainty pp. 843-68

- William Brock and Michael Magill
- Existence of a Core When There Are Increasing Returns pp. 869-76

- W W Sharkey
- Open Access and Extinction pp. 877-82

- Peter Berck
- Frontier Production Functions and Technical Progress: A Study of General Milk Processing in Swedish Dairy Plants pp. 883-900

- Finn Førsund and Lennart Hjalmarsson
- Decomposable Income Inequality Measures pp. 901-20

- François Bourguignon
- An Equilibrium Model with Fixed Labor Time pp. 921-38

- Claus Weddepohl
- Econometric Methods for the Duration of Unemployment pp. 939-56

- Tony Lancaster
- Comparisons of Normal and Logistic Models in the Bivariate Dichotomous Analysis pp. 957-75

- Kimio Morimune
- Identification and Estimation in Binary Choice Models with Limited (Censored) Dependent Variables pp. 977-96

- Lung-Fei Lee
- On the Value of Sample Separation Information pp. 997-1003

- Nicholas Kiefer
- Asymptotic Estimation and Hypothesis Testing Results for Vector Linear Time Series Models pp. 1005-30

- Robert Kohn
- The Distributional Implications of Public Goods Revisited pp. 1031-37

- E G West and R J Staaf
- The Classical Theory of International Adjustment: Comments pp. 1039-46

- Richard K Anderson and Akira Takayama
- The Nature of Equilibrium with Semiordered Preferences: A Correction pp. 1047-48

- Dean Jamison and Lawrence J Lau
Volume 47, issue 3, 1979
- The Joint Allocation of Leisure and Goods Expenditure pp. 539-63

- William Barnett
- A Representation Theorem for "Preference for Flexibility" pp. 565-77

- David Kreps
- Expenditure Functions, Local Duality, and Second Order Approximations pp. 579-601

- Charles Blackorby and Walter Diewert
- Ville Axioms and Consumer Theory pp. 603-19

- Leonid Hurwicz and Marcel Richter
- Intertemporally Inconsistent Preferences and the Rate of Consumption pp. 621-26

- Steven Goldman
- Consistent Majority Rules over Compact Sets of Alternatives pp. 627-36

- Joseph Greenberg
- A Note on Group Strategy-Proof Decision Schemes pp. 637-40

- Salvador Barberà
- Optimal Search for the Best Alternative pp. 641-54

- Martin Weitzman
- Rational Expectations Equilibrium: Generic Existence and the Information Revealed by Prices pp. 655-78

- Roy Radner
- A Convergence Theorem for Competitive Bidding with Differential Information pp. 679-88

- Paul Milgrom
- The Arrow-Debreu Model Extended to Financial Markets pp. 689-707

- Peter H Friesen
- Some Theorems of Trade and General Equilibrium with Many Goods and Factors pp. 709-26

- Winston Chang
- On the Differentiability of the Value Function in Dynamic Models of Economics pp. 727-32

- L M Benveniste and J A Scheinkman
- On the Stability of Dynamic Processes in Economic Theory pp. 733-37

- Claude d'Aspremont and Jacques Dreze
- A Note on Aggregation and Disaggregation pp. 739-46

- Walter D Fisher
- Poverty, Income Inequality, and Their Measures: Professor Sen's Axiomatic Approach Reconsidered pp. 747-59

- Noriyuki Takayama
- A Model of Wealth Distribution pp. 761-72

- Pierre Pestieau and Uri M Possen
- Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: A Further Comment pp. 773-74

- D C Cronin
- Proportional Solutions to the Bargaining Problem pp. 775-77

- Alvin Roth
- Theoretical Restrictions on the Parameters of Indirect Addilog Demand Equations pp. 779-80

- John Akin and John F Stewart
- Nearer-Normality and Some Econometric Models pp. 781-84

- Clive Granger
- The Power of Tests for Autocorrelation with Missing Observations pp. 785-88

- Sally M Richardson and Kenneth J White
- A Method of Calculating the Effects and Gains of Utilizing Scale-Economies pp. 789-95

- Vidar Ringstad
Volume 47, issue 2, 1979
- Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk pp. 263-91

- Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky
- A Theory of Competitive Equilibrium in Stock Market Economies pp. 293-329

- Sanford Grossman and Oliver D Hart
- Informational Equilibrium pp. 331-59

- John Riley
- Allocation of Resources in Large Teams pp. 361-85

- Kenneth Arrow and Roy Radner
- Some Evidence of the Efficiency of a Speculative Market pp. 387-92

- Mukhtar M Ali
- Financing Public Goods with Commodity Taxes: The Tax Reform Viewpoint pp. 393-421

- Roger Guesnerie
- The Nash Social Welfare Function pp. 423-35

- Mamoru Kaneko and Kenjiro Nakamura
- Components of Variation in Panel Earnings Data: American Scientists, 1960-70 pp. 437-54

- Lee Lillard and Yoram Weiss
- Attrition Bias in Experimental and Panel Data: The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment pp. 455-73

- Jerry A Hausman and David Wise
- Measurement Error in a Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Model with Stationary Disturbances pp. 475-94

- Cheng Hsiao
- Linear Models with Autocorrelated Errors: Structural Identifiability in the Absence of Minimality Assumptions pp. 495-504

- Manfred Deistler and Jurgen Schrader
- A Note on the Numerical Results by Goldberger, Nagar, and Odeh pp. 505-06

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- Information Criteria for Choice of Regression Models: A Comment pp. 507-10

- Edward Leamer
- A Note about the "Nowhere Denseness" of Societies Having an Equilibrium under Majority Rule pp. 511-14

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Class Dominance Characteristics at a Service Facility pp. 515-19

- K R Balachandran and Mark E Schaefer
- The Demand for Housing: An Empirical Postscript pp. 521-23

- A. Mitchell Polinsky
Volume 47, issue 1, 1979
- The Empirical Foundations of the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Canadian Wage Contract Data pp. 1-24

- W. Craig Riddell
- The Optimal Exploitation of Renewable Resource Stocks: Problems of Irreversible Investment pp. 25-47

- Colin W Clark, Frank H Clarke and Gordon R Munro
- A Procedure for Generating Pareto-Efficient Egalitarian-Equivalent Allocations pp. 49-60

- Vincent Crawford
- Incentive Compatibility and the Bargaining Problem pp. 61-73

- Roger Myerson
- On Interpersonal Comparability and Social Welfare Orderings pp. 75-89

- Louis Gevers
- Dynamic Choice Theory and Dynamic Programming pp. 91-100

- David Kreps and Evan L Porteus
- Lead-Lag Relations, Exogeneity and Prediction of Economic Time Series pp. 101-13

- Salih N Nefti
- Efficiency of Least-Squares Estimation of Linear Trend when Residuals are Autocorrelated pp. 115-28

- John Chipman
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Linear Difference Equations with Autoregressive Moving Average Errors pp. 129-51

- Greg Reinsel
- Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error pp. 153-61

- James J Heckman
- Evaluation of the Distribution Function of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimate pp. 163-82

- T W Anderson and Takamitsu Sawa
- Effects of Growing Incomes on Classified Income Distributions, the Derived Lorenz Curves, and Gini Indices pp. 183-98

- Hans-Georg Petersen
- Neoclassical Theory of Trade Credit: A Critique and A Reformulation pp. 199-202

- George Bitros
- Conflict among Criteria for Testing Hypotheses: Extensions and Comments pp. 203-07

- Trevor Breusch
- A Grouping Test for Misspecification pp. 209-10

- R W Farebrother
- Multicollinearity and the Minimax Conditions of the Bock Stein-Like Estimator pp. 211-12

- Thomas Fomby and R Carter Hill
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